HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-084-CC B(?ARI1 OF COLTNTY C�iYiMISSTONERS GRAI�TT CUUNTY,WASHTNGTON RESOLUTIO?VNtJIvIBEIt ��—$�F—CC A R.ES4LUTION relating to�he transfer of funds withizz the 1999 budget of the LAW A3'�ID JUS'�ICE FCJN7712i,DEPARTMEIlTT#163 WHER.EAS,it has been braught ta the attention of the Board af Grant Commissianers that it is necessary�o krans�'er funds within t3�e curren�budget af�he above-named County Department(s)in the amounts enumerated below;and �jHEREAS,there is no expenditure af funds not previously budgeted but a transfer pursuant to R.C.W. 36.40.100 and County�nd State auditing pracedures; N4W,THEREFORE,BE IT RES4LVED BY THE BO.A.RI}4F COUNTY C4MMISSIC3NERS of GR�1NT COUNTY,STATE OF WASHINGTON,�at the fallowi��g transfers�vithin�e current budget are hereby made: i999 BUDCrET flP THE LAW.4ND JUSTIC`E FUh'D 121,DEPARTMENT#lb3 FROM `TO ACCOUtv`T NL7MBElt AMOUNT A��OLNT NUMBER ENDING Ft.)ND BALANCE 508.40.00 $ 4,400 I1�S44.2I.64.00 CAPTfAT.Cl[7T'L,AY- MACHINE&EQUIl'Tvib'NT � 4,04Q EXPLANATIC?N Ta x��r,z.acA�a���o�xrA�zaNs�ox A Bus Tc�s�c�s�n As a M4BILB INCIDENT COMMAND CENTER. This resolutzon is in the best interest of good govern�nent and shall take effect i�mett.iately upan passage. Done this Zst day of 3une,1999 � � ��v' Chairmax� ATTEST: � E Clerk e Board � Board f County Cammissioners Giant Couniy,Washington � , VUiLLlAM A. WiESTER, SiiE3211=� ., , ' � .y ��'S,�a�� ������ ��.�.r��"� �9� ������ MICHAEL SHAY P.U. Sox 37 + Ephrata, WA 98823 BRYAN PRATT , Undersheriff (509) 754-201 1 • ($00) 57Z-01 19 Chief Deputy Fax (509) 75�-205$ PETE NicIVIAHON E-iV�ail: gcshariff@qwksilvr.com JERRY BUTL,ER Captain Chief Deputy LESLIE GONZALES Administrative May 26, 1999 Assistant File No. W 1819 Bob Mosher, Chief Accountant Grant County Auditor's O�fice Ephrata, Washington 98823 Dear Bob: On May 2S, 1999 the Caunty Commission�rs approved an expenditure of $4000.00 to purchase a bus. This bus will be utilized as a Mobile Incident Command Center. The Commissioners indicated to me the funds needed for this project will come from Law and Justice funds and could be transferred into the Sheriff's 001-114-521�0-64 budget line item. Please let me know if you need any fiirther information regarding this project. Sincerely, �ILLIAM A. WIESTER GRANT COUNTY SHERIFF s.� I MICH L SHA LINDERSHERT MS:lag , I i i � i �� ���� ���� � ` �t ' WILLIAM A. WIESTER, ShIER1FP C��.�N"� �C�LJI'�T'Y �i°��I�IFF'� O�'�"I�� IVlTCHAEL SHAY P.O. 8ox 37 � Ephrata, WA 9$823 BRYAIU PRATT Unc3ersherz�f (509} 7542Q 1 1 • ($09) 572-0 i i 9 Ghiaf Deputy Pax <S09) 75�k-2058 PETE McN1AHON E-NMail: gcsheriff@qwksilvr.com JERR`Y BUTLER Captain Chtef Depu�y LE81..11E .faO1VZAI.ES Administrative Assistant May 2S, 1999 �������� File No, �2249 Z � Gxant County Cc,m�nissioners Grant County Cc�urChause Ephrata, �ashiraa�ton 98823 Dear Commission��s: Please consider this letter my offficial reques�:to purohase a bus to be utilized as �.Mobile Incident Cor��na�d Center for t�ie Grant County �heriff's C}fflce. The cost for the bus wi11 be �4400.00, as preyious.ly discusse+d. on May 17, 1999. Your consideratio� is great�y appreciated, Sincerely, WILLIAM A. WIESTER �RA,I�T Cf�UNTY SHEI�IFF r'���'"ti—.- � .�� �� ��unty t��rmmissior��� : ` ,ti �..;f�;.a�� CountYr Wasf�irt�ton MIC L S � APprave D�sapprov� UNDERSHERI pist. � Dlst. �. �� ---__-_ pfsx. �2 � Citst, �� MS:�ag �31st. #3���' Di�t.� .�`tate �c��a°e� 1�g8'