HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC Gt?lVlf�tIfISSlC.1NERS' PRt,�CEEDtN�S tl�eek of Fet�r�ary �17,199� The Gran� Ca�c�r��y �ammiss�oners session was c�[fed �c� or-der a� 9:�a a.m. by Chairman LeRvy Attison. Ail caf the Cc�mmissioners were in attendance with fhe Cte�k of f�he Baard. Tt�e Cammissioners read and approved the m�nu�es of the preceding sess`ron a� written. The �omm�ssioners met with th+� P'ublic 1l�lorks Dire�ctor rer�ardin� 1Q,00 a.m. Bid �'Jpen�e�g{Baseline Rd.�, Brd Authorizat�on-W�1son Cre�ek �h�p, 1998 Herbi�ides, Lease Extensian Agreement-Btack f�ock t�uarry, Sealcoat-Mattawa Area, Letter-'�1�' NE, 'f0.30 Bid CDpening(Ro�Ier}, Gary Schell-Ro�d Request. The Commiss�on�rs held a ��d openin� r�garding the Baseline �oad P�raject. A mo�tion was made by Ccammissioner Fancher, se�onded by Coanmissioner Snead to r�efer�he bids fo the Public Works �epar�tment for thei�r review ar�d re�commendation» The motion �arried. Th+� Cc�mmissi�ners he�d a bi� c�pe�ing regarcling a vibratory roller. A mvtic�n was made by Ce�r�m�ss�aner Snead, secvn�ted by �ornmiss6one� �ancher #v refer th� bids to the Public 1t�orks D�partm�nt for their �ev�ew and recommenda�tiora. The rr�otion car�ied, The Commissianers signed the Authorizatic�n to Cal� for Bids orr H�rbicide Materials. Bid C}peni�g te� be lfilarch 3,1998 at 10.30 a,m. The Comm�s�ianer� signec# the Au�Ehariza�ion �Eo Gall for Bi�s or� Rvadf District No. 'i Carage. Bid �3►p�ning ta be March 10,1998 a� 11�.04 a.m. T'h� Commission�rs s�gned a Lease Agreeamen� wi�h the Mari� [.arsen Estate far the Black Rock Quarry. The Commissioners received nvti�ce fartrr the Pe�bt�c VV�'orks Directar that the Dodson Road, GRP �6-9 project �nras bui1� in accordance �nrith the plares and speci�catians, a�+d tha# a[1 mate�iats incorpc�e�af�d intc� �he project met conta-act spec�fca��e�ns. Th� Corr�miss�oners approved t�e salary of Bitti� Sumrall� �ong Range Planner at $2,78'1.54 p�er mor�th. The Commissioners signed the 199� Law L-"nforce�nent Services �ccsntract �etween the Grant Cc�unty Sheri�'s Office and the Town af �ililsvn Cre�ek. The Commissioners received a Gertificate o� Is�sura�ce fram Central Pre-Mix Prestress Co. regarding the Grant Coun�Ey Justice �en#er projectQ The Commissianers set a Pubtic Meeting for March 9,1998 at 3:�0 p.m, on the Jacobson Preliminar�r l�iat request. The ��rr�missioners receiv�d a let�er �rar� the East Coiumbia Basin trrigatian District regarding the Gity vf Mc�ses Lak� lnterim Urban G rowth Ar�a. T��e Commissioners received a Statement of Intent ta pay Prevailirag Wages from Mathews Steel Buildings, Inc. e�n the Sateiiite Justice Center Project. The ��rnmiss6oners approved Hepat6tis B shots and annual tuberculosis testing for employees in the District Court Department. The Commissioners approved the star�ting salary of Cheryi Jacobs #or� the position of "Planning aecretary°' in the Long Range Planning Departm�nt at $1,77A.30 per month. 1'he Commissioners held a �ont,inuation of the Public Hearing on the Zone Ch�rrge request from Agricuiture ta Generai-Commerciai on 6.5 acres requested by Anatoliy and Natalya Skala on Lot 'I, Franz Shor� Plat in � portion of the Southeast quarter of th� Northwest quarter of S+�c�ion 32, Town�hip 19 North, Range 29 East, W.�1t1. A motian �nras made by Co�nmissianer Fancher, seconded by Comrr►�ssivner Allison to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation for �pprc�val of the zone change and cc�nsider it to be an infill and use the Planning Commission findings of fact. The motion carried. The �ommissioners set a Pubfic I'Vleeting on �he Barger Z€�ne Chang� request from Agt`IGII�'EUt'e �to Subu�ban-Agricultur� �r� apprc�ximately 63 acres iocated in a por�tion of the South Haff of Sectian 1, Township �19 North, Range 27 East, 'Ud/.M. As o# this date the Board �y a majority vote does approve for paym�nt those v�uchers included in the list fled in the Auditor� C?ffice 2/17/98 in the total amount of $v03,Of3.85. The Commissioners appointed Jennifer Newhouse �o a further 3 year term on the Grant �oun�ty Mental Health �nd Deveiopmentat Dis�bilities Advisory Board, . As th�re was na furth�r busir�ess to come be#ore th� Board the session vvas adjourned until February 23,1998. B(?l�►,RD OF CC?UNTY CGIMMIS�SIONERS ATTEST: GRANT CUUNTY, WASHINGTCIN � � �i ;�'i Clerk ��ie Board Chairm rt �" .� �,,, ,,, J �� � L���� v ��-^����� ._----'-"'_" _._____.._---��- �-, � �