HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-220-CC��° "� w' �' � '� '� • • RES�I,UTION Ni1M13EI� 99-220-CC A RESCJLtiTION authc�rizing an a�pra�riatic�n anci F>x��Elnc�itu�•c� «f i'tii�ci:� for the fQllowing ciepartment/fund: Current Ex�ense Fund ��001. , Su�,eriyr C�,urt & In�l-�gen� D�f�nse De�t. ,�o€��'ther with a k�ttd�;et t.lif�re— fore, pursuant to RCW 3G.4t?.140, I WiiEREAS, �t has been brou�;ht to tk�� attentian of tt�c} Iic�:�rd � o� Counity Comrnissioners of Grant Coa�nty t�at �mer�c?ncy c:c>nciitiryns � require that an appr€�priata.an aa�d e�penditure c�f fund's bc� a�it:h- � arized for the abov�:-mentionc?d departmentJfund, to�;ether wit�� a � buc3get therefor; and �HEREAS, pursuant to RCW 3G.4(}.�40, Resolution No.��_��_��_ w�s duly adopted on 12,113199 ,anci �ublishc�c� in the D�,lv Kerald �� i2J22&27I99 dec;Iaring tt21 emergency and statin� th�� �acts constitutzng ihf� cme��c�nc:y �it�ci,, t�ie estimated amount of funds reqt�zred ta meet it � tragc�ther wit� a notice of pub�ic hear�ng, a�d sa.id pubiic lhearin� was he3r3 t}ZE?Tf?t72i whexe interes-�ed pex`SO11S WE�'E? a�lowed t� appe�ar ��nd be l��.siird; N4W, THEREFORE , BE IT R�SOL'�ED �Y THE �30�I�Ti OF C�U�3TY C'()R�M I�-- Si{3NERS aF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF W1�S�iINGTCIN, thai an ���prc����-i<�f.ic��i and expenditure o� funds is hereby authc�rized for the �c�Ilowzn� � depal'tYtiei3t f furid : Current ex� . Fund �r�Ot�l, Superiar Ct .��103 & Indigent Def .��133 I in the total sum e�f ; $ 54,200 according to ih� aitached � � budget. This resoluiion is in the best interests of �;ood �c�ue��ntnent • and shall take 'eff�r.t ircrmediately upon its passa�e. �ic)raE ThtS ��th � D,�Y p� December , �,� �� , , � --_.----�--.��-�''�" ATTEST: � �.3 T,� � � ChaFsmcn � � !� {`� Clarlc af 6hi W�d ;� e3 R-� 1 ....._...� ..._.,.,. Coaas€98ut€ng 4hs doord t�f County Ccsmmissioners aF fiirant Caursty, Vllashingrc�n ' RES4LtiTIQN WCIRKSHEET R2 CLT}2RE��T EXP�NSE FLIND # QOi SUPERZOR COURT DEPT. 103 & IIAfi?IGENT DEFENSE I?EPT. # 133 R3 CIIItRENT EXPENSE FUND ,# 001 SUPERIOR COURT DEPT. 103 & INDIGENT DEFENSE DBPT. # 133 ATTAC.ITMENT TO RESOLUTION 99-220-CC APPRQPRIATIONS SUPERIOR COURT L1EPT. # 103 G.A.L. ATTORNEY 103.000. S MILEAGE 103.000. 512.2I .43.03 PRC}J. 002-JURY C)FFICE & OPERSUPPLIES 103.002. 512.2131.00 PR(JF. SERVICES 103.002. 512.21.41.00 ivIIL,EAGE 103 A02. 512.21.43.Q3 JURY FEES I03.002. 512.21.49.15 PROJ. 013-WITNESSES WITNESS FEES 103_OQ8. 512.21.49.14 TNDIGENT DEF�NSE DEPT.133 OTHER MTSC.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 512.21.41.99 FFi\ANCING S�iJ12CES T.TN:E2ESER LOANS TOTAL APPROPRIATIQNS ; !� TOTAL FINANCING �OURCES 5,400 '700 1,000 540 4,000 6,044 17,00a $ 20,000 � S4,2a0 $ 54,ZQ0 $ 54,200 EXPLANATION TO APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS Fl7R UN.ANTICIPAT`ED CdURT RELATED COSTS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT DEPT.�# 103 AN'D THE INDIGENT DEFENSE DEPT. #133