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Resolution 99-164-CC
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'� p yL � ��N v C>N V" � � � °�6 � m � � o � � � v � ;�� �'� � ��.�� � � � C� �' o , pc� °' r t - . V pA;30;98 THL 1�:13 Fs3 206 852 3�35 I�h'��'JT,`dE:�-F"iS C(3�SL�LT�.'�'I' Kenr�edy/Jer�ks Cot�sultaa�ts . `;��.� �- �DD6�i��+[��. TC7�IGS F4R THE CNARACTE�tZAi1�3� A�ID I�f�t��T�Rit�G REPCIRT . The f�liowing paragraphs address }xoposetl��apes of wark and casts for�ections regarded as additions to tf�e characterization report. Task 9. �actors CorttrolitnQ NiYrate Mo�ernen�in Soi4s and Peterstia4 �or Nitrat� movement beifl�+r the c%p rooi zana, This task wil!Iprovitie a fratneworlt�r evatua�n� #he potentiai for nitrate movement below the crop root zo��e_ Nitrate rnovement wiil be evaluated far select�d soils, irrigation systems, and crcpping pattern eombinat�ons prev�lent in�he Columbia 6asin GWMA_ Th� resutts af these evatuations are irnportant because they wii! provad�� ranking of sites regar�ding th�ir p�tential fa leach nitrafe. Ths I�asic bac�cground intorma�ion wfi(be develope� bas�d on a review of fechnica(litet'ature. `This inf�tmafion-wil! be interpreted for the specific canditi�ns c�f the GWMA using readity avaifable information including area gealogy, relevant agricu�tural data, locaf soil znaps, etc. Delrv�rables: 'f"h�products of this task wili bs a� a written descrip�ian of fhe fac#ors control[ing nii[rat2 movement to be inciuded in the sails section of fhe Ct�aracterizatipn and rnonitar�ng report; b) a com�iiafion o�f�ars tp cansider in assessing the vu(nerability Qf 2 site fo pot�ntial � nitrate leaching; ar�d c) a compifatian ofifactors for evalua�ng url�ur.�BMPs are ap�ropriate fc�r specific sites within GWItl1A Cost: Labor estimat� is 64 hours with a total cost pabor+t meeting�ex�ens�s} oT$6,28(�. Task 2. Nitrogen Cy�l,ng in 5ait� and Groundwa�er.This task expands�n the Task � . objEctive of descriarr�g nitrat� movement_ Ni�rai� i�just one consfituen#in a compi�x cycle and, of�en, solertir�ns#o nitrate issues are implemented by managing �ttzer ta�fars in the nitrogen cycle. The description of the nitroc,�en cycle propoaed here wauid provide the background for - under'stancling �omr a r�umber�f nitrpgen manac,�ment o�tions irrtara�t. . A tfescriptiort of the nifro�en cyc�e in spils v�cw_lc� be th� basic product of-this�ask. This descri�Zfion cart be used in other Graundwater Management PI�t'�sections to support deve6o�ment ofi agric�ltura� snd o#t�r scfil based#ecf�niques for rnanaging fh�var��us farms af nitrogert to minimize impa�ts to graundwater. !n ad�it�att, a s��tion fhat a�dr�sses ti�e potetttial �nrFX+. n^ 'r ni r-'��' vau i;i taiui9Uih[eH�.l ,�: ��::���,� �„t�.��� ��; � -�'^. �` a �Jiii�3C ��°v�i�i�2d :�asea an nre sa�ne���ni.;�i ir�orma�ion_ Detiverables: The product of this task�rill b�a turifiten description of the nitrogen cycje v�tith emphasis an factors that managem�nt(and BMPs}can directfy a€��ct. CQst: Lsb�r estim�te is�� hours vuith a tofal eost(i�bor+� msetingfexp�ns�s) ofi��,720, 2�S�pterrtber 'f 999 Page � 98��}88.40 s:lse�eamalY�siOwnn'�sdm in'v�awsopm2.dcc