HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-122-CC� �3R� �E C�� °t� �C� ISS�� ��� ', c���� �a����, v��������o�a �� I2ESOLUTIi)N NIIMI3T:i.� 99-122-CC ', A RESOLIITION authc�rizing a,n a�propriation and expenditure of f��rici� for t�7e followi�zg depa�rttnent f fund: Current Expense Fund, Commissioners'. re�artment � 1 n� : togeiher with a htidget tliere � iore, pursuant to RCW 3�.40.1�0. �'HEREAS, it has been brought to the attet�tion of ti1e� I3c�.i�•c� � oi County Commissioners nf Grant County thai emE�rg�ncy ec�nditions require t�at an appropri�tiun and expenditure af fu�ds k�c� atit.h- , orized for t�e above-r��entioned d�partment/fund, togeth���• witpi a' budget t�ereiox; and WHEREAS, pursuant to �tCW 36.4Q.140, Resolution No. qg-111-cC was duly adopted on ,Tulv 14,1999 ,and publislied in the Daily Herald on 7/19&26/99 declaring an emergency and stating the��acts constituting the emergency ai�d__ the estimated amount of f�incis required to meet it, �ogeti�er witt► �i notice of public hearing, and saa.d public hearing was helci thereoii where interested persons�w�re allowed ta appear and be lieard; NOW, THEREk'QRE , IIE IT RFS�ILVED BY TfiE BOARD OF C(3IlNTY f'C)��M I S- S�ONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATI� OF WAS�iINGTON, that an �t���a't)j7I'lat.ic�Yi and expendiiure of iunds is her�:by authorized for the following department / fua�d :�„rrent Ex�ense Fund, Commissioners Dept .��10I in the total su� of $ 15.000 aecording to th� attac3�ed budget. Th�s resolution is in the bes� inierests of good government . and shall t�ke effec.t immediately upon its passage. aoraE ak�5 27 � QAY O�_ July ,>q 99 � �`'� t�77EST: � � � Clerk ot tM Ba�ord � i a Commissiontr Cons4iSu8ing tEas �oard o# Caunty Comrnissioners of G�an4 Cour�ty, Washington ' ° � � RESOLUTION WORKSHEET ' � , ' R2 ' CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001 COMMISSIONERS DEPT. # 101 R3 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001 ' COMMISSIONERS DEPT. # 101 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 99-122-CC , APPROPRIATIONS 1NTERGOVT.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 511.60.51.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FINANCING SOURCES UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE 288.00 TOTAL FINANCING SOURCES $ $ $ $ EXPLANATION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE HANFORD REACH COORDINATOR COSTS 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 m July 13,1999 TO FROM: GR..AIvTT C ot710TTY QFFICE OF BOARD �JF COUNT� COIVTMISSIONERS POST OFF'ICE. BOX �7 EPHRATA, WASHINGTON 9s$23 (509) 754-201'1 Bob Mosher, Budgat Director Grant County �Gominissioners We will need: io da a budge� extension to include the arnQunt o� $15,000 �� the Miscellaneous Gsneral Government budget fram unexpe�.d�d fiind balance��o pay Grant County's obligation ta Bentori Count� for wh� �-Ianf�rd Reach Coa�dinator costs. � Thanks for your help. - � � � ` ,Cha�rman � _I ; �n �n. , V �to�Z.f.� � TS/pg TIM SNHAD DISTRICT 1 10999 STRATFORD RD. MOSES.LAKE, WA 98837 PHONE765-95q8 D�BORAH MOORE DISTRICT 3 1805 DODSON RD. N " MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 ' . PHONE787-3169 `� ,�° � +'��'.'r�� � �t� ,F�;� �,`,,.. �' �`� L�ROY AI,LISON DIS7RICT 2 20268 RD. 1 SE WARDEN, WA 98857 PHONE 349-2513