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Week of December 20,1999
Tl�e Grant Caunty Commissioners session was called to order at 9:OQ
a.m. with aIl of the Commissioners in atiendance with the Clerk of the
The Com�ussioners read and apprc�ved the minu�es o�` ihe preceding
session as wriiien.
'�-� � C� � fihe Commzssioners approved the salary increase of Deputy 3ae Kriete
ofth� Sheriff's affice to $3,50� per month, effective Janua�ry 1,2000.
i� �'�� �The Coznmisszaners approved the salary in�rease af G-reg Knutson of
the Sheriff's C�ffice to $2,338 per month.
��/��..3 The Comxnissianers approved the request for Peggy �'rrigg to ca�ry
over ane e��ra vacaiion day into the year 2{�t��.
��jl� y� The Commissioners received the �ertif cate of Insurance from
Washington Insurance Services,Inc.
������,� The �ornmissioners appraved the stazting salary afEdward A, Owens
of the Prosecuiing Attorney's C>ffice at 100°l0 of a Deputy Prosecutor I.
,'�t! ��The �ommissioners received a Suznrnons and Land Use Petitian and
Compl�int, and Note for Ma�zon Doc�et from Roger Fair, et aI. The ma�ter
was refez7ed �a the Prosecuting Attarney for handling.
�4� ?( �� Chairman Snead was authorized to sign approval of the Liquor
Lieense Appiication of W.Eaite Heron Ce�lars.
��. (;��# The Cammzssioners approved th� request by Couniy Clerk Kenneth
(3. Kunes ta amend account 512.30.92.00 for the year 2QQ0.
��„ ���� The Commissioners received a Vaier Equity Suii from Paul R.
Scroggxe. The ma�t�r was referred ta �he Pro�ecuting Attorney for handling.
��,� ���, The Commisszoners recexved the fc��lowing Transfer of Funds from
ihe t�rant County Faz�:
$ 7,500.00
� 7,sao.aa
� �,s�z.2s
� �,a�2.2a
� i 6,fl00.�0
;�� �� � As of this date the Board by a maj.arity vote does apprave for payment
thtise vouchers filed in the A�ditors {��fice 12/20199 in the iotai amount af
��` ����Chairman Snead was authorized to szgn ih� NCWRSN-Grant county
Community Mental �Iealth Services Agreement.
��-�-i !�� A Publi� H�aring was held and �. motion was made by Commissioner
Maar�, seconded �y Comamission�r Allisan that Resolution Number 99-215-
CC c�rre�ting a scrivener's error in the t)rdinance re-adopting arr
amendment to the Grani County Zoning Ordinance rela�ing to permitted uses
and restrictions and other matters prope�ly rela�ing thereto be passed. The
mation carried.
������¢ The Commissioners signed a Con�ract for Services with S.C.
As there was na further business io come before the Board the sessian
was conii�ued until December 21,199�.
�}ecember 2 3. , i 999
The session wa.s cantinued at 9;00 a.m. v�i�h a11 a�the Commissioners
in at�endance with the Clerk ofth� Board.
The C���rr�issic�ners met with the Fublic Works Director regarding
REV G�ant application, {�raVel Roads-Consultant Agreement, Sandcastle
�states-Paul Bernsen(Band Request}, 10:30 a.m. Bid C7pening{�I�rbicide
Applicationj; Budgets, Personnel.
������ Thc Commi�sioners held a Bid Opening regarding I-�erbzcide
Applica�io�. A rnotion was rnade by Corr�naissinner Moor�, seconded by
Commis�ioner A11isQn tn refer th� bids to Public Works far their review and
reco�amendaiiQno The rnatifln carried.
�� i i�� Th� Commissioners approved the salary increase of Juan 3.
Rodriguez, 3r. af the I7istric� Court Department to $2,991 per month
effective December l, � 999.
��-!�`� � A P�b1ic Hearing was �eld and a maizon was made by Commissioner
Allzson, seconded by Commissioner Moare that Resolutian Number 99-216-
CC �elating to a supplemental extensian zn the 1999 buclget of the Mental
Health Fund #�08, L�epartr�aent .# 154 in the amount of $57,150 fram
unanticipate� state and/or federal funds be passed. The motion carrie�.
��.� �`� �� Fublic Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner
Al��son, seconded by Con�mzssioner Moore that Resc�lutzon l�iurnber 99-217-
CC autharizing an appropriation az�d expenditure of funds in the Repair and
Demaliiion Fund � 118, D�partment # 16� in the arnount c�f $888 be passed.
The m�tion carried,
A Public Hearing was held and a matxon was made by Cammissianer
Allison, �ecr�nded by Commissioner Moore th�t Resolution Number 99-� 18-
CC autho�izing an appropriatran and expenditure of fiznds in the Current
Expense Fund #001, Co�oner Department # 120 in the amouni of $8,000 be
passed. The matic�n carried.
t� t 1�� A�'ublic Hearing w�s held and a motion was made by Commissioner
Al�zson, seconded by Commissioner Maore that Resolution �Tumber 99-219-
CC authc��zing an appropriation �nd expend'zture of fi�nds far the Current
�xpense �und �00�, Variaus Departments in the a.mount of �123,550 be
passed. The motian carried.
`�f ��� The Camnazssioners spent the r�mainder of the day working on the
year 200Q budgets.
As there was no fi.�rtl�er business tc� eome befare the Baard. the sessic�n
was continued until Decembea- 22, 1999 ai 12:00 noon.
December 22,1999
The sesszon �vas continued at 12:44 noan, with all af the
Commissionexs in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
�.�� ���..The Camznissianers spent ihe day working on the year 2Q4Q budget.
As there �vas no further business tc� come before the Soard the session
was adjoumed until Deeember 27,1999.
� � �
Cler 1 the Boa Ghairman '