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Ordinance 98-018-CC
GRANT COU11�11TY � OFFIC�'OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA, WA'SHINGT'ON sse2s 15091.754�2011 �oa� o� cotn�T� co�vrrs�loN��� . Cirtilt County, W�lshington , AN ORDINANCE REGARDTNG A � , PUBT�IC TNTEREST D�T�RNIINATIUN � AFFEC'T'ING DEVELOPMEN'1' QF t,AND � WI"THIN THE UNTNCOT�PORAT�D AR�AS � OF GRANT COUN'�Y � O�•dii��nce NiuuUer_ 98-18-CC , WH�RBAS, llie Grai�f Coitnty �o��rci 4P Counly Commissioiiers ltave found th�t,prior to February 27,, 1996 ntirt�eroirs deeds andlor coi�ta•�cis, were Cled wiil� il�e Crrant Couzity A1��lito��s Of�'ice rvliicli � deeded �nd partitioned portious oPlaiid.cre�tit�g parcels of ��ro���rty'i�i t1�e trilincorpoi'�ted areas of Grant Cotix� .ry, , WHEREAS, the Grant Co�inty Board of Cotinty Cotnniissione�s-li�ve �'orind that. prior to �ebntary 27, 1996 soine of tliesa,pnrtitiot�s pf �i�u�cels �vere ��ot revie�veel Cor con.form�i�ce ko tli� Graitk. Couniy . � Zonin�; �nd Pl�lti�tg OrdinanceS in cffect �tt the tinte; WHEItEAS, the Grai�t Cbunty �o�ird of County Conullissione�rys rl�ve fatti�d t`1��t some of th�se deeds wlticli partit.ioued l�nd priar to',Febri�ar�y 27,. :1996 did tiat. cotrPorrn.to tlie mini�tat►it� lot, sizc requlremeitts iu the Gr7uk Couuty zoning Orduistnce; ' WHER�AS;:lhe Grant �ounGy B.o�ti�d of Goii�ity �omniissioiiers hav� fout�d t�iat. some of tliese deeds which parYitioned l�ud prior to Feb�•ua��y 27, 1996 dicl not cottfoi�tii to Grant. Cnrinry Shoa`t or. M7jor Plat OrdiailYice; � WHEREAS; tlae Grant Coiinty Bo�rd of Coiinty, Commissio��ers h�ve found tliat prior to February _ 27; 19h6 tlie Granl Coui�iy Assessors Office ��rocesseci, the�e dee�ls �vhicli �v�s the' instrument pa�`tiliotting . portio�as orl�nd at�d cr�e�ting,sep�r�te j��rcels.of proper-l�� in the l�nia�cor�5or�ted areas of Gr�nt Coirnty; WI-]E1Z�AS, thc Gr�nt. Couniy Bo�rcl of C�unt�� Cornmissioi�ers li�v,e'found.itrany of these .� parcels ha've beeii boYigl�t, sold, c(evelo[�e�l, ���d ��ssessed ��rok�erty t���es �ts sep�r�le ��arce(s of record; WI�REAS, tlie GraitC Co��iit� Bo�rd'of Cortnly Goiianiissi-one�•s 1�1ve fbu�id lhat it is in the publie , interest that. some of.these parcels createti �vl�ich tlid z�ot. co�il'orttl to the Grant County �oztin� and/or Pl�tting Ordii�arices in effeCt at tl�e ti�ti� be �tlla�vecl dcvelopment perxnits tlndec cert��iri circtiiustai7ces;. VVHEREAS, ihe.Gr�iit Co�inly ��ard of Counly Contmissiot�ers h��Ve I'ound tliat. iC is in tlte� public interest tlaat some of t.��ese p�rcels created �vhicll dicl not ca�tfoa�m io lhe Grant Coii�Sty Z.onii�� and/or � Platting Ordii��nces in effect hl tlte timc be allo�a�ed develo��n�enl' pe��inits su�jecl. to condations tl�at will eiisure tltat tl��se pnrtitionEd percels �vill not irndul,y im����ct lhe c�lvironnteiit or cre�t.e a tlire�t tp ptiblio heal�h, s�fety, or geirer�il �ve1f��•e to tlie cilizens of Grant County; 71M SN�AD DISTRIGT 1 � 10999 STRATFORD RD.� MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 PHONE 765-9546 HEL�N FANCHER ' - - ' bISTF2IGT 3� - , . � 10�18 RDrS NW ' - QUINCY, WA 98846 . - PHON� 787•A731 LEROY ALLISON DISTRIGT 2 - � 20268 RD. 1 S,E. - VJARDEN, WA 98857 � PHONE 349'�2513 Pa�,e 2 � AN OFt[JINt�NC� REGA12pTT�'G �`� �Uk��,1C INTCR.EST DETI�RMINA'1"ION ,A�'���'TINC} DEVELC}PMENT t),I� LANiJ. WIT�I[N TI-TE iJNINC(7R1'OTtAT�ll �112GAS �}�' �FZANT �(�UN7'Y . NO'W, i"I-[�REI"U�2E, L��: i�' 1E2LSUl,\/.I�i�, lli�lf ilre Bo�is�d of C'nupty Cai���Kussio�icrs for �r��r�t C`ounty; b�� 7 vote of mnjbrity, l�cr�vy sct lorllr tli� I'aUa�ving public iuicrost dcicrNiiic�7tion pur�suaut io Se�lio�� 5C "of'tt�c Gr�uit Cotinty.Pli►it'in� a�tici Subdivision Orcli�ianrc, "1'his �SuUlic intC�•est detrri�tin��tipii sYaa91 o�tly �1�ply iu parcels cre��iecl t7y se�;rc�;aii�ii by � doctime�ifiaica���tey.i��c� �Piiil� �"iicd «�itli tlse C;r�n� ��t►nty Auc€ilor priox to`,�`ebrii��ry.�7, 1�)t)G ai�cler t#�e follarvir3g gtricicl"stie�� 1: C�ra��t Cc�i�rlt�i t��ill isstic b�iildin�; <itl�l.cl����la1>i�lc��t jacrit�its for all jaarccls I"ivc�(S) �acres iyt sir.c or �;rc:it�i° i�i all'rp�tes stit��ecl la the l'ollo�vi�tg cc�utiiiia�5' ��� Tl�e pa:drecC �rve�cr r�tust d�:anor�sCrd�te rrjate�� t�v��itat�ili.ty j�ca� 19.2'7,t)�% CtCW. � %} Tl,e ���a►•ccl .�arusi Loiz7jai1� �vith till Gr�y�rt Co��niy I�c���iil� Districi require�7�cnts ii�ciutii���;, k�ut ��oi liii�itecl ia, mii�iri��itn lot si;;4 i��qniretr�et3�s fc�r,s��n�iary se{}iic s�=stQn�s as reqi��recl !�y il7� C;��iui ��7utti}r S�e�ltic Disr�7ct. , • c� All p�rccts stlal� r�t�iairG praof c�f iegsil a�cess r��tc9 ha��e �vic[eacc of "tlie i`i�;lit. to l��<yi ac�ess to tl�e �pplic,i��le pul�lic ro�i�l iroii� tlie app,�a�riatc roiid jiit�isdiction. t,�ga� xcccss rc,�ids i�iust <�lso c�ni��ly ta the stai3c�ar'cls sct fc�rtlx an flic CJniforin �3uildin�; Cocle tiud Uniform T�ire Code; cl) Con�pliancc �vith ali .l��c�il, statc ,A�nd Cecic�°��l rc�ruiaiions, i•ulinbs, nrid rcquir�cn}c�tts c:�cep[ ii�c �i�inin�unt l�rl sire t°eqi�ir4menis in tlte Gra�ii , �a�naly �oniai�; Ordi�it�i�,cc. ' ' . 2. �rt�ut �o��trt`y ��fi11 issu� btiilcllil� �ri2d clevolo}�rzienl.f7er�ruit� ft�r ali �i�tt'cels �.�cai.ed ���itliii� th� �-1. �-�, �.�-I, 5�2, 5�33 S�r'\ lilyc! U-S�t zquiii�;.c�:striGts o4"�lf Ie�st. t�e�o•• aud�st-ti��lf (?,.`+.)'7cres ir� sirc �r brcGited°.suUjc�l do Yi�e Ic�11o�r�i�7�; �o►tclitibns: dtj Tl�e j��u`cci t��vuer tuust ciesitansirtitc �v�tfer' a���rii�b,�liYy f��r..19,2"7,0�)7 k2CV�. . � b) Tite ia��rc;�:.l-tiitist �oir�t�id� �viti� �ril Grtutt Corec�ty� Hca1t17 l?istric� rec,{iiir�.jz�,ci7ts inch�c%in�, b�at noi %�mi4ctl tc�, riti�iit�tttm lot ��ie reqt��remeilt� . fbt sanit,Yr}� se}�i�c.sysiczizs �s rec�riircd b�� tlie Griazat Coitait>' :�-�e�Bli�� �islrict., �} All ��,xrcels slitill ret�i�ii�� proafi.Uf �e�;�l ��cccs� s:litcl ,li;�e�c evic�eilc�: t�:c �iie ►�i�l�t to �e�;�yl �ic��ss �o`tl�es a�'��ilic�tUle �a�it�lic cc�<id 1'roi�� C��e ty(���i�opri�itu xottt� j�rris.dic�.ioit. I�c�;��l acc�ss ro��ds mr�si ���Iso �oiiia�lj, ta t11e st<�r�d,�rds sct I'orfla i�a klx�: L�i7ifa,rwi� 13tiilcliwr� �bde <u�tl Ua�il"or�x7 �'ir� C'r,ci�. , � d) Co►iipiia�u;c «�ith ��Il loc��i, s(r�ie �i��d I'c�icrf�l r•c�u[r�cians; ruiie��s, ��ir� r�c�ui��e�i�c�tts �xccA>t it�e.�aiat�imun► �ai sir,e ►'cntrir��uciiis in �}�� Gr��r�t i>Otltifj" �O.I�Idtg i�t'C�,11.1`rtliCt:. ' 3. �ar�ilaG �.'at�ltt}� �vill issize bc�ildiiig �tltc� clevcl��>ltiu�tit pc:i•►i�it51'or tail p�trcels raaC falli��� �vitliii� ctite�;orics (1) ai7c! (2� a9aovc; siiid «�llicla �vcre ��urch�set! p�•io�• to �'et�ruat•y Jn, �79f� to il�� iie�v..���rrcl�<a�L�� �r��itlSotil m�;�ird to parccl si�'c, This e::cinA.�tion:sliall onl}, a���j�ly if it car� �e cfcs�7onsta•��Yccl lht�P tl�e i�e�v �ur�hascr is ``1n i�itScacehl ��urcl�lse� iar " �ralue witl�crirt 7c1u11 n��fiec;." .1'hu Graiil Cq��nly A.ssc;,sor"s Oi'(ice siis��i ��rt�vicie ` i��.i'�rt�l��tioi� c�ra}ccrt7i�i� t1�u o�va�er�iri�� o�t(7c sui�jeci..l�ro�criy, ar�d tife Gr�ynt t;oivaty Pro�ec��iiri� Attor��ry.'s Di'fice or ticsi���ec s1���Ii t����ke �a tleteriilin<�tian ii'tl�e . p�-c��>��rty is eli�;il�3e Cu��. tli� iss�:Griici; c�f' devcloa�i��u��t ��er���ils ttricler ]Page 3 AN OItDINANC��R�GARDII�IG A Pi7�"3LIC INTER�ST DETETtMtNATTON AF�aEC'TIN(``.r, D�V�LOI'M�N'T' tJF X,ANI� �ViTHTN °i� UNINCC7RP(�RA'1"ED A�it�t�S . �� GRAN'I` COUltii'['i' - �CVV Sii.17.210 �ind n���v r�t�riire do��Gi�aeittatio►i fraiu tlle zie�v ��tircrti�tserlowvet°, All determint�tioils are stibject tq tlr� I'allo�vityg canditio��s: . tr) TI7e p�rceel o���rlcr �Y�ust deil�o�xsir�ate rvFiter avail�billty ucr 13;2'7:t)9i �tC'VJ, ' � la} mhc p�u�cel t��Y�st coN��pty �vitlt a1l Gr�ant Cottniy Health District � rec�t�iremcnts it�cl��clrtt�?, liut not lz�t�iled it�, �nisiii��e�in iat size t'�t�uirc�i�euts for st7z�it<ir�y se4�tic svste�i�s ras reqirirc�l t�y l�le Gra111 County �-�e��tii�IIistrict. c) Alt �aaroels sbal! require �i•aol` af ie�ttl a��css <intl l�ave evicl�ncc oP tl�� ri�ht. to ieg�rl'<iccess to tlie a��pldc<i�l� pl�bli� ra�id fro�11 il�e ��propriflle xoad jurlsclicliail: LegGiY ��ccc'ss i•o�rcls �u�ist tilso coii�ply f.o the st�i�dards set fortli iri tl�e Uniforni �uilding Cocle ai�d Unifot•iti Fi��e Cod�, ` d) Complia�ace wi11� all loc��l, st�te t�nd fecicrt�i re�ulatia►ts, �•uCi�igs, �t��d reqttir�i7�ents e�ccpi il�e mitii��iu�u loi siz,e �cquirctt�eiits i�t i.[tC Graiit Co�tnly Zoriin� t�7�ttii�lt�cc, 4. Builclil�� or develo�miel�f ��erinils 'sllt�ll not bc issued far any: p7rcel oC lai�d la��ted � izi Graiit Ca�uti,Y tivhicl�. rlicl nat confoi�ir� ta the;'C��sint Counly �onil�g 7�id/or . Si►l�clivisioxr �Jrclin<�uces i�t el'f'eci �rt clic tince af filin�; a cleetl ��G�i�tilioa�iug the 1�arcei �ax�d �v.lzich cloes rtot f��ll rvithiit ihe rtbo��e ihrec (3)`cnte�b�ies, Thcse j�lrc;els wot►1d i►�clude lai�d.lcss th���� ti��e (S} ,�Ct'es iii si�e 1oc��icc1 iir ii�c A�;rictiltural Zoii�, or less , ii��i� t�vo �tnd;�� ���1�'(2.5} lcres in sicc �vitl�i�� tltc R�I, I�=�, S-i, S-2; 5=3, S-A �nc$. O-SR z�r}i��g distt�icts, still,q��t►1ec1 l�y il�e izlelirJic3ual(s) ���1�a j7�z�titioned or , segregated ilie pai•ce� �vlliclt <!ic! nax. coa�Cari�� to il�e Grtttlt Car�zlty Zotiing an�lor �l�bi�ivisiot� C)rclit���iices.iri effect ak thc ti��ic oC �lirtg. S. Buildi#��; a��d tYevclo��hient perniits 6�iay bc issuecl �y the Gr��nk Coui�ly . Coutiaussiozi�rs or cicsigNaee 4it �i (iN��ilcd case�by=casc t�asis J'or �ny pacccl i�r G��nC �:ou�iiy, 7'he �rani Cotliliy Ca���missic�ners ar desiga�eC s1���t1 �7pprovo or deny ". " `, bu'iic#i��� and cieveio�>�rtC��i ��ermiis baseti i���o�7 i•evi�iv �tztd cain�7�e►�t by jitriseiiction�ti ag�zic�es ��icl sllall b��se tlie <lecisio►t upot� �ncli���;s 6ts io �vl�etl�cr tl�e ptlbiic it�t�rest. �vill .6e ativcrscl�1 �zf�°ecled by ��<�.stiaiig oltiie �?cr�ii'it. i , . , � �. . � '� � � , i . ! Pa�e 4 � AN ORDINANCE REGARDING. A PUBLIC INTER�ST D�TERMINA'1'ION A�'FECTTNG bEVELOPZvIENT OF LAND � WITHIN'T'HE UNINGORI'dRATED A��AS • OF GRANT' COUNTY Tl�i� ordiiiance �h�ll supersede Sectioris SG �ind S'7 of 11ie. Granl Couttty 1?l�t�ii�g aud Subdivisiou " Ordinance 97a19�-CC i"iled on Noveniber 25, 1997 under Auditor's File Nrunber.101'7025, �f 1ny provisioi� of tliis ordinance or its ���plic��lioii to �t7y persoti ar circuitist�inces is l�eld invalid,. tlte �retn7iiider of this �t'dinaitce or the applicatioii of,the provision to other persatis or circt�i�lst�nces shall nbt b� �ffected. . Dono tl�is.10`�, d�y of Fcbru�ry, 199�. �__.. Le oy 11i� xt, ,Chnirmai� � ATT�ST; ��� .�. Peggy Gr'�; � Clerk oP the ard �� �� �f , ` �� �.� ��r�����G"!'1%� �'%��'� . , �.I�ielen �aitClter, Coinniissione�• � ' �.� _......�-�-� ; �_1� ��¢...� '� , ' Tim Snead, ommi sioner COI1S1�i1iC111�T IIS� .�U�U��I ��f Cotinty CU111RlISSIOIICI�s of Cr,�itt County, Wasliin�,�to►i