HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-088-CC Bf?AIZD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS GRANT C�Ul��i',WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NUMBER 99-88—CC A RESOLUTION relating to a supplemental extensioi� in the 1999 budget of tlle MENTAL HEALTH FUND#408, DEPT# 150 due to unanticipated state and/or federal funds. WHEREAS, it Ilas been brought to the attention of flle Board of Grant Conunissioners that unanticipated state and/or federal funds have been made available for the 1999 budget of the IvfENTAL HEALTH FUND#408,DEPT# 150 iiz the amount of $175,764 ; and WHEREAS,RCW 36.40.100 autliorizes supplemental appropriations from unanticdipated state and/or federal funds after publications of notice of the tiine and date of a public hearizig at which the supplemental appropriations resolution will be adopted, and the amount of the appropriation, once each week, for two consecutive weeks prior to such public hearing in the official z�ewspaper of tlie county; and WHEREAS,publication of the requisite legal notice was made in�e Dailv Herald newspaper of Grant County on�/26&6�?/99 __and said public hearing was held in the Grant County Corrunissioners'Office, Grant County Courthouse,Ephrata,Washington; NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE B011RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of GRANT COIJNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON,that the_1999 (year)budget of the MENTAL HE,ALTH FUND#448,DEPT# 150 supplemented and extended in tlie sum of $_175,764 from unanticipated state andlor federal funds according to tl�e following scheduIe of categories and itenis: arPRoriva.TloNs SALARIES&WAGES 560.00.11.00 $ 56,284 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 560.00.4t.00 $ 19,000 ADVERTiSING 560.00.44.00 $ 2,480 BUILDINGS 560.00.62.00 $ 70,000 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT 560.00.64.00 $ 23,500 INTERPUND II�FSURANCE 560.00.96.00 $ 4,500 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 175,764 FINANCING SOURCE ST.GRAN7�-D.S.H.S. 334.04.G4.02 $ I75,764 TOTAL FINANCING SOURCE $ 175,764 Done this 8th day of June , 19�g .�,�_---�''�� � �., Chairman � { � �; ATTEST� E �� Clerk of oard $oard of C nty Commissioners Grant County,Washington i � --=:��::-��t-- �ar��� enta�ll�e�Ithcar� ;_;;�;:;E; "TQ prorriote healthy corrrmunities through the provisian of quality mental h�althcare" , �������� May 6, 1999 � . ��� �_.�� � To: The Gz-ant County Cominissioners Froin: Sha�on Kiehn -���'�''` ����—�� - . . Re: Budget Amendment � � To farrnalize our discussi�n of May 4'� 1999 I would like ta put in writing our request far a budget amendment. '� � The Regional,Suppart Network(RS1V)has been distributing tl�eir fund balance to the � - praviders_ This will cantinue on a monthly basis as lang as the RSN's fund balance � exceeds $7'SO,OOQ_ The'impact for Grant 1VLental Healthcare�is.an increase in revenue af $175,764:19 for the months January-March 1999. These additional dollars from the RSN need to l�e spent to keep us in contract compliance with a 75%o direct service requirement. ' We have identifaed specific ways in whicli we would like to spend those additional dallars and I ha�e includ'ed that as ara attachment. Also, a m�re general break down with account numb�rs for Bob l�losher is included. Tha�k.vou for your support! _ -.:.� �� C�aanty �r!nmissi�.-�v- ��:�i�I V�� ; �.��:;�t County, V�ashington �RProve [?isa��aro�re � di S�:#�. . � �ES#.�� _ � � - Dist:#�_,,,_,.,,_.,, E3ist. �Z _ �iut �;��� Dist: �3 _ , � 103$W.11VY ❑ 203�CENTRAL AVE. S. . � 401�FORTllYN RD. MdSES tARE,WA 98$37 QU(NCY,WA 98848 �RANQ COU�EE,WA 99133 (549)765-9239 (50'9)787-4466 . (509)633-1471 - Fax: (509) 765-1552 Fax:{509)787-1031 Fax: (509} 633-214$ BU�GET AMENDMENT WISH LIST STAFF -� 2 11�HP � -STEP 19 $20,649.00 IY(� ��LTt7 Q[ yC q+4V'�'t�.UU t3FF'ICE MANAGER-STEP 19 $14,98C.00 SUB TQTAl. $56,284A0 CAP1T.a41. LAND & RELOCATION GC $70,000.00 RE11PtODEL-ML $13,000,00 OPERA�TING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT 3 DESKS FOR NEW STAFF $4,500.00 3 GC�MPUTERS �OR NEW STAFF $6,000.00 CQUN�"Y lNSURANCE $4,50QA0 PROFESSIC3NAL. SERVIGES DAVID LLaYD $3,OOOAO TRANSCRIPTIt�N SERVICE $16,000.04 BEHA1ilORAL HEALT�i PRt�MOT1tJN ADVERTISING/PRINTING $2,480.19 $175,76419 05i06/1999 MEIVTAL HEALTH BUDGET AMENDMENT ACCT# REVENUE 334.04.64.02 ADDIT'IONAL PHP DOLLARS DISTRIBUTED JANUARY-MARCH 1999 JANUARY 125,849.72 FEBRUARY 3,535.19 MARCH 46,379.28 175,764.19 EXPENDITURE 560.00.11.00 - STAFF 56,284.00 CAPITAL 560.00.62.00 BUILDING $70,000.00 560.00.64.00 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT $23,500.00 560.00.96.00 INTRFND INSURANCE $4,500.OA 560.00.41.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 19,000 560.00.44.00 ADVERTISING $2,480.19 $175,764.19 05/06/1999