HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of January 12,1998 The Grant County Commissioner�s session �ovas called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman, LeFio�+ Allison. All of the Commissioners were in attendance �ovith the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the rninutes of the preceding session as written. The Comrnissioners approved out of state travel for John LalVlunyon of the Grant County Prevention and Recover�r Center to attend a Peer Counseling Training session in Port(and, Oregon. The Corr�missioners approved the starting salary of Mark Bialias of the Sheriffs Department at $2,128.80 per month effective January 1,1998. The Commissioners approved $he appointmen� of Christal �oyd- White of Grant Coun�ty Mental Health authority to sign vouchers during her interim assignment to provide financial director duiies for the agency. The Corr�missioners received a Certificate of Insurance on Sun Healthcare Group,lnc. The Commissioners approved the request to purchase 26 ballistic vests from Law and Justice funds in the total amount of $8,fi32. The Commissioners approved °the request to purchase one Stuntech REACT electronic restraint belt from Law and Justice Funds in the amount of $752.00, and a 1998 Ford Superclub 15 passenger van in the amount of $22,21fi from Law and Justice Funds. The Commissioners approved the salary of Phil Goodman of the Juvenile Probation Department at $�,070 per month effective December 6,1997. The Commissioners appointed Jennifer Lane to the positBon af Administrator af the Grant County Prevention and Recovery Center. The Commissioners held a Public Meeting regarding the zone change request from Residential II to Agriculture on approximately 1.28 acres, loca#ed in a portion of the SE 114 of the SE 'l/4 of Section 3, Township 22 North, Range 28 Easi, W.M. requested by Roger and Judith K. Schafer. A► motion was made by �ommissioner Fancher, seconded by Corr�missioner Snead to uphold the Planning Commission denial of the request. Findings of fac� as presented by the Planning Department. The motion carried. The Commissioners set a Public tVleeting for Febru�r� 2,'1998 at 'I :30 p.m. regarding the requested Reptat of a five a�re iot into two lots in Lat 1, Btock Three, Richacres located in a portican Qf the S�utheast C�uarter af the Southeas# Quarter of �ectian 23, Township 22 North, Range 27 East, W.M, requested by Gioria Jean Strunk. The �ommiss�oner� set a Puk�i�c Hearing for February 9,'1998 at 1:30 p.m. regarcling the Zone Change request fr�om Agricu[iu�e to General-Cammerciai an approximate[y 6,5 acres an �ot 1, Fran� Short Riat in a portion of ihe Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarie� of Section 32, Township '!9 North, Range 29 Easfi, t1�i11amette I�leridian, requested by Anataliy and Natatya Skala. A moi�Qn w�s made b� Can�missioner fancher, secand+�d by Cemmissioner Snead ta appoant Commission�r A[Iisan as the Chai�man fvr the '1998 year. The mr�iion carried. As there was no fu�ther business iv come before the Board ihe session was continued untii January �3,'1998. January 'l3,1998 The S�ssion was continued at 9:00 a.m. with ai! of th� Gammissioners in attendance wiih the Clerk of �he Boa�d. CommissiQner l�ancher w�s out �f �he a�c� during ihe afternoon session. The Comm`rssioners rr��twith the Rubiic Vllorks I?irector rega�rding �id ,Authorization-Mid-size Passenger Cars, Qpen Range, 1Q;30- Franchise Hearing�Mattawa). The CQmmissianers held a Pubiic Hearing regarding the appli�ation for franchise by the Town of �tlattawa regarding a sanitary sewer main. A motion was made by Gommissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Sn�ad to approve �he franchise as requ�sted. The motion c�rr"t�d, The Commiss�one�-s signed �he Auihorizaiion to Gall for Bicls on vehic�es, Bids tQ be 4pened January 27,1998 at 1U.30 a,m. The Cornmissioners signed a License for Ingress and Egress for James F. Nie�nra. As of this date ihe Board by a majority vQte c�oes approv� for payment those vouch+�rs included in the iist �iled in the Auditc�rs a�ce 1113/98 in the to#al amc►unt of $v86,'t43.5't. The Commissioners rec��ve�i a sdgned copy of the Traffic Management Agreement with Paci��c Nort�west �ugar Co., L.P. Tl�e Commissioners receive+� information from the Governors C�fifice appointing C�mmissioner LeRoy Allison to a fu�ther term +on the Camimuni€� Economic Revitalization Board. The !�vmmissianers he�d a cont�nuation of Pub�ic Hearing r�garding the prapased adop�tion of an 4rdinan�� plac6ng a t�mpvr�ry mc�ratvrium on aI[ Zone �hanges �n ihe Agri�ultural �vnes of Grant Cc�unty. After taking testim4ny a mr�tic�n was made by Cornm�ss�c�ner� Snead, seconded by Commissioner Aliison to deny the r�oratorium with �taff to write up findings ta in�c[ude the �act that nc� emerg�ncy has been found to exist. The mativn carried. As there was na fu�ther business te� come befare the Baard the session was adjourned un�Eil January 20,1998. �i� � , ~�. � � �. � . . � � � � S � � i � i �, �� .. t � /'' � 11/ f. ...�,� ��,�..� ��.r,��•_.,�:�� �r � : ; � ( � �-� � j 4 �...._r iI