HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�f �t�MMISSI{JNERS' PR(�CEEDING� Week of December 25, 2�100 The Crrant County Commissianers session was cal�ed to order on December 27, 2QQ0 ai 10:00 a.m. by �`hairman Deborah Moore. AII af th� Commissic�ners were in attendance with the Cl�rk afthe Boa.rd. The Cammzssioners read and appraved the minutes of the precedi.ng session as written. ���.� �,,Chai�man Moare signed the Natice of Separatian of Alma �arcia of Crrani County P.A.R.C.. ���� _,�,.�The Com�nissioners appxoved tbe request by Sharon KKiehn of Grant County Developmenial Disabzlities to combine two revolvi�g fund accounts currently in use by the Developmental Disabilitzes Depaztment. i;;y���, The Commissioners signed the Contract with Day 't�ireless Systems for�e purchase af twenty ICC}M F320S mobzle two-way radios, ��l ��;�-,.; The Commissioners approved the request by Sharan K.�ehn of C�rant Mental Healthcare to e�end the date af annua.I leave use into the y�ar 2001. ��%, ��c� The Commisszoners received a summons and complaint from Patrick Acres regarding the estate of Can-ie VinsQn Taueu. The matter was referred to �he Prosecuting Attarney fox handlzng. f�,���The Commissioners signed the Public �orks Payroll J�un�al far the month of December in the iotal amount of $292,445.69. ����' The C�mmissioners held a contznuatian af the budget hearing far the year 2a01. A motion was made by Commissioner All7son, secanded by �ommissioner Snead that ResolutiQn Number 20{�0-163-CC setting ihe regular praperty iax levy far the Crrant Couniy Road budget at 1.�2 pereent or the amou�t of $5,771,924 be passed. The mt�tion caz-�-ied. ��,�,���r The Commissioners held a continuatzon of the budget h�aring for the year 2001. A motion was rnade by Camm�ssioner Allisan, secanded by Commissioner Snead that IZ�esolution Number 2040-164-CC settzng the re�ular �ropez-ty ta� levy for the Grant County current e�pense fiznd at 1.0�% or the amount af $7,? 21,094 be passed. The mation car�ried. ,��: �, �.ff �A. motion was made by Cammissianer Snead, seconded by Com:missioner Allison that Resolution Number 2000-165-CC adapting the Grant Cau�ty budget far the 2001 year, to include both the �urrent Expense and Public Works budgets be passed. The motion carried. r.���,��� A mation was made b� Commzssioner Allisan, seconded by Conimissioner Snead that Resolution Number 204�-I6b-�C settzng Iand classification and assessments for funding the zoo�. budget Qf ihe Gra�t Couniy No�ous Weed Baard be passed. The moiion carried, ���, �,,, A Public Hearing was held and a mot�on was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commisszoner Snead that Resalutzon Itilumber 2f�00- 167-C� auihorizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Current Expens� Fund #Ot} 1, various depar�ments zn the amount af $ I45,310 be pas�ed. The motion car�ied. ���?.�3 A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Comn�issioner Snead that 4rdinance Number 2t�Q0-168-C� relating to the adoptzan of Interim �fficial Controls for the Dese�-t Aire R.ura1 Village as zdentif'ied in ihe Gran� County Unified De�elopment Code, allowing limited development to occur in the Rural Village Residential 1{RVRl} and Rural Village Res�dential 2�Rti'R2) areas as identified and recomn�ended by the Desert l�i�e Advzsory Comm�.ttee; and, the Temparary Suspension of acceptance of development pennits in the area no� identificd as RVRI and RVR2 by the Desert Aix-e Advisory Carximzttee; and rescinding the previc�us Interim �7fficial Control adopted October 31, 2000, Grant County Urdznance #00-136-CC be passed. The motion carried, �� �.�� A motion wa� made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commzssioner Moore that Commissioner A1lzson be appc�inted �s the Cammission Cha�nnan in the year 200i, with Cc�mmissioner Snead as the Pro Tem. The motion earried. /����� As of t.his date ihe Board by a maj ority vote does apprQve for payment those vouchers filed in the Auditors �ffice 12/27!00 in the total amaunt of $347,60�.57. As there was no fiirther business to come before the Board the session �vas adjaurned until January 2, �{}01. ATTEST: �, � \7��� ..����..�i'�� Clez�m�f the Boa��9 BO�.RD OF C(�L�`TTY CC)NIli!�iSST�NERS GRANT C4UNTY, WASH�NGT(�� � � 3 �� w �. �..�.;� �.��.. ,� ,..+�� ? A �'�� y���-~ Chainnan � � � �� ��✓�.. .� :, � �3 � `+.✓ }