HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 91-132-CC�� • . � � ��' ��.. . _• � . -, . � .'; :',. � , ..
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V1/HEP�EAS, ihe County Comr�issieners ha�� agreed to sei up ru�es
gover�ing err�ployra�tent o� Court Reporfiers working 9n Superior Co�rt, ae�d
11V6�ER�S, the r�ies they have agreed to are as follows:
1. SA�ARY Repor�ers salary wo�ld be negotiated bet�ve�n Commissioners
ar�d }udges annually.
2. Lt'�NGEVITY BEiUEFiT Reporters vvould receive longevity benefit. �or
purposes of tongevi�y their ar�niversary da�e will be .�anu�ry 1,1991.
3. �OlJRS R�porters v►rould work fulf, r�gt�(ar �ours. i�ihen available,
repor�ers would assis$ administrative bailiff with Jury processing or assist
Co�nty Clerk. Reporters onr��id ravt work outs6de �f the courts and Clerk's
�ffice as they need to be a�railable or�-cali to the judges.
4. VACATIO�VS, SICK LEAVE Reporters wouid receive four weeks vacation,
�aken at the same time as Ja�dges vacation, and 1 day per month sick leave.
5. �FF��IAL TRANSCR1PiS Reporters wou{d no# work on state pa9d, officia!
tra�scripts(required by lav,r) during regular hours. Reporters would continue
to pay ali of their owr� costs relating to prepara�►on of trar�scripts.
6. �REELA�tCE Vt�ORK Repor�ers would not norrr�ally be aliowed to da any
freelance repor#ing. �lowever i� an �m�rgency required such ser�ice, neither
the reporting nor transcribir�g woa��d 6nvolve use vf County tirs�e, equipr�ent
or supplies.
7. IXPENSES Reporters vvo�ld contin�e to pay thei� own expenses for
licens�ng, back-up discs, coLrtroom r�achine, rnachir�e rnaintenance, e�c.
NOW THEREFORE, �E {T FIE�E�Y RE�OLVEC? that the ab�ve o�#lined rules
are F�ereby adopted.
Dated this 14th day of October, i 991
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