HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-110-CCB�}ARD t�F CC"�UtVTY C{�MM[SS[ONERS Grant Caunty, Washing#on 1N TNE MATTER qF AQt�PTING A COMPREHENS(ilE S1X YEAR TRANSPORTATiDN �MPRUVEMENT PR{�GR�AM Ft}R TNE YEAF�S zooa - �oo� Resoiution Nc�. �s-�.�o-cc WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Section 6, Chapter 83, Laws �f F..�ctraordinary Session of the State of Washington, Grant County did prepare a Camprehensive Transp�r�ation Imprc�verr�ent Program fior the ensuing six years; and WHEF�EAS, priority array of projects prepared in accar�ance with Caunty Ftoad Administratian Baard �tandards of Gac�d Practice {WAC 13�-14} was made availab(e and was consulted by the Baard during the preparation of fhis Six Year Program; and WHEREAS, the Engineer'� report with res�ect to deficient bridges was available to the Br�ard during the preparation of the Six �fear Program; and 1tVNEREAS, an environmentai pre-assessment af th� Six Year Program indic�ted ihat �e sc�cial, econamic and aesthetic values wauld not be disturbed; and WNEREAS, pursuant further to said Law, the Board of County Commissianers, being #he legislative body o�F the County, did prepare, revise and extend �aid Si�Year Prog�am and did haid a pub(ic F�earing on said Comprehensive P�an at 10:00 A.M. ai the Court�ouse, Ephrata, Washingtor� on the 13�' day of Ju(y, 1999; NQW, THEREFaRE BE iT RESOLVED by the Bnard af County Commissioner-s of Gran# Gounty, Washingtc�n, that the Comprehensive Six Year Ftoad Program presented at the pubiic hearing be hereby adoptec�. QQNE THtS z3tn DAY OF ,�u�y , 1999. __.____.�..r.---~ �� � . �� � �. � ��im Sr�ead, Chairman ATTEST: `� �� � , �� Cfer�c the Boar� ``�"" Le �y Allison �� Deborah Moore Canstiituting the Board of �ounty Comm'tssianers of Grant Gaunfiy, Washington J Agency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPO/RTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N L I A. FEDERAL AID N0. C A 0 B. BRIDGE NO. T S R C. PROJECT TITLE I S I D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER O T E. TERMINAL BEGINNING ANd END N Y F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 09 1 BROS-2013 BRIDGE #306, WILLOW SPRINGS 32300 - MP 20.00 TO MP 20.02 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 09 2 BROS-2013 �RIDGE #156, FIESS RU 52410-MP0.00T0 MP0.10 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 07 3 STP(R)-G132 5-NW RD (SR 283 TO Sf2 281) 93010 - MP 8.62 TO 14,07 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 36 FT. 07 4 W-NE (3-NE TO 12-NE) 95035 - MP 0.00 TO MP 9.06 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISMED WIDTH = 28 F7. OS 5 K-SE/1-SE RDS (BA5ELINE-� TO SR 1� 21750 - MP 0.00 TO MP 0.45/21760 - MP O.QO TO MP 2.10 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 07 6 ADAMS RD (SR 28 TO I-90) 91017 - MP 14.78 TO 23.68 ACP OVERLAY; FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 M S T L T C FUND SOURCE INFORMATION P T T O E I 0 FEDERAL FUNDING RY A TN LD RAP O P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP V E U L T T S PHASE YEAR FUND COST TIA STATE L,OCAL M S S IT Y PHASE CODE BY UATA FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL T STARTS PHASE OTHER 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 09 F 0.02 P PE T RNV BR CONST 1/00 116 19 135 TOTAL 116 19 135 09 F 0.10 P PE 6l99 15 5 20 T R/W BR CONST 1/00 168 42 210 TOTAL 183 47 230 03 F 5.45 P PE 6/99 68 12 80 T RIW STP(R) CONST 3/00 641 104 745 TOTAL 709 116 825 Q3 F 9,06 P PE 6/99 52 6 58 T RNV RAP Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date; July 13,1999 Resolution No.: 99- -CC EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE FEDERALLY FUNDED (LOCALAO�NC1� PROJECTS ONLY R/W R�Q 4th Y/N 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE 6th TYPE MONTH/YR 16 17 18 19 20 21 135 135 20 210 230 80 745 825 58 CONST 4/00 1224 136 1360 1360 TOTAL 1276 142 1418 1418 03 F 2,55 P PE 6199 27 3 30 30 T RIW RAP CONST 3/00 243 27 270 270 TOTAL 270 30 300 300 07 P 8.90 P PE 3/00 30 30 30 T RNV CAPP CONST 6/00 450 450 450 480 480 480 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies EIS ce x Y en _ 6/99 EIS cE x Y en�„ 6l99 EIS � cE x N �� EIS,,,,_ CE,,,_, ea,,_ EIS � CE �,,., Ea,___, EIS �, CE _, Fn� Page 1 of 14 � Six YearTransportaiior� �mprav�m�nt Pragram instructians far Preparing the Form tnctude ail Prcfects r�ardTes,s oi tocation orsourre af funds. Cvmplete !he �ocm for the six year gragram in acc�riiance witti khe folla�sring instructicins. Heading Agency Enter name of t}re•sponsoring agency_ Caunty Number Enter the OFM assigned nanzt�ei: {See LAG Agpendix 22.37.} . Ciky Number Enter the OFM assigtted Numbec (See LAG Appendix ZI.38.} MP4 Enter the name af tEte associated MPO (fE located within urbanized arnaj. Hearing Date Enter ihe date of public hearing. Adaptian Date Enter the date Ehis program was ado�Eed b� muncii nr commisseon. Reso7utian Number Enter 1.egislative AuthoriEy resolution number tf a�p icable. Calumn Nun�ber 1. Functionat d�ssificafion, EnYer the appmpriate two-digit cate denotiag the Federai Funr4ional Classi�cation. (Note: 'il�e Federal Fnnctipnai Ctassification must be approved by FFiWAJ Deacrlpflon Aural (under 5,(I00 area) UI interskate U2 Primcipal Arteriat Ob MinorArteriats q7 Major Collector 08 MinorCotIectar 09 Local Acc2ss U� Na Classification Urban (ovet 5,000 areaa) li Tnterstate 12 Freewaps k Expressway5 14 CstherPrinci�atArieriats 16 MinorArtena! 17 Cdicctor 29 LtxaS Access UO Na Cla�.�sfication PrinriEy Numbes Enter focai agency nmmber idrntifying agency projeck prinrity (optional). Pmject IdentiticzEion. Entrr (a) Federal Aid Number if pnviot�.51Y assigned; (b) �3ridge Ntamber, {r} I'ru �t title; {c!) StrecURcr.�i! Name nr IVumber/Federat Rouie Number; (e) i3e�inning anct End�rig Tennini (mcie past or street names�; and (f} Clescribe thc Wc�rk tb be Completed. 2mgrovement'T�pe Cvdes. En#er the approgriate federat cnsie number{s). UI nz 03 U4 OS � p7 08 lri3 lU Description iVew rnctsitucEion an new aFignment 2I Relocalioa 22 Reconstivckion 13 Ma�s �dening 14 Minor Widening � 21 Other Enhantements 22 Resurfacirtg 23 New Bridge Construction 24 Dridpe Replacemeni 3i IIridge Rehabilitation 32 Minor Bridge Rehabtlitation SafetyiTraffic QperationlISM Environmentatly Related i#r�dge Pmgram Speciai Transit CapitaI Pro�ect Tracssrt thserational Project Tran.sit Pfaaning Transit Training /Administration RIon C�pitat Im�mvement Non Moiar Vehicie Project S. Funding Status. Enter the funding status far the entire project which describes the tvrrent status. F Pro�ect is selectecf and funding has been secured by ttae Iead agency: 5 Pru�ec! is subject ta selection by an agency other than the iead. i' Pro�ect is Iisted for planning purpo5e and funding is nat sectnreci. 6. Total Length. Enter pmjecC length to the nearest hundcedth (or code "IX3" if not appticablej. 7. , Utility Codetsi. Enter !he agpropriate rode letter(sj for the utilities thaE wouid rreed ta be relocated or 1re fmpncled hy thr construction project. C Cable "CY S Sewer {ather than a�ency owned) G' Gas P Power T Telephone W Water C? Oiher 8. Project Phue. Seiect the apgmpr'sate phase rncie of the pmject. PE Pretiminary Engineering nnly (ar pfamm�gj RW Right ai Wayar iand acqai.sition oniy (orequiprtaent pur�rf�ase) CN Cansttvctian only (or tranait operatin�;) ALL AIt Pt�ases from Pceliminary Engineenng itrrough Consiructeon 9. Phase Start Date. �ntPr the monthlday/ycar in MM/DD/YY format thaE the selected phase of the pmject is acWally exceptecl to start. 10. Federai Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code fmm the table. t3R Bridge RepIacement orRehab. 59 CMAQ Con estion Mitigation Air Qualiry STP'(C) DEMO I�A I?ema Pmjects (Selected} STP(� IC Interstate Construction STP{Sj IM (nterstate Maintenance STP(R) !*IHS Nationai HighwaySystvn ' STP{Uj St6 FtA Elderly dc Disabled Persoas S1'P Sl8 FtA Rurat Areas t3dier S3 FTA Discretionacy for Capital Expenditure FTA Urban Areas S"TP Statewide Competitive Pm�ram S'IT' Transportatian Enhancements STP Safety zncFudiag Harard dt RR SFP Rural regionally selected S'LI'tlthan re�`snnaliy selec#ed S'I'P all oEherSTP pro�ect not listed Alt other Federai Funds Sourres 11. Fed�ral CosE. Enter the luta! federal cost (in thousarsds} af the phase regardless of wh�n the funds wiil be spent. 12. Statt Funds Code. Enter appropriate iar any af the tisted funds to be used on this �Sro ect. • CAPP Coxinty Artenat Preservatian Pmgram RAP Rura! Artenai �rvgrarrL TIA iran�pnrtatian impcavemcnt Acrnunt UATA Urban Arteriai Tsvsi Accaurtt . PWT`F Public WorksTsvst Fuad Other i.e. WSDOT 13. State Funds. Enfer atfi funds from State Agencies (in ihovsands) of tfie phase regardless of when the funds will be sprnt. 14. Locat Funds. Enter all funds from tacai Agencies (in thausandsj of the phase regardless of when the funds will Ue spent. 15. Total Fands. finter the Sum oE columns 10,12, and 19. ld-i9. Expencliture Schedule •(laG 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th yean). Entec the estimated experRiitums {in thnusandsj of dvllars by yrar. This data is for Loca) Agenty use. 20. 2f. EnvironmenEal Uata Type. Enter the type c+f envin�nmentai assessrnent ihat wi(1 Ue zequircd fcrr this project. This is mquineci tar Federaily f�undeA prnjectsonly. � 6(S Eitvimtimental Impact Statemenl CE Cate�orical Exctusion EA Envirt>nmentatA.c�amen! MA NatAppiicab3elUnknown FiiW Certificatian. CircleYif Right of Way arquisiEicm is rrquired. If yes, En#er RjW Cer#ification Date if knawn.?'hie is n��ixirc�ci far Federally Funded projecls only. �j Form Ilppl9 intiruChons RewSCQ 2/�6 0 Agency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPO/RTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION � N L I A. FEDERAL AID NO. C A O B. BRIDGE NO. T S R C. PROJECT TITLE I S I D. STREET/COUNTY ROAO NAME OR NUMBER O T E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END N Y F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 1 2 3 14 7 STP(U)-6081 PATTON BLVD/LORING DR. TRAFFIC SIGNAL 45170 - M P 0.53 TRAFFIC/PEDESTRIAN SIGNAI� 02 8 SR 17 PED/BIKE PATH (PATTON BLVD TO RANDOLPH RD) 00017 - MP 20.91 TO MP 23.18 j SURFACE (PCC); FINISHED WIDTH =10 FT. 07 9 STP(RE)-SR17 & STP(RE)-H133 02 GOODRICH RD REALIGNMENT/SR 171NTERSECTION 21700 - MP 0,00 TO MP 2.30; U0017 - MP 49.65 TO MP 50.67 REALIGN, WIDEN, SURF(ACP), TRAFFIC 51GNAL; FIN. WIDTH = 07 10 STP(RE)-H133 GOODRICH RD RR XING @ K-SE 21700 - MP 1.00 TO MP 1.20 RR SIGNALIZATI(7N; FINI5HED WIDTH = 34 FT, 07 11 STP(RE)-SR17 & STP(RE)-M133 02 M-SE RD REAUGNMENT/S12171NTERSECTION 92015 - MP 6.20 TO MP 6.56; 00017 - 48,40 TO MP 49.65 R�ALIGN, WIDEN, SURF.(ACP); FINISHED WIDTH = 34-64 FT. 07 12 STP(RE)-M133 & STP(RE)-0017 02 M-SE & SR 17 RR XINGS 92015 - MP 6.10 TO 6,30; 00017 -MP 48.02 TO MP 48.40 RR 51GNALS & GATES; FINISHED WIDTH = 34-64 �7. DnT Form 140.049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date; July 13,1999 Resolutlon No.: 99- -CC I U PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS M S T L T C FUNO SOURCE INFORMATION P T T O E I 0 FEDERAL FUNDI G EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE FEDERALLY FUNDED R Y A T N L D RAP (LOCALAGENC`� PROJECTS ONLY O P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP RNV REQ V E U L T T S PHASE YEAR FUND COST TIA STATE LOCAL 4th Y/N M S S IT Y PHASE CODE BY UATA FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE T STARTS PHASE OTHER 6th TYPE MONTHlYR 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 F 0.10 P PE 6/99 8 2 10 10 eis_ T RNV UATA ce_ CONST 1l00 101 34 135 135 e,a_, TOTAL 109 36 14a 145 01 F 2.27 P PE 5 5 5 eis_ T R/W PATHS & ce CONST TRAILS 95 95 95 enT 02 F 3.32 P PE 04 T RNV 12 CONST FT. TOTAL 02 F 0.20 P PE Y R� CONST TOTAL 02 F 0.61 P PE T RNV CONST TOTAL 12 F 0.58 P PE T RNV CONST TOTAL 9/99 STP(RE) 9/00 6/99 STP(RE) 1 /OU 6/99 9/99 STP(RE) 1/00 6/99 STP(RE) 1 /00 240 2166 2406 9 121 130 112 1060 1172 43 363 406 38 TIA 338 376 1 TIA 100 100 100 278 278 2504 1252 1252 2782 1530 1252 10 10 19 140 140 20 � 150 150 18 130 130 165 1225 1225 183 1355 1355 7 50 50 57 420 420 64 470 50 420 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies . EIS T c� x N �_ EIS � ce x Y �,�, 9/99 EIS _ cE x Y en_ 9/99 EIS _ ce x N �` Page 2 of 1 a � Six Year Transportation Imp�o�r�ment Program tnstractions for Preparing the Form inciude all prvJ'ects regan�iless of locatinn ur source of funds. Complete t6e form far the siz year program in acmrdance witli the fnllorving insEructiorm. Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency. County Nvmber Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 2i.37.} . City Number Enter ihe OFM assigned Number. (See LAG Appendix 21.38.) MPO Enter the name of tfie associated MPO (if located within urbanized area). Hearing Date Enter the date oE pubIic hearing. AdopGon Date Enter the date this program was adopted by cro�ncil or commission. Resolution Number Enter LegislativeAuthority resolution number if a�plicable. Column Number � 1. Functional Clusification. Enter the apptopriate two-digit code denoting the Federal Functional Ctassification. (Note: The Federa! Fnnctional Ciassification must be approved by FHWA_) Descrtptlon Runl (under S,D00 area) Urban (over 5,000 �reas) U1 Interstate 11 Interstate U2 Principal Arteriat 12 Freeways dz F�cpressways Ob Minor Arteriais 14 Other PrinziPal Arteria[s 07 Major Collector 16 Minortlrtenal 08 MinorCoAector 17 CoklecEor 09 Local Access 19 Lacal Access UO No Classification UO No Ctaktification 2. Priority Numbec Enter Icxal agency number identifying agency project priority {optionai)_ Project Idtnlifica6on. Entrr (a) Federat Aid I�Iumbcr if pmviouslY as.signed; (b) F3ridge Number, (c} Pcv cct title; (dj Stree[/Road Name or Numbcr/Federai Route Number, (e) [3eginning and Ending Tennini {rr�ile post or street names�; and {fj Describe the Work tt� be Completed. Improvement'IYpe Codes. Enter the appropriate federal cnde number(s). U1 U2 43 Q4 05 06 07 OS �9 IU Deaeription New rnnstruction on new alignment Relocation ReconstnrBion Major Widening Minor Widenmg • Other Enhancements Resurfacing New Bridge Construction DridRe Replacemertt IIridge Rehabilitation 11 12 13 14 21 � 23 24 31 32 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation Safety/Traffic Operation/75M EnvironmerttaAy Related Bridge Pmgram Special Transit CapitaI Ptofect Transif Openiional Project Tran4it Prenning Transit Training /Administration Non Capital Tmpmvement Non Motor Vehtcle Project 5. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project whith describes the turrent status. F Pro�ect is aelected and funding has been secured by the ]ead agency. S Pro�eci is subject to selection by an agenty other than the lead. P ProJett is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secureci. 6. Total Length_ Enter project tength to the nearest hundredth (or code "00" if not appiicable). 7. . Utility Code(s). Enter ihe appmpriate code letter(s) for the ntitities that would need to be relc�cated or are impacteS by the mnstruction project. C Cable TV S Sewer (other than agenty owned) G' Gas P Power T Telephone W Water O Other 8. Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase mde of the project. PE Preliminary Engineering c�nly (or pfannin�) RW Right of Way or land acqi�isil�on only (or equipment purciiase) CN Consttuction only (or tcancit operatin� ALb Ali Phases from Ptelimirtary Engincering [hrough Construction 9. Phase SWrt Date. Enter the month%day/year in MM/[3D/YY format that the selected phase oE the project is actualIy extepted tc� start. 10. Federal Funds Sonrce. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table. BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Congcstion Nfitigatian Air Quality STP{C) DEMO ISi'EA Demo Pmjects (Selected) STP(E) iC intersiate Construction ST'P(S7 IM Interstate Maintenance STP(R) NHS National HighwaySystem � STP(U) S16 FTA Elderly dt IIisabled Persons STp S38 FTA Rural Areas Other S3 FTA Discretionary Eor CapiWl Facpenditure FTA Urban Areas STP Statewide Competiiive Pmgram Sil' iransportatiort £nhancements STP Safetq inciuding Hazard dc RR STP RuraP regionallq selected S'£[' Utban reginnai�y selected SIT' ali other SIT' pro�ect not listed All other Federa! Funds Sources 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cast (in thousands) of the phase regardtess oE when the funds wi�I be spent. 12 State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on ihis pro�'ect • CAPP CountyArtenal Preservatian Pmgram RAP Rural Ar¢enal Program TtA Transpc�rtation Jmprovement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account - PWTF Public Works Tsust Fund Other i.e WSDOT 13. State Funds. Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless o( when the funds will be sprnt. 20. 21. Locil Funds. Enter all (�nds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will Ue spent. Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 10,12, and 14. Expendihne Schedule - Ust, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th yeirs). Enter the estimated experttiitures (in thousands} of dotlars by ycar. T'his data is for Local Agency use. Environmental Uata Type. Enler the type c�f environmental a�.sessment that wiil be requirecf for this project. ihis is rnquircYi for Federally Funded projects aniy. - EIS Envimnmental lmpact Statemenl CE Categorical Facclusion EA Envimnmentat Acsessment NA Nnt Appiicabie/Unknown It/W Certi�ca6on. Cirtle Y if Right af Way acquisition is required. lf yes, inter R/W Certification Date ii known. 7i�is is rc��uimd for Federiity Funded projec[s only. DOT Fam i4aa9 ��sc��u�o�: aew:ea aA5 Agenoy Grant County County No, 13 City No. MPO/RTP QUADCO F P U C �2 PF20JECT ID�NTIFICATION N L I A. FEDERAL Alb NO. C A O B. Bf21DGE NO. T� R C, PROJECT T1TLE I 8 I D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER �7 �' E. T�RMINAL B�GINNING AND END N Y F> [7ESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 1 2 3 08 13 STP(R08-138D S. FRONTAGE RD. (SR 17 TO L.6-NE) 22164 � MP 0.00 TO MP 0.75 ORAD�, DRAiN, SURFACE(BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. 08 14 STP(R08)-13GA U-SW RD (24SW TO 26-SW) 10590-MP 1.01 TO MP 3.02 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFAC� (8ST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 07 15 STP(R)-C131 12-SE RD (SR 262 TO ADAMS COUNTY LINE) 91027-MP 4.00 TO MP 11.56 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); �INISHED WIDTH = 36 FT. 07 16 STP(R)-N132 8-SE RD (WARDEN CITY LIMITS TO ADAMS COUNTY LINE) 91027 - MP 0,24 TO MP 3.22 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. --- 17 MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS `INCL. COST SHARE PROJECTS 09 18 BROS-2013 HUNTER CANYON RD (S-NW TO BRIDGE #169) NEW - MP 0,00 TO MP 1.10 (Replaces Bridge #169 with new road) GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 26 FT. Six Year Transpor�ation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 M S T L 7 C FUND SOURCE INFORMATION P T T O E I O EDERAL FUNDING I RY A TN LD i2AP , O P T A G I E PROJEC7 MONTH! FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP ' V� U L T 7 S PHASE YEAR FUND CQST TIA STATE LOCAL M S S IT Y PHASE COpE BY UATA FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL T STARTS PHASE p7HER 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 , 02 P 0.75 P PE 6/99 13 2 15 T R/W 6/99 STP(ROS) 31 5 36 CONST 6/00 160 25 185 TOTAL 204 32 236 03 F 2.01 P PE 6/�9�pfl 24 4 28 T R/1N 6;9� � STP(R08) CONST 4/� o� 208 32 240 TOTAL 232 36 268 03 F 7.56 P PE 6100 68 12 80 T RNV STP(R) CONST 4/01 1168 182 1350 TOTAL 1236 194 1430 03 F 2.98 P PE 6/00 43 7 60 T R/W STP(R) CONST 4l01 519 81 600 TOTAL 562 88 650 03 F — P PE T RNV CONST 1 /00-1 ?J05 3000 3000 TOTAL 3000 3000 09 F 1.10 P PE 1/01 15 5 20 T RNV BR CONST 6/01 160 40 200 TOTAL 175 45 220 Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date: July 13,1999 Resolution No,: 99- -CC EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE FEQERALLY FUNDED (LOCALAGENCI� PROJECTS ONLY R/W REQ 4th Y/N 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE 6th TYPE MON7H/YR EIS _ CE X Y En T 6/99 �is _ ce x Y Ea,_ 6/99 EIS _ ce x N ea_ EIS _ ce x N ea, _ �� � Y . �� •flOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies Page 3 of 14 � Srx Year Transpo�at�a� irnp�ovemer�� Program tnstructions for Preparing the Form lnclude ail prti) ects rega�less o( tocatinn or source nf funds� Complete !he form for the six year pcvgram in accordance with the foilowing instrvctidns. Heading Agency Enter name of t6e sponsoring agency., County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See I.AG Appendix 2I.37.) . City Number Enter the OFM assigned Number. (See LAG Appendix 21.38.) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (iE located within urbanized area). Hearing Date Enter the date of public fiearing_ AdopGon Date Enter the date this gmgram was adoQted by co�ncil or commission. Reso3ution Number Enter Legislafive Authority resolution number if applicable. Column Number � 1. Functional Claasification. Enter the appmpriate fwo-digit code denoting the Federal Furtdional Ciassification. (Note:'1'he Federa! Functional Classi�itation must be a�pmved by FHWA.) Deacription Runl iunder 5,000 areal Oi Interstate Q2 Principal Arterial Ob Minor Arterials 07 . Major Collector O8 Minor ColIector 09 Local Access 00 No Classification Urban (over 5,000 ueas) 1I Interstate 12 Freeways k resswaqs 14 Other I�rinaPa Arteriafs 16 1v[inor Artenal 17 Collector 19 Lc�cal Access UO No Classification Priority Numbes Enter Ic�cal agency number identifyictp, agency project prinrity (optionai)_ Project Idmtification. Entrr (a) Federal Aid Numbe� if pmvioi�.siY assigned; (b) �iridge Number, (c) t'ai ect title; (d) Strcrl/Rond Name or Numbcr/Federal Route t�Iumber, {e) I3eginning and Ending Tennini (maIe p�st or street names;; and' (� Describe the Work to be Completed. dmprovement'I)�pe Codes. Enter the appropriate federal code number(s). U1 U2 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Deacription New construction on new aGgnment ReJocation Reconstruction Major Widening Minor Widemng - Other Enhancements ResurEncing New Bridge Construction DridRe Replacemertt I3ridge Rehabilitation il 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 Minor Oridge Rehabilitation Safeky/Traffic OperationlTSM Environmentally Related Dridge Program Special Trans4t Gp�tai Pro ect Trar►siE Operationa� Project Tranait Planning Transit Training /Administration IVon Cap'ital Im�mv2mer�t I1on Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the fvndingstatus for the entire project which describes the evrcent status. F Pro�ect is sefectect and funding has been secured hy the tead agency. S Projed is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead. P Pm�ect is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secureci 6. Total Lmgth. Enter Pro�ect length to the nearesl hundredth (or code "DO" if not applicable). 7. , Utility Code(sl. Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for ihe utilit'res that would need to be relcxated or are impacted hy Q�e mnstrucEion project. C Cahle TY S Sewrr (other than agency owned) G' Cas P Power T Telephone W Water O Other 8. Project Phase Select the appropriate phase rnde af the project. PH Pm]iminary Engirteering only (flr piann�n� RW Right af Way or tand acquitit�on only (or equipment pvrrhase) CN Con.ctrudiononty (or tranait operaFin� ALL All Phases from Prelimin�ry Engineenng through Cotu[ntcFit�rt 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the month/day/year in MM/DD/YY tvrnsat that the selected phase of the project is attually exce�teci ta starE. 10. Federal Funds Saurce. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the Wble. BR Bridge Replazement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Con� tion Mitigation AirQuality STP{Cj DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) SI'P{E} iC Interstate Construction SIP{8) iM Interstate Maintenance STP(R) NHS National Highway System ' S1F(U) Si6 FI'A Elderly k Disab]ed Persons STP S18 FCA RuraT Areas Other S3 FI'A Discretionary for Capital Expenditure FfA Urban Areas Si7' Statewide Competitive Pmgram STP Transportation Enhancements STP Safety including Hazard dt RR STP Rural regiona(1y selected STP Urban reqc'nnally selected STP aIl other 5TP project not listed All other Federal Funds Sources 11. Federal Cost Enter the tota[ federa! cost (in thousands) oE the phase regazdtess of when the funds will be spent. 12. St�te Funds Code. Enter appropriate far anq of the lisced funds to be used on thus pro'ect. • CAPP County Artenal Preservation Pmgram RAi' Runl Artenal �mgram TIA TransErortation Improvement Acmunt UATA Urban Arterial Trust Acmant PWTF Publit Works TFvst Fund Other i.e. WSDC3T 13. State Funds. Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of Lhe phase segardless of when the fvnds wiil be sprni. 20. 21_ Lonl Funds. Enter atl funds from focal Agenries (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds wiil be spent. Total funds. Enter the Surt of columns 14,12, and 14. Expenditure ScheduIe -(]st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th years). Enter the estimated expertditums (in thausands) of doltars by ycar. ?his data is for Locai Agency use. Environmentil IJata'F'ype. Enter thc type c�f envin�nmental assessment that will �e tequired for this project. This is rnquirrci for Federally Funded projects aniy. � EIS Environmental lmpact Statemenl CE Categnrical Exclusion EA EnvironmentatAcac4sment NA NnfApp�icable/Unknown R/W Certifica6on. Cirde Y if Right of Way acquisilic�n is required.lf yes, Enter R/W Certification Date iE known. This is ntiluin�ci for Fedenliy Funded projecis oniy_ �j Form iJp-0�9 {nstruchons aev¢�C 2196 a Agency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPOiRTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N L I A. FEDERAL AID NO. C A O B. BRIDGE NO. T S R C. PROJECT TITLE I 5 I Q. S7REET/COUNTY ROAD NAM� OR NUMBER 0 T �. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END N Y F, DESCRIBE WORK TO B� DONE '1 2 3 09 19 MATTAWA AREA ROADS S-SVV/25-SW/29-SW GRADE, DRAIN, SURF.(GRAV/BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 26 FT 08 20 11-SW (ADAMS RD TO G-SW) 91020�MP5.01 TOMP10.07 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. 08 21 STP(R)-NEW LORING DR. (PATTON TO HARRIS) 45p12 - MP 0.06 TO MP 0.98 (Requires Fed Funct Class request) GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 40 FT. p8 22 STP(R)-13HA GRAPE DR. (SR 17 TO LORING) 42350 - MP 0.00 TO MP 1.00 (Requires Fed Funct Class request) GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 40 FT, 17 23 LARSON HOUSING AREA SIDEWALKS 19 VARIOUS �OGATIONS SIDEWALKS (CONCRETE); FINISHED WIDTH = 5 FT. (min) 07 24 ADAMS RD (SR 26 TO I-90) 91017-MPO.pOT014.51 ACP OVERLAY; FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. OOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 M S T L T C FUND SOURCE INFORMATION P T T O E I b FEDERAL FUNDING RY A TN LD RAP O P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH/ �EDERAL FEDERAL CAPP V E U L T T S PHASE YEAR �UNb COST TIA SiA7E LOCAL M S S IT Y pHASE GODE BY UATA FUNOS FUNDS TOTAL T STARTS PHASE OTHER �3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 01 P 6.00 P PE T RNV . CONST gpp gpp iOTAL 600 600 03 P 5.06 P PE 22 3 25 T RMI RAP CONST 585 65 650 TQTAL 607 68 675 01 F 0.98 P P E 1/01 21 3 24 T RIW STP(R08) CONST 6/01 182 29 211 TOTAL 203 32 235 01 F 1.00 P PE 1/01 17 3 20 T RIW STP(R08) CONST 6/01 183 28 211 TOTAL 200 31 231 32 P 0.80 P PE 6 1 7 T R/W STP(E) CONST 70 11 81 TOTAL 76 12 88 07 P 14.51 P P E 40 40 T R/W CAPP CONST g5p g5p 950 40 990 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date: July 13,1999 Resofution No.: 99- -CC EXPENDITUi�E 5CHEDUL� FEDERALLY FUNDED c�ocruqceNcv� PROJ�CTS ONLY R/W REQ 4th YJN 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE 6th TYPE MONTM/YR �� �� � 650 675 24 211 235 20 211 231 7 81 88 40 eis CE ,� 300 eo,_,,, 300 EIS �, CE � EIS ^ ce x N Fn EIS _ ce x N � EIS _ cE � Eis _ CE ea, _ Page 4 of 14 � Six Year �ranspot�ati�n Impro�emen� Program Instructions for Preparing the Form lnciude atl prv)'etts regacdless o4 }ocation or source of funds. Complete the form for the six year program in acmrdance with the (ollowing instructions. Heading Agency EntEr name of the sponsoring agency. County Number Enter the OFtv1 assigned nnmber. (See LAG Appendix 22.37_) . City Number Enter the OFM assigned Numbcr. (See LAG Appendix 21.3�J MPO Enter the name oE tfie associated MPO (if located writhin urbanized area}. Hearing Date Enter the date oi pubiic hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this program was ado�Eed by m�ncil or rnmmission. Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number if applicable. Column Number 1. Functional Clusification. Enter the appmpriate two-digit code denoting the FederaI Fnnciionat Classi6cation. (Note: The Federa! Functional Classifiration must be approved by FFiWA.) Description Runl (under S,U00 area) Urban (o�er 5,000 areas) Ui Interstate il Interstate U2 Principal Arteriai 12 Freewa ys k Expressways 06 Minor Arterials 14 Other PrincipaI Arterials 07 MajorCollector 16 MinorArtenal 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Locai Access 19 Local Access IXI No Classification W No Clakci�cation 2. Priority NumbeL Enter Icxa) agency num6et identifying agency project priority (oplional). Project Identification. Enter (a) Federa( Aid Number if previoiislY assigned; (bj E3ridge Number; (c) Pai cE title; (d) Strerl/Road Name or Numbcr/Federal Route Nnmber, (e) Bc�inning and Ending Tennini (mefe pvst orslreet names�and (� Descrik�e the Work to be Completed. Impmvement Type Codes. EnFer the appropriate Eederal ccxle number(s). 01 02 Q3 04 US 06 07 08 09 10 Deacription New mnstruction on new alignment Relocation Reconstcuction Major Widening Minor YVidening - Other Enhancements Resurfacing New Bridge Construction DridRe Reptatement Uridge Rehabiiitation 11 12 13 �4 21 � 23 24 3t 32 Minor Dridge Rehabil'itation SaEety/TrafFic QperationJTSM EnvironmentaUy Retated Dridge Program Special Transit Capital Pro�ect Trartsit Operational Project Traa�it Pfanning 7'ransit Training /Administration Non Capital Impmvement Non MoEor Veh�c[e Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire Projett w.hich describes the current status. F Proiect isselected and funding has been secured by the lead agency. S Proted is sub}ect to selecEion by an agency other than Ehe lead. P ProJect is 1"uted for pianning purpose and funding is not secureci. 6. Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (ortode "00" if not ap�licable). 7. . Utility Codetsi. Enter tlte appropriate code letter(s) for the utilities Ehat woufd need to be relc�cated or are impacted hy the construction projcct. C Cable?V S Sewer (other than agency owned) G' Cas P Power T Telephone W Water O Other 8. Project Phase. Sefect [he appropriate phase cade af the projecE. PE Preliminary Engineering only {orpiannmg) RW Right of Way or land acq�iisition only (ar equipment purrhaae) CN Ccrostniction only (ot transit operatin�} ALL AII Phases hom Preliminary Engineenng Uirovgh Constntctdon 4. Phase Start Dste. Enter the month/day/year in MM/UD/YY format that the sedected phase of the project is actually exceptc�d to titart. 10. Federal Fun�s Sonrce. Enter the Federai Fund Source code f rom the Wble. BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Con estion Mitigation Air Q�ality STP{C7 DEMO I� Deino Projects (Se[ected) STP(Ej iC Interstate Construdion S3i'(S} [M tnterstate Maintenance S'II'(R) NHS National HighwaySystem ' STP(U} S16 FTA Eiderly dc Disabled Persoas 5fP S18 FI'A Rural Areas � Other S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure FTA Urban Areas Si'P Statewide Competitive Program Si'P Transportation Enhancemenls STP SaEety mdnding Hazard dc RR Sil' Rural regionally selected STP LJrban regionally seletted STP all other STP project not IisEed All other Federal Funds Sources li. Fedenl Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardiess of when the funds will be spent. 12. State Funds Code. Enter appropriate tor any of the listed funds to be used on this pro }ect. • CAPP County Artenal Preservation Pmgram RAP Rural Arter�al Pmgram TIA Transportation ]mprove�nertt Account UATk Urban Arterial Trust Acrnunt . PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Ottier i.e. WS�OT 13. State Funds. Enter all Eunds fmm State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regarcjless of when the funds wiil be sprnt. 14. Local Funds. Enter att funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will Ue spent. 15. Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 10,12, and 14. 16-19. Ezpenaiture Schedule -(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th years). Enter the estimated experTdiwms (in thousands) of dollars vy year. This data is for Local Agency use. 20. 21. Enrironmental Uata Type. Enter thc type c�f envin�nmental assessment that wrl8 be required for this project. "fhis i.� reyuirrd for Federally Fvnded projects �nly. EIS EnvironmentallmpactStatement CE Cateb�orica(Exclusian EA EnvironmentalAssessment NA NotApplicable/Lfnknown tt/W CertiEication Cirt[e Y if Right of Way acquisition is rrquired. lf yes, L•nter R/W Certification Date if known. ihis is rc�tuirc�ci (or Federaliy Funded projects only. �QT Form f 10-0�9 tnstructrons Rewsetl ?J96 qqency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPO/RTP QUADCO � P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N L I A. FED�RAL AID NO. C A O B. BRIDGE N0. T 5 R C. PROJECT TITLE I S I D. STREET/COUN'1`Y ROAD NAME OR NUMBER Q T E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END N Y F. DESCRIB� WORK TO BE DONE 1 2 3 07 25 STP(R)-M137 Q-NE (BRIOGE #245 TO 3-NE) 43590 - M P 0.63 TO M P 2.84 C3RADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (�Si); FINISHED WIDiH = 28 FT. 07 26 STP(S)-M137 Q-NE RR SIGNALIZATION 43590 - M P 1.02 RAILROAD CROSSING SIGNALIZATION 0$ 27 MAPLE DR (STRATFORD TO GRAPE) 42600 - MP O.pO TO MP 0.75 GRADE, pRAIN, SURFACE (8ST); FINISHED WIDTH = 40 FT. 08 28 MARTIN RD (H-NW TO E-NW) 30400 - MP 12.45 TO MP 15.63 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT, p7 29 BEVERLY-BURKE RD (SR 26 TO FRENCHMAN HILL) 91013-MP7.22TO MP 14.52 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. 07 30 STP(R)-P133 L-NE RD (3-NE RD TO 7-NE) 94005 - M P 0.00 TO 4.06 GRADE, DRA�N, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 I U PROJECT COSTS 1N THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS M S T L T C FUND SQURC� INFORMATION P T T O E I 0 FEDERAI. FUNDI G RY A TN LD RAP Q P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP V E U L T 7 S PHASE YEAR FUND COST "fIA STATE I.00AL M S S IT Y PHASE CODE BY UATA �'UNDS FUNDS 70TAL T STARTS PHAS� OTMER 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 03 P 2.21 P PE 1/01 21 3 24 T R/W STP(R) CONST 6/01 291 45 336 TOTAL 312 48 360 12 P--- P PE 1/01 4 1 5 T RNV STP(S) CONST 6/01 125 125 TOTAL 129 1 130 03 P 0.75 P PE 8 1 9 T RNV RAP CONST 145 16 161 TOTAL 153 17 170 03 P 3.18 P PE 13 2 15 T RNV RAP CONST 387 43 430 TOTAL 400 45 445 03 P 7.30 P PE $1 9 90 T RM/ RAP CONST 1170 130 130Q TOTAL 1251 139 1390 03 P 4.06 P PE 39 6 45 T R/W STP(R) CONST 649 101 750 688 107 795 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAe; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; 7elephone Companies Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date: July 13,1999 Resolution No.: 99- -CC EXPENDITURE SCFiEDULE FEDERALLY FUNDED (IOCALAGENCl7 PROJECTS ONtY RNV REQ 4th Y/N 1 st 2nd 3rd thru ENVII2. DATE 6th TYPE MONTH/YR 16 17 18 19 20 21 EIS _ ce x N en_ EIS ,�„_ ce x N En _ EIS _ c� _ 161 en_ 161 EIS _„ CE _ 430 Ea, _ 430 750 795 EIS _ c� _ ea T EIS,_,,_ CE _ � Page 5 of 14 � �ix YearT�ansporta#ia� �t�prvtremen# Program tnsiructions for Preparing the Farm Include all pruf"etts regacdiess of icsration Ur source of funds. Complete !he farm far the siz yeaz pns�ram in accordance with rhe Icrliowing instructions. Heading Agency �nter name af Et�e sponsoring agent}: County Number Enter the t?FM assigneci numbQr: {See f..AG Appendix 21.37,) . City Numher Enter ihe t7£�M assiRneci �lumber. (See �.AG Appendix 21.38.} MPCi Enter the name of the associated MPO {if located within urtranized area}. Hearing Date Eate� the date of ptzblic hearing. Adapteon C3aie Enier the daiP this program was ada�Eed by councii or cammission. Resa�iukian Number Enter Legislat'rve Aesthority resolutzon number xf appf�cabfe. Cafumn Number 1. Functinnai CIassifica#ion. Entet the appropriate two-ciigit cade denatiutg the Fecieral Functic�nal Cfassificatian. {?,tote:l"he Fecieral Fanctionai Ctassifscatiocr must be approved by FH WA.) ilescripitore Raral {under 5,000 xna} Urban {over 5,004 areaa) Ui interstate ]i Tnterstate a2 Frineipa! Arteriai 22 Freeways EcExp ressways flb Minor ArteriaLs 14 Other Prinei�sa3 Arter4als ffJ Majar Coilector 1& Minar Artenat 0$ MinorCottector i7 Coitectur 09 Local Access i l Lcrcai Arcess 00 No C'�assiEication flA No Ctassification 2. Prinrity Nsunbtn Entet kxat ageezcy number icientiEying agcncy prajett priority (c��rtinnat}. Projtct Ida�atifitation Er�trr {a) Federal Aid Numt�r if prcviar�.stx assigr�ed; (h) ik'sdge Numbes; {c) i'ni rct titie; {d) Sireri/ttck�ci Ptame nr Numbcr�Federat Route Ntunher; (e} IIc�inning anci Endueg i'ennini (mnle post Ur street namesj; and {f� Drscribe Sl�e Wcark to be Campieteci. impxovement'Tjpe Codes. Entex tha appmpriate federai rcx3e numher(s). 0# oz Q3 D4 DS 46 #17 �8 t19 lU Deaaripiian Atew rnnstructian on new atignment Reforat'son �CCDfIS�[tlEF7621 Majar Wideaiing e MinorWidening - Clther F,rthancements Resnrfacissg New 8ridge Conshurtian Brid�e tteptacemecrt IIridge Rehab'xiitation i1 �z ?3 i4 22 22 23 24 31 32 Minor 4ddge Rehabiiiiation SaFetyfTraf�c Operation/75M Environrnentaity Related Bridge Program Spt�iai Transit Capitai Pr�o�ect Traresit �aeratioaal Project Tran.sit Pfanning Transit Traininp JAdministration Nnn Capital fmpccrvement Non Mator Vehtde PmjecE 5. Funding Shhss. Enter the funding skatus for the entire project which describes the cuareat status. F Pro�ect is aetecteci and fuadi�g has been seriared by the lead agency. S Pr�ect is subject ta setecfzon by an agency other than the lead. P Pm�ect is listed for plansvng purpase and funsiing is not seccsreci. b. Totai Length. Enter project Eength ta the neatest hundredth {or rnde "OQ" iE not ap�titabie). ?. , IJtiiity Code{s). Eater ti�e appmpriafe code letter{s} iar !he uta`liiies that wou3d neec3 ta be re}cscatesi or arn impacted hy thr rnnst�etiaa pra�ect. C Cabie N S Sewer (oti7er than agency owrseri} G' Gas P Power T TeYephane W Water Q Other 8. Pzaject Phase. Select the appropriate phase rnde of the prvject� PE Prelinninary Bngineering aniy (or plannmgj R4Y Right of Way or lar3d acquisition nniy {or equiprnent purchase) CN Cnnsts�uction oniy (nr transit npentFng} AL�. ATt Phases fmm Preliminary Engincenng [hzongh Cansfruciic�n 9. I'hast Start Dxte. Entet the month jday/year "sn MM/UD/YY inrcttat that tEse selected phase nf the pzoject is actuatty exceplc�l ta siart. I4. Eederai Funds Svarcc. Ettter the FederaF frand 5ource cnde from the table. BR Eridge Replacement or Rehab. 59 CMAQ Ccmfiestion MiH�atinn Air Qua3ity STi'{Cj i3EM0 iST�A D�rna Pralects {Selected} STPf � fC TnterstateCanstructian STP(SJ iM Enterstate Maintenance 51T'{R) i�iHS Naiianai KghwapSystem � $TP(L� SIb FTA Eiderly k t>isab3ed Persons S"ii' S18 FIA liurai Areas Other S3 F7'A T3iscretiariary for Capital Expenditure P"F'A iJrban Areas STi' Statewide Competitive Pmgram SIi' Transporta�son Enhascsments 57i' Safeiy inciuding Hazard dt Rtt S7F Rural regiazraliy sefected 5iP t.lrban regtana3ly selected STP aFi uther SiT' prorert not listed A1I at}ser Federal Funds Sources 12. Fed�rai Cost Enter the total federaE casf {in thausandsa of the phase regardtess af when the {t�nds will bc spent 12. Stalr Funds Code. Enter appmpriate for any of the listed funds to he usect an this pro'ect � CRF'P County Artenat Preservation F'rc�gram RRt' Rura! Artersai �rngram TIA Trattspc�rtatian fm�ravement Acmunt LSATA Urban Arierial Trc�st Account . PWTF Pubtic Works Trust �uncE Other i.e. t'VSDOT 13. State funds. Enter at! fvnds ftnm SEate Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regard2ess o€ whtm the fnnzis witl be spcnt- 14. zs. 25-i9. 24. 21. LocaI Funds. Enter alt Eunds frorst tocat Agencies (ict thtsusandsj af the phase regardiess af when ihe funds wiit be �ent. '%taI Funds. Ettter 1he Sum of calumsss 10,12, and i4. Fxpenditure Schedufe •(ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th fhnz 6Eh years}. Entec #he estira�ated expez�tiitures (in thousands} tsf d�itars by ycar. Thss data is far Locai Agency use. EnvironmenfaI Uafa'i'ype. Enter ti�e type c�f environmental a�.sessment ihat will be requ'sced fcsr this project. This is tt�,ivicrci for federatty Funded �rojects onty. EtS £ttvimnmentat Impact Statement CE Categoricai Exciasion EA finvimamenia! A.�seasmerrt NA t�int A.pplicable/i3nknown R!W Ccrtifitakiarc. Cirtte Y if Right af Way acquis'stic�n is rr�quirec£. If yes, Eater RJW Certitication L1ate if known.'I�sis is rr�jciirrd fvr federiliq Fvnded pmjecis anly. j�QT Form tap-W9 ins�rutfrons RCy+seH ?1J6 Agency Grant County county No. � s City No. MPO/RTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N I. I A. FEDERAL AID NO. C A O B. BRIDGE N0. T S R C. PROJECT TITLE I 5 1 D. STREET7COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER O T E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND �ND N Y �. D65CRIBE WORK Tb BE DQNE 1 2 3 d7 31 BEVEF2LY-BURKE RD (FRENCHMAN HII.L TO SR 281) 91013 - MP 14.52 TO 20.69; 93000 - MP 5.07 TO MP 6,54 ACP OVERLAY; FINISH�D WIDTH = 34 FT. 07 32 12 SW RD (DODSON TO G-SW) 91027-MPO.00T04.00 ACP bVERLAY; FINISHEO WIDTH = 34 FT. 14 33 PATTON BLVD (SR 17 TO ANDREWS DR) �45170 - MP 0.00 TO 128; 45270 - MP 0,00 TO MP 1.01 ACP OVERLAY; FINISHED WIDTH = 48-60 FT. Q'7 34 G-SW (ROYAL CITY LIMITS TO ROYAL SLOPE RD) /0$ 12710 - MP 0.65 TO MP 3,94 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. 07 35 NEPPEL RD. (SR 17 TO SR 17) 46350-MP 0.00 TO MP 5.13 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (B5T); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. 08 36 10-NE (SR 17 TO NEPPEL RD) NEW - MP 0.00 TO MP 0.50 (Requires Fed Funct Class request) GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date: July 13,1999 Resolution No.: 99- -CC M S T L T C FUND SOURCE INFORMATION P T T O E I O FEDERAL FUNDING EXPENDITUf2E SCHEDWLE FEDERALLY FUNDED R Y A T N L D RAP (LOCAI AGENCI7 PROJECTS ONLY O P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH! FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP RIW REQ V E U L 7 T 5 PHASE YEAR FUND COS7 TIA• STATE LOCAI, 4th Y/N M S S IT Y PHASE CODE BY UATA FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL 1st 2nd �rd thru ENVIR, bA7E T SiARTS PMASE OTH�R 6th TYP� MONTH/YR 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 21 07 P 7.64 P PE 30 30 30 eis,T T RNV CAPP ��_ CONST 660 660 660 en_ 690 690 690 07 P 4.00 P PE 30 30 30 eis_ T RNV CAPP cE_ CON9T 420 420 420 �,� 07 P 2.29 P PE T RNV CONST 03 P 3.29 P PE T RNV CONST TOTAL 03 P 5.13 P PE T RNV CONST TOTAL 01 P 0.50 P PE T R/W CONST 450 450 20 20 CAPP 230 250 36 4 RAP 518 57 55a 61 32 3 RAP %2� $� 752 83 10 75 85 230 250 40 575 615 35 � 835 10 75 85 450 20 230 250 40 575 615 35 8� 835 10 75 85 EIS _ ce� ea, _ eis _ CE _ en_ EIS _ CE _ En _ DO7 Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies Page 6 of 14 J � �. . Six Year Transportat�on lmprouem�nt Program tnstructions for Pr�panng i�e Form inciude ali pro)`ects regardlessof Iocation orsource nf Euncis. Complete the form for the six year program in acmndanee with the following instrvctions. Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency. County Number Enter the OFM assigned number (See i.AGAppendix 2i.37.) . City Number - Enter the OFM assigned Number. {See LAG Appendix 21.38.) MPO Enter the name ef the associa[ed MP{3 (if iocated within urbanized area). Hearing Daie Enter the date af pubtic hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this program was ado�ted by muncil or rnmmission. Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolntion number if applicable. Column Number 1. Functionsl Classificahon. Enter the appropriate lwo�igit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification. (Note: 7'he Federal Funttiona[ Class�catiom m�st be approved by FHWA.} Deacrfption Rnnl (undv 5,000 ana) U1 Interstate U2 Principal Arteriai 06 Mi�►or Arteriats 07 Major Collector OS Minor Collector 04 Local Access W Nn ClassiHcation Urban (aver S,OOQ areas) 11 Inters#ate 12 Freeways bz Expresswaqs 14 Other Principal Arterials I6 Itifinor ArEenai I7 Collectvr 19 Loca! Access W Na Classification Priority NumbeL Enter kxal agency number identifying agenty project priority (nptional). Project Idmtification. Enter (aj Federal Aid Number if pmviouslY assigned; (b) Tiridge Number, {c) Prv"ect title; (d% Strec[/ Rc�:ri1 i�lame or Number/Federat Route Number, {e) Beginning and Ending Tennini (mile pc�st or street namesj; and (� Drscribe tlie Work to be Completed_ Improvement Type Codes. Enter the appropriate federal ccxle number(s). U1 U2 03 04 OS O6 a7 08 p9 10 Deacription New rnnstniction on new alignment Relocalion Reconstn�ction Major Widening Minor Widening • Oiher Enhancements Resurfacing New Bridge Construction Dridge Replacement �ridge Rehabilitation 11 12 13 14 21 � 23 24 31 32 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation Safety/Traffic Operation/75M Enviranmenially Related Bridge Program Speciai Transit Capital Pro ect Transitpp�ra hona� Project Transit Pianning Transit Training /Administra6on Non Capital ImPmvement Non Motor Vehtcte Project 5. Funding Status Enter Ehe funding s#atus for th� entire project w}vch describes td�e cvrrent status. F Pro�ect is selected and funding has been secnred by the lead agency. S Prolect is subject to seIection by an agency other than the iead. P ProJect is listed for planning purpose and funding is not securesi. 6. Total LengEh. Enter project length to the nearesi handredth (or code "00" if not �pplicable). 7. . UtiIity Codetsl. Encer the appropriate code letter(s) ior the utilities that would need to be relcxated or are impicled by the construcGon project C Cable N S Sewer (other than agency owned) G' Gas P Power T Telephone W VJater O Other 8. Projat Phase. Select the appropriate phase rnde af the pn�jec� PE Preliminary Engineering.only(orpTann�ng) RW Ri�ht of Way or land acqi�isitron o�ly (ar equipment pvrchase) CN CoMtruction only (or transit opentin�) ALI. Ail Phases fcom Preliminary Engineenng through Consfruttflnn 9. Phase Start Dale. Enter the monthJday/year in MM/UD/YY format that the selected phase of the project is actuaily exceptc�ci tc� start. 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code Erom &he fahle. IIR Bridge Reptatement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Congestion Mitiga6on Air Quality STP(C} DEMO ISTEA Demo Pmjects (Selected) STP{E) IC Interstate Construction SfP(S) IM Interstate Maintenance STP(R) NHS Nationat Highway System ' STP(U} S16 FI'A Elderly k Disabled Persons STP S18 FiA Rural Areas Other S3 FiA DiscreEionary for Capitai Expenditure FTA Urban Areas STP Statewide Competitive Program STP Transgortation Enhancements SCP Safety induding Hazard dz Ri2 STP Rural regionaliy selected STP Urban regionally selected STP al! other STf' pm�ect not listed All other Federa! Funds Sources 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regatdless oi whe� the funds will be spent. 12. State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for a�y of fhe listed funds to be used on this pm ecG • CAPP County Artenai Preservahon Pmgram RAP Rural Artenal �rvgram TIA Transportation lmprovement Accouni UATA Urban Arterial Trust Accovnt PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Otkter i.e. WSDOT 23. SEate Fnnds. Enter aII Eunds from State Agencies (in thousands) af the phase regardless of when the fwnds will be spcnt. Local Funds. Erner aTl funds from toca� Agencies (in thnusands) of the phase regardless of when the funds wil{ be spent. Total Funds. Enter che Sum of columns 10, 12, and 14. Expenditure Schedule - Ust, 2nd, 3rd, 4Eh thna 6th years). Enter the estimated expe�tciitures (in thousands} uE dollars by year. This data is for Local Agency use. EnrironmentaF Uata Type Enter lhe type c�f envimnmental assessment [hat wil� be reqvireci for this project.'Ihis is mquireci for Fcderaily Fvnded pmjects nnly. EIS Environmental Impact Statement CE Categorical Exctusion EA Environmental A.cSes.ament NA Nnt Applicable/tJnknown R/W Certification. Cirde Y if Right nf Way acquisiticm is rcquired. If yes, Enter RJW Certification Date if known.li�is is r�ti�uinYi (c,r Federally Fnnded projects only. DOT Fam �,aae ��n��,cr�M Rewsea 2/96 Agency Grant County County No, 13 City No, MPO/RTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N L I A. FEDERAL AID N0. C� O B, BRIDGE NO. T S R C. PROJECT TITLE I S I D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER p T E. TEFtMINAL BEGINNING AND END N Y F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 1 2 3 QB 37 7-NE (M-NE TO N-NE) 42700 -MP 0.00 TO MP 1.03 GRADE, DRAIN, 5URFACE(BS7); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. Q7 38 BRS-'i139 BRIDGE #154, W-NE 95035 - MP 12.82 TO Mp 13,03 BRIbGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. 07 39 STP(R)-T139 W-NE (12-NE TO SR 28) 95035 - MP 9.06 TO MP 16.74 GRAD�, DRAIN, SURFACE (8ST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 09 40 BROS-2013 BRII�GE #390 - 3-NW (West of SR 281) 31200-MP0.99TOMP1.01 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT, OS 41 BROS-2013 �RIDGE #388 - 7-NW (West of fZ-NW) 31700 - MP 3,90 TO MP 4.12 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. Q9 42 BROS-2013 BRIDGE #380 - 7-NW (East of DODSON) 39200 - MP 1.18 TO MP 1.39 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transpor�ation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 I U PROJ�CT COSTS IN THOUSANDS pF DOLLARS M S T L T C FUND SOUf2CE INFORMATION P T T O E I O � ERAL FUNDING RY A TN LD RAP O P T A G I E PRt�JECT Mc�NTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP V E U L T T S PHASE YEAR FUNQ COS7 iiA STAT� LOCAL M S S IT Y PMASE CODE BY UATA FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL T STARTS PHASE OTHER 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 03 P 1.03 P PE 1$ 2 20 T RNV RAP CONS7 162 18 180 TOTAL 180 20 200 09 P 0.21 P PE 6 2 8' T RIW BR CONST 34 8 42 TOTAL 40 10 5Q 03 P 7,68 P PE 90 10 100 T RM/ RAP CONST 1260 140 1400 TOTAL 1350 150 1500 09 P 0.02 P PE 12 3 15 T RNV BR CONST 156 39 195 TOTAL 168 42 210 09 P 0.22 P PE 16 4 20 T R/W BR CONST 188 47 235 TOTAL 204 51 255 09 P 0.21 P PE 11 3 14 T RNV BR CONST 60 15 75 TOTAL 71 18 89 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Pianning; PUD; irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date: July 13,1999 Resolution No,: 99- -CC EXPENDITURE SCHEDUL� FEO�RALLY FUNpED (LpCALAGENCY) PROJ�CtS ONLY RNV REQ 4th Y/N 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE 6th TYP� MONTH/YR 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 �80 200 8 42 50 100 1400 1500 15 195 210 20 235 255 14 75 89 EI5 _, CE _ en,_ Eis _ GE _, �_ EIS _ CE _ En ^ EIS _ cE _ �, _ EIS _ CE _ �_ EIS _ CE _ �_ Page 7 of 14 Six Year Transportation fimpravernent Pragram Instructions for Pr�paring tF�e Form Indude all pm'ects reganjiess of location or source of funds. Cnmplete the �orm for the six year pragram in acrnrdance with the following instructions. Heading _ Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency. Caunty Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appe�adiz 21.37.) . City (�Iumber Enter the OFtvf assi�ned Number. (See LAG Appendix 21.38.) MPO Enter the name oE t e associated MPO (if located within c�rbanized area). Hearing Date Enter fhe date of pubiic hearing. Adoption Dale Enter the date this pmgram was adopted by muncil or commission. Resolution Number Enter Legisiative Authority resolution niunber if appjicable. Cotumn Number 1. Functional Clusification. Enter the appropriate two-digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification. (Note� The Federal Functiona! Ciassification me�st be approved by FHWA.) Deacrfptlon Runl (under 5,000 ana) Urban (ower 5,000 areas) O1 Interstate il Interstate U2 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways dr Expressways 06 Minor Arterials 14 Other Principa[ Arteria[s 07 MajorCoIIector I6 MinorArtenat 08 M'mor Coilector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classi6cation W No CBa�.sification 2. Priority tYumbeL Enter kxal agency number identifying a�ency pmject prinrity (optional). Project IdmtiCcation. Enter (a) FederaLAid Number if pmviot4slY assigned; (b) Biridge Number, (c)1'ro"ect Gtle; (d) Strert/Road Name or Numbcr/Federel Route Number, (e) Beginning and Fndang Tennirti (male post or street namesj; and (Q Dcscribc thc W<�rk to be Completed. Improvement Type Codes. Enter the appropriate federal code number(s). U1 U2 03 U4 05 Ob d7 08 [� 10 Deacrlption New rnnstnidion on new alignment Relocation Reconstcuction Major Widening Minor Widening • Other Enhancements Resurfacing New Bridge Construction BridRe Replacement IIridge Rehabilitation 11 12 13 14 21 � 23 24 31 32 Minar Dridge Rehabilitation Safety/Traffic Operation/TSM EnvironmentaUy Related Bridge Program Special Transit CapitaI Pro�ect TransitOpe rational Project Transit Pianning 't'ransit Training /Administratiott Non Capitat Im�mvement Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the enlire project which describes the current statas. F Proiect is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency. S Prolect is subject to setection by an agency other [han the lead. P Projeet is li�ted for planning purpose and funding is not secureci. 6. Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (orcode "00" if not appiicable}. 7. , Utility Codefs). Enter the appropriate code letter(sj for the atilities that would need [o be relcxated or are impacted.hy thr mnstruetion project. C Cable N S Sewer (other than agency owned) G' Gas P Power T Tetephone W Water � Other 8. Pmject Phase. Select the appropriate phase mde nf the project. PE Preliminary Engineering only {or pfannmg) RW Right of Way or land acquisi[�on on�y (or equipment purchase) CN CnnsWction onty (or transit operatin�} ALL AI( Pliases ftom Prnliminary Engineertn�; Uimugh CotLstructn��n 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the month/day/year in MM/UD/YY format that the selected phase oE the project is actually exeeptc�d tr start. 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table. DR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Con estioa Mirigation Air Quality STP(C} DEMO I�A Demo Projects (Selected) 5TF(� iC Interstate Construttion STP(S) [M Interstafe Maintenance 5"I'P(R) (�IHS National Highway System � STP(U) 51b fTA Elderly dt Disabled Persons STP S18 FfA Rural Areas Other S3 FiA Discretionary for CapiWl Expendilure F1'A Urban Areas STP Statewide Competitive Pn:gram STi' Transportation Enhancements Si'P Safeiy inclnding Iiazard k RR STP Rural reginnally selected STP Urbanre�s3nally selected SFP atl other STP pro�ect not listed All other Federal Funds Sources 11. Federal Cost Enter the tota! federal cost (in Lhousands) of the phase rngardless of when the funds will be spent 12 State Funds Code. Enter appropriate [or any of the listed funds to be used on this pro )ect_ • CAPP County Artenal Preservation Pmgram RAP Rural Artenal Prograrn T[A Transportation improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Accovnt PV1�I'F Public WorksTrust Fund Other i.e. WSDOT 13. State Funds. Enterall funds from StateAgencies (in thousands) of the phase regarciless of when Che funds will be sprnt. 14. 15. 26-19. 20. 21. Lonl Funds. EnEer all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regacdless of when the funds will Ue spent. Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 1Q, I2, and 14. Expenaiture Schedule - Ust, ?s�d, 3zd, 4th thru 6th years). Encer ehe estimated experttiitures (in ihnusands) of doilars by ycar This data is for Local Agency use. Environmenhl Uata Type. Enlet the type of envimnmentai assessment that wi[i be reqc�ired for this project. 7iiis is rnquired !or Federatly Tunded projects only. EIS Environr�iental impact Shtement CE Categorical Exctusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not AppGcable/Unknowrt R/W CertiEicaHon. Crde Y if Right of Way.acquisition is requimd. lf yes, Fnter R/W Ccrti[icaSion Date if known.'Ihi.a is rc��uirrct (or Fednnlly Funded projects onlq. �7Form ftp-0�91nstruchons RewseO 2/96 � Agency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPO/RTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N L I A, FEDEi2AL AID NO. C A O B. BRIDGE NO. t S R C. PROJECT TITLE I S I D. STRE�ET/COUNTY ROAO NAME Oa NUMBER O T E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END N Y F. O�SCRIBE WORK TO BE qONE 1 2 3 Q9 43 BROS-2(113 BRIDG� #251, 2.7-SE (East of R-SE) 22010 - MP 0.20 TO MP 0,22 BRIDGE R�PLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 09 44 BROS-2013 BRIDG� #126, O-NE (North of 45-NE) 54150 - MP 4.20 TO MO 4.25 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. p5 45 1-SE (U-SE TO TIFLIS) 23400 - MP 0.00 TO MP 0.75 GRADE, DRAIN , SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 09 46 2-SE (Q-SE TO R-SE) 92045 - MP 6.94 TO MP 7.95 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 09 47 1-SW (SILICA RD. TO V-SW) NEW-MPO.00TOMP1.00 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIOTH = 26 FT. 08 48 BROS-2013 BRIDGE #158, 12-NE 94030 - MP 8,91 TO MP 9.13 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transpor�ation Improvemeni Program 2000 to 2005 Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date: July 13,1999 Resolution No.: 99- -CC M S T L T C FUND SOURCE INFORMA710N P T T Q E I 0 FEDERAL FUNDING �XPENDITURE SCHEDULE FEDERALLY FUNDED R Y A T N L D RAP (LOCALA6ENC1� PRCIJECTS ONIY 0 P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH/ F�DERAL FEDERAL CAPP RMI REQ V E U L T T S PHASE YEAR FUND COST TIA STATE IQCAL 4th Y/N M S S IT Y PHASE CODE BY UATA FUNOS FUNDS TOTAL 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE T ' STARTS PHASE OTHER 6th TYPE MONTH/YR 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 09 P 0.02 P PE 2 1 3 T RM/ BR CONS7 48 11 59 TOTAL 50 12 62 09 P 0.05 P PE 2 - 1 - 3 T R/W 6R CONST 43 10 53 TOTAL 45 11 56 03 P 0.75 P PE 11 11 T RM/ CONST 104 104 TOTAL 115 115 03 P 1.01 P PE 15 15 T R/W CONST 135 135 TOTAL 150 150 01 P 1.00 P PE 20 20 T RNV CONST 100 100 TOTAL 120 120 09 P 0.22 P PE 16 4 20 T R/W BR CONST 80 20 100 TOTAL 96 24 120 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies 3 eis,� CE _ 59 Ea, 62 3 _ _eis,�., CE� 53 en_ 56 11 Eis„_ CE „_ 104 en_ 115 15 eis,_ CE _ 135 en_ 150 20 eis _ CE _ 100 En _ 120 20 eis _„ c� _ 100 eo, 120 Page 8 of 14 Six Y�ar Transportaiton fmprov+�tnen� Program Instructions for Preparing the Form lnciude ail pro )ects regaidless o( Iocation or source of fu�ds. Complete the form for the six year prvgram in accordance with the following inslructions. Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency. County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 21.37.} . City Number Enter the OFM assigned Number. (See LAG Appendix 21.38.) MPO Enter the name of tfie associated MPO (if located within urbanized area). Hearing Date Enter Ehe date of publit hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this program was ado�Fedby council or commission. Resolution Number Enter Legistative Authority resolution number if a�plitable. Column Number 1. Functionat Classification. Enter the appropriate Lwo-digit code denoting the Federal Funciional Classification. (Note: The Federal Functional Ciassification must be approved by FHWA_) Description Runi (under 5,000 ana) Urban fover 5,000 zreas) U1 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways Ec Expcessways Db Minor Arteriats 14 Other PrinciPa! Arterials 07 MajorColtector 16 MinorArtenai 08 Minor Coliector 17 CollcctUr 09 Locai Access 19 Lcxa k Access W No Clacsification UO N'a Classification 2. Priority NumbeL Enter Icxal agency number identiEying agency project prioriry (optinnaq. Project tden[ificition. Entrr (a) Federal Aid Number if pmviouslY asiigned; (b) II3ridge Nnmber, (r) Pro cct title; (d) S{reet/Re�ad Name nr Numbcr/Federai Route Number, {e) Deginning and Endang Tennini (male pc�st or street names�; and (� Describe tl�c Work to be Completed. Improvement Type Codes. tnter the appropriate federal tode nvmber{s). U1 U2 D3 U4 U5 06 d7 O8 09 10 Deseription Necv rnnstruction on new alignment Relocation Reconstcuction Ma'pr Widening Minar Widening � Other Enhancements Resurfacing New Bridge Construction [iridge Replacement Uridge Rehabiiitation 11 i2 13 14 21 � 23 24 31 32 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation SafetylTraffic Operation/75M Environmentally Related Bridge Program Special Transit CapitaI Pro ect Trarasit Operationa� Projett Transit Planning Transit Training /Administration Non Capital Impmvement Non Motor Vehicie Project 5. Funding Statua Enter the funding status for the entire project which desaibes the cvrrent status. F Proiect is selected and funding Llas been secured by the lead agency. S Project is subjett to selection by an agency other than ihe lead. P Pro�ect is listed for planning Purpose and funding is not seaareci. 6. Total LengEh. Enter project tength to the nearest hundredth (or code "00" if not appiicable). 7. . Utility Code(s). Enter the appropriate code Ietter(s) for lhe utilities that wou3d need to be relocated or are impacled by the mnstruction project C Cable N S Sewer (other than agency owned) G' Gas P Power T Telephone W Water O Other 8. Project Phase. Select the appropriaEe phase code of the pmjeck PE Preiiminary Engineering anly (or pfannmp� RW Right of Way or la�d acquisition only (or eqaipment pun-hase) CN Construction oniy (or tran�it opentin�) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engincenng throvgh Constntctinn 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the month/day/year in MM/DD/YY format that the seiected phase of the project is actuaily exceptrd to start. 10. Federal Fnnds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table. BR Bridge RepIacement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Congestion Mitipation Aic Quality S?P{C) DEMO ISTEA Demo Pro�ects (Selected) STP(E) tC Interstate Construdion STP(S) iM Interstate MainEenance STP(R) NHS Nationai HighwaySystem � STP(U) Si6 FfA Elderly 6z Disab]ed Persorn STP S18 FiA Rural Areas Other S3 FI'A Discretionary for Capital Expenditure Fi'A Urban Areas STP Statewide Competitive Pmgram STP Transportation Enhancements STP Safety induding Hazard dc RIt S'I'P Rural regi�nally selected STP Urban regionaDy selected STP alt other SIT' pro�ect not listed All okher Federal Funds Sources 11. Federal Cost Enter the total iederal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 12 State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds io be used on thas Pro'ect_ • CAPP County Arienal Preservahon Pmgram RAP Rural Artenal �rc�gram TIA Transpnrtation ]mprovement Account UATA Ur6an Arteria] Trust Acrnunt . PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other i.e. WSDOT 13. State Funds. Enter atl funds from State Agencies (in [housands) of the phase rngardlest oF when the funds wilI be sprnt. 20.. 21. Local Funds. Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will Ue spent. Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 10, 12, and 14. Ezpenaiture Schedule - qst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th yeirs). Enter the estimated expertriitr�res (in thousands) oi dollars by yrar. This data is for I,ocai Agency use. Environmcntal Uah Type. Enter thc type c�C cnvin�nmental assessment that will [�e requireci for this project.'Ihis is rec�uired (or Fcderatty FundcA pmjects only. EIS £nvironmentallmpactStatemenl CE CategoricalExdusion EA Environmental AcSes.ament I�IA Nnt ApplicablelUnknown It/W Certificaiion. Circlr Y if Right of Way acquisiticm is requireci. if yes, L•ntet R/W Ccrtification Date if known.'Ihis is ntiiuimd [or Federatly Funded projects only. �T Form it0-W9 �nstructrons Rcw�sea 2A6 Agency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPO/RTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IbENTIFICATION N L I A. FEDERAI. AID NO. C A O B. BRIDGE NO. T S R C. PROJECT TITLE I 5 I D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER O T E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END N Y �. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 1 2 3 0� 49 BRQS-2013 BRIDGE #219, W-SE 24650 - M P 0.00 TO M P 0.20 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT; FINISNED WIDTH = 28 FT. 08 50 MA� VALLEY RD (HIAWATHA TO E-NE) 40560 - MP 1.92 TO MP 4.97 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT Q8 51 31-NE (N-NE TO R-NE) 51600 - MP 3,98 TO MP 7.99 SURFACE (BST); FINISH�D WIDTH = 28 FT. OB 52 6-SE (M-SE TO J-SE) 20100-MPO.00TOMP�.01 3R (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 07 53 STP(R)-P135 STRATFbRD RD (TYNDALL T012-NE) 94025 - MP 4.36 TO MP 9.23 GRADE,DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. 07 54 STP(R)-P135 STRATFORD RD (12-NE TO 20-NE) 94025 - MP 9.23 TO MP 17.24 GRADE,DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. �DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transpor�ation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 I U PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS M S T l. T C FUND SOURCE INFORMATION P T T 0 E I 0 �DERAL FUNDING RY A TN LD RAP O P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH! FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP V E U L T T S F'HAS� YEAR FUND COST TIA STATE LOCAL M S S M Y PHASE CODE BY UATA FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL T STARTS PHASE OTHER 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 09 P 0.20 P PE 10 2� 12 T RNV CONST TQTAL 03 P 3.05 P PE T R/W CONST TOTAL 05 P 4.01 P PE T R/W CONST TOTAL 05 P 3.01 P PE T RNV CONST TOTAL 07 P 4.87 P PE T R/W CONST 07 P 8.01 P PE T R/W CONST BR 307 317 38 RAP 367 405 31 RAP 284 315 22 RAP 202 224 43 S�'�(R) 631 674 73 STP(R) 1038 1111 47 354 49 366 4 42 41 408 45 450 4 35 31 315 35 350 3 25 23 225 26 250 7 50 99 730 106 780 11 84 162 1200 173 1284 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies Hearing Date; July 13,1999 Adoption Date; July 13,1999 Resolutioh No.: 99- -CC EXPENDITURE SCHEDUL� FEDERALLY FUNDED (IOCALAGENC`� PROJECT50NLY RNV REQ 4kh Y/N 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE 6th 7YPE MONTH/YR 16 19 20 12 eis _ c� 354 en _ 366 42 eis � ce _ 408 en _ 450 35 eis_ CE _, 315 eq_ 350 25 eis _, CE � 225 � _ 250 50 eis _ CE _ 730 � _ 780 84 eis _ CE _, 1200 en _ 1284 Page 9 of 14 A Six YearTransportation #mprovement Program Instructions for Pr�paring tVhe Form Inciude all pcv)'ects regardless of Iocatinn �r source of fvncts. Complete the form for the six year program in acmrdance with the Enllawing inslmctions. Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency. County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See I.AG Appendix 21.37.J . Gty Number Enter the OFM assigned Number. (See LAG Appendix 21.38.) MPO Enter the name of tfie associated MPO (iE located within utbanized area). Hearing Date Enter the date of pubiic hearing_ Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adoQted by council or commission. Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number if agphcable, Column Number 1. Functional Classification. Enter the appropriate iwcrdigit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification. (Note: 7'he Federai Functional Classification must be approved by FHWA.) Description Runi (under 5,000 area) O1 Interstate 02 Principal ArteriaC 06 MinorArterials 07 Major Collector 08 Minor Collector 09 Local Access UO No Ciassi6cation Urban (over 5,000 areas? 11 Interstate 12 Freeways k Expressway5 14 Other Prindpat Arterials 16 MinorArtenal 17 Collect�r 19 Locat Acces.a W Nn Cla.s.sification Priozity N�mbec Enter lcxal agency number identi(ying agency project priocity (optional). Project IdtntificiEion. Enter {a) Federal Aid Numbcr if pmviot�slx assigned; (b) i3ridge iVumber; (c) Pro ect titie; (d) Strcet/Road Name or Numbcr/Federal Route Number; {e) Beginning and Ending Tennitti (mile pnst or street namesj; and (� Describc thc Work tb be Completed. Improvement'Iype Codes. Enter theappropriate federal code number(s). UI U2 Q3 04 U5 06 07 OS (19 l0 Deacripiion New mnsttuction on new alignment Relocation Reconstruction Major Widening Minor Widenmg • Other Enhancements Resurfacing New Bridge Construction Dridge Replacement Dridge Rehabilitation I1 12 13 14 21 � 23 24 31 32 Minor f3ridge Rehabilitation Safety/Tnffic Operation/TSM Environmentalty Related Bcidge Program Speciai Transit Capital Pro�ect Trarisit Operadonal Pmject Transit Pfanning 'iransit Training /Administration N�n Capital Impmvement Non Motor Veh�cle Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current statns. F Pro�ect is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agenty. S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the Iead. P PmJect is listed for glanning purpose and funding is not seeur�ci. 6. Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "00" if nat appiicable}. 7. , UtilIty Code(s). Enter the appropriate code tetter(s) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the mnstruetion projec� C Cable TV S Sewer (other than agency owned) G' Cas P Power T Telephone W Water O Other 8. Pmject Phase. Select the appropriate phase cnde of the projec� ['E Preliminary Engineering only (or pfannmg) RW Right oE Way or land acquisiUon onfy (or equipment purrhaae) CN Canstruction only (ar Erensit opentin� ALL Al[ Phases from Preliminary Engineenng Uiccsugh Constructic�n 9. Phase Start Dale. Enter the month/day/year in MM/DD/YY format ihat the seflected phase oE the project is actually excepted tc� start. 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source caie from the table. BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP{C� DEMO ISTEA Demo Pmjects (Selected) SIP(Ej IC Tnterstate Construdion S3P(S7 IM Interstate Maintenance STT'(R) PIHS National Highway System STP(U) S16 FTA Elderiy k IJisabled Pecsons STP S18 FI'A Rural Areas Other S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure FTA Urban Areas STP Statewide Competitive Pmgram STP TransporEation Enhancements STP Safety inciuding Hazard dc RR STP Rural reginnaT!y selected S7P Urban reg onaIly selected STP all other STf' pro�ect not listed All other Federal Funds Sources 11. Fedent Cost Enter the totai federal cost (in Lhousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spenE. 12 State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this pro'ect. • CAPP CoantyArtenal Preservation Pmgram RAP Rural Arter�ai �rogram T1A Trancportation Improvement Account UATA Utban Anerial Trust Account . PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Otlier i.e. WSDOT I3. State Funds. Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardles.a o€ when ihe funds wilt be sprnt. 14. Local Funds. Enter all fuads From local Agencies (in Chousands) of the phase regardtess nf when the funds wilt be spent. 15. 16-19. 20. 21. Total Funds. Enter tfie Sum of columns lU, 12, and 14_ Expm�iture Schedu[e - qst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th years). Enter the estimated expecTciitures (in thousands) of dnllars by year. This data is for Local Agency use. EnvironmenEaI Uata Type. Enter the type cif environmental assessment that will Ue requirc�d Eor this project.'Ihis is mquirecl for Federalty Fvnded pmjects anly. � E1S Environmental tmpact Statement CE Categorical Excfusinn EA Environmental Assessmenc NA Nnt Applicabie/t3nkrtown R/W Certification. CircleY i( Right of Way acquisitinn is mquired. lf yes, Enter RJW Certi[ication Date if known.'Ihis is n��uired (or Federilly Funded projecEs only. �7 Fwm f�40�9lnstructrons RCv�seC 2/96 � Six Year Transpor�a�ion Improvemeni Program 2000 to 2005 Agency Grant County Gounty No. 13 City No. MPOIRTP (�UADCO F P U G R PROJECT IpENTIFICATION N L I A. FEDERAL AID NO. G A O B. BRIDGE NO. T S R C. PROJECT TITLE I& I [7. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER p T �. TEF2MINAL. BEGINNING AND END N Y F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 1 2 3 08 55 20-NE RD (E-NE TO STRATFORD) 94046 - MP 4.44 TO MP 9.26 SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 08 56 P-NW RD (5-NW TP SR 28) 36250 - M P 0.00 TO M P 5.03 SURFACE (BST); FINIDWED WIDTH = 34 FT. 06 57 STRATFORD RD (KINDER TO HARRIS) 94025 - MP 0.99 TO 2.00 ACP OVERLAY; FINISHED WIDTH = 48 FT. 07 58 EAST BROADWAY AVE (4-NE TO SR 17) 43050 - MP 3.03 TO 3.52 ACP OVERLAY; FINISHED WIDTH = 48 FT. 09 59 5-NE (WESTSHORE DR TO E-NE) 40880(NEW) - MP 0.00 TO 1.30 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 26 FT. 07 60 STP(R)-J131 Q-NW RD (MOUNTAIN VIEW RD TO MARTIN RD) 32850 - M P 0.57 TO M P 1.92 GRADE, DRAIN, SUR�ACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 M S T L T C FUND SOURCE INFORMATIQN P T T O E I O FEDERAL FUNDING RY A TN LD RAP O P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP V E U L T T S PHASE YEAR FUND COST TIA STATE LOCAL M S S IT Y PHASE CODE BY UATA FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL T STARTS PHASE OTHER 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 05 P 4,82 F' PE 36 4 40 T RNV RAP CONST 369 41 410 TOTAL 405 45 450 04 P 5.03 P PE 40 5 45 T R/W RAP CONST 364 41 405 TOTAL �304 46 450 07 P 1.01 P PE 10 10 T RNV CAPP CONST 120 120 07 P O,q9 P PE T R/W CONST 01 P 1.30 P PE T RNV CONST TOTAL 03 P 1.35 P PE T R/W CONST TOTAL STP(R) 15 216 231 130 130 5 5 CAPP 60 60 65 65 20 20 280 280 300 300 2 17 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies 34 250 36 267 Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date: July 13,1999 Resnlutian No.: 99- -CC EXPENDI7URE SGHEDULE FEDERALLY FUNDED (LOCALAGENCI� PROJECTS ONLY RNV REQ acn YiN 1st 2nd 3rd th�u ENVIR. DATE 6th TYPE MONTH/YR 4b eis CE 410 �,_ 450 45 eis � CE,� 405 �, _ 450 10 eis _,,._, CE 120 �n� 130 5 eis_ CE _ 60 en _ 65 20 e�s_ cE,_ 280 en _ 300 17 eis_ CE _ 250 En _ 267 Page 10 of 14 ,me�� pCa9'�a� � ��'PC°vt � Fo��` . a�SppC s��o�pc�PaC'n9 S,X Y��Y ns��U�t�on - ds• . e (u�1a��� inst�<<s°ns • ��� �4 a�e wditi th 21 71 a� a�1ess ° ea 4tn�'�ait+ u` at�� ��en�Y• LAG A44e� dix?� ��atciz� a�a1• a„ ,5 t� Q Six y n�tinY, t�S� AC, A4p Hric1�tin 1n�tude �Q t�,e to�' iot th tet ��e �Fl� as $° ea 1�"•n' ���p0 � f 1o�ace �,��t1 oi tOn'tniss�ti'�. G�m4�� ��tet �epf�eoft�ie a h°� ring• a�a�tedb`��C ble. �io�+. t tb of 4 ta�' beT �o�a� ��t�ta �r*cet e ram �blic ,�ras ,E a44 Ga �e�,dth9Age°c` t�uR`be� �ntei th e�at t�ls�g tior ri�m ���� FU°� Ga��um�et �rteye Au�iontiY d�otin�th�F Te�� • M�p pate slat> >�,tt�Odb FY�wA� �res����1 c�5`Nais �ea4inY� pate t Et,tec L�' te �,rro-d �ed, Y to tate Pa� tion��y bQ thea�4tonfi�<b���ciptlo�' 1 ba�' �te������� �PtEet'a Q un` lutto geso �o� �te��tfi�anO 12 O��' � �c�ena� bet tf'ca na1 1`� M' 1c�°t � �U((f �1�a5!s ,F��tio - C,O�V��fux►cbfl��f�ec� 5��i�a} ;7 ������ytior �t��tl�"yj�,rk 1. �N°t�� Rus�,t tu"a �te�tate �¢s�a1 19 �° � ti+vc 01 rnn�pa� �'a� � t C 4�iona1j" c�t �d i�`a� ��`c 1n o T P+s� o t �� �N�� Qt�U r i Y J f��M bet`�,na fi e s� % a�' �2 t� . � (;ollect oM�°� pG,c�� uori � 1a�nt�ty�ng a�`" is� �g4���� �m� e��t OL S�� _ � �� �$&encY �'u�� Nur�bet lr$ and E"a���'�en e�a�ilita��o�M � nritY �"mb;�' ����� � t��u+ �"�c`� a�e� �`�`�n e nu�besi5�• ��no� 6��� c f3P Related� rn �nu�'�����eae'�'�R� tiace4�e��cc� � U 'a4vly�°°1'Q�taittYSQeciat 2. �dTa b�t � e appt°p D�sc �P �2 B�ageprog�calgso�p lect - 3 N� Con 4m �� �od�s. ti'�tet �t' Q� �ew �G�nR`er �� ���1 CC�a4 �oY�a d�+ini5t����n e�n�'t`34e tri�'pA Z}. 'Ls cttY�a� . �A ent tayetn � �os itar- . in�t+$ veR+. 23 Tc��C 41{a� h ert�)� 4. Sa+4 �2 R� S�i'td 1�`g Z 1 �o Motot p3 Ma�ot w.1�,�c,tn� �,ts 3 t�• at cert' 32 Q��,� sta Ep�` to� th � Rt�' g dg cO�en � roj�Y `"'hz�echb. Y�� e d"��� hY e1�e p 7 r le� e R¢p1a� noo 1� t e s e� a n e c��- � eJ �� dndR R e bab �be e° ��` �h�t t t', ��� s � �rid�,e �54ot mF��as a en�° a�s+�� tic�b�}. of,��;m4' c 14 tbe � d 1�` a�s��t °n b u Q° e a�' f`n' eu�„ i i n�t apP ,obc te lc�ca�c� G. Wa,et �, E,n�e � �t �s ��tto tat,ci�o�P �h t�t "'d 1d n£cd W ' �ndir&`'F t' 1ed �C�ed toT P �h,�na� t�'aa w ��eal 0 F �co1�� t�e rQa� �t�e �t�iii�es ' w 5• �, �tet 4���t �� �4�atQ �Q �e�tests��Wp � r es �t`an �i�n�Y ,�ov1 �,enb�''" ��tet ��'e �4Q s TQ�QP � ,_��r1. C od� tsl• .�t. G 2 t r�sel a�t"a��Y ex«�,i,d `• - 6' �}titi `1 ybie� } ' �5����t G� t O j O hei r� �,� `o p� n` ri�,�uipm�� 4�tiNttii,n Se o4 �e Ys° ed � p�g app s o 4 ��n�� a�° s'� on�t� rnn� t\,�u g h �O t�p Se�� c t e d F��" e r���a�c' . ��ti't'a� Se�e��`�h °��O a���Umin �`1Ffi��n� �~t So'�'a�t1� AUCban a�a�mbetha {�en� `Qtt {3. DI tat¢w non cd B• r�} RL„wN A�U rt`as� � f aay i Yeati tin MM�� �e f�m tihe �b5g5'� �� �, �c�afe�� nal �y ��a�is�ea , PL1' �ie sc`° f,,sna `jO 5'� �'`� Ru� te��,o�."��'a to�e� �' urces p�iss�s��?eta s�� emen�O �QQ ality ��tRl3,i ���[1'aY� �eedeT`t�`��55p 9 1 funds e RQQ1a� n�tior,��ectedl �P p,1 � e �5 � Spen�- �eder�' B�aY� �ios�� e�� Ott'es wiil �o. ag G�°° '�'�y�tc`°rttN�i°r �` fun D M� IS�"`� cat GTJW�nti�S��4etso� tdless °f'k'�e t . SC ln�e's' nat �t�h �.�bted QndiWTe �e pb� ��� �i�s yc°7ec�b,rT`rCcount b� $Pc"t 1t+A Na�`O�a�ly �� Capital�F �,dsl °f be� � pStes�aaP��s� p` fun�wi11 �rit. 1`��5 .� �Rur4�e 1�ai`/ 4ot St Cln �ho`� d �"z'ds �o Ruta ri P+�te� whe° t�'� v.riU �e 54' S53�Apis� t t�e tota� fe�eca� rOior any �f thP1���, ��T e ��wE � idlc� °o� �rer�h� ��a5 r. ed�+ca� �'Sw �°te Eniet aPQA�er�1 P�e �c� A� t1,a sa os a4 t�e p 5 ar�\ess �ds� n4 ��1a� °Y y�a 11• � F'o�m�s G Y � at�'Po�acksTi"s e A�e "� �tn ��anasl °f �he p� & te� . ���s Cl" th�'�' a,5 t ir�� tc,c • gtate GA�' 'Ct tiic'�° Sta< <n �� �,t ,n, ;s n fi �A Y�b nas 4co�' enn� t ti�ated EX� cti�s pr°��ct• . l� staet �� �E����iia`��as fto�i m� ��2, a 6 h yel��, gnYet tbe e' �`Y+�c v'"llue �Au��d,cEx Q�,°��o�` r�,his � t�wlvi�`'d f c,< 13 �n�. esum °f qth �'t" sme�` Gat� \icabl �ow �q, ��� ��ds• ��'cet tb `�St.�`d,�td. vicvT`a1ez+��� ass� CB �3at APP Ltonpate iE �5• 'f �ul �clitu�e E t�lA�a AB�� � tb� t`IQe L� stiate+�`��t . es��.�tet ��W C��titica is �9• E.�x't+��do � i�na ata �,�Y�4 s ��e��ltcnPa� a 9°��ition uiced' 1`3 �� rfien��1 ed Prt'1� or�"e�ia� ��'��sm z5 �q � �O EF�eia«`I Et5 �nv1� 04 �ay - �� Y i4 R`�'�t �;cc�� �rly - � �ctt�C`cat�aed 4c°l�s . y F��sal1Y Fu� ��,s 9� Fam 14o-� �Q1 pc^r`S�d � Agency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPb/RTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N L I A. FEDERAL AID N0. C A 0 B. BRIDGE NO. T S R C. PROJECT TITLE I S I D. STR��T/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER Q T E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND �ND N Y F. DESCRIBE 1NORK TO BE DpNE 08 61 BRQS-2013 BRIDGE #347, S-NW 31550 - MP 1.43 TQ MP 1.45 BRIOGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 16 62 VALLEY RD (07TMAR TO COLE) 41250 - MP 0.70 TO MP 1.53 GRADE, DRAIN, SUR�ACE(ACP), AND CURB AND GUTTER FINISHED WIDTH = 48 FT. 16 63 VALL�Y RD EXTENSION (COLE RD TO ELGIN RD) NEW - MP 0.00 TO MP 0,55 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 40 FT. 16 64 PATTON BLVD EXTENSION (SR 17 TO AIRWAY DR) NEW-MPO.00TOMP0.30 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (ACP); FINISHED WIDTH = 50 FT. Q8 65 Q-NE RD (28-NE TO 31-NE) 52250 - MP 5.20 TQ MP 8.21 GRAbE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 07 66 STP(R)-T137 R-NE RD (WILSON CREEK C/L TO 31-NE) 95037 - MP 2.99 TO MP 10.94 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transporfiation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 M S T L T C FUND SOURCE INFORMATION P T T O E I O FEDERAL FUNDING RY A TN LD RAP O P T A G I E PROJECT MQNTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP V E U L T T S PHASE YEAR FUND COST TIA STATE I.00AL M S S IT Y PHASE COOE BY UATA �UNDS FUNDS TOTAL T STARTS pHAS� OTHEF2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 09 P O.p2 P PE 12 3 15 T RNV BR CbNST 58 15 73 TbTAL 70 18 88 04 P 0.83 P P E 43 7 50 T RM/ STP(U) CONST 476 74 550 TOTAL 519 81 600 01 P 0.55 P PE 13 2 15 T RM/ STI'(U) CONST 87 13 100 01 P 0.30 P PE T RNV CONST 03 P 3,01 P PE T RNV CONST TOTAL 03 P 7.95 P PE T RM/ CONST TOTAL 100 15 115 15 5 20 TIA 135 45 180 150 50 200 27 3 30 RAP 324 36 360 351 39 390 69 11 80 STP(R) 1038 1107 162 1200 173 1280 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies Hearing Date; July 13,1999 Adoption Date; July 13,1999 Resolution No.: 99- -CC EXP�NDITURE SCHEDULE FEDERALLY FUNDED (LOCAI,AGENCI� PROJECTS ONLY RNV REQ ath Y/N 1st 2nd 3rd thru �NVIR. DATE 6th TY#'E MONTH/YR 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 eis _ ce _ 73 �, _ 88 50 Eis _ CE � 550 Fa, _ 600 15 eisT CE _ 100 EaT 115 20 eis_ CE T 18b Fn_ 200 30 eis _ CE T 360 ea _, 390 80 els_ CE _ 1200 Ea _ 1280 Page 11 of 14 � Six Year Transportaf�an Impra�rement Program tnstructions for Pr�paring iF�e Form include ail pniJ ects regafdless of location or sourre nf fvnds. Cnmptete the form for the six year program in acmrdance with tt�e following instructions. Heading , Agency Enter name of tf�e sponsozing agency. County 1�lumber Enter the OFfv1 assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 2i.37.) . City IVumber Enter the OFM assi�ned I�twmber. (See LAG Appendix 2i.38.) MPO Enter tt�e name of tfie associated M&'O (if located within urbaniaed area). Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this pmgram was adoQted bq council or commission. Resolution Plumber Enter LegislaEive Avttiority resolution number �f applicable. Column Number 1. FuncEional Clusification. Enter the appropriate two-digiY code denoting the Federal Functional Ciassification. (Note: The Federal Funttional CtassiFication musk be approved by FHWA.) Descriptian Runl iunder 5,U00 ans) Urhan (over 5,000 areas) UI Interstate 11 Interstate U2 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways k Expresswaqs D6 Minor Arterials 14 Other I�rincipa[ Arterials 07 Major Collector 16 MinorArtenal 08 Minor Coilector 17 Collector 09 Locat Access 19 Loca1 Access UO Nn Classi6cation UO No C1a�.cification 2. Priority Numbes Enter Icxat agency number identifying agency project prioriry (�ptional). Project Idenlification. Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if pmvioits(Y assigned; (b) I3ridge Numher, (c) I'rti ect titte; (cf) Strr.el/Roaii Name or Number/Federal Route Number; {e) I3eginning and Ending Tennini (mile pnst or street namesj; and (� Describe thc Work to be Completed. Improvement'I}�pe Codes. Enter the appropriate federal code number(s). U1 U2 03 04 OS 06 07 08 U9 IU Deacription New rnnstruction on new alignment Relocation Reconstcvction Major Widening Minor Widening • Other Enhancements ResnrEacing New Bridge Canstruction Dridge Replacement IIridge Rehabilitation il 12 13 14 2! � 23 24 31 32 Minor dridge Rehabilitation Safety/Traffic OperaYion/T5M Environmentatly Related Bridge Program Speciat Transrt Capital Pro�ect Transit Opentiona] Project Transit Pfanning 'fransit Training 1Administration Non Capital ImPmverttent Non Motor Veh�de Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding staEus for the entire projett wfiich describes the current status. F Pro�ect is aelected and fundittg has been secured by the lead agency. S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the Iead. P Proiect is listed {or planning purpose and funding is not sec�reci. 6. Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "00" iE not appticable). 7. , Utitity Code(sl. Enter the appropriaie code letter(s) for the utilities that would need to be relncated or are impacted hy tl�r mnstruetion project. C Cabte'N S Sewer (other than agency owrsed) G' Gas P Power T Telephone W Water O Other e. Project Phase. Select the appzopriate phase cade of the project. PE Preliminary Engineering only (or pfann�ng) RW Right af Way or tand ncquisiGon only (oz equipment purc6ase) CN Constrvdion only (c�r transit operatin� ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineenng tlirough Constructfc�n 9. Phase Start Dste. Enter tfie month/dayJyear in MM/DD/YY format that the selected phase oE the project is attually excep[rd to start. 10. Federal Funds Sourre. Enter the Federal Fund Soume code from the table. BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Con estion MirigationAir Quality STP{C) DEMO I�A Demo Projects (Selected) STP{E) tC Interstate Construdion StP(S) iM Interstate Maintenance STP(R) PIHS National HighwaySystem " STP{U) Slb FTA Elderly 6t Disabled Persons STP S18 FCA Rural Areas Other S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure FTA Urban Areas STP Statewide Competitive Pn�gram STP?ransporta#ion Enhancements STP Safety inciuding Hazard dc RR S7P Rural regionally setected 5"Ii' Urban regionally selected STP all other STP pzo�ect aoE listed Ail other Federal Funds Sources 11. Federal Cost Enter the toial federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12 Statt Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on thas �ro) ect. • CAPP Cottnty Artenal Preservation Pmgram RAP Rural AsCenal Program TIA Transpnrtation Improvement Account EJATA Urban Artetiai Trus[ Acrnvnt . PWTF Public Works Trust Eund Other i.e. WSDOi 23. State Fvnds. Enter all funds from State Agenaes (in thousands) of the phase regardtesa of when the funds wii! be spent. 14. Lonl Fnnds. Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 15. Total Fvnds. Enter the Sum af rnTumns 10, 12, and 14. 26-29. Expenaiture Schedule - tlst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th yean). Enter the estimated expecTiitures (in thnusandsj bf doilars by ycar. This data is for Local Agency use. 20. 21. Environmental Data Type. Enter the type of envin�nmental assessment that wiH Ue requirc�d fat this project. 7iiis is rc�c�uireei (or Fcderally Funded projects anly. EIS Environmenial Impact Statement CE Categorica[ Excfusion EA EnvicvnmentalAsseaament NA NntApplicablelLinknown R/W Certification. �rcle Y if Right of Way acquisitic�n is mquircd. lf yes, Fnter R/W CerFi(ication Date if known 7his is nti�uircd for Federiliy Funded projects only. �7 Form 1�0-W9 �nstruceons Rev�seQ 2/96 �� Six Year Transpor�ation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 Agency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPO/RTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N L I A. FEDERAL AID NO. C A O B. BRIDGE NO. T$ R C. PROJECT TITLE I S ( C�, STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER 4 T E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND E�ND N Y F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 1 2 3 09 67 F-N� (N FRONTAGE TO MAE VALLE`n N6W-MPO.00Tc70.95 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 26 FT. (COST SHARE FROM MOSES POINTE) 09 68 BLACK SANDS AREA ROADS NEW GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (GRAVEL); FINISHEO WIDTH = 26 FT 09 69 S-NE Rd (N. FRONTAGE TO 2.5-NE) 43750 - MP 0.00 TO MP 2,49 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 26 FT. 07 70 STP(U)-N131 U-SE (12-SE TO WARDEN C/L) 92035 - MP 0.00 TO MP 3.28 SURFACE (ACP); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. 08 71 9-NW RD (SR 283 TO DODSON RD) 93020 - MP 5.84 TO MP 10.06 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. 07 72 STP(R)-P135 STRATFORD RD (TYNDALL TO 12-NE) 94025 - MP 4.36 TO MP 9.23 ACP OVERLAY; FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT, ' DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 M S T L T C FUND SOURCE INFQf2MATI0N P T T O E I 0 FEDERAL FUNDING RY A TN LD RAP O P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP V E U L T T S PHASE YEAR FUND COST TIA STAT� LOCAL M S S IT Y PHAS� CODE BY UATA FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL 7 STARTS PHASE OTHER 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 01 P 0.95 P PE 13 13 T RNV CONST 117 117 TOTAL 130 130 01 P 2.00 P PE 16 16 T RNV CONST 144 144 TOTAL 160 160'' 03 P 2.49 P PE 10 1Q T RNV CONST 320 320 TOTAL 33p 330 07 P 3.28 P PE 58 9 67 T RIW STP(R) CONST 779 121 900 TOTAL 837 130 967 03 P 4.22 P PE 46 6 50 T RNV RAP CONST 684 76 760 TOTAL 729 81 810 07 P 4.87 P PE 30 30 7 RNV CAPP CONST 500 500 530 � 530 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIe; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoptian Date: July 13,1999 Resolution No.: 99- -CC EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE FEDEFtALLY FUNDED (LOGALAGENCI� PROJECTS ONLY RNV REQ 4th Y/N 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE 6th TYP� MON7H/YR 13 eis_„ CE _ 117 Fn_ 130 16 eis _ cE _ 144 �, _ 160 10 eis _ CE � 320 �, _ 330 67 eis_, CE � 9OO EA 967 50 eis _ CE _ 760 Er, _ 810 30 eis_ CE _ 500 �, _ 530 Page 12 of 14 8 ,. , Six YearT`ransportation tmprovemeni Program Instrucfions for Pr�parmg tlhe Form inciude alt prtiJ ects reganiless of location or soucre of funds. Complete the form for the six year prc�gram in acmrdance with the iollowing instructions. Neading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency. County Number F.hter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Apperndix 21.37.} _ City Number Enter the OFM assi ned I�Iumber. (See LAG Appendix 21.38.) MPO Enter the name of t�e associ�teci MPO (if located wiYhin urbanized area). Hearing Date Enter the date of p�btic hearing. Adoption Date Enter the dafe this program was adaPted by muncit or commission. Resolution Number Enter Legisfative Authority resolut�on number if appbcable. Column Number 1. Functional Clusification. Entet the appropriate lwo-digit code denoting the Federei F�nctional Classification. (Note: The Federal FunctionaI ClassiFication must be appmved by FHWA.) Descriptlon � Runi tunder 5,000 area) U1 Interstate U2 Principal Arteria! 06 MinorArterials 07 Major Collector 08 Minor Collector 09 Local Access 00 Nn Classification Urban (oves 5,000 ueas) I1 lnterstate 12 Freeways k Eupressways 14 Other Principa[ Arterials 16 IvEinor Artenat 17 Collector 39 LOC�I ACCPSS 00 No Ctas.-aification Priority Numbez Enter kxal agency number identifying agency project priority (op�ionaq. Project identification. Enter (a) Federal Aid N�+mber if pmvioi�slY assigned; (b) i3ridge Number, (c) Yro'ecE tit}e; (d) StreetJRc�acf Pfame or Number/Federa! Route Number, (e) Drginning and Ending Tennini (mile post nr street names�; and (� Describc !hc Work tb be Compkted. Improvement Type Codes. Enter the appropriate federal ccxle number(s). U1 U2 03 U4 05 06 U7 08 09 lU Deacription New rnnstruction on new atignment Relocation Reconstruction Major �dening Minor Widening � Other Enhancements Resurfacing New Bridge Conshuction Bridge Replacement IIridge Rehabilitation il 12 13 14 21 � 23 24 31 32 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation Safe2y/Traffic Operatinn/TSM Environmentally Related IIridge Program Special Transit Capitai Pcv ect Transik Operationa� Pmject Transit Pfanning Transit Training /Administration Non Capital Im�rovement Non Mntor Vehule Praject 5. Funding Status Enter the funding stafus for the entire project which desaibes the cvrrent stateis. F Pro�ed is selected and fnnding has been secured by the lead agency. S Pro�ect is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead. P Pro�ect is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secaceci. 6. Total Length. Enter project [ength to the neares! hundredth (or code "00" if not Bppiicabie). 7. , Utility Codeisl. Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for the utitities thai would need to be relncated or are impacted by !hr mnstruction project. C Cable 1V S Sewer (other than agency owned) G' Cas P Power T Telephone W Water O Other e. Pmject I'hase. Select the appropriate phase rnde nf the prvject. PE Preliminary Engineering only (or pfannmgJ RW Right �f Way or land acquisitwn only {or equ➢pment purch�se) CN Construchon only (or trensit operatins) ALL Atl Phases from Preliminary £ngineenng through Constructaon 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the month/day/year in N(M/DD/YY format that theseiected phase of the project is acluaily excepteci to start_ 10. Federal Fnnds Source. Enter the Federal Fnnd Source code from the table. BR Bridge Reptacement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Congestiofl Mitigation Air Quality STP(C7 DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects {Selected) STP(Ej IC Interstate Construction STP(S) IM Interstate Maintenance STP(R) AIHS National HighwaqSystem � STP(U) S16 FTA Elderly dt Disab]ed Person.s SIP S18 FfA Rural Areas Other S3 FTA Discretionary for Capitai Expenditure FTA LTrban Areas STP Stafewide Competitive Pmgram STP Tnnsportation Enhancements STP Safety inctuding Hazard & RR STP Rural reginnaily selected STi' Urban regionally selected STP all other STf' project not ]isted AIl other Federal Funds Sources 11. Fedenl Cost Enter the tota[ federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardiess of when the funds will be spent_ 12. State Funds Code. Enter appmpriate for any of the tisted funds to be used on this pro"ect. • CAPP County Aftenat Preservation Pmgram RAP Rural Artenal �rc�gram TIA Traasportation Impcoveinent Account U/1TA Urban Arceriai Tnut Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Olher i.e. WSDOT 23. State Funds. Enter aU funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardlesa of when the fnnds wil[ be sprnf_ 20. 21. Loni Funds. Enter ati funds from tocal Agencies (in thousandsJ of ihe phase regardless of when the Funds wilt be spent. Total Fands. Enter the Sum of rnlumns 10,12, and 14. Ezpmcliture Schedule -ilst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th years3. Enter the estimated experttfiturns (in thousandsj of dollars by ycar This data is For Local Agency use. Environmental Uata Type. Enter the type of cnvirt�nmental assessment that wi1B be requirc�d for this project. Zhis is mquircci for Federai[y C-unded projects only. EIS EnvironmentallmpaccStatement CE CategoricalExclvsion EA Environmental A�.Sc�.ament NA Nc�f Applicable/lJrtknown R/W Certification. Crde Y if Right of `Way acquisition is rrquired. lf yes, Lnter R/W CertiGcatic�n Date zf known "I7�is is rEYiuimci [or FederaIly Funded projects only. �T Form 140-0�91nstruchon5 acri:ea �s Agency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPOIRTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N L I A, FEDERALAID NO. C A O B. BRIDGE Nd. 1' S R C. PROJECT TITLE I 5 I D. STR�ET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER p T E, T�RMINAL BEGINNING AND �ND N Y F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE OONE 1 2 3 07 79 STP(R)-M135 N-NE/SE RD (3-NE TO SR 17) 92025 - M P 0.00 TO M P 5.04 I GRADE, bRAIN, SURFACE(ACP), FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transpor�ation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 Hearing Date: July 13,1999 Adoption Date: July 13,1999 Resolution No,: 99- -CC M S 7 L T C FUND SOURCE INFORMATION P T T O E I 0 F�DERAL FUNDING EXPENDITURE SCHEDUL� FEDERALL.Y FUNDED R Y A T N L D RAP (�ocn�noeNcv� PROJECTS ONLY 0 P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH/ FEDERAI. FED�RAL CAPP RNV REQ V E U l. T T S PHASE YEAR �UND COST TIA STATE LOCAL 4th Y/N M S S IT Y PHASE CODE BY UATA FUNDS �UNDS TOTAL 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE T STARTS PHASE OTHER 6th TYPE . MONTH/YR 03 P 6.04 P PE T RNV CONST TOTAI. STP(R) 43 1090 1133 16967 13 1A 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 5p 50 eis _ CE _ 170 1260 1260 Eo, _ 177 1310 1310 14181 8909 40057 7427 7890 8533 16207 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Irrigation Districts; Telephone Companies Page 14 of 14 � ` • Six YearTransportatian Improve�ner�� Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Inciude all pni�etts regardless ot Iocation or source nf funds. Complete the farm for the six year pcugram in accordance with the following instructidns. Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency: County I�Iumber Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 21.37.) . City Number Enter the OFM assigned idumbcr. (See LAG Appendix 2Y.38.) MPO Enter the name of tfie associated MPO (if located within urbanized area). Hearing Date Enter the daCe oF public hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this program was ada�ted by muncil or commissifln. Reso7ution Number Enter Legistative Authority resolution number �f appitcable. Column Number 1. Functional Clusification. Enterihe appropria[e two-digit cade denoiing the Federal Functionai C[assification. (Note: The Federai Functional Gassification musk be approved by FHWA.} Descriptton Rnn1 iunder 5,400 ana) Urban (over 5,000 areas) O1 Interstate 11 Interstate U2 Principal Arteria! 12 Freeways dz Expressways Ob Minor Arterials 14 Other Principal Arteria[s 07 MajorCollector 16 MinorAttenat OS Minor CoAector 17 Collector 09 Local Access ] 9 Local Access UO No Classification W No Cla�.cification 2. Priority NumbeL Enter Icxal agency number idcntifying agency project priority (optional}. Project Idenliiication. Enter (a) Federa[ Aid Number if �reviouslx assigned; (b) B3ridge Number; (r) I'ai ect title; (d) Street/Rc�ad Name nr Numbcr/Federa[ Route Number; (ej Beginning and Ending Tennini (mile post or street namesj; and (� Describc llic Work to be Completed. tmprovemmt Type Codes. Enter the appropriate federal ccxie number(s). Ut U2 D3 U4 OS 06 07 08 (� 10 Deacription New rnnstrudion oa new alignment RelocaGon Reconstcuction Major Widening Minor Widening • Other Enhancements Resurfacing New Bridge ConsEruction BridRe Replacement nridge Rehabititation li 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation Safety/TrafFic Operation/TSM Environmentally Related Bridge Program Special Transtt Capital Pro}ed Traessit Operational Pmject Tranait PCanning Transit Tnining �AdministtaEian Non Capital Improvement Non Motor Vehute Praject 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire Project which describes the current status. F Proiect is aelected and funding lias been secured by the lead agency. S Prolect is suhjett to selection hy an agency other than t6e lead. P Pro�ect is Iisted for planning purpose and funding is not seaareci. 6. Total LengEh. Enter project tength to the nearest hundredth (or code "00" if not appticable}. 7. , Ufility Code(s). Entet the appropriate code letter(s} for the utili[ies that would need to bc relc�cated or are impatteci by llie eonstruction project. C Cable TY S Sewer (other than agenty owned) G' Gas P Power T Telephone W Water O Other 8. Project Phasa Select the appropriate phase rnde nf the project. PE Preliminary Engineering anly (or piann�ng) RW Right of Way or land acquisit�on oniy {or equipment purehase) CN Consiructian onty (or trar�it opentin�) ALL All Phases from P�rliminary Engineer{ng llirvugh Consiruttaon 9. Phase Start Data Enter the month/day/yeac in MM/UD/YY format that the seflected phase of the project is actually exceptc�cl ti. start. 10. Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table. I3R Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Con�gestion Mi6�ation Air Quality STP(C) DEMO ISi'EA Demo Pro�ects iSelected) STP(E) tC lnterstateCanstruction STP(S) [M lnterstate Maintenance STP(R) NHS Nationat Highway System � STP(U) St6 FTA E�derly bz Disabled Persocts STP Si8 FI'A Rural Areas Other S3 FFA Discretionary for Capitat Expenditure FI'A Utban Areas S77' Statewide Compet�itive Pmgram STP Transportati�n Enhancements STP Safety inzinding Hauzd dz RR STP Rural regianafly selected STP Urban regionally selected S'�'P all ot6er STi pro�ect not listed All other Federal Funds Sources 11. Fedaal Cost Enter the total fedecal cost (in lhousands) oE the phase regardless of vvhen [he f.unds will be spent 1Z State Funds Code. Enter appropriate forany oE the listed funds to be used on this pro )ect. • CAPP County Artenal Preservation Pmgram I2AP Rural Artenal Program 7'IA Transpnrtation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Accaunt . P1NTF Public Works Trust Fund Other i.e. WSDOT 13. State Funds. Enler all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless af when the funds will be spctTt. Local funds. Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 7ota1 Funds. Enter the Sum of cotumns 10, I2, and 14. Ezpmditure Schedufe- (lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th years). Enter the estimated expeRtiitures (in thousands) of dollars by year. This data is for Local:4gency use. Environmental Data Type. Enter the type of environmental assessment that wii! be requireci for this project. This is rc�c�uireci far Federallq Funded projects oniy. � EIS Environmental impact Statemenl CE Categnrical Exclusion EA Environmental AsSeatment NA Not ApplicableNnknown R/W CerFiEication. Cirde Y if Right of Way acquisition is rrquired. If yes, Enter R/W Certification Date if known. i�is is rcquimd for Federally Funded projects only. �T Form 1�p�0491�struenons RMnStC iAE a Agency Grant County County No. 13 City No. MPO/RTP QUADCO F P U C R PROJECT IDENTIFICATION N L I A, FEDERAI AID NO. C A O B. BRIDGE N0. T 5 R C, PROJECT 71TLE I S I D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER p T �, TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END N Y F. DESCRIBE WORK Tb BE bONE 1 2 3 q8 73 E-NW RD (SR 28 TO 9-NW RD) 39050 - Mp 0,00 TO MP 2.29 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (BST); FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. Q$ 74 6RdS-2013 BRIDGE #377, A-NW (North of 7�NW) 37950 - MP 3.18 TO MP 3.40 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 09 75 BRUS-2013 BRIDGE #313, E-SE 20790 - MP 1.15 TO MP 1.36 BR►OGE REPLACEMENt; FINISHED WIDTH = 28 FT. 08 76 STP(R)-NEW 12-NW RD. (DODSON 70 SR 28) - Landfill access NEW - MP 0,00 TO MP 1.50 GRADE, DRAIN, SURF. (BST), FIN. WIDTH = 34 FT. 17 77 STP(U)-6089 COCHRAN/OTTMAR (AIRWAY DR TO VALLEY RD) 41550 - MP O.QO TO MP 0.89 GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE (ACP), C&G; FINISHEO WIDTH = 52 FT. 07 78 STP(R)-L137 B-NW/20-NW RDS (SHEEP CANYON TO DIVISION ST) 93032 - MP 0.00 TO MP 2.64 (Includes portion of city street) GRADE, DRAIN, SURFACE(BST), FINISHED WIDTH = 34 FT. ' DOT Form 140-049 Rev. 9/95 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2000 to 2005 Hearing Date: July 13, 1999 Adoption bate: July 13,1999 Resolution No.: 99- -CC M S T L T C FUND SOURCE INFORMATION P 7 T O E I 0 FEDERAL FUNbiNG EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE FEDERALLY FUNDED R Y A T' N L D RAP (LOCALAGENCI7 PROJECTS ONLY 0 P T A G I E PROJECT MONTH! FEDERAL FEDERAL CAPP RMf REQ V E U L T T S PHASE Y�AR �UND CO5T TIA STATE LQCAL ath Y/N M S S M Y PHASE CODE BY UATA FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL 1st 2nd 3rd thru ENVIR. DATE T STARTS PHA6E QTHER 6th TYPE MONTH/YR 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 2p 21 03 P 2.29 P PE 22 3 25 25 eis_, T RNU RAP ce_ CONST 333 37 370 370 �_ TOTAL 355 40 395 395 09 P 0,22 P PE 8 2 10 10 eis T R/W BR ce_ CONST 72 18 90 90 �,_ 70TAL 80 20 100 100 09 P 0.21 P PE 6 2 8 8 eis T RNV BF2 cE_ CONST 34 8 42 42 �_ TOTAL 40 10 50 50 03 P 1.50 P PE 25 25 25 eis_ T RNV SOLID ce� CONST WASTE 200 200 200 en,_ TOTAL 225 225 225 03 P 0.89 P PE 26 4 30 30 eis_ T R/W STP(U) ce` CONST 450 70 520 520 ea,� TOTAL 476 74 550 550 03 P 2.64 P PE 26 4 30 30 Eis_ T R/W STP(R) ce_ CONST 433 67 500 500 Ea,_ TOTAL 459 71 530 530 Distribution: 2 TransAid; TIB; CRAB; RTPO; Planning; PUD; Inigation Districts; Telephone Companies Page 13 of 14 � � ' � Six YearTranspor�aiion [mpravement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form lnciude a!I prti) ects regardless of Iocation ur source af funcis. Complete the form for the six year prvgram in acmrclance with the follawing instructions. Heading Agency EnCQr name of the sponsoring agency_ County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 2I.37.} . City Number Enter the OfM assi{;ned Number. (See LAG Appendix 2I.38.) MPO EnEer the name of tfie associated MPO (if located within urba�ized area). Hearing Date Enter the date of pubiic hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this pmgram was ado�Eed by council or commission. Reso7ution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number �f applirable. Column Number � - 1. functional Classification. Enter the appropriate two-digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification. (Note: The Federa} Functional Ctassification must be a�pmved by FHWA.) Description � Runl (under 5,000 area) Urban (oder 5,000 ueas) U2 Interstate ii Interstate 02 PrindpalArterial 12 Freeways k Expresswaqs 06 Minor Arterials 14 Other PrinciPal Arterials 07 Major Callector 16 Minor Artenat 08 Minor Collector I9 Collector 99 Local Access 19 Locai Access UO NoClassification UO NoClassification 2. Priority NnmbeL Enter Ic�cal agency number identifying agency �mject priority (aplional). Project Identification. Entrr (a) Federal Aid Number if prenviouslY assigned; (b) i3ridge Nnmber; (c) Prci ecE title; (d} Stmet/Rc�ad Name or NumbcrlFederal Route Number, (e) Deginning and Ending Tennini (mi[e pnst or street namesj; and (� Drccribc lhc Work to be Completed. Improvement T}�pe Codea. Enter the appropriate federal code number(s). U1 uz 03 04 05 06 07 tl8 09 10 Deacription New construction on new alignment Relocation Reconstruction Major Widening Minor Widening - Other Enhancements Resurfacing New Bridge Constcuction Dridge Rep(acement I3ridge Rehabilitation 11 12 13 14 21 � 23 24 31 32 Minor Brid e Rehab'rtitation Safety/Tn�ic Operation/"FSM Environmentaity Retated Bridge Program Special Transit Capital Pro}ect Tracssit Operationai Project Traacit Pfanning 'fransit Training /Administration Non Capital Im�mvement Non Motor VehicIe Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire project which desaibes the cvr�ent status. F Pro2ect is selected and funding has 6een secured by the lead agency. S Pro1ect is subject to selection by an agency other than ihe lead. P ProJect is i'uted for planning purpose and funding is not seaareci. 6. Totai Length. Enier project (ength to the nearest hundcedth (or code "00" if not appficable). 7. , UEilIty Codetsl. Enter the appropriate code Ietter(s) [or the utili(ies that would need to be relcxated or are impacted hy the mnstruetion project. C Cable ZV S Sewer (other than agency owned) G' Cas P Power T Telephone W Water O Other 8. Project Phase, Select the appropriate phase code of the project. PE Preliminary Engineering anly (or ptanning) RW Rig6t of Way or land acquisit�on anly {or equiPment punhase) CN Con.struction onty (ar transit opentin�) ALL AIi Piiases from Preliminary Engineering through Constructeon 9. Phase Start Dat�. Enter the monthlday/year in MM/DD/YY (ormat that the selected phase of the graject is actualiy ezceptrd te� start. 10. Federai funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the Wble. iiR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 CMAQ Congcation Mitigation Air Quality STP{C) DEMO ISTEA Demo Pr+ojects (Selected) STP(E) tC Interstate Construdion ST'P(S) iM Interstate Maintenance SIP(R) I�IHS National I-iighway System ' STP(Ln Sib FI'A Elderly dz Disabled Persons STP S18 FtA Rural Areas Other S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure FTA Urban Areas STP Statewide Competitive Pmgram STP Transportation Enhancements STP Safety inci�ding Hazard dc RR STP Rural regionaIly sele�ted STP Urban re onaliy seIected STP all otfier � pro�ect nat lisied AII other Federal Funds Sources 11. Federal CosG Enter the total federal rnst (in lhousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 12. State Funds Cod�. Enter appropriate for any of the i"ssted funds to be used on this pro'ect • CAPP Connty Artenat Preservation Pmgram RAP Rural Artenai �rogram 'fIA Tranapnrtation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Acmunt PV1�I'F Public Works Trust Fnnd Other i.e. WSDOT 13. State Funds. En1er all fvnds from Statc Agencies (in thousandsJ of the phase regardless of when the Eunds wifl be sprnt. Local Funds. Enter atl funds from local Agencies (in thovsands) of the phase regardiess of when the funds will be spent. Total Funds. Enter the Sum oE coiumns 10,12, and 14. Expm�iture Schedule -(lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6th yean). Enter the estimated experfditures (in thnusands) of dollars by yrar. This data is for Local Agency vse. Environmental Uata Type. Enter the type of envia�nmenWl assessmeni that will be requireci fcir this project. This is rnquirecl for Federall� Funded projects only. � EIS Envinonmental tmpact Statement CE Categorical Exc}usion EA Environmentai Assessment NA Nnt Applicable7Unknown R/W Certification. Grde Y if Right of Way acquisition is rrquircd. if yes, Enter R/W Certification Date if known.'I'his is r�tiluired for Federaily Funded projects oniy. �T Fam t10-0�91nstructrons Acw�sed 2% Grant County Six Year TIP 2000-2005 Revenue and Expenditure Anaylsis June 24, 1999 BARS # 2000 2001 2002 2003-05 REVENUES: Unreserved Balance 4,000,000 5,500,200 6,733,000 7,999,600 311 10 Property Tax 5,061,000 5,042,000 5,193,000 15,487,000 311 30 Sale of Title Prop. 0 0 0 0 317 20 Leasehold Tax 85,000 91,000 97,400 353,600 322 40 Street & Curb Permits 500 500 500 1,$00 332 15 21 Taylor G�azing Act 2,000 2,100 2,200 8,000 332 15 60 Fish & Wildlife 0 1,000 1,100 4,000 333 20 21 STP (TEA-21) 3,855,000 4,620,000 1,266,000 6,939,000 334 03 61 WSDOT Planning - RTPO 0 10,000 10,000 0 334 03 71 RAP 1,546,000 709,000 4,538,000 3,188,000 334 03 72 CAPP 480,000 950,000 1,390,000 725,000 334 03 81 UATA/TIA 227,000 169,000 0 150,000 336 00 89 Motor Vehicle Tax 5,690,000 5,860,700 6,036,500 19,739,400 337 07 In-Lieu Taxes 0 0 0 0 338 40. Road Maint. Services 90,000 90,000 90,000 300,000 341 50 Map Sales 500 500 500 1,800 341 60 Printing/Duplicating 3,000 3,200 3,400 12,300 343 20 Engineering Services 1,000 1,100 1,200 4,400 345 80 Plat Checking Fees 3,000 3,200 3,400 12,300 349 90 Road Const./Eng. Services 0 0 0 0 361 10 Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 366 10 Interfund Interest 0 0 0 0 367 10 Contributions 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 369 90 Misc. Revenue 20,000 21,400 22,900 83,9 00 391 00 Columbia Basin Bonds 0 0 0 0 397 00 Transfers-In 0 0 0 0 Total Revenues: 21 114 000 23 124 900 25 439 100 55 159 300 EXPENDITURES: 519 Reimbursables 150,000 90,000 90,000 300,000 520 Traffic Policing 187,000 200,100 214,100 229,100 542 Road Maintenance 6,334,000 6,650,700 6,983,200 22,625,600 543 00 Administration 960,000 1,008,000 1,058,400 3,429,200 543 10 RTPO 0 0 10000 10000 543 20 STP (Fuel Tax Redist.) 443,000 443,000 443,000 1,329,000 545 Extraordinary 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 591 Bond Redemption 36,800 33,120 29,808 67,068 597 10 Transfers-Out (P & T) 26,000 27,000 28,000 92,000 597 20 Transfers-Out ER&R 0 0 0 0 Total Ex enditures: 8 186 800 8 501 920 8 906 508 $28 231 968 Available Construction Dollars: 12 927 200 14 622 980 16 532 592 26 927 332 Six Year TIP Totals $7,427,000 $7,890,000 $8,533,000 $16,207,000