HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-102-CC��, .�." j !.. "�' � ' '... �, ... . ._ _ e �" .. �. � �. ',..
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SPr���' RF_,�RI�t�T�C?N IC?S�t�, S C��,�TFiC� zN A �
�.T��"1"I(7N 35, T�WNSI�IP 19 �t(�RT]:I, Rl�NCx�'s 2Ei (
RESOI,UTION NO. ,.�.2.1 o2—CC
12F�(���LTI'InN �PP.RC)V�C
WI�]�RTAS, th€ :l�Q�rd of �+��nty Coznmissic�n�rs t�f Gr�nt G�t�nty have b��n ��vis�d by
the (arant Caunty Plannin� Comznission that an open recUrd public hearing was contiucted �n June 2, 1999
c�n the matter af the ��ulee Devcic��ment Campany Preliminary Plat. The suhject site is lcrcated in a
pc�rtian of the I°�Tortheast Quarter of Section 35, Townsh{p 19 North., I2an�e 26 East, Willa�nette Meridian.,
Gr�.�t Gozu�ty, Washin.�ton;
WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission rnade a recommendation to
ap�rc>ve this �rc��c�sed �areliminary p1at;
WHEREAS, the Grant County Baat�d af Commissioners held a clased record public
m�ting c�n J�uae 22, 1��9;
WHEi��AS, the ]3oard of County Conimissioners have made a decision to uphold the
x��camx�z�nd�.ticux tca a��r�v� t.he �rc��c�ssd 1'r�limin�°y Plat,
WHEI�AS, the l3oard of Cou�tty Commissioners have concluded that appropriate
�rc�v�s3caras fc�r r�r�.in�g� r���ds, �la�ys, ���iliti�,s, ��a1�33� w�ys, water s�a��lies�, sar��t�y wa�t�s, ��rks,
playgroui�ds, flre pratectioi2 f�eilities, school sites and graunds and ather public and pr�vate facilities and
arn�r�ve����nts laav�. L��caa aa�ad�;
WHEREAS, the k3oard af County Commissioners have found that the prUposed
st�ladivxsicua dc��s ctu►fcarm t� th� gen�r�� �aur�c�s� caf the C'cara��r�,h�ns3ve P��n, �d ����al�� t�s� �a� inter�st
will apparently be served by the �roposal;
�V�r3�R]Et3,S, t:he ].3c�ard c�f Cc�unty Cc�mmis�ic}ners have fc�tand thai: a Miti�;ated
Determination of Non-Si�,mificat�ce wa� issued on May 3, 1999 and the ret�uiremcnts of SEPA have been
WHEI€�EAS, the Board caf County Comm.issianers have made verl�ally a�reement with
t1�e prt��c>nent andtc�r %is r�esi�,ner that the I2ight tc� Farm Qrdinan�e Ianguage, a n�te �tating that h�anting c�n
the ac�jacent public lands is a long established practice a�id should be exten.deci to continue and a note
st�►t�� lh�t ta th€ fiall�st �t�t pt�ssil�l� contrc�l ol cats �d ��ogs to ��it��i�e }�r�d�tion iand h�r�ss��a�nt oi'
wildlife popL�lations will be rc�uired shall be shown on the face of the Plat,
1V(��1, THE1d�FAIB�, B� IT RESAL�D, that the B�ard c�f C�unty Cc�mmissi�ner�
for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution,, Coulee Devalopment Company Preliminary
Plat. Th� st�bj€6t sit� is lo��t�d in a portion of th� North�ast Q��art�r of S�ction � 5, Township 19 North,
Range 26 East, Willa�nette Meridian, Grant County, Washington; (Subject to the following Conditions of
'I'h� followin� ar� Eonditions of �ppraval, whi�:h w�r� «s€d in th� Grant Coranty Soard of County
Commissioner's closed record public meeting to approve the proposed Major Plat;
1. The Prc���sa15ha11 be in cc�mpliance with the Grant Cc�unty Cc�mprehensive Plan, the Grawth
Management Act, The Washingtc�n State Enviranmental Palicy Act, the Grant C�unty Z�ning
(Jxdinarace, th� (�r�at �:caunty Resaurc� Lands and �ritacal �reas �eveloprraent (Jrdinaxace aia�l
all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, rulings or requirements.
2, Pro�osal sha�l compl� wi�h ala requirements d��med necessary by tlae C�rarzt ��unty �e�lth
Distriet, the Washingtc�n State De}�artment af Health, and the Washingtc�n State Department
c�f Ecalc�gy regarding dc�mestic water supply, sewage systems and starm water cantr�l and
treatment including, but not limited to, RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water
Prohibited, WAC 173-�01, S�rfa�e W�t�r St.�nd�r�ls; WA�: 173-2(�1A, Ground Wat�r
Quality �tandards; and, WA� 24C-272, C).n-�ite �ewag� �ystenas.
3. Prc�pc�sal shall c�mply with all requirements nf the Crrant G�unty Fire Marshal and shall
compl,y with the Grant County Fire �'low Guidelinesfl the Uniform Building Code, Uniform
F.ire �ode and alI c�ther �ppli��bl� requirenaents for �re �rcatecti�n.
4. Prc��ac�s�l shali cn�aapiy with all requarem�nts of the Cr�nt �c��n�y Puk�lic Wc�rks IJepartraaer�t.
5. Prc���sal shall carnply with all requ�rernents af the Washingtan State Department �f
6. If any Native American G�ave site(s) �r archaec�l�gicaUcultural resc�urees (Indian Artifacts)
a.re found a1X �onstructican activity shall st�p and the c�wnerldevelcaper sl�ai.l .irnmediately
natify the Cc�lville Cc�nfederated Tril�es and the �Vashingtc�n �tate �ffice af Archae�lc�gy and
Historic Preservation.
7. Freliminary Plat appr�val shall �e cantingent u}�an cc�nfc�rmance with all applicable land use
rule� and regulatians in effect as c�f March 2, 1999.
$. Prelirninary Plat shall ec�mply tc� the fullest extent pa�sible the rec�mmendatians of the
Washington State Department of Fish ancl �JVildlife listed below:
a. ZVIax.im.ize the �xnc�u.x�t c�f r�maini�ag open space througla aow dex�sity .h�usix�g and
stratega� �lacernent c�f huildixag sit�s and r�ads, distu�°la the na#ave vegetatiora c�.nly tc� the
extent nece�sary ta camplete �lanned devela�ment �ites;
b.Utilize the natural existing plant comrnunities in landscaping schemes; restore
dist��rk�ed sites w.ith native grass and forb s�ed xnixes;
c. Establi�h best management practrce� f�r rislc reductian af weed irnvasi�n, wind and
w�t�r �rosian, and brush fir€s;
d. Let it be known through covenants in the land deeds that hunting on the adjacent public
lands is a l�ng e�tablished �ractice and sh�uld be expected t� c�ntinue;
e. The W]JFW wi�� not 1�e held res�c�nsihl� for �amage c�r nu.isanc� �rol�lerns frc�m
wildli£e with the e�tablishrnent af residences, gardens and landsca�ing;
£ Establish strict oovenants in the land deeds to control cats and dogs to minimize
pr�da�i�n and harassnaent of wild.life po�ulations, aiad;
g.Nc�tify the WDFW c�f any �ccupied burrawing awl site tc� devel�p �aratectian strategies;
esta�lash arti�cial burrQws f�r bu�rc�wing �wls to mitig�te habitat lt�ss.
9. Road name and addressing will be established to the County grid system. Road name for this
plat will l�e Road A,4 �,
10. Prc�pc�nent shall cam�ly wyth all requirernents c�f the Cc�lville C�nf�derated Tril��s.
11. Prc��nnent shall aam�ly with all requirements c�f the (arant C�unty Treasurer's Qi�ce.
12. Proponent shall comply with all requ�rements of the Washingion State Department of
IJ�ne thi� 22nd d�y of June 1999,
� A/1 .�, �
Chairman, irn S ad
Commissioner, D�barah K, Moore
Coarn�iss'oner, LeIto� #lllison
ATT�ST; `� .� "
Cl r f Che Boar
Coustituting the Eaard of County Commisstoners of Grant County, Vr'ashington