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Resolution 99-170-CC
BOA�Rll OF COUNTY COIVV�MISSIONERS GI2r�NT COUNY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NUMBER 99-17Q—CC A RESOLUTION relating to a supplemental extension in the 1999 budget of the DOMESTICE VIOLENCE FUND# 128,DEPT.# 170 due to unanticipated state and/or federal funds. WHEREAS,it has been brot�glit to the attention of the Board of Grant Commissioners that unanticipated state and/or federal funds have been made available for the 1999 budget of the DOMESTICE VIOLENC�FLTND# 128,DEPT.# 170 in the amount of $4Q,330 ;and WHEREAS,RCW 36_40.100 authorizes supplemental appropriations from unanticdipated state and/or federal fiznds after publications of notice of the time and date of a public hearing at which the supplemental appropriarioiis resolution will be adopted,and the amount of the appropriation, once each week,for two consecut�ve weeks prior to such public hearing in tl�e official newspaper of the county; and WHER�AS,publication of the requisite legal notice was made in the Dail� Herald newspaper of Grant County on 10 J 15&22 j 99 and said public hearing��vas held in the Grant County Commissioners'Office,Grant County Courlhouse,�phrata,Washington; NOW,THERE�ORE,BE IT T�SOLVED BY THE BOARll OF COIJNTY COMMISSIONERS of G12ANT COUNTY,STATE OF WASHINGTON,that the_1999 (year)budget of the DOMESTICE VTOLENCE FUND# 128,DEPT.# 170 supplemented and extended in tlia sum of $_40,330 from unanticipated state and/or federal funds according to the following schedule of categories and items: APPROPItIATIONS REG.SALARIES&WAGES 301.562.8511_00 $ 6,600 EXTRA HELP 301_562.85_12.01 $ 1,300 RETIREMEl�[T 301.562.8521.00 $ 505 SOCIAL SECURITY 301.562.8522.00 $ 505 MEDICAL LIFE DENTAL 301562.8523.00 $ b40 INDUSTRL4L INSURANCE 301.562.8524.00 $ 80 SUPPLIES 301.562_8531.00 $ 2,225 SMALLTOOLS/MINOREQLJIP 301.56285_35.00 $ 700 COMMUNICA7'fONS 301.562.85_42_00 � 460 TRAVEL 301.562.85.43.00 $ 250 ADVERTISING 301562.85.44.00 $ 625 REPAIRS&1l�fAINT. 301.562.85.48.00 $ 140 MISCELLANEOUS 301.562.85_49.00 $ 2,500 . CAPITAL OUTLAY 301.562.85.64A0 $ 23,500 INTEREUbID INSURANCE 301.562.85_96.00 $ 300 7'OTALAPPROPRIATIONS $ 40,330 FTNANCING SOURCE FED GRANT-VOCA 301333.15.75.00 $ 40,330 TO"CAI.FINANCING SOURCE $ 40,330 Done this 25th day of October , 19 99 1, Chainnan ATTES7��-l. L� ,,'r� G' �,�f Clerk of t d ! �C.�(1.C�� !�`�-� s Board of County Commissioners Grant County,Washingion :�—�t3—�1�Lj� vl�:@OPh1 i=�:OPr1 GCRIENTALHEALTH 15�97651 Ei82 t�_ � . +�,�_ :.. _- - ., � _��� . j :�. = � � it- ' _ II'' Ir � �i#F �.��� �+���-� �1m�4�,���.��r� ;i?:::�. ���[�; � t�` ����a. i�. .}:.. .��w --- - •`�i'��rvm�atF healthy com�rttu�titi�s ihrvug-h the pr�visivn vf quulity merxxtx�hertl'sheare" �ii'; . i";'t;�� ;' ; ;): .. . ' ;1�: �1_ : � �������� �'�� � � s�t���7, ��� . :,', ��' � �I: `_ . :�-:,:;: ��t County Coman�s�ioner� -':r ,.. � f'.U.S�ox 37 � ;�,-: ;:..�. Ephr�ta WA 988�3 . ;I:� . . ,i = . � �ar�o�niss-�.a�ers, - ;I;. -;.: . .''� ;°� : '�iTe 3�.ve r��eivec�and�dditiQr,�gz�xt for o�]domestic V�c►��nc����g�. '�}xe�rant is ,�'; ;�: ' �`ux�.�'ed by�lict�s r�f�x-izrxe Act('�'��A}�rd i$£t�x$79�,3U4. The g�an�t peric�d is C�ctob�z� :� ��; . Y, 1999-S�ptember 3i},2[lQQ_ �r .t.°. . ;�: - . . , �°= . I have enclosed th�$�d et�.m�r�drn�nt fnr#��r��zzaindez of tlle �-with t�ae acco�nx �l'�,`: : � y ;�._.. . � � ;;. cc�des Bob 1'�Ic�s�r n�. � � ;I,� .. . ,,. . Chzis�ta�Whit��als� �pt�t�en ko Bo�r�d asked for at2y adviGe h�had on a�cau�tin� for � �rar�t�, �i,zace our da�estic viol�n�e gro�ramis gra�nts are �'e��c��s�rviGe we a�ways Yrav� ' �. to re�;ist�r wa�rarrits ta pay csur vquchers an�D.thezz get�reimbz�rsec�.�Iis suggestion�+ras t� g�# a ca�h ac��a��ce �or 2�3 �r��s vvorth�f expenditi�r�e���rr�the caunty_ � '��,�: ;;': We�vaezld 1�.'k�;t�rec�uest a cash adv�ae a�2 znan'khs op�erati�ng e�rpez�e, �rhich ks ;�� ; . $�3,��#2.50. . �# ;I. . . ;I. i �,. , Th�z�Ic yo� for ya�conside�e�ataon. "Yau can either get't�k�a�&aristai�4Vhit� or me�nc� ;:` .� ,. f�� :; � 7ss-9239_ . . 'i:,:'= , , . ,i; s�����, ���: : . �. <:: : � . ..�s ofi Caun-�y Commissione: � ,;: ;5:;� � �� •ad�ant� Caunty, Washington �i;: `�; ` ��-�'� � ���-��'�---� � Disapprove �S�z-on K:iehn ApPrave ;�; : Exc�utiv�iQ�cic�r Dis#. �1 Dis#.�],,.,.,,.,,_,.,._ ;I':�i: Dist. #2 Dist.��._._, - ;I�� `''� iI :t'; - Dfst. #3 Dist.�3 '�.: :f; . _ .�. � ��:. : . � ;i_ �: - ,,: : pt� BOX iU57 � 2a3 CENTRAL AVE. S. � A�1 F4RSl1YN R4?. ,,�; .:'. : Q �Q381N. IVY � . . � ''� ,'.� MOSES LAKE.WA 98837 QUlN�Y,WA 988a8 GRaNp�4U���.�WA g�13$ ;f> :E=. (5D9)7P�5•9233 (50�J) 7$7=448$ (5�9)633-7�47i I# � �: Fax: (549}765-1582 Fex: (549)78.7•1431 � Fax-(50�)fi�3-21A$ (. .r.:.: rr q ,; �:- �—_rs—�i:��y ���:�7 I--'r�� �-t:L���f GCNiEf�lTALHEALTH 7 50��651 582 p_ � -' _ ., �� . � : � DQ1U1��`t"�ViDLEi�6CE�34JD��T'A�tEN�t4AE�1'i' . � >: ,, . ACGT# RE1r'EN#.!E JI`'. � �I� ... �:: _.. 3�#�.333.9�TS.tlf} F€�EF�hL G��41VT-Vi3Gt'+. $4Q,33�.4U C3�Ci�t�3E.i�7.1�98-B�G�BER 8i,18�#3.9 :� s:. EX�'Etti1DtTURE ' ` ; .�: 3US.6&�.S.r.R'9.D0 �T,AFF $�,SC3p.�di ' 307.5&2.8�.72.t11 Dt+l-CCA�LL S1,3D��{I ' . 303_�2.85.�'f.{�t7 B�ta�EFfP3r �505.f3Q 3fl�f.582.55.�2.ilb ��_� �'!_56285_23 f�0 $6�4.� �41.SS?.88_24_+Q� ,�g�_� � i�.�: 3oi.s5x.ss.3�.00 su�uEs �z,225_�a 3oi.562.ss.a5.no �tAltk2 Et�u�n��' Saa�.oQ I ��°.�. 3dTt.5Q2.88142.Q0 Co14EMttiYlGATt[)At $4Bft.�kQ � 4:: �: 3U1_ssz.s5.lta_oo n�[l.E,aG� �2so.�o � .: ` 3t1'l.$8�.85.44.i?O 1+Dt�EiiTl3th[G 5625.O�J � �,_ , . � ._.:= 3{!'1.�2.$5.A8.0£1 ,€�19T'i7 A�017+TIENFINCE $14i3:00 � .�. •'' 3[D4_5�rZ.85.+49.Qd T'i2�LIWtE+1G $2,500-OC� I`� "'. 3Q�t.�.s�.s��.00 E4tt1��n�a�rr �23,slxx.�a � �: =: �Eli.�.$S.9$.� tF,l'CRFidD lNSUFtJ�[wt�� �344.t}� � �: :: : :I� . .� �40�,330.Q0 ��;. .�; . I� _.. I.: � . 1 :::�: I�° ::_. � .. � �� � o�r��r�ss�, � . I. . � �.; ::..