Week of January 20,1998
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. Commissioner Snead was in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board. �ommissioner Fancher was
attending meetings out of town.
'The Gommissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
Chairman Aliison vvas authorized to sign the Notice of Separation
or Work Interruption of Anita Richardson of the Juvenile Department.
The Commissioners received a Notice of Amended Complaint in
the Gutierrez vs Grant County Planning Department matter from the
U.S. Department of Housing and lJrban Development. The information
was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling.
The Commissioners received a Housing Discrimination Complaint
frorn #he U.S. Department of Housing and lJrban Development
regarding Teresa �anchez, et al vs. Grant County P(anning
Commission, et al. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting
A�ttorney for handling.
The Commissioners approved the request from the. Sheriffs Office
to purchas� a 1998 Ford Supercab pickup in the amount of $11,048.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Rosa
Arambula of the District Court Departrr�ent to 100 percent of a Deputy
1 position.
'�he Commissioners approved the starting salary of Darla Cagle
of the Dis�rict Court Department at $8.00 per hour.
The Commissioners metwith the Public Works Director regarding
10:00 a.m. Bid Opening('3' SE), Letter-Cattleguards, Public Works Trust
Fund, Turnback Agreement-{'U' SE Interchange).
A�id opening was held regarding '3' SE Road project. The bids
were referred #o the Public Works Department for their review and
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
paymeni those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors D�ce
�l/20198 in the total amount of $606,398.05.
A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seco�ded by
Cor�nmissioner Allison that Resolution Number 98-1-CC se#ting the
Prosecuting Attorney's salary for the 1998 year be passed. '�he motion
A Public Hearing was held regarding th� request for amendrr�ent
to condition �tOA and 13 on the Riojas Replat approval. ii letter was
r�ceived fram the Hea(th District supporting the requ�s#. A motion was
made by Commissioner Snead, secc�nd�d by Cor�missioner Altisc�n tc�
amend #�esoEution Number 9�-124-CC, Findings �f fact tcs �nclude tha�
#he amendment meets ai1 requiremeni of the Hea�th D�s�r�Gt, The
motion carried,
The �ommissioners received a signed cop� af th� Il�lunici�aa�
Services Agreemeni with Grant County EDC.
The Commissic�ners s�gned
Voucher Appraval #92-'� through
$�78,C307.7'[ .
the Public �iorks Ciaims Fund
#'l2-2a9 in th� totai amount of
Chatrman l�tlison was authorized ta sign the Memorandum €�€
Agreemen� between {�Vashingio� Siat� University Coaperative
Extensian and Grant Coun#y,
Chairr�aan AI[isQr� v�as authorized to si�n the Pho�ography
Gonfraci with Carolann S�actz for the T€�urism Cvmmissran.
The Gommissioners sEgned the �indings, Conclusians �and F�na1
De+�ision in the rrnatter of designating the Interim Urban Growth Area for
the City af Moses Lake.
As �here was no further business ta come befvre the Baard the
session was adjourned until January 2C,�998.
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