HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-124-CC�o��► o� ca��v� ca��vnrsszorr�xs GRANT CUUNY, WASHINGTCIN RESOLUTTflN NUMBER A RESOLUTION re�ating to a supplemental exten,sion in tlae 1999 budget of the SHERIFP' DEPT. # I 14, CURKENT EXPENSE �'UND # 001 dtze ta unanticipated state �.nd/or federal funds. �9-124—CG W�IEREAS, it has been brr�ught to the atten�ion af the B�ard of (Jrant Co�m7issioners that unanticipated sta�e and /ar federal funds have been mad� available far the 1999 budget af �e SHERiF�' DEPT. # 114, CUKRENT EXPEN�E Ft)ND # C101 irz the arnount af $S,OOt� ; a�d W[�REAS, RCW 36.40.104 authoz�zes supplemental ap�ropriations fram us�anticdipated state andlor federal fiu�ds after pubiications af notice of the time and da�e of a public hearing at �hich the supplemental appropriations resolution will be adopted, and the amount af the appro�riatian, once eaclx week, far two cansecutive weeks priar to such public hearing in the official ne�vspaper of t1�e county; and �REAS, publication oftl�e requisite Iegal naiice was made in the Daily Herald newspaper of Grant Couniy on 8/ 3&1019 9 and said public hearing was held in t1�e Grant Caur�ty Cam�nissiaz�ers` Off-ice, Grant Caunty Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington; NOW, THEREFURE, BE IT RESC?LVED BY THE BOtll?� Cl� C4UNTY CONIMISSTOraFRS of GRANT Ct�[T�TTY, STATE (7F WASHI�GT4N, that the _1999 (year)budget of the SHERIFF DEPT. # 114, CL;rRIt3ENT E�PENSE FIT�D # 40I supplemenied and e�ended in the sum of $_„_5,400 from unaniicipated state andJar federal funds accarding ta the following sehedule of categori�s and items: APPRCiPRtATIONS E1TRA HELP & (?VERTPv1E FINANCING SOURCE ST.GRANT-�'RAFFIC SAFETY COMM. szr.zo.la.aa TC3TA.i, APPitOPR1ATIdNS 114.33403_50 $ s,aoo $ S,Q00 $ 5,440 TC3TAL FINANCING SOLTitCE $ 5,4q0 Dane this 16th day of Au�ust , 19 99 � ` ATTEST ,,y.,�,�+, Clerk of t� t�oard Grant County, WasYrington �auman m MICHAEL SHAY Undersheriff PETE McMAHON Captain WILLIAM A. WIESTER, SHERIFF GR,AIVT COUNTY S�-IEF�IF�`'S OFFICE July 21,1999 File No. A2209 Grant County Commissioners Grant County Courthouse Ephrata WA 98823 Dear Commissioners� P.O. Box 37 • Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 754-201 1 • (800) 572-01 19 Fax (509) 754-2058 E-IVlail: gcsheriff@qwksilvr.com BRYAIV PRATT Chief Deputy JERRY BUTLER Chief Deputy LESLIE GOIVZALES Administrative Assis�ant Please consider this letter my official request for an extensi�n of $5,000 to the Sheriff s Extra Help/Overtime budget: This amount represents a gr�nt from the Washingto� 5tate Traffic Safety Commission fior reimbursement to the Sheriff's Qffice for traffic en��rcement,. in �nd around the Gorge during cancerts. The life of the grant;i� from Jurt� �,1999 to �eptember 15,1999. If you have any qusstions, please.eorttact me. Sincerely, William A UViester Sheriff •� _ „�,�"'�..,y� � � Michael Shay Undersheriff MS:cmm ����r��� tl - ti �M� �/ � �MA i c� �1 iw�i `�: x�i �i 1� � A . ;; �.1,,� Q�' (.:C�k.lil`�y �.=�3'�'lii'�.4�SIOli� .; ,..,�°;ar�� County, Wastyin�ton �pprove ,�,, I�isa�prave Dist. �� �' pist. �1�... Dist. �2 C�i�t, ��,,,�,�,..,. Di�t. �� � �Ist. ��� 2 � �� �L�IN'i � ��/ G .> .