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Resolution 99-109-CC (002)
��!"1iA� �![ �V�B• ` � VVi�■!t!l��r/iY�ii�r�� t�ran� C�unty, Washin�ian 1N TE;E lU[I�TTER OF AME�IDING iNE �OMPREHENS#VE SPX YEA,R TRAi�I�POR`i�TtON 1MPRC�VEME�ti PRUGR�RM FOF�. Td�E `IEAF�S i 999 T� 2�3C}4 Resolution �Va. ��-�.o�-c� WHEREAS, pursc��nt t� the requ'sremer�ts of Section 6, Chapter 83, Laws �f �xtraordinary Sessl�r� o€ th� S#�te o� �Nashingt�r�z Grant �ouniy c�id prepare an amendment to the Campreherts�vs �"ransportatoon improvenneni Program far the years 1999 fo 20{34; and WHEREAS, pursuar�t fu�ther to said Law, the f�oard of Caunty �ommissioner�, beir�g fhe i�gislati�re body of the �ounty, did prepare, revise and exi�nd sa�d amendmes�t t� �he Si� Y'ear Program and did haid a public hearing on said am��dmen$ t� the Compre#�er�sive Piar; a� 1�:0� A.Ma at the Courtk�ouse, Ephra�a, �ashington on the 1��' day a� J�a�y, 1999; a�d � tNHERFAS, an environmental pre-assessmeni oathe amendmer�t to the Six Year �rogram indicafed #hat the s�eia6, economi� ar�d a�s#hetic values wouid not be disit�rbed; . N�1/V, Commission�rs of �or�pre�ertsive Six adc�p��d. �"HEREFOR� �E IT RE��L1lED by ihe Bc►ard of Caunty Grar�f �o�rnty, Washir�gtc�n, ihat Amendment No. � to the Year Ro�d Pre�gram presented ai the pubiic �earing be hereby DO�iE THiS �-3�h Q�iY dF , ��z� , 1999. ' 1 ��ill,,, }s�.,,l.t. '. - �s` :�- �� � �m Snead, Chairma� �eRay Allison `�.� �(�,t�l� O Deborah Moore Co�tstitutsng the Board af Coun#y Commissior�ers of Grant County, Washingtar� A�ency Grant Caunty Courity No. 4 3 City No. MPO None � P . t! C R PRO.l�CT IDENTiFICAiION . �t L i A. FEI��F'iRl. Alp N0. C A O B. �RIOC3E NO. 7' S R C. RROJECT TITLE i S f D. BTREETJCOUNTY ROAC► NAME OR NUMB�R Cy T E. 'T��tMlNAf. 8EGlNNING A1�10 �ND 1 Y F. p�SCRlBE WORK 7(� BE OON�.. 1 . 2 ;. 3. 07' . ib S7P(R�j�Si277 I� STP(Ft�j-H133 02 : GOOLJRICH RD F2EAUC3NftAEh17/SR 1? iNTERSECT#OIJ 21700 - MP O.IXi TO MP 2�30: 00017 - MP 45.65 TQ MP 50.67 RF�Ii..(GN, W(DEN, �tIf2F(ACf'j, TRAFFIC SIGNAL; FIN. WIDTH = 07 '7� STf�(f2�}-N133 GOOD�2iCH RD RR XiNG f� K-SE 2i 700 - MP 'i .00 70 MP 1:20 RR StGNAi.IZATION; FiNlSMED WEt3TH = 34 FT. O? 77 STP{RE�SR17 & STP(REj-M133 D2 M-SE RD REAUt�NMENT/SR 1T tNT£i2SECTtON 92t}i5 - MP 6.20 TO MP 6.5�; 00017 = 48.40 TO MP 49.65 ��as.��rt, w���r�, su��.{ACP : �tH�sH�o w�oY�t = aa-sa �. as. 07 78 STF{RE}-M133 & STP(R�}0037 02 M-SE & SR 17 RR Xf NGS 920'15 - MP 6.10 7Q 6.3t}� OW17 -MP.48.021'O MP 48:4Q: .. RR SIGNALS d� GA7ES; FINISFtED WiDTN = 34-64 FT'... ROT Fam 14W?49 Rev. 91l95 ri���C��c�r��en� rvo. ;� to tne Si�c Year ir�.nsportation Impravemenfi �rogram 1999 ta 2��4 Hearing Date: July 13,19�39 Adoption Date: July 13,1999 " Resolutiort Na.: 99-. . -CC • � PROJEC7`!CO$TS !iV i`HOUSANDS OP DO�.lARS M S T L T G �'QND SOURC !N ORMAi'ION F T T Ct. E t O , FE ,ERAI.,, UND( G.. EXPENpITUR� SCH�bUL� FEDEt'L4LLY FUNDED P R Y A 7` N L D RAP �.oc�t.�c� PROJECTS ONLY. O P. T A G I E PROJECT MONTFi!' �Eb�RAl. F�t)EE?AL CA�#� �y �Eq V� U t� T T� PHASE Y�t F'UND CpSfi TW STAfiE L4CAl.. 4th Y/�V 4 M S:. S H; :Y '`F'FiASE COp� BY UA'I'A FUNDS FUNDS 1'�TAL . 1st 2nd 3rd ttinu EM/IR. DATE T '? ' . STARTS ` . PNASE OTNER sth . . 'IYF��E MONTHlYR '4. . 5 7. '.� 8. 1� 19 !2 13 14 15 96 , 1? . 1.8 ` 19 �n 3e 02 F 3.32 '�� PE 9�99 244. 38 278 i0p �178 04 T. R/W ' STP(REj � T!S 12 CONST 91C)0 �166 338 2504 1�52 1252 � FT. TOTAL 24Q6 376 2782 'f00 1430 ' 02, F 0.20 P PE 6/99 9 1 1Q 'f0 . T RNV STP(R�) TIB CONST 11�00 121. 19 140 14p 00 TQTAL 130 20 150 10 14{! 02 F 0.61 P PE fi/99 112 18 130 50 60 7 RJW 9/99 STP(RE) CONST 11�00 1G60 165 1225 'l225 i01'AI. 1172 . , 183 1355 : 50 1305 92 F 0.58 P PE 61JJ �t3 7 50 10 40 T, �N STP(REj G{}NST. 1100 3p 57 420 420 Totals Tptats: 406 tdmant: 4114 TIP & P,r�end. #1: 1'l670 15i84 Distribtat'Eon: 2 TransAid; 4 TIB;1 CRAB;1 RTPO 64 470 , , 10 �46L1 396 ��247 4757 170 3335 626 12508 6758 3103G 6867 3i63 3801 17205• 130q4 7ClOS 35793 7037 6498 4427' 17205 Y 9199 Y 9�99 N Page 1 of 1 � S�x YearS�ansporiai�on trnp�ovem��i Prr�gram Instructiorts far Preparing #he Form YncSude at2 proJ"ects �ardiesc .a4 iec�xtion vc sc>um af funds. Camplete fhe form tar the siz yrar prngnm in actardance wilh the f�tlawing instrucEions. Headirig Agency Entei nanxe of the spansoring a�encp.. C.a►snty t�inmber 8ntet #he QFM assigned itambet. {See LAG ,�pp�ndrx 2t.37,} City I�Iumber Enter.the QFM assigs�ed 1*iumber, (See LAG Append�x �1.38.} � MPO Enter the natiie of the assaia4ed MPO {if tocated witi�inearbanizeti area}. Hearing_Date Edter=ttte ilat� oi pu�sti� hearing. Adoptian i3ate Enier tkit date this program was ada�ted by councit or t�mmission. Resc��tntion Number �nter Legislative Authority resalut�an numb.er :f apgficable. ColuCr4n Nc►t�tb@T � r - k I. Fetnetiansi Ctaasiiicatian. Fnt,er the apprupriate two-di�it code denoting the Federat Functiunai Ctassi�fitation. (lVote: The Fedtrat Fer�ttionad Ctasstficatian mssst be a}�provcd by FHYt+A.) Daazrtptlon Rusil Euaaer SsOOO iTli�} L3l�?trt (O3'C! S Q00 3Yti!) t?1 'InttcsiaCt � 11 , Interstake U2 i's3ntipalAtteriaT 22 Freewa�ys,EtExpressways Db. Minor Arterials 14 Othar Principal Arttria�a ffI Majnr Co2lectoc. I6 Minar Azterrat 08 MinarGailettot �7 Co1lc�tor 09 Laca1 Acctss i9 t,c+cai ftcre� W Ncr �t�ssilisatian OQ Nc� Ctassi�cation 2, Y'riorI3y Nut�tbt� Esttca tacni agertcy nUmb�r iJentifyin�; a�ency groject priUrity (apticmaI). 3. ProJt+cE IdenfffTca�on. Entcr ta} Fedtrni Aid Namber it pmvioust� aasfgned; {bj Ifridge Nurnber, {c} Pcti ect titEe; Zci) Stmet/Rn�d i�fame nr NumbcrlFedtr+�t Ttaeete Number; (ej B�inning anct Ending Tennini {m�ie past or street names�; aztd (i� Descril�c the Wurk to.be t;amptetcd. , - t. Iznpzovtmea3'Ij�pe Ccdca. Enter the ap.pmgriate fede�raI cs�de number(s}. � � Dascrrption tfl I+iewrc�nslruttion oa new alignment it 02 Retotatitm 12 03 Rccnnstc�c!%n t3 t)4- Majar,Widtr�irig 74 as ?+�inor�vVidentag � sl 06 t'�Ehet �r►ttancesnertts 22 07 Resiitfaciisg 23 t}$ New �tidgt �onsiriittion 24 p4 Br`sdXtReptaceiatent 3i I� i#ridge Rthablt?f�tion 32 Minar i3ridge Rehabiliiation SK1(etylTiraftic Q�serationliSM Faviranmentaliy Related IIddge Pragram Spetial Tnnsit C:apitat Pro�ets Transitp� rat"sonal Project Tran.cit Fianning Trantit �'raia#ng /Adminisiratiun N�n �apitai Iist�rmvement Nan Motor Vehxcie Prx�ject 5. funding 5t:tua. Entert�►e fundtng atalas far the entire pmjert whieh d�cribes the narrent status. F t�ra�ec! is aei�ct�d and funding iias been secured by ihe lead agrrty. S ect is srsbjett to seiection by an; agency.nther than the lead. t� �`r�ect'is.}isted [ar p3anning gurperse and fuading is not securec4. 6. ToE�i Les+�th. Enter prajec# ttagth;o the nearest huadreciih {or code "QO" iE not apptirabie). ?. , iJtFtSEy Cadetn}.,. Eriter li:e �ppmpriate code ieites�s) tar the uti1;liq that would nced to be retc,cated or rm impicted Hy thr cunstrs�ct�ors pr�ect. _ �� Cs.fiie?V S Sewer (other than agrnty ownedj G' Gas F Po++rtt T Tetephonc W Water o v� 8. ProjetE-Mixse. Seiect;iter, a�propriate phase cnde of khe praject. T'8 i'rt#�minary Engirieeria� only {or pIanniag} !tW RigAt n# Way ar 3and a"cquisitivn only (nr equipmcnt purehase} Ct+t C�n..�tructicm anty �or tran.ci# nperatin� ALL Alt t'hasr.s faans PreIfminary En�ineenng tt�rough Corutru�tian 9. i'hxse Stan Datt. EnEerlha monthldayJycar �n MMIL?I?tYY [ormet tisa# the selected phase of the project is actuaiiy excc�i��ci ti� star 14. �edes�� Funds Sanrct. Entea the Federal �und Source code trom the. tabte. IIR �rJdge Reptacrrnent or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas �NtAQ C4n� gnstinnMita�atioaAiiC�uality STP�Cj STI'Statewid�CompetilivePmgram DEMO IrT"EA i:letzio ProJects {Sttecttdj STP(fi) Sl"P Traasportation Enhancemenis iC fnterstafe Gocssiiuctiim ST`PjS� 5'fP�atetq. inciuding Hazard & RR � i3vt tnterstatt Maintenanc� STP(R} 5'TI' liural reginnalIq seIected htHS NatidnnF Fiigh�ay System ' STP(U} STi' i,3rban regic�aatly seIected Slb FTA �ls#ertydc Dxsabied Pecsons STP STl'aii ather"SIl' proJert not listeci St8 FTA R�rat Areas CJther AIi �ther Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA 17isrntionaty !or CagiWt Expenditure 11. iFtdec:�t Cust Enterlhe totat %derai cost {in thausands} of ttse phase rega.rdiess of when ths funds wilI be spent. 22. 8t:te Funds Code. Enter appmpriate for any aPthe listed funds to be used on fhis �m'ect. � CAT'P CousityArtrnai Pteservatian Prc�gram RAP Rurai Arterra7 �r�gmm 7fA itanaps+rtetiori impcovesnent AccovnE UATA Urban Artetiat Trust Accaunt PWt'F I'nbiic WcyrScs 1'rust F�nd Otl�er i,e. WSDOT 23. Sfate Funds. Enter ait funds from StaM Agencies (in ihousands} of the phase regarcitesa aE whe�t the funds witt be sprnt. 74. 1S. 26-Y9. 20. zz. Lota! Fnnsis, Enter ati funds Frcrom iocal Agencies (en thnusands) of the ghase regardtess n# when the tunds will he ;s�ent. Ta.Eai Fc�nds: Enter the Sum of cot�mns 10,12, and 14. Ezptrsdtture 5ch�dssle - t7st. 3nd, 3rd, 4th thru 6t� yearsi. Enter the estimated experRiitures (in lhausands) of doitats by yrar. This c4ata is [or i,ocat Agenty use. • � Envlronsstentat U:ta R`�pe. Enler ti�r type af rtivin,nmenla! �scessmen! that will Ue requin�si icsr this pmject. This is mquireci fc�r Fcderatix �`�undcd �cctsonly. . Ei5 Env�rcrnmcntai 3znpact Statement C� Cate�or'acaE Exttusion fii4 ErtviivrssnentaF A.�.�s�+smrrtE NA. Nn# ApplitabielUnknown 1ttW C+�ittficstiori. Cirtic Y it R's�hi afi Way acquisiti�m is mquim�i. tf yts, Lnter RIW Ccrtiticalinn t?ate if known. ihix +s rck�e�in�ci far Padara�l.y fttaded pio�etCs,anl.y. - ppX Fan+ e,c.a� te��uenon� Rnr�sea:t196 . .� Amenda�nent No. 2 to the Six Year T!P 9999-2404 Re�renue an� Expe�diture Ana�ls�s �ec 28, '1998 BARS # '! 999 20�0 2QOi 2�02-Q4 �zFVE�rvEs: Unreserved Balance 8,501,�Ofl 9,285,400 �,164,3d0 8,869,20Q 31'� 10 PraperiyTax 4,964,{?00 5,261,800 5,577,500 i8,9Q7,700 3"I 1 30 Sale af TiBe Prop. Q Q +� 0 317 20 Leasehold Tax 85,000 91,OQ4 97,40t? 353,600 322 40 Street & Curb Permits 500 500 500 'l,8D0 332 ia 2't Taytor Grazing Act 2,000 2,100 2;200 8,000 3�2 15 SO Fsh &.WildCfe 0 i3ODO 1,100 4,000 333 2t? 21 STP (TEA 29j 2,966,000 641,000 i,492,000 8,78�,Od0 334 Q3 61 WSQCIT Plartning - RTPa 0 0 10,000 10,QdQ 334 Q3 71 RAP '! ,92Q,OQQ 1,700,000 1,092,000 4,871,Od0 334 03 72 CAPP 800,OQ0 8'}1,000 630,OQ0 2,145,000 334 03 81 I.�ATA/TIA 0 0 450,tiO4 336 OQ 89 Motor Vehicie Tax 5,288,000 5,446,600 5,610,000. i 8,344,7Q0 337 07 in-Lieu Taxes 0 0 0 0 338 40 Roati Maint. Services 90,000 96,300 103,000 373,900 341 50 Map Sales 500 50d 500 1,800 341 60 Priniing/Duplicating 3,OQ0 3,2QU 3,400 i2,300 343 2Q Engineering Seroices 500 500 540 '1,80f� 345 80 Plat Checking Fees 2,50Q 2,7Q� 2,900 10,500 349 80 Road Gonst./Eng. Seroices 0 0 0 0 36"i �0 Investment fntersst Q 0 0 0 38S 1Q Interfe�nd �nterest 0 0 0 0 367 1(! Confibutaons 67,000 71,700 76,700 27$,400 369 90 9�lisc. Revenue 14,Q00 10,700 1't,4U0 41,400 391 Ofl Columbia Basin Bonds 0 0 f1 0 397 00 iransfers-!n 0 0 � 0 Total Revenaes: 24 7D0 000 23 426 000 $22 475 40Q 62 466100 EXPEI1fQOTtJR�S: 599 fZeimbursables 90,OQ0 90,000 9(?,QOp 300,OiI0 520 Traffic Policing 9 81;000 193,70Q 207,3Q0 221,800 542 Road Maintenance 6,374,000 6,692,700 7,027,300 22,768,SOQ 543 00 Administra#ion 1,i15,000 9,170,800 1,229,300 3,982,90Q 543 1d RTPC} 0 0 10qQ0 10000 543 20 SiP (Fuet Tax ftedis�,} 500,000 500,OOd �00;{�OQ 1,500,D00 545 �actraar�nary 50,OOQ 50,Q04 �0,000 150;000 59'1 Sond Redemp#ion 41,6Qp 39,50Q 37,300 99,300 597 10 Transfers-Out (P & T) 26,Q00 27,OOQ 28,000 92,000 597 2d Transfers-Qut ER8�R 0 0 0 0 Totat end'ttures: $8 377 60d $8 763 700 $9 179 200 $29 124 500 Available Construction Dollars: $16 322 4QQ $1� 662 30d �13 29� 20fl $33 349 600 Six Year T1P Totats $7,037,C100 $6,498,QOQ �4,427,Q(34 �17,2(15,OOQ