HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCCiM1V11SSiQNER a` P'RC�CEEt�INGS
Week of Febr�ary 2,'1998
The Grant Gvunty Comrnissioners sessivn was ca�led �� order at
9:00 a.m. with Commi�sian�r Fancher and Ccrmmissioner Snead in
attendance with fihe Clerk of the Bo�rd. �o�nrr�issioner Al�ison was in
�3fympia a�ntii mid afiEernocan.
The Cc�mmissioners r�eaz� �nd approvec� the minutes of the
preceding session as written,
The +�ommissior�ers apprvved the Washing�on Liquar License
applicaiion of Amada Moreno, E1 Hera�ade�o Me�cican Res�a�rant.
The Ce�mmEssioners apprc�ved ihe s�la�y �ncrease a�' Carrie Boyd
vf the Treasurers C3ffice to $v,75 per hour effec�ive February '1,'�998.
The Cammissioners approvet� the saia�^y increase of Candice
Hughes e�f the Assess�rrs C}ffice to $�1775,?0 per anonth, effective
February 1,1598.
A mot`ron was made by Com�nassioner Fancher, sec�nded by
Comrr�issioner Snead that Resoiutio� Numb�r 9�-8-CC sett�ng a pubiic
hearing rela�ting to the facts reqt�irin� a�n appropriaiion and expenditure
of funds fflr ihe L.av�r and Justice Fund �#'12't, Qepar�ment ##1�3 in the
amount �f $10g50� be passed. The rnotion �arried.
A Pub�ic iVteeting �vas held reg�rding the Fteplat of a five acre Ivt
inio iwo icats approximately 2,5 acr�s in size on Lvt t�ne, Block Three,
Richacres �ocated in a portion of �he Saut6�east �uarter c,f th�
�c�uth�asi C�uar�ter of Seci'ron 23, ic�wnship 22 North, Range 27 East
V4tillamette Meridiar� requested by Gloria Jean �frunk. A mo�iion was
made by Commissioner Snead, secc�nded by �ommiss�aner Fancher to
uphoid t�ae Planning �vmmissac�n ��proval, with findings �1 through 4,
and alI condifrons recommende�# by ihe Planning Depar�ment fio be
used, The mo#ivn carried,
A mc�tion was made by Gammissioner Snead, seccanded by
�ommissivner Fancher that Resalutivn Nurnbe� 98-9-C� approving the
alieration of the P1at of Richacres, Lc�t 1, Block �, locaied in the SE �(14
vf Sectian 23, Township 22 N., Range 27 E.VV�`,M. b� passed. The
motion c�rri�t�.
As �Mere was no fur�her business io corrr�e #�efore the Board the
sessivn was continued until Februa�y 3,'t998�
Feb�ruary �,1998
i'h� session was continued at 9d00 a,m. wi�h Gh�irmar� Allisvn an�i
Commission�r Snead in attendance w�th ih� Clerk o# the Board.
Comrr�issioner Fancher was in C3iympia for the remainder of the week.
The Commissioners m�t wiih ih� Pubii� 1�Corks D�rec�or regarding
Award Rec�mm�ndatio�-�ars & Pickups, �id Authorizativn-Fuei
Pu�chases, Roiler, Brrdge Na. '[�a3' r2�` NE, Ft�P Agr�ernenf-'7` 1��,
Supp�e�nenta� Agreement-Bridge N� . 393, Cirganizaiic�n Char� and
Le�er to City.
The Ccammissianers approved the bid �vvard �vr Autos and
�ickups with Five 4-door Sedans �n �he amcauni of $82,7�8.99 awar-ded
to �1lases L.ake Ford, Three 4x2 Ex�ended Cab Small Pickups i� the
amcrur�t vf $48,551.53 awarded io James Chevrcal�t Gaditlac Toyota, aa�d
Twt� 4!4 �xiended Ca#a Smati P6ckups in �ihe amount vf $3S,�v9.25
arn�arded ta Moses Lak� Ford.
The Commissioners ��gned th� Autharizatian tfl �a1i for Bids on
Bridge �#153, Turkey Rd, Bid opening date io be February �4,1998 at
1�:00 a.m.. Authvrizaiion to Ca�l for Bids vn 1998 Fuel Rurchases, bid
�rpening date to be February 24,1998 ai 1�,30 a,m�. Author�zafiic�n �o Cali
far Bids on one Single Drum �/ibratory Roller, bid c�pening da% tv be
February 17,19�� a� 10:3Q a.m.
A mo�ion was made by Comm�ssicaner Snead, secc�nd�d by
Comrnissianer �+tllisan thai Resaluiion iVumber 98-'1�-CC setting a
Publi� Hearing for Tuesday, Nlarch 3,1 �98 at 11;00 a.m. in the matt�r of
va�caiing aIi �ha� portion o� a d�dic�ted Co�nty Road easement lying
within �oi 1, S1ock 1 of Wi1d Goos� Tracts, Phase 2 as recorded an
pages '1 thrvugh �, Baok 'If of Piats, recvrds +�f �rant Coun� Auditor
be passed. The mc�fion carried,
,A mc►tion v�ras made by Co�»miss��ner Snead, secvnded by
Comr�issioner AlEisan that Reso�uti�n Number 98-1't-CG relating �a the
estab�ishment vf a peiiy cash fund ira the Coopec�ative E�ensian t?ffice
% be cal[ed Pu�a[ications Change Fund be pass�d. The motian carried.
,� mvtion was made by �ommis�ioner Snead, s+�conded by
Commissioner Allison tha� �esa�uiion Number �8-12-CC in �he ma�ter
of amend�ng the cQnditic�ns vf the Riojas Repiat af Lc►t 3, Herzc�g Shor�
Plat, in Sec#ic�n 35, Township 20 h�., �ange 27 Eas#, W.M. reques�e�d by
Adan and Kristina Ri�jas i�e passed, The ma��an carried.
Ti�e Gammissioners approved the salary increase c�f Carr�ect�c�ns
{7fficer 11Slttichael Coffman of the Sheri�ff's (�ffice �a 90 percent af cvntrol
The Cammissi4ne�s approvec! the s�iary increase of Leslie
Gon�ales of the Sheriff`s +O�fice to $Z,a96 per m�nth effectiv� �rebruary
't ,'I 998.
Thg Commissioners appraved the stae�iing �aaary of Il�ark A�n�s of
the Sheriffs t}�ce at $'1,85fi.8a per r�on�h effec�ive January 2G,�998.
TMe Cammissior�ers receiued #h� State�neni af intent to pay
Prevailing 1�ag�s on the Satet[ite Justice Ceni�r from Ma�hews Steei
B�ui[dings, lnc.
The Commissioners signed the January Payroll Warrants List
#92�124 through #92617.
As of this date the Board by a ma�oriiy vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in the list fi1�d in the Auditors Office
1/3Q/98 in the total amount of $115,�02.29.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office
2/2/98 in ihe total amount of $91,651.66.
A motion was rr�ade by Cor�nmissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Allison that Res�lutoon Number 98-13-CC setting the
levies for 1998 taxes be passed. The mo�ion c�rried.
A mation wras made by Cormmissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Allison that Resolu�ion Number 98-14-CC regardia�g
donated sick leave in the Juvenile Department be passed. The motion
As there viras no further business to comue before the Board the
session was adjourned until February 9,1998.
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Clerk ��,� ��`
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