HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-021-CC�RANT COUNTY OFFICE DF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA. WASHINGTON 9ae23 [509) 754-2011 BOARID OF COUNTY CONIlVIISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING SUNSET ACRES PRELIMINARY PLAT, AN ELEVEN LOT SUBDIVISION ON 58 ACRES IN A SUBURBAN-AGRICULTURE ZONE LOCATED IN A PORTION OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 20 N., RANGE 26 EAST, W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO_ 98-2I—CC RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT DON JACOBSON WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that a public hearing was conducted on February 4, 1998 on the matter of approving the Sunset Acres Preliminary Plat, an eleven (11) lot subdivision on 58 acres located in a portion of the Southwest quarter of.Secrion 7, Township20 North, Range 26 East, W.M., Grant Counry lying Northwest of State Highway SR-283. WHEREAS, the Grant Counry Planning Commission made a unanimous recommendation to approve the preliminary plat with eleven (11) conditions. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a public meeting on March 9, 1998. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to uphold the recommendation from the Grant County Planning Commission to approve the proposed preliminary plat with the conditions as stipulated by the Plamiing Commission. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal is consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the Board of Counry Commissioners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by the plat alteration. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal will not adversely effect the health, safery, and general welfare of the public in the vicinity of the proposal_ WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal is within a wildlife habitat area as defined by the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Development Ordinance and associated maps. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal is consistent with the Grant County Zoning Ordinance. W�EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal is consist�nt with the surrounding areas. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act have been complied with and a Determination of Non-Significance was issued on this proposal on October 27, 1998. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have concluded that appropriate provisions for drainage, roads, alleys, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, F.. •� •• k l • �7 �;:;t�.1 rl nt},.,i ll}z�i �i nri �� f ;1 �t; � ti lli�. �iGiwi^via ia�iiiii.`'.�� 3�..^vv� �ii2� :iP..� �2.. 3�..� _.. � � 2i�i.. L. _Y2c 2C 1 e 3L�.. improvements have been made. WFIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the Plat Alteration should be govemed by the following eleven (11) conditions of approval_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEID, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, a Jacobson's Sunset Acres Preluninary Plat located in a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 20 North, Range 26 East, W.M., Grant Counry, Washington lying Northwest of State Highway SR-283. The plat alteration zs approved subject to the follow%ng conditions. �eveiopment shall be in cc�mpliance with the Growth Management Act, The Co�znty- Wide Planning Policies, The Washingtan State Envirc�nmental Policy Act, the Grant Counry Camprehensive Plan, the Grant Cc�unty 2oning C�rdinance, and aIl applieable locai, state, and federal regulations, rulin�s or requirements. 2. Developrnent shall camply with all applicable requirements af the Grant County Fire Marshal including but not liznited to the Unifarm Building Code and Uniform Fire Code. 3. Development shall comply with al1 i�nprovements and restrictions required by the Grant County Public Worl�s Department, includ'zng but not lim�ted to the following: a. Provide a plat cheek fee of $ lf}0 plus $2 per lot. b. The cul-de-sac Iocated near Iot #�1 should be extended to the west boundary of the plat or a 60' right-of-way far future road purposes should be provided. The aiignment of the extension should intersect with the west baundary at tlle 16�' corner. c. Pr+�of of access to SR 283 must be submitted prior ta final piat approval. d. The alignnaent of the existing caunty road access at `10' NW {`F' I�tW} should be improved ta provide a near 90 degree intersection. Said irz�provement should be caardinated with develapments planned west of SR-�.81: e. All aecess roads must be bui�t to current county paved raad standards. f. Pravide a 3Q' easement for future cou�ty raad gur�oses along the west boundary from the i6`� cozner north ta the 'I carner af Sectian 7. g. Direct access onto SR-281 must be restricted an the face of the plat. 4. Deveiaper shall compiv wi�ii all requirenaents deemed necessary by tlae Grant Caunty Health District ,the VVashington State Department af Health, and the Washington Sta.te Department af Ecalogy regarding domestic vvater suppiy, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment iucluding, bnt not limited to: RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Poiluting VVater Prohibited; WAC 373-201, Surface Water Standards; WA� 173- 201A, Ground Water Quality Standards and WA� 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems. S. If any Native Ameriean Grave site{s} ar arch�.eologicalJcuiturai resaurces (Indian Artifacts} are found aii coustruction activity sha�l stop and the ownerldeveloper shail immediately notify the CoIville Confederated Tribes and the VVashington State Office of Archaeoiagy and Histar'rc 1'reservation. 6. Starm water sha11 be contained, treated and dispersed af on-site to current local, staxe and federal standards as reviewed and approved by the Grant County Public Works Department, Washingtan State Depari�nent of Ecalogy, andior Grant County Health District utilizing best management prac�ices including but nat limited to storzn water detention, storm water retentian, bio-filtratzon, grease filters, sand filtration, grassy swales. 7. Pursuant to RCW 58.17 the preliminary plat of the subdivision shall make adequate provisian for the public health, safety , and general we�fare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, play grounds, sites far schools and schr�ol grounds and a11 other reievant facts, including sidewalks and other pla�mi.ng features that assare safe walking conditions for students who waik to and from schaal, subject ta the review by the Grant County Planning Coir�mission and appraval by the Grant County Baard af Counry c;ommissioners. 8. The subdivision sha1l compiy with aIl requirez�euts of the Gra.nt County Public Works Departrnent includ'zng, but nat Iimited t4 the fQllowing: a. All pablic streets and roads sha11 be constructed to current county road standards. b, A Road Plan and pzoiile shall be submitted to the Grant County Aublic Warks �-: Director for review and approval prior to the start of construction. c. Al1 road and street iinprovements required by the Grant County Pubizc 'VVorks Director shall be cc�nstructed and accep�ed prior to recflrding of the finai plat. Iu lieu of construction and acceptance of aIi r�quired street or road impravements a perfQrmance band or alternative securzry approved by apprc�ved by the Prasecuting .�ttorney may be posted ta guaarantee the constructic�n of the required improvements. d. Subdivisian bond or alternative security must be submitted in the amount of or�e hundred fifty percent {ISQ%) of the estimated cost, as determined by the Pubiic Works Director, of snch iraaprovements required as a candaition of preliininary piat approval. e. All street and road irnpravements Iisted in the bond or alternative security must be cans#ructed, campleted and accepted by Grant Caunty within 2 years �f final piat appraval. f. Tn the event that a11 street and utrlity improvements are not cornpleted wzthin the time Iimit, the bond or alternative security may be farfeited and ihe County undertake the construction and compietian of the required ir�provements. All required aimprove�ents musf be constructed ar �uaranteed priar tb the issuance af a buildiu#; peruut or recordit�� af #he finai plat. g- Developer shall provide a 60' easement along west bo�ndary of the plat. 9. `I'he subdivision shali comply with a11 requirements of tile Washington State Department of Transpartation. 10. Developer shall camply with the requirements �f the Grant County Auditor. I l. Development shall comply with all requzrements of the Washingtan State Department of Fish and Wildlife and comply with those recommendations included in the letter from that agency as Iisted in the letter dated February 12, 2997 as are listed below: a. Maintain proposed housing devel�pments at low densit'res by estabtishing a minimum int size of 5 acres or Iarger. b_ Disturb the nat�aral vegetation only to the extent necessary for the constzuction af access raads and buiiding sites. c. Strategically locate the building sites near access roads tc� fizrther minimize disturbance and to maximize the amount of open space around the peruneter of the develapment. d. Deveiop an aggzessive noxious weed control program to prevent weeds fram increasing ar invading inTo disturbed sztes and adjacent habitats. e. Encourage home site developers ta incorporate natural vegetation into their Iandscaping and Iand management schemes. f. Report any occupied buzrowing awi sites ta the Eghrata o�ce of the WDFW for consultation an protection. g, Ti�ough covenants in the laud deeds, require strict control af cats and dogs to avoid predation and harassment of the native wildiife. Done tl�s � day of �.1998. c Ghairman� Roy llison e `� . �'� 1 ���',' ; � �' r,���'�-' �'/iI '� `� -� �Cammissioner, %�eien Fancner � �:����� Co�nissioner, Tim Snead ATTEST: C e �f the Board