Week�� of March 2,'1998
�he Grant County Commissioners session was called to order by
Chair-man LeRoy Allison. Commissioruer Snead was in attendance with
the Clerk of the Board. Comm�issioner Fancher was attending rr�eetings
in Washington D.C.
The Commissioners read and apprmved the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
The Commissioners received a fully executed copy of the 1998
Law Enforcement service contract beiween the Grant County Sheriffs
Office and the Town of Wilson Creek.
Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the Local Government
Resolution and Cer�tification for tdorth Columbia Communiiy �lction
Council to apply for funding thrc�ugh the Emergency Shelter Grant
Program from the U.S. Department of I�ousing and Urban Devefm�ment.
The Commissioners inet with Fton Baker regarding Sand Castle
Estates No. 2.
Chairman Allison was authorized to sign approval of the Liquor
License Application of Midway Mini IUlart.
The Commissioners r-eceived a copy of the stipulated Order of
Dismissal from the Eastern Washington Growth Managerr�ent Hearings
Board regardirag the Kuper.Farm rnatter�
The Comrnissioners received a fu�ly executed contractamendrnent
between Gr�nt County and �Ilashington State� Military Department
regarding funding for the E=9-1�7 network.
The Gommissioners received a Siatemeni of Intent io Pay
Prevailing Wages from Central F�re-mix F'restress �o. on the Grant
County Justice Center.
Chairman Allison was authorized to sign approvao af the Liquor
License Application of Coutee Lodge Resort.
The Commissioners received a notice from Parrott Mechanical Inc.
regarding the Grant County Satellite Justice Centers
The Commissioners received a claim for damages regarding
Downing vs Grant County Mosquito Control District. �he matter v�ras
referred to the Prosecut�ng Attorne}/ for handling.
As there was no further business to come before the �oard the
session was continued until Marcla 3,19J8.
March 3,1998
The Grani Coun�iy CQrn�niss�one�s session r�ras c+�ntin�aed at 9:0�
a.m, wr"�h �hairman Ailison and Con�missianer Snead in a�ltendan�e
with the �(erk of the Board, Comrnissitrner Fancher was si�lt c��t of
The Commissioners �net with the Rt�blic i�J'vrks Di�-ec�o�- re�arding
Cantract Execuiic��-Row�nd Machinery�Rcaller}, �i�d Award
Recommendatian-1Qi'12 Yard Dump "Crucks, Seeding & tl�ulchi�ag,
Resolution-STF' Distribution, 10:30 Bid t3pening(Herbicidesj, '� 1:00
Pui�lic Hearang(Road Vacat�on).
The �ommissi�ners sign+�d a car�traci with #2o�nrat�d @llachinery for
the purchase of a vibra�ory re�lier.
The Gammissioners held a b�d opening c�n herbicides. A motion
was made by CommisstanerSnead, sect�nded by �or�nmissicanerAlEison
to ref�r i:he f�ids f�o the Public �Vorks Deparimeni for their review aa�d
recommendation, The motion car�ied,
The Commissioners h�id a P�rbli� Hearing on a petitio�t to uacate
a p�rti�n of a cledicaied Gounty FZoad easerr�ent lying wi�i�in Loi '1,
Block 1 of Wild Gaose Tra�cts Phase 2 as recvrded on pages 1 through
5, Book 1� of Plats, recards of Gr�nt County Audiior. After review�ng
the record a motior� was made by Commissir�ne� Snead, seconded by
Corrr�rniss�oner Allisor� to contir�u� ih� ma�t�ter untit 1Viarch �1i at 1°I:00
a,m. to cansult v��th legat caunse( regarding some areas o� c�ncern.
The motion carried.
Chairman ANison was authorized to sign �he interiocal Agreemeni
forthe 19981nterim Grant County Fuel Tax Redistribution Prograrn with
the �'tate o# VU'ash�ngtan.
The C+�m�mission�rs approved ihe re�uest f�om M& IVI Quali�ty
Waier Works, tnc. for appravai to c�o spring �r�vork at iVlarine Vie�nr
Heights in the amount of $3,500.
The Commissioners signed t�e Warr�ants ��st #9278Q t�rouc�h
#93325 for the February payrofl.
ii�� Gom�nissio�ers approvec! the Rec�uest for Transfe� of Funds
in ihe Juveni�e Rep�rtmeni in the �mc�unt of $812.
Th� Commissioners hetd a Pubt�c Hearing regarding the leasing
of space in the �ac�r�ty Radio Transmissian praperty �n Beez��y Niil,
A motion was made by Commissianer Snead, secaanded �y
C�mmissianer Allison to proceed with the process af workr'ng out a
L.ease Agreement wi#h Mirage Communications. The matior� carried.
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