HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-129-CCZ� ♦ TT !1T !`IATTI►7TT7 l�IA7lT1\T7C4L'17AiTTT1C1 n��� vr t.vu�v i� t.vlv�.ivi���it�i��tc� lrTl\t�l\ 1�.V V 1\T 1 I q rrT��Jlull �T�T 1 Vl\T TTTTl�1L TTT'T1 LT�'T'T� � � ^1T1T^ 99-129-CC llV 1t1� 1Vit�1 1LSK l�F 1� 1�I1i1 1iL1�i�i�TIV1V � ic��OLLiivi� ���. �F L�T 1 u�:�iF`TH SHQRT PsT.AT L�ATED �T ; s � r n mr Tsi� ci rrr r �i � n 1`i PQRI 1 V1V 'Or JE� i 11�1V IL� i G�viti �i u.c- 1 a I I�E.�SOL U 111�IV �lI I�ICV V llV U '�RTORTH, P a,Nt'iE 22 EAST, �.L �T,�IE'FTE ; A PLAT A�T�.TEI�4TIG��T �vSE%�i'Ii�l'3, Gt`2z�i�i �i3L`ivTl' Y,»T��i�irG i viv j y ��I3� S�T� �'�'�P�,�� 111�i DU�� Ol CO�.III� l.6IIIIIIIJJIGI-1�J �U'i'�QII� CVlIL� 11LIj'� U�Gll a�vi�ed by t�'�c Gra�� C�urity F1ari�ing Cum�i�sic�n that dn apea re�,c�rd �ubiic ��ariag w�s c�n�uct�d ca� Ju1y 7, 3599, �a �� iratt�r o� alt�ring i,� � c� the ��ith J��t Pla� an� adjc�i�ing ;zn�latte� �ragLrtg', ��ick i� lacated in a�rtia� of u�ti.;n 12, T�wx��ig �8 �7ortt�, Range 22 Ea�� �r�iliamc�t� Meridia�, �raut Cuunty, �ashingtar; �HEItEAS, t�e G-raut Cc3unty Plauning Commissic�r� an Tuly ', 1�99 made a r�c�mmendatiaII tv the ��ard �f Ce�unty Cammissian�rs ta appr6v� this pra��ed plat altzrati��; VVHERE�, The Grant County Boarc� af Comrr�issianers held a cl�seci recard public me�tiug an August 9, 19�9; V�HEREA�, the B6ard �f Caunty C�mmissi6ners have m�de � decisiun t� uphald the rc�.t�mmendatic�n ta approv� the prapc�sed pla# alterati�n requ�st; ��HERE�S, the Board of County Commissioners l�ve faund that the progosal is c�nsist�nt with the Graut Caunty Ct�ffiprehensive P�an; �HEREAS, the Bc�ard af Ccsunty CammissiaIIers have f�und �t the gu�lic use and i�terest will be serv�d by the plax alteratian; WHERE�S, the Baard of County Cammissioners lia�e faund tt�t the gropo�� will uot advers�ly eff�t the h�a.lth, safety� aIIi� ��Ii�id1 W�l�di'� t3�t}I� �i1i�31iC iil �1� V1C17I1� ��i�I� �ilapOSa�; NaW, T�ERE�'OItE, �E IT RE30L�D, t�at the Board of Caunty Commissioners for Gran# County, W�hington apgrove by this Resolution, a plat altea�ation on tl3e fc�llawing describ�d prc��rty: LOT 1 OF T}f SMITH SFtORT PLAT PER TFE SHORT PLAT ThEREOF A5 RECORDED IN BODK 61 OF SHORT PLATS, PAG�S 96 b 97, �RDS OF GRANT COUVTY, ifASHINGTON, TOGETFER MITH TFiAT PQRTION OF TF� NORTHYEST OUARTER OF Tlf SOUTHMEST OUARIER � SECTIC7N 12, TDYNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 22 EAST, V.M., GRANT COLNTY, YASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS� BEGIMIING AT TFE SOUTHVEST COR�ER OF SAIO LOT 1: TIiNCE NORTH O6•28'40" EAST, FOLLOWZNG TEE WEST BOLINDARY � SAID LOT, 100.23 FEET TD TFE NORTHtiIEST CORI�R Th�REOF: TF�NCE NORTH 89•SS'07" EAST, FDLLOVIt�'a Tli NORTH BOINDARY OF SAID LOT, 132.91 FEET TO ThE NORTFEAST CORI�R Ti-E�OF AND A POINT ON A NONTANGENTIAL Cl1RVE, THE CENTER CfF VHICH BEARS NORTH 88'36'43" EAST: TFENCE SOUThEASTERLY FOLLOYYNG Ttf EAST BOUNOARY OF SAIO LOT AND SAID CURVE TO Ti� IEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANQE OF 42•54'02" AND A RADIUS OF 145.00 FEET, iDB.57 FEET: ThE� SOUTH 00•18'02" EAST, FOLLOMING THE EAST BOUJDARY � SAID LOT, 1.72 FEET TO f1iE SOUThEAST CORNER OF SAZD IOT: ThIENCE COfJTZNUING SOUTH 0�•18'02" EAST, 191.67 FEET TO AN It�TERSECTION VI7H TFE EAST BOL�JOARY OF THE PRiEST RAPZDS ITYDR00.ECTRIC PROJECT, MIANAPUM DEVELOPM�NT, EXI-IIBIT "K" tiiE!/ISEDI , SFEET 11: TFENCE NORTH 44•26'21" VEST, FOLLOVZNG SAID EAST BOINDARY � SAID PRIEST RAPIDS ITYDROELECTRZC PRO.EECT, 266.35 FEET: TtiENCE NORTH O6•28'40" EAST, CONTIMJING TO FOLLOY SAIQ EAST BOIdJDARY OF SAID PRIEST RAPIDS ITYOROELECTRZC PROJECT, 0.99 FEET TO TFE POINT OF BEGIP�CJING. C�'�3I3�€3f��. `TiY� fcsli�w'�n� ar� ct�r�d�ti��s c�ia��rc�vai, �vhi� w�� u�d iA il�� Gra�t ���.y B�ard �fC�unt� Cc�nmissit�rsea's cic�ci record p�blic rneetir�g t� apprr��re the propo�d Pl�t Alt�ati�. I7�v�lo���t �ha11 i� in cc�plia�ce wish t�� �r�wwti3 �rfan�g�ent Act, 'Th� C�urity-Wide Pi�ning PQlicies, The V�a.�ingtc�t St�te En�rc�n�tai Pc�2ic�� Act, the Gra�at �o�ty Cc�npret�eensive Plan, ttae Gz•ant Cc�uuty ���g Or�ii�ar�c:e, a�� all applicable �c�cal, stat�, a�d f�erral regu�aticsns, Fralings ar rec�uir�m,e�tts. 2. Develc�pment sha12 c�n.plq with all app�icable requirem�ts af the Grant ��unty Fir� l�arshai iuc3uding but not limiied to the Unifarm �3ualding �ode and Unifc�rtn Fire Code. I3�v�lt��� �tt �Il �u�tt�51� wi� all ���v�1�ts �� �`est�ct�c� �`���ti 15y Ih� G��1t ���t�y 1}ti151�� W4rk� Depart�n�nt, incluc�ng hut�ot limited ta: a. �c���� � ��oa.ao ���z c�i�� ��. b. �ht�w the � and access easements fotzud an the Smith Short Plat, rn3 tt�e faee c�f the re-p1at. �. Lc�t lA ��i i„c�t 1�ll � r�c�i�f g��d. G�t Cui�ty �as �� �t��t ��i ��diti�l r�ad �edicatiarz. The Sf�' mia�i�tt�m r�ad frc�nta�e can �e ol�tained t�y c��er me�. ci. Apprc��b p� will be tequired prir�r t� is�uanc� of b�.ti�ding���veit�rn�t p�zts. �. Lleve�oger shh�lll comply with sll rec�uire.n�ents deetned necessazy by the Grra�nt Cv� Kealth I)i�trict, the �4V�in�,�tan St�te Department ofH�a3th, ax�d the W�gt�n State D�p��t �fEc�logy regare�ing dor�e�tic �uater suPP�Y� �e�age systems and �tcam �rate� cc�ntrczl and treatment iuclucii�g, i� n�t li�rtzt� to: RCW 9Q.48.08(3 Discl�arge �fPt�ll.tzt�ng Water Probibiteti; �VAC 173 2Q1, �urfa� W�t�r St�rtci�rds; WPs.0 173-201 E4, Grotmd Water Qaai.ity SE�nciartl� and Vd14C 2�6-272, C?n-�ite ��w�g� Sy�i��. 5. Ifany Native Amerieau Gr��e site{s} c�� arehaeologic�lleult�I resources (Uidi� Artif�.cts) are found all ci�nstrs�ctic� a�tivi�y shall. st�g an�i tl�e c�wnc�ldevei€�p�r sha11 immediat�Iy nc�tify the Calvill� Conf�derated Tribe� anci ttze Washin�tc�n �tate t3ffice ofArch�eolc�gy �d I�storic Preservatiou. 6. Sk�li ��iy �iCt� all ��ii�r�t�ts o�tYte Gz`�t C�imry A�s�c��, ��iut�g but ��t l�zii�d Co, a. �4.dci�tion of �gnature l.iztes far Karl Hagen �nd Rc�b� �-Iagen (husband and wife}; and Steve �ichi� and �h�yi Bichi� �usband and wi%j, a� they are tisted as p�rties having interest in said ��� 7. �ha1l eo�.Oply with aIl reqcur�m�ts of the Grant Caunty PI7D, includ'zug but r�t�t limit�d tc�, a, Road �npleticzu caf Ssuith Sl�ort Flat public acce�s rt�ad (A�' 964111Qi?l}�s requ�red under the c�rig�al �mith �laort Plat apprc�v�I. &. Prc�pt�nent shall compiy �rith all requirefn�tts r�f the G�t Cc�uut� Platting �d St�divisiozr kegttlatitxi�s. Done #�ti� C�air�au, d�y�af �94°. �� Commissian�r, D�borah IVloore � � /��r�. � �� �# �:a�.:�:.�� �Lrii��f`�i�'r/ '" �i, �� � �� �� �•'��� ���� �� ATTEST; Peggy Cler� of c�ard C��stit�tin� the B�ard �f Ctsunty C�r�raissi���r� csf GraIIt �tsunty, �'a�hingt�� �