HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 99-158-CC (002)BU�.IZ.D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE�S GI2ANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON UR.DINANCE NO. 99-158-CC An Ordinauce Relating to Cocnprehensive Planning for Grant County in Accordance with t[ie Washington State Growtb Managetnent Act (Chapter 3G.70A RCW) and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, Chapter 43.Z1.0 RC�; Adopting Urban Growth Areas; Addressing Orders and Directives of the Eastern Washingto❑ Growth iVlanagement Hearings Board; Adopting a Comprehensive Ptan and FinaI Euvironur�eutal Impact Statement; and Rescindiug Confiicting Ordinances, Resoiutions, Pians and Documents, VYE�REAS, in 1990 the Washington State Legislature passed and the Governar signed into law the Groy�vth Management Aet (GMA.) as contained in SHB Na. 2929 (Washington Laws, 1990 1 S` Ex. Sess., Ch.l7), which was subsequently codified as, among other chapters, Chapter 36.70A RCW; and WI�EREAS, the legislattue found that uncoordinated and unplanned growth, togetlaer with a lack of comman goals expressing the public's interest in the conservation and the wise use of our lands, pose a threat to the environment, sustainable econoznic development, and the health, safety, and high quality of life enjoyed by residents of the state; and W�::TEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires all counties and cities in the state to da same planning and the fastest growin� cavnties, and the eiries wit�tin thern, ta pian extensively in keepi�-�g with state goals an: sprawl reduction, affordable housing, ecanomic developmeni, open space and recrearion, shareiine management, environznentaliy sensitive and natural resource areas, regional transportation, environmental protection, property rights, natural resaurce industries, histaric lands and buildings, permit pcocessing, public facilities and services, and early and cantinuous pubtic participation; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires all caunries and cities within the . state to classify, designate, and conserve natuml resource lands (forest, agricultural, and mineral) and protect critical areas (wetlands, gealogically hazardous areas, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, aquifer recharge areas, and frequently flooded areas); and WHEREAS, Chapter 36.70A RCW requires t`xrant County to adapt a Camprehensive Plan that meets specified GMA goais and addresses the mandated GMA eIements; and � Wi�CEREAS, the Grant County Planning Cammission and the Grant County Department of Community Development have produced a Camprehensive Plan�Draft Environsnental Impact Statement that meets the sgecified�GMA goals and addresscs the mandated GMA elemcnts; and WIIEREA�, the Grant County Planning Commission campleted an extensive public review proeess that meets or exceeds the requiremcnts of Grant County Resolution establishing Grant County Growth Management Act (GMA) Public Partrcipatran Program pursuant to RCW 36.70A.020(11) and RCW 36.70A.140; and WHEREAS, the Grant Cownty Planning �amrnission compiled an extensive public record, including studies, documents, and correspondence that was carcfuily considered during review of the Comprehensive PIanJT)raft Environmental Impact Statemertt; and Grant Counrv Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. 99-158-CC Page 2 WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission relied upon best available data and science in specifying Comprehensive Plan/Draft Environmental Impact Statement content, goals, and policies; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan/Draft Environmental Impact Statement has been reviewed by affected State, federal and local agencies and Tribes, and found, generally, to be in compliance with the requirements of the GMA; and WFiEREAS, the comments and correspondence provided by affected State, federal and local agencies and Tribes, has been considered during review of the Comprehensive Plan/Draft Environmental Impact Statement and in the preparation of attached Additional Findings of Fact; and WHEREAS, the DEIS was an integrated GMA document as specified by the SEPA rules (WAC 197-11- 235); and WHEREAS, Grant County, acting through its Responsible SEPA Official, conducted a thorough SEPA public review process, made a threshold determinarion, issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on March 29, 1998, and prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), all of which were reviewed and considered by the Crrant County Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, upon public notice, the Board of Grant County Commissioners conducted an open record public hearing on July 27, 28 and 29, 1999, upon notice, to consider the recommendations and findings of fact of the Grant County Planning Commission along with other public comment pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, upon public norice, the Board of Grant County Commissioners conducted closed record public workshops on August 9, 10, 16, 17, and 20, and September 13, 15, and 20, 1999, upon notice, in the Commissioners Public Hearings Room where they reviewed and considered both the July 8, 1999 final recommendations and the complete record provided by the Grant County Planning Commission as well as the public testimony and written comment provided on the Comprehensive Plan during their Ju1y 27, 28 and 29, 1999 open record hearings; and ._ WHEREAS, the Board of Grant County Commissioners considered the entire hearing record including the Planning Commissian's recommendation, and written and oral testimony submitted during the Commissioner's hearings; and WHEREAS, a number of pre-existing land use policies and plans that conflict with the goals and policies in the GMA and the Comprehensive Plan should be rescinded or modified to avoid conflict or confusion; WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan as adopted will provide policy direction to ongoing and future planning efforts and future development regularions which, when adopted, will implement the Comprehensive Plan; now therefore, I'I' IS HEREBY ORDAINED that the Board of Grant County Commissioners adopts the recommendarions and findings of fact of the Grant County Planning Commission Recorded Morion dated July 8, 1999, attached as Exhibit A, except as modified or supplemented in the annexed Additional Findings of Fact; and BE IT FiTRTHER ORDAINED that the Board of Grant County Commissioners adopts the Grant County Comprehensive Plan (including all maps and technical appendices referenced and included therein), dated September 1999, adopts Urban Growth Areas for the cities and towns of Grant County as � `': � •�;1•� � .� �! Grant County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. 99-1 S $-CC Page 3 designated on maps included in the Comprehensive Plan. adopCs the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, adopts the Final Bnvironmental Impact Statement. adopts the attached Addirional Findings af FacY and Conclusions of Law, and accepts the attached record compiled by the Grant County Planning Commission; BE IT 1�UitTHER ORDAINED that the Baard of Grant County Commissioners rescinds and repeais in their enrirety the foilowing conflicting resoiutions, plans andlor studies: t. Grant Counry Pianning Enabling Act (i977} Camprehensive i'lan; Resolutian No. 1977-104-CC 2. Couiee City interizn Urban Growth Area; Resoiurion and C7rdinance No. 45-187-CC 3. Eiecrric City Interim Urban Grourth Area; Resalution and Ordinance Na. 95-107-CC 4, Ephrata interim Urban Growth Area; Resalutian and Ordinance No. 95-134-CC and No. 99-4-CC 5. George interim Urban Growth Area; Resalution and Ordinance No. 95-188-CC 6. Grand Caulee Interim Urban Growth Area; Resolurion and Ordinance No. 96-129-CC 7. Hartline Interim Urban Growth Area; Resolutian and Ordinance No. 96-ISS-CC 8. Krupp Interirn Urban Growth Area; Resolution and Ordinance Na. 96-155-CC 4. Mattawa Interirn Urban Growth Area; Resolution and Ordinance No. 96-I31-CC 10. Moses Lake Interirn Urban Grawth Area; the January 20, 1998 Findings, Conclusians and Final Decision of the Board of Caunty Commissioners 11. Quincy Interim Urban Growth Area; Resolution and Ordinance Na. 95-6b-CC 12. RoyaI City Interim Urban Growth Area; Resolution and Ordinance No. 95-9$-CC 13. Soap Lake Interim Urban Growth Area; Resolution and Ordinance No. 96- I34-CC 14. Warden lnterim Urban Growth Area; Resolutian and Qrdinance No. 95-108-CC; 15. Wiison Creek Interim Urban Growth Area; Resoiution and Ordinance No. 96-155-CC; I3E IT F'URTF�ER ORDAIIYED that if any pravision or provisions of this ordinance ar its application to any person or circurnstance is hcld to be invalid, the remainder of this nrdinance or the applicarion of the provisiQn to ather persans or circumstances shall not be effected. BE IT FLTRTHER ORDALIYED, that all prior palicies, ordinances, resoiurions andJor regulatians rescinded and/or repealed by the adoprion af this ordina.ncc, including without iimitation, Grant County's Planning Enabling Act (197i) Cornprehcnsive Plan and fifteen (15) Interirn Urban Grawth A.reas set farth herein, are hereby expressly revived in the event that Grant County's Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan is at any time hereafter declared in its entirety to be invaiid ar of no effect by a reviewing body with jurisdiction, pursuant to RCW 3S.70A.302(4}. BE IT FUR.THER 4Ri3A]TtED that the Board of Grant County Commissioners adopts all recitals hercin as findings' of fact in suppart af this actzon. BE IT FUR.TFIER (�RDAINED that the cffective date of the Grant County Comprehensive Plan is Qctaber i . 1999. BE IT FLTRTFiER C1RDA.IlYED that this Ordinance is applicable to development applications determined by the County to be complete an ar after the effective date of this Ordinance. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Board of Grant Caunty Commissioners directs: (1} the Director of the Grant County Department of Cornmunity Developrnent to incorporate into a Finai Camprehensive Plan the changes delineated in the annexed Additional fmdings af Fact and the findings of fact of the Grant Counry Pianning Commission Recarded Morian dated July 8, 1999, attached as Exhibit A, except as modi�ed or supptemented in the annexed Addirianal Findings of Fact; (2} and to provide capies ta the Grant�County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. 99-1 S 8-CC Page 4 Department of Community Develapment, Trade and Econamic Development (DC`T:ED} and to other agencies as may be required by law no later than October 10, 1999; (3) publish a Natice of Action Taken in newspapers of recard and the SEPA Register, and (4) issue the Final Enviranmental Imgact Statement as required under SEPA. BE IT FIJRTHER ORDAINED that the Board of Grant County Commissioners directs the Director of the Grant Caunty Department of Community Develapment to: (1) request in writing an extension fram DCTED af I80 days for adoption of develapment regulations implernenting this Camprehensive Plan; and (2} begin preparation of said develapment regulations and afficial zoning map in arder confarming ta the I999 Comprehensive Plan.. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Board of Grant County Commissioners adopts aIl reciials herein as findings of fact in support af this actian:. PASSED by the Board of Grant County Coznmissianers in regular session at Ephrata, Washington, by the foilowing vote, then signed b its cmbership and attested by its Clerk in authorization of such passage this , ;�(�� day of _ �li� ._.., 1999. `� YEA; _ NAY; ABSTAIN; and _,� ABSEI�iT. BOAitD OF GRANT COT.3NN'17.i1' COh�h�IIS5I41YER5 GRANT CO , WASIDNGTON ��.r l `"" Tzm Snead, n �, �Y . Deborah Maore, Commissioner LeRoy Allison, Commissioner ATTEST: � Peggy � g � Clerk of the Baard - � � a