HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 95-134-CCBOARD OF COLINTY GRANT COUNTY, IN TTHE MATTER OF DFSIGNATING THE IIVTERIM URBAN GROWTH AREA FOR T%� CITY OF EPHRATA COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 95-i �4-�r ORDINANCE NO._ 95-i �4-�� CITY OF EPHRATA GRANT COUNTY WH]EEFtEAS, the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW (hereinafter GMA) requires Grant County to designate 'interim urban growth areas; and WHEREAS, the cities and towns and Grant County have participated in the development of County wide Planning Policies; and, VV:HEREt�S, Zfie GMA requires that all cities within the county be included within an urban growth area; that urban growth be located first in areas already characterized by urban gmwth that have sufficient existing public services and facilities to serve the develapm�nt, and second, in areas already characterized by urban growth that will be served by a combination of existing and proposed services and facilities; and, W�REAS, the City of Ephrata has proposed an interim urban growth area for the City of Ephrata on the basis of the following criteria which include: 1) The Final Adopted Policies of the Grant County Planned Growth Committee 5-6-93. 2) Draft City of Ephrata Comprehensive Plan including goals with respect to land use, housing, economic development, open-space and recreation, transportadon, utilities, and capital facilities. 3) Data and information developed by the City of Ephrata and the analysis of such data and information by the City of Ephrata Citizens Advisory Committee for the development of the City of Ephrata Comprehensive Plan including population and land capacity analysis and financing strategies. tl ThP (`itv nf Fn}�rata hae rPrP���P�i inrnit frnm thP. l'�mnrPhPncivP pla� ('ji1ZCriS Advisory Committee, the Planning Commission, and the Port of Ephrata and held public hearings. 5) The City Council of the City of Ephrata has ad,opteti the proposed IUGA. WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of Cammunity, Trade and Economic Development was provided 60 day natice and oppartunity to comment and na comments have been received; and WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Director is the SEPA Responsible Official for the State Environmental Policy ACT (SEPA) purposes, and has reviewed a SEPA Envimnmental Checklists and issued a Mitigated De�clazation of Non-significance (MZ7NS) on May 16, 1995 for the establishment of the proposeci IUGA; and WHEI2EAS, the Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing on October 24, 199�, upan natice, at which kime the Board af County Commissioners heard commen,ts in regazd to the pt�posed IUGA and cantinued the public hearizig until Navember 6, 1995, upon noticc, in the Board Roam of the County Commissioners at the Grant Caunty Court House, Ephrata, WA; and, WF%��tEAS, The Grant County Board of County Commissioners makes the following �IIiC�12i�S �ild CC}IiCitiSiOf1S; I, The Washington 5tate Legisiature has adopted the Growth Management Act. Grant County has been mandated to plan under the Growth Management Act, Thc Growth Management Act rec�uires that Intcrim Urban Growth Areas be designated for cities, tawns and rural urban nc�des within Grant County. The City of Ephrata has rnade a progosal for an interim urban growth area. to the Grant County Board of Commissioners. A final urban gmwth area will be developed and propose�i by the City af Ephrata in the completed City of Ephrata Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Washington State Legislature has determzned che follawing. Gmwth and dcvclopme�t is inevitable. Grawth, development a�d population increa.�e will affcct the human and naturat e�vironment. The development of comprehensive glans and i:tlpiementing develapment regulatians as required by the Grawth Management Act will constitute mitigation toc>ls to mitigate potentiai adverse impacts to che human and natural environment resuiting fram gmwth, deveiopment and pogulation increase in a pianzied, coordinated and funded manner cor�current with growth, develapment and popuiation increase. 3. The City of Ephrata has deternune�- that its NGA proposal r�e�are.re:;ents a rea.ronable area tca which the City of Ephrata may providc urilan services, facilities and utilitzes aves a 20 year planning horizan. 1fie City af Ephrata has proposed an interim LTrban Growth Area, providing sufficient area far development. The City af Eghrata l�.eV4llrIA�'.hensive Plan, implementing devetapment regulations, capital facilities ptans and capitai funding plans wi11 address: tand use; transportation; utiiities; capital facilides; housing; ecanomic deveiopment; open space and recreation; and, design in the City of Ephrata and the proposeci Interim Urban Gz°owth Area. 4. The City of Ephrata and Grant County may deveiop Interlacal Agreements for jaint planning to implement the Growth Management Act, 5. The IUGA progasal by the City af Ephrata and supgorting dacumenta,tion addresses criteria including but not lirnited to the following: A. Existing commerciai and residential develo�ments bordering the Gorpc�rate limits of the City. B. Estimated gogulation growttt of the City. C, The capacity of the city for expanding urban governmentat services as defined in RCW 36.70A. 430 (16). D. Availability of land suita�ile far @evelapment in the city or the area adjacent to the City. E. Mticipal.ed growth and development aver a 20 year period of time. NC?W, TS��EFQRE , BE IT 1�;ESULVED: that the NGA proposal by the City of Eghrata is established by the Board of County Commissianers as identified in Eachibit A with ihe following stipulations: Stipulations: l, The fianal uri�an growth area shall be proposed by the City of Ephrata and designated in compiiance with the Growth Management Act, The County Wide Pianning Policies, The Washington Stat� Er�vironmental Policy Act, and ali applicable federal, state, and Iacai reguiations, rulings or requirements. . 2. The final urban growth area shall be proposed by the City of Ephrata and designated in confarmancc, as required by the Gmwth Management Act, with revised poptilation projections for Grant County as prepared by the Washington State Office of Financial Management. The 20 year popuiadon pmjectians relea.se,d by OFM for Grant County in I992, which were underestimated by OFM are to be used as abasc populatian projection. OFM will issue revised papuladon prajectians in late 1995. Final Urban Growth Areas shall in�tude areas and densities sufficient to permit urban gmwth that is projected ko occur in Grant County within the next 20 years based upon official population projections for Grant Gounty. 3. The final urban growth area pmposal by the City of Ephrata and designadon shall, take intc� cr�nsideration SEPA Prethreshold Decision Scoping Review Camments and additional commenta submitte,ci by gersons, agencies with jurisdiction, the Washington Statc Department of Ecoiogy, affected Indian Tribes, and each loca.l agency or political subdivision whose public services would be changed as a result of implementadon of the TUGA pragosal. 4. TI�e Interim Urban Grawth Area shall be considered as a Iong term urban growth area baundary providing capracity in keeping with the City af Ephrata's plans and projeciiorzs far popuiation gmwth and development in the agricultural, residential, commerciai, izidustrial, and public s�ectors af the community and for the pn��crva;tion an cnhanccment of the n�ral environment and life style enjoyed by thG citiu�s of the City of Ephrata consistent with the requirements of the Gmwth l��anagement AcL 5. Modification of interim urban growth areas may bs made by the County bascd on revised data ar changed circumstances. The interim urban growth area designateci by this ardinance shall remain in effect only until such time as a final urban growth area is designated pursuant to the requirements of the Grawth Management Act. 6. The City of Ephrata has pmposeci future land use designations within the NGA under the jurisdictian of Grant County to be used as a guide far the development of the final Urban Growth Area and the development of Iand use and development regulatians. The City of Ephrata and Grant County may work jaint�y W deveiog dcfinai future iand use designations within the iLTGA and ta create land use and development reguiatians for the IUGA consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Act. DONE 1�S �r►, DAY OF �ov mher 19�5. � ATTEST: � �U. ' Cler �the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Prosecuting Attorney � a^ , � � Tim Snead, Chairman ���i r i L".�� :���.� Commissioner ,, ^ / v /i / ./ Commissionei� � Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington