HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-012-CC- - - --._.r.Y...,,.,. -.._� . - - _ ... _. _ s...� ,z GRANT COUNTY OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST OFFICE BOX 37 EPF{RATA. WASHINGTON ses23 i5091 754-2011 BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS❑PRIVATE GRANT' COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN T�3E MATTER OF AMENDING TI� � RESOLUTION NO. 98-12-CC CONDTTIONS OF TI� RIOJAS REPLAT � OF LOT 3 HERZOG SHORT PLAT IN � RESOLUTION AMENDEMENT SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 20 N., RANGE 27 � EAST, W:M.,GRANT COUNTY, � � - WASHIlJGTON � ADAN & KRISTIl�tA RIOJAS - WF�REAS, the Grant County Board of County Cominissioners held a public hearing on January 20, 1998. WHEREAS, the Board of County Conunissioners have found fliat the proposed amendment does conform to the general purpose of flie Comprehensive Plan WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the public use aud interest will be served by this amendment, and by tliis instrument supersedes and amends Resolution 97- 124-CC, signed 6y the Grant County Commissioncrs, July 15, 1997 -WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal will not adversely effect the public health, safety, and general weifare of the public in the vicinity of the proposa� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Coinmissioners for Grant County, Washington approve the amendment to die original conditions. Conditions: i. Development shall be in compliance �3�th tl�e Gro�vth Management Act, The County-wide Planning Policies, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Zoning Ordinance, and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations, mlings:or requirements. - 2. Developer shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District, the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to: RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prolubited; WAC 173-201, Surfaee Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards and WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems. 3. Developer shall comply to the fiiliest e�tent possible the recommendations as listed in the letter submitted by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife dated April 8, 1997 and liste� below: a_ Promote sound land management pracfices to miniinize the risk of �veeds, fire, or other disturbances from encroaching onto the adjacent habitats. b. Through covenants in the land deeds, require strict control of cats and dogs to avoid predatio� and harassment of native wildlife in adjacent open habitats. 4. Proposal shall comply with ail requirements of the Grant County Fire Marshai and shall comply wifii the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and all other applicable requirements for fire protection including but not limited to the fallo��ing: a. Lot 3 requires a 20' wide all weather surface driveway. b. All lots must have 25 ` setback from all properiy Iines and fire department verification of water availability or deveioper must provide ��ater for fire flow. c. All development must comply «�ith all Federal, St��te, and Local codes. 5. Proposal shall comply with all rec�uirernents of flie Grant County Public Works �epartinent including but not limited to the following: a. Access permits rec�ciired prior to tlie issa�anee,afbt�iidir�g penzTits. 6, Prc�pas�zi s�ali compIy witl� all rec��iirements of tile Wasl�ington State Department of Ecoiogy_ 7. If any Native American Gra��e site(s} qr arcllaeoiogicaUcultural resaurces (Indian Artifacts) are found all constnzctian activiry sl�aii stop at�d tlie oi��aerJdevelaper shall iinmediateiy notify tl�e Colville Confederated Tribes and tlre Wasiiingtot� State C}ffice of Arcliaeoiogy and Historic Preserva�zon. 8. Proposal sltail ep�nply i�ztl� aIl rec�l�imendati���s �s submitted in tlie 3etter dated April S, 1997 from the Washington State Department af Fish and Wiidiife {Subject; Wildiife Habitat Evaluation — Riojas Short Piat, McCanil�e Ftats NW 'I Secizan 35, To��=rist�ip 20N, Rs2nge 27E}. a. Promote sou�id land manageinent practices to minim'rzc tl�e risk weeds, fire, ar oti�er disturbazices fram encraaching onto the adjacent liabit�rs. b. Through cQvenanis in the land deeds, r�c�uire strict contral of cats and dc�gs to avoid pzedafian and harassment of native �vildiife in �djace�it apen iaabitats. 9. Wells shttll be cased ta bedrock. 10. On-site sewage treatnent sllati rneet Treatme�lt Type 2 Standards per WAC 2�6-2i2 current at the time of cc�nstruction a�id stiall be designed, constnzcted, aperated and mainfained in conformance with the requirements and staz�dards of tlie Grant CoF�r�ty Heaitt� District. 11. Starm water sha13 be contained, treated and dispased af on-site to current tocal, state ar�d federal standards as reviewed arid approved by tiie Grant Co�tnry Public �v�orks Degar�ment andtor Grant Co�mty Health Distric�. 12. Proof af potable water siiPP�y Fl2rsttant to Counry Ordinance 92-=��-CC is required prior ta issc�ance af building permits rec�niring p�table �vcrter. Done this —L�� � day of;� i998. � Chairm�'tn Constituting the Board af County Commissioners of Grant Cpunty, �Vas%in�tan �!st .0 l, ��.� � : �. -,,� - :t. � , f I