HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCl�r �V�����liJ�ill.L •..t.f��� A ���A1.Lf1111 \ V 1J �eek of I'��vemb�r 29,1999 T�e C��an� Gou�ty Commassioners session was catled tc� order at �.00 a.m. wi� all of the �om�nzssic�ners in attendance with t�a� Clerk of the �fla�d. The �ommissianers read and approved #�e minutes of the pre��di�g sess�on �.s wr�tien. ���f�� ! Chairman �nead was authc�rzzed tQ sign approval c�f the �,�quor Lice�se �ss�m�pt�c�n from the 'Willaws Park,Inc. �,r�'���� The �amm.�ssit�ners approved the salary increase c�f M�gan L. S�se�y o£ihe J��enil� �`�c�bation Depa�rttmenfi io $2,575.8Q per m�nth. �� ���3 The Ct�mmissic�ners receiv�d a fuily execut�d copy a� th� I�ie�-gove��e�t Agree�ent # EIVV�Ol.9�4�lbeiween the �V�shingtc�n Siate Mil�tary ��pa�ttmen� and Gra.nt �Qunty. ,��fi�� The �ommzssic�ners szgned a coni�act w�.th Lt�t�Piaurs,�c. fa� Iure bra�hure inaps. ���°��.�'�'he Commissioners approved the request by Grani Mental �ie�.�ihcar� ��� a budget amendment in the amou�t of �57,15{}. �.���� �"he C�mmissianers apprQved the starting salary c�f Iver A. 5k�vdald �af the ��venale Prc�batian I)epa..�ttment at $5.70 per haur. ��t'�� F T11e �o�nm� sszoners a.pproved the star�ing salary c�f F��n A. Signore�I� ofthe Juv��i1� P�abaizc�n i3eparttnaent at $5.�0 pen c��ur. �!���� �'he Cca:c�missic�ners apprc�ved the starting salary c�f Narma �spi�Q.za o�'ihe Ju�e�ile Prc�bation Depa�nent at $5.7� p�r ho�r. °�i��� Th� Comxi�issic�ners approved the R.equest far Trans�er of fuunds in th� Mi.sc. C�en. Gov�. I�epartment #125, �urrent E�pense �'und #0�1 in t�e am�unt of �1,�40 to re-a1lc�ca.te appro�riatxo�s for travel rezmbursen�zent �o �he i��i�r �onse�rvancy Board. ;�f{ �� The Cc�mmissianers received a cc�py �� Bert and Gayle Bargma� Pet��ion �c�r �e�rzew io the Grawth Managemeni I�earings Bc�ard, �� � k�� The Commissic�ners recezved sig�ed cc�pies of Contraci for Services to prc�v�de rnc�re effecfizve ac�ess ia the mainframe comput�r with {�ran� Gc��niy �ealt.� I}�si�i�i, Grant Co�.a�iy Emergency Ma�agem�ni Seav�c�s, �ity �f Ii�oses Lake, �hicago Tztle Insurance �ompany, iecurity Ti�le (�uaraniy,Inc., and ���ous '��ed Control BQard. ���� !��-. A�'ublic T�Iear��g c%�as held �egarding the Frelimis�ary plat request tcs c�eat� a�en�y-nine l�t subdivi�ion on approximately 82.I $ a�res i� �he (3pen Space �.ecreaii�n zone reques%d by Roger Fa�r. A moiic�n was �a�.de by �omr��ssl�ner A11iso�, se�onded by Camxnissioner Maore �hat Resolutzon �+Tumber 99-201-�� denying a Prelimznary Plat fc�r �esert �i11s be passed based o� findings and conclusicans as stated. �he moiic�n carried. 1=,����',� A mation was �nade by Commissic�ner Maore, seco�de�. by �ammissio�er A11ist�n tha� �esolutic�n Nu�.ber 99-2Q2-CC, Ordir�anc� Nc�. �9-20�-C� zmposing an adds��o�a1 Ct�unty-wzde excise t�x on �..ea� Es�ate trans�ctic��s �a� the purpc�s�s n� �apital impravem�nts be passed. �he �n��i�n ca��ed. �i�-�/,�r� �'� A n�c��ion was mad� by Co��mission.er A1lisan, second�d by �am.��ssione� 1V1t�c�re thai Resalution Number 99-243-�C se�ting a�'ublic �Se�,rzng fc�r �ecen�ber 21,19�9 at 1:00 p.m. relating tc� ihe facts �equiri�zg a� �.�prc�p�iatio� and expenditure a� �`un.ds for the Current E�pense Fund #�01, �c�r��er I�eparimeni #12� in ih� amc�uu�t of �8,000 b� passed. 'I`be �noiic�� ca�ri�d. c���`�/� A�otian was made by Com�nissioner A11ist�n, sec4nded by �ommissio�.�r IV�oore that R.esolution hlu�ber 99-204-C� se�i;ing a P'ub1�c Heari�g �`c�r �e�ember 21,T999 at 1:00 p.m. relating to �he �'acis requ�ring ar� apprc�p�at�o�a a�d expendiiure c�f fiu�ds fflr ihe Repaa�rr and Demc�Iz%ion Fund �#1I8, D�part.�nent �1.60 in th� ��na��i of $ S88.t�� be passed. The m€�tic�� carried. ��,,i I; � c� The Com�issio�ers set a, �.b�c Hea�ng for December 21, 19�� �i �.:Ofl p.n�, �eg�.rding the request for suppleme�tal budget for G�ani �o�a�z�y �Vier�t�l Ke�1�h F�d #408, I�epartm��t #15(� in the amaua�t a�'�57,�50. l-�! ���7 The �oznmiss�t�ners received a capy of the P�i�t�c�� fc�r Review befo�e ihe ��,s��rn Wash�ng-��n Growth Ma�agemen� Hea�ings B�ard fro�n Saddle Mc�untain Mi.�erals, L.�.�., e� aI. The matter was r�fe�red to �he �'rasecu��g Aito�-ney �'a� handling. ;�� ��r � Th� �c��i ssia�e�s �eceived a copy c�f �he Petiiion %�- Review be�ore tb� Eastern �ashgngtc�n Grc��th Mana�e�nent Heari�gs Board �ro� the City c�f :N.��ses �ak�. 'i'he ma�ier v�as referred to the �osecuting Aitorney for handl��g- ��.i; i 1�'�h� Cammiss�oners r�ceived a cc�py af the Petition for Rev�ew before the Easiern Washingt�n 6�-ro�vih Management Heari�gs S€�ard from ihe C�a�� Co�� Assc�cia�i�n �f Rea�t�rs. The matter �vas referred to t�e I'rc�secuting P�tic�rney �ar �ar�c�Iing. �� ���The �omn�issic�ne�s received a copy of #�e revised Gra�t Cc�a�r�� Co�rdil�ated Water ��stem Pian. J��"l�i The Com�issiamers szg�ed a proclamation hanori�.g E�wa�-d J. Mc�.eary fc�r his work o� �sh research. r����/�-..��A Pub�c I�earing was held and a�otio� was made by Can�miss�on�� :TV1oo�e, secc►nded by �a�nmissioner Aliison that Resolution �Iumbe� 99-2Q5- CC �elati�� tc� a s�ppleme�atal ex�ension i� ��e 1999 budget c�f the �,a� and 3ustice Fuut�d �a the amt��t e�f $6,37� be passed. 'T}�� motia� carried. As �here �r�,s no i�her business to come befc�re ihe Board ihe session iv�.s a�jc��.r�€d u�til I�ec�m.ber �i,1999. AT �'�ST: � � �� t.i ►_,�i� + �' r,,� - � - � . ,� - : ♦ . � :i �' i ! f � t ! ! ' GRANT C�Q . y �', WAS�IZNG`�'C}N � '� � € �` ,� �• � � �hairman � � �