Week of February 9,1998
The Grant County Commissioners session was calied to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Ailison. Commissioner Fancher was in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Cornmissioner Snead was out
due to iltness.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
A rnotion was rnade by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 98-15-CC relating to the
abotition of an existing county fund named Childrens Program
Revolving F'und be passed. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconcled by
Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 98-16-CC amendirag
Commissioners Resolution Number 9�-105-CC which established a
petty cashlrevolving fund for the Grant County Mental Health
Department called Crisis Response Revolving Fund, increasing the
fund amount to $1,500 be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners received a summons and complaint regarding
Keith Carlile vs William Vlliester. The matter was referred to the
Prosecuting Attorney for handling.
The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of faands
in the Juvenile Department budget in the amount of $3,331.
The Commissioners signed approval of the Special Occasion
Liquor Li�ense application of G�-ant County Volunteer Firefighters
The Corr�missioners signed approval of the Liquor License
assur��tion on Midway Mini Mart.
The Commissioners signeci the 1998 Law Enforcement Services
contract beiween the Grant Coun�ty Sheriffs Office and the Town of
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Allison to allaw the County Treasurer to make an
adjustrr�ent on the Port of Royal Slope levied taxes in 1998. The motion
�1 Public Hearing was held regarding the proposed zone change
request from Agriculture to General-Commercial on approximately 6.5
acres requested by Anatoliy and Natalya Skata, located in Lot 1, Franz
Short Plat in a t�ortion of ihe Southeast quarter of the Northwest
quarter of �ecti�n 32, Township 19 North, Range 29 Ea�t, �1V.1!ll., Grant
County. After consideration of the request a motion was made by
CommissionerFancher, seconded by CommissionerAliison to continue
the matter to February 17,1998 at 3:30 p.m. to get clarification on
surrounding zoning. The motion carried.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of JoAnne
Francis ofth� Interfund Communications Departmenteffective February
As there was no further business to come before the Board the
session was continued until February 10,1998.
February 10,199�
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the
Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding
Contract Execution-'3' SE(Tommer Const.}, Cars & Pickups(Moses Lake
Ford), Pickups(James Chev.j, Crushing Agreement-Port of Moses Lake,
Levy Certification, CRP Resolution, �id Authorization-Trucks, Road
Name Change Request, Solid Waste Planning, Personnel-Organizational
The Commissioners signed the contract with Tommer
Construciion for the '3' SE project in the amount of $572,711.82.
The Commissioners approved the salary increases for
Supervisory or Non-Union salaries �n the Pubfic Works Department,
A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-17-CC in the matter
of initiating county road projects and assigning CRP numbers be
passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners signed a crushing agreement with the Port of
Moses Lake.
, The Commissioners signed a contract with James Chevrolet for
the purchase of 3 extended cab pickups.
The Commissioners signed a contract with Moses Lake Ford for
the purchase of 5 sedans and 2 pickups.
The Commissioners signed the Authorization to Call for Bids on
4 dump trucks. Bid opening to be February 24,1998 at 10:45 a.m.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Sheriffs Office
for the purchase of 5 light bars from Law and Justice Funds.
The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund
voucher approval #'1-1 through #1-�170 in the total amount of
The Commissivners held a Publi� Nearing regarding a public
int�rest deierminatic�n af�ecting development vf land within ihe
unincorpor�ted areas t�f Grant Ct�can�a After hearing pubtic testimony
a mation was made by �ommissic�ner Fancher, �econded b�
Ct�mmissioner Snead ta► apprave Ordinance �lumber 9�-�18-C� e�ff'ective
February 10,1998. The maiian car�-ied,
The Commiss�oners apprQved the satary increase o�f Tammy
�t{liersma ofthe Rrosecu�ing Attorney's t�f�ice effective February �t,'1995.
The Commissianers approved the salary increases for Elisa
Ponc�zzo, Sharon Shibata, Karin Stokc�e, Betty Gativvv and Shay
Garrisan caf the Cierks Office.
The �omm`rssioners r�c�ived nc�tificaiivn from Elvin L. !{ulp cafth�
Cooperative Extension Q�ffice that Christy Price wou�d be acting Chair
while he is on vaca#ion un�it F�bruary 2�.
Th� Commissioners signed the findings, canclusions and f�nal
decisivn regarding the matter of Maysae Narisada �eiitic�n fvr
Preiiminary Ptat approval of 84 !o� known as "The IU[eadows."
As of ihis daie the Board by a majoriiy vote dc�es appra►ve fc�r
payment thc►se voucher� included in th� lis# filed in th� Auditors O�ce
2/9/98 in ttte total amount vf $454,384.95,
As there was nc� further business to come befc►re the Board the
sessEon was ad�our�ed �until February �1?,1998,
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