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Week of D�cember ��,1�99
The {�rani Cou�a ty Commiss�oners session was �alled to order at 9:00
a.m. with a11 c�f the Corr�missioners ir� attendance wz�h the �ler� of th�
The Cor�lmissio�ers read and apprc�ved the minuies c�f t�ie p�ecedi�g
session as wr�tten.
1��; `�� The �c�mmiss�oners apprQved the r�quest by D�.ve Pt�nozz� ��' �1�.e
She� ff's �}:Efice to donate 10 days of hzs szck leav� t�a Randie �onc�zzo of ih�
Disirict Caur� C�ffzce.
�'�!/��'T'he Co�nissioners �e�e not��'ied ihat ��puty �iick �Vatstan �as
promoted to �the position of Sergea�t and wi11 be asszgned to the Ii�TET Uni�
and Sergeant David Nlainey will return % I'a�r�l as a shif't supervisc�r.
/��`/��3 The Com��ssioners approved ihe requ�st �c�r �ut of S�ai� travel iar
Depu�y Matt IVlesser �o trave� io Reno, Nevad� fs�r �ra ex�r�.��t�on.
I.�-r',�;��-�"�e �om�isszc�n�rs ��ceived a Summans �nd �ora�.plaini fram i�e
�state of Pedro Sar�doval. The n�atte� vvas referred tc� the P�c�secutin�
Attorney for haradling.
�����- �Chairn�az� Snead was authc�rized to sign th� Inie�Io�al Coape�-atzon
.��.greement beiween �dams, �helar�, �7o�gl�s, Qka�ogan az�..d Cxrani
Counties to for� ihe Adams, �helan, I�ouglas, �karic�g�.n and G�ant
Caur�ties Workforce Investment Area.
t"�-�-[� `� A motian w�s made by Cammassioner A;1lison, secc�nded by
C€��nmissic�ner Moore thai Resc�lut�dn Nu��a.b�r 99-210-CC in the m�.tte� of
approvirxg th� Sunset Ac�°es #2 Piat, a f fiee� lat s��d�vision on 79.25 acres
�n the Sub�arban-Agrzcui�tu�°e �c�ne lc�cated in a pc�rtion of the Sr�uihwest
Q�aarter af Sectic►n 7, Townshi� 201`�or�, I�aarige 26 East, �rV.1V�. be p�ssed.
The motion carried,
��-�- ���. � The �ommissic�ners set a Public IVleeting for December 28, � 999 at
].;�0 p,m. regardin,� the requesi by John and Ve�ginia Thomas fc�r a Plat
Alteration far As�tro Acr�s Phase 2, Replat #1, a two lot subd'zvzsion
alteraiion on app�o�maiely 4. � 95 acres �n the Suburban-1 Zane.
�-� i� The �ammissioner� h�ld a conizz�uatic�n e�� the ��blic I�earing on the
Major Ind�strial Developmen� in �he County. A r�o�zc�n �vas �ade b�
�on�nzssioner Allison, secanded b;� �c��issic��e� Ma�or� i� designaie ��ae
revis�d Rocky F�rd M�I3, now ca�led Lphraia �vTor�� as �ne �f MM�II�, �.nd
cc�niinue �he he�g to December 27,� 999 ai �:3fl p.�n. for �rther
deiiberation on fur�her MIDs, The �ation ca�r�.�d.
f^�i 4�� A rr�otiar� was anadv by Cc��nassio�e� Mac�re, sec�nded by
Com�z�issione� A�lisc�n that Resolution Nt�mber 99-211-CC settirng a Public
�-Iearing fo� I�3�cember 28,1� 999 a� 1:Q0 p.zn. �e�atin� �o ihe fac�s �equiriz�g a�
app�op�ation and exp�ndi�ure caf �nds for the �u�-rent �xpens� �'und
#OO�,Sup��ic,r Cc�u�i, and Tndige�i Il�efens� l�epartm.e�ts in �he amouni o�`
$54,20� b� passed. The �no�ion caz-r�ed.
��� ���The Comm�ssiQners held a Public �Cearing reg�ding �he a�nendmeni
�o the Communzty Deve�opment Bioc� Czrani Public S�rvzce cc��airact
between ihe De�artment of �oa�tur�ty, '�r�,de and �conom�� Develc�p�ae�t
and Ci-rar�i �ounty. Ai Lundberg of Grargi �o�n�y Community Aetio�. was in
attendance and expiained the �urpose vf �he grant. There was no c�t�ie�
public in attenda�ce. 1�. zno��on was �nade by C�r.€�issio�er Allison,
S�COiIt��t� I3y Ct}T111�IISS1012�T' Nloore to approv� ihe a�nendment tc� ihe
contract. The mation carrzed.
��/i� / The Comn��ssia�ers spent the rem�ind�r �+� the day wc�r�i�.g Qn ihe
year 20Q0 budget.
As ihere was no �i�rihe� bu�iness ta come befo�e the Board the session
was cc��.t�nued tant�l Dec�mb�r I3,1999.
Dece�a�ber �-� ,1999
The session was contznued at 8:30 a.�. wi#.� all of the Comr��sszoners
in a�endance v�ith ihe Clerk �af �he B�aard.
The �car��a.iss�on�rs met with ihe Public Works Director �e�a�d�.n.g 9.45 a.n�.
�'r�.nchise Heaz�zng �ccant.}, Turnback �greem.ents-WSI�UT, R�sc�Iu�zon-
.An�ual Road �'r�gr�m, Pers��nel, Budge�s-I�Tew V�h�.c�es?, 10.3fl Public
�-Iea�i�g (Su�p1�s �'a°operty}, C�ravel R.�ad 1'roposa�.
�� f1��. The Camminnissica�ers held a confi�nuatior� of �abl�c �I�a�°�g on the
Franchise Applic�.tion of Bc�b Christensen4 A�ter s�r�e d�scussi�n regarding
concern.s of liabrliiy a mc�tiQn was made by Co�nn�is�ione� �-1.11�son, seconded
by Commisszoner Mflvre io deny the appl�catian, ret�n� 1VIr. C��ristensens fee
and have him work the Grant �ounty P�D o�a th�s matter. The mation
carri ed.
� r:.�, f�.� The Commissianers signed the �b1ic Wo�ks �lai.�a.s ��r�d Voucher
Approval for the IVl�nth of November # 1. �-1 through # 11-203 in the total
amount of $S59,OS8.49.
t�� {,�� A motic+n v��.s �ade by �ommissic�ner Al�ison, seconded by
Commissione� li,�ao�e thai Resol.u��n Number 99-2�2-CC in ihe �natter o�'
adopiing the 2{�t}a Annual Raad �'rc�gram be �Sassed. `i'��e rnotian carried.
)�- ���� � Public Hearing was held and a rne�tzon wa� mad� by Ca�nzssioner
Moore, seconded by Commissioner Allison #h.at Resolut�on Numb�r 99-2�13-
CC declaring surplus equipm�nt be pass�d. The mation c�rried.
��. �[��, As a�this daie ihe Board b� a ma�tariiy vo�e does a��arove for payme�i
ihose vouchers included in the list �iled in t�ie Aucli�flrs C}f�'�ce 12113/99 an
ihe tota.� amou�t t�f $630,986.60a
��.�. � i� 7 The Cammissionexs notified Gran� Caunfiy Mosc�uato Conirol D� s�i�t
# 1 that they were given p�rmission io operaie i� ih� airspace over Uran�
County during the year 2�00, within the baundaries o� the Grant County
Mosquito Control Distr�ci # 1, fo.r the purpose of masquito abaiement.
;� t d �"�`
A Public Hearing was held and a mc�tian �vas made by Commissioner
1Vloare, secanded by Cornmissianer Allison that Resolutian Number �9-214�
CC autho�zing an appropriatic�n and expenditure of fiands far the �uz�eni
Expense �'und #001, Courthouse Facilities Department #112 in the amount
of $6,485 be passe�. The mc�tion carri.ed.
;�-(��� The Commiss�aners spent the remainder of ihe day worl�ing on the
year 2000 budget.
As there was no fi�rther business to come before the Board the s�ssion
was contznued untzl December I 5,1999 at 1:0� p.m.
December 15,1999
The session was continued at 1:�0 p.m. with aI� of the Coznmissioner
in attendance with the Cler� afthe Board.
;�`- c��y The Commisszoners spent ihe a�iernoon working on the year 2040
As there was no further buszness to come before the Board ihe session
was cantinued uniil December 17,1999.
December 17,1999
The sessian was coniinued at 9:00 a,m. with all of ihe �ommzssioners
in at�endanc� with the CZerk of the Board.
(� I��L� The Commissianers spent the day working on ihe 2000 bud�et.
As ihere was na fu�ther buszness ta came befc�re the Board the sess�an
was adjourned until Dec��nber 20,1999.
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