HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-201-CCGRANT CC3UNTY PLANNING DEPARTIVIENT 32 C Streeti N.W, P.O. Box 37 � Ephrata, Washingtc�n 98823 • Ph: (509) 754�2411 Ext. 620 BUARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIfJNERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF DENi?ING THE DESERT HILLS PRELIIVIINARY PLAT, A 29 LOT SUBDIVISTON ON 82.18 ACRES IN TI-iE OPEN SPACE RECREATION 20I�TE IN A PQRTION QF TI� NCiRTH T3AI.F OF THE SQUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, } T�WNSHII' 18 N., RANGE 27 EAST, W. M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHFNGTON RES4LUTIQN NO. 99-20�—CC RESOLUTION DENYING A PRELIMINARY PLAT FUR DESERT I-IILLS Rl?CER FAIR r�Ax: (soa> 7s4-sa�� WHEIt�As, the Board of Couniy Comrnissianers o� Gra.nt County havs been acivised by the Grant County Planning Cornmission that an open record public hcaring was conducted on Qctober 6, 1999 on the matter o£ Desert Hills Prelirninary Plat, a twenty-nine (29)1ot subdivision an approx7imately eighty two (82) acres located in a portion of the North Half af the Southeast quarter of Section 6, Township 18 Narth, Range 27 East, W.M., Grant County, Washin�Can. WHEREAS, the Grant Caunty Planni�ig Connmission made a recomrnendation to deny the prelizztinary plat at the open record public hearing on October 6, 1998. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a public rneeting on November 8, 1999. WI3EREAs, the Board of Caunty Commissioners have made a decision ta uphold the recommendaiian from the Grant County Pla.�u�ing Cammission ta deny the praposed preliminary plat. WHEREAS, the Board of County Cornmissioners have found that the prnposal is not consistent with the Grant Couniy Comprehensive Pla.ca. WH�ItEAs, the Board af Caunty Commissioners have faund that the publie use and interest wzil nat apparentty be served by approval of the plat. WHEREAS, the Board of Cc�unty Corrimissioners have faund that the requirements of tha State Enviranmental Falicy Act have been complied with and a Mitigated Deterniinaiion of Non-Significance {MI?NS) was issued on this propasal an August 34, 1999. W�IEEREAS, the Board �f Caunty Cotr�issioners have found that ihe preliminary plat daes not comply with the intent of the Washingtan State Growtla Managem�»t Act. Page 2 of 2 Resolution Denying Desert Hills Preliminary Plat NOW THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington deny by this Resolution, the Preliminary P1at of Desert Hills located in a portion of the North Half oithe Southeast quarter of Section 6, Township 18 North, Ra.nge 27 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington, Done this '� C� day of November, 1999 ��,� ��<<� ��.J z,���� � ��: .. �� ` �. � � �/1-� � Chairman, T Sn ad . Comrnissi er, LeRoy Allison �dt� ��,(�I�— (�o� Corrunissioner, Deborah Moore ConsHtuting the Board of Commty Commissioners of Grant County, Washington