HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCCiM1V11SSiQNER a` P'RC�CEEt�INGS Week of Febr�ary 2,'1998 The Grant Gvunty Comrnissioners sessivn was ca�led �� order at 9:00 a.m. with Commi�sian�r Fancher and Ccrmmissioner Snead in attendance with fihe Clerk of the Bo�rd. �o�nrr�issioner Al�ison was in �3fympia a�ntii mid afiEernocan. The Cc�mmissioners r�eaz� �nd approvec� the minutes of the preceding session as written, The +�ommissior�ers apprvved the Washing�on Liquar License applicaiion of Amada Moreno, E1 Hera�ade�o Me�cican Res�a�rant. The Ce�mmEssioners apprc�ved ihe s�la�y �ncrease a�' Carrie Boyd vf the Treasurers C3ffice to $v,75 per hour effec�ive February '1,'�998. The Cammissioners approvet� the saia�^y increase of Candice Hughes e�f the Assess�rrs C}ffice to $�1775,?0 per anonth, effective February 1,1598. A mot`ron was made by Com�nassioner Fancher, sec�nded by Comrr�issioner Snead that Resoiutio� Numb�r 9�-8-CC sett�ng a pubiic hearing rela�ting to the facts reqt�irin� a�n appropriaiion and expenditure of funds fflr ihe L.av�r and Justice Fund �#'12't, Qepar�ment ##1�3 in the amount �f $10g50� be passed. The rnotion �arried. A Pub�ic iVteeting �vas held reg�rding the Fteplat of a five acre Ivt inio iwo icats approximately 2,5 acr�s in size on Lvt t�ne, Block Three, Richacres �ocated in a portion of �he Saut6�east �uarter c,f th� �c�uth�asi C�uar�ter of Seci'ron 23, ic�wnship 22 North, Range 27 East V4tillamette Meridiar� requested by Gloria Jean �frunk. A mo�iion was made by Commissioner Snead, secc�nded by �ommiss�aner Fancher to uphoid t�ae Planning �vmmissac�n ��proval, with findings �1 through 4, and alI condifrons recommende�# by ihe Planning Depar�ment fio be used, The mo#ivn carried, A mc�tion was made by Gammissioner Snead, seccanded by �ommissivner Fancher that Resalutivn Nurnbe� 98-9-C� approving the alieration of the P1at of Richacres, Lc�t 1, Block �, locaied in the SE �(14 vf Sectian 23, Township 22 N., Range 27 E.VV�`,M. b� passed. The motion c�rri�t�. As �Mere was no fur�her business io corrr�e #�efore the Board the sessivn was continued until Februa�y 3,'t998� Feb�ruary �,1998 i'h� session was continued at 9d00 a,m. wi�h Gh�irmar� Allisvn an�i Commission�r Snead in attendance w�th ih� Clerk o# the Board. Comrr�issioner Fancher was in C3iympia for the remainder of the week. The Commissioners m�t wiih ih� Pubii� 1�Corks D�rec�or regarding Award Rec�mm�ndatio�-�ars & Pickups, �id Authorizativn-Fuei Pu�chases, Roiler, Brrdge Na. '[�a3' r2�` NE, Ft�P Agr�ernenf-'7` 1��, Supp�e�nenta� Agreement-Bridge N� . 393, Cirganizaiic�n Char� and Le�er to City. The Ccammissianers approved the bid �vvard �vr Autos and �ickups with Five 4-door Sedans �n �he amcauni of $82,7�8.99 awar-ded to �1lases L.ake Ford, Three 4x2 Ex�ended Cab Small Pickups i� the amcrur�t vf $48,551.53 awarded io James Chevrcal�t Gaditlac Toyota, aa�d Twt� 4!4 �xiended Ca#a Smati P6ckups in �ihe amount vf $3S,�v9.25 arn�arded ta Moses Lak� Ford. The Commissioners ��gned th� Autharizatian tfl �a1i for Bids on Bridge �#153, Turkey Rd, Bid opening date io be February �4,1998 at 1�:00 a.m.. Authvrizaiion to Ca�l for Bids vn 1998 Fuel Rurchases, bid �rpening date to be February 24,1998 ai 1�,30 a,m�. Author�zafiic�n �o Cali far Bids on one Single Drum �/ibratory Roller, bid c�pening da% tv be February 17,19�� a� 10:3Q a.m. A mo�ion was made by Comm�ssicaner Snead, secc�nd�d by Comrnissianer �+tllisan thai Resaluiion iVumber 98-'1�-CC setting a Publi� Hearing for Tuesday, Nlarch 3,1 �98 at 11;00 a.m. in the matt�r of va�caiing aIi �ha� portion o� a d�dic�ted Co�nty Road easement lying within �oi 1, S1ock 1 of Wi1d Goos� Tracts, Phase 2 as recorded an pages '1 thrvugh �, Baok 'If of Piats, recvrds +�f �rant Coun� Auditor be passed. The mc�fion carried, ,A mc►tion v�ras made by Co�»miss��ner Snead, secvnded by Comr�issioner AlEisan that Reso�uti�n Number 98-1't-CG relating �a the estab�ishment vf a peiiy cash fund ira the Coopec�ative E�ensian t?ffice % be cal[ed Pu�a[ications Change Fund be pass�d. The motian carried. ,� mvtion was made by �ommis�ioner Snead, s+�conded by Commissioner Allison tha� �esa�uiion Number �8-12-CC in �he ma�ter of amend�ng the cQnditic�ns vf the Riojas Repiat af Lc►t 3, Herzc�g Shor� Plat, in Sec#ic�n 35, Township 20 h�., �ange 27 Eas#, W.M. reques�e�d by Adan and Kristina Ri�jas i�e passed, The ma��an carried. Ti�e Gammissioners approved the salary increase c�f Carr�ect�c�ns {7fficer 11Slttichael Coffman of the Sheri�ff's (�ffice �a 90 percent af cvntrol salary, The Cammissi4ne�s approvec! the s�iary increase of Leslie Gon�ales of the Sheriff`s +O�fice to $Z,a96 per m�nth effectiv� �rebruary 't ,'I 998. Thg Commissioners appraved the stae�iing �aaary of Il�ark A�n�s of the Sheriffs t}�ce at $'1,85fi.8a per r�on�h effec�ive January 2G,�998. TMe Cammissior�ers receiued #h� State�neni af intent to pay Prevailing 1�ag�s on the Satet[ite Justice Ceni�r from Ma�hews Steei B�ui[dings, lnc. The Commissioners signed the January Payroll Warrants List #92�124 through #92617. As of this date the Board by a ma�oriiy vote does approve for payment those vouchers included in the list fi1�d in the Auditors Office 1/3Q/98 in the total amount of $115,�02.29. As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 2/2/98 in ihe total amount of $91,651.66. A motion was rr�ade by Cor�nmissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Res�lutoon Number 98-13-CC setting the levies for 1998 taxes be passed. The mo�ion c�rried. A mation wras made by Cormmissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolu�ion Number 98-14-CC regardia�g donated sick leave in the Juvenile Department be passed. The motion carried. As there viras no further business to comue before the Board the session was adjourned until February 9,1998. ATTEST: �`�` I' �� �' �t Clerk ��,� ��` BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C�RANT COUNiY, WASHINGTON Chairm �' � �-�.- , `�����.�.J �".l✓,./%