HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCt�1VIMISS�C}NERS' P12C)CEEDINGS
Week of December 1S, 240a
�`he Crant Counly Commissionexs session was called ta arder at 9:04
a.m. wzih Commissioner Allison and Commissianer Snead in attendance
wzth the C1erk of the Board.
The Commissi�n_exs read and approved the minutes of the preceding
session as written.
��� ��� The Commis�ianers approved the starting salary of 3une Strickler ofi
the Prosecuting Attorney's C}ffice at 90°l0 of a secretary I, effective
December 1$, 2000.
��,� J�_�The Commiss�aners approved the salary increase of Edward A.
Owens of the Prosecuting Attorney's Off ce to a Depuiy Prosecutor II
effective �anuary 1, 20t} 1.
� f.�..r;�� ��.� T`he Cor�unissioners appraved ihe salary increase of Car:rie Nordberg
of the Prasecuting Attr�mey's 4ffice ta 100°l0 of a secretary IV, effective
December 1, 2040.
� e,��,��'�The Con�nissianers approved the change in siatus of Jean Adamson
who is moving from the Juvenile Probation Office to the Prosecuting
Attc�rney's (�ffice effective January 2, 2401 wiih a starting sa�ary of 100% of
a secretary II.
��c.,�� ,��`The C�mmissic�ners approved the change zn status of Carrie E.
� Sannabend who is �caoving from the Juvenile Probation Office to the
Prosecuting Attorney's Office effective �anuary 2, 2001 with a starting
salary of 1 OQ°lo of a secretary II.
������The Commissioners appraved ihe Request for Transfer of Funds in the
Clerk's budget in the amount of $9,000.
��.�, ��C� The Commissioners approved t�.e s�arting salary of Mary L. Rohlman
c�f the Juvenile Probation C?ffice at $I,660.SQ per month effective December
�, �ooa.
�����J The Con�nisszoners approved the salary increase of Patti Cabe of the
Caoperative Extension Office ta �2,114 per manth effective December I,
i�,�����A motion was made by Gommissioner Allison, seconded by
Commissione�r Snead thai Resolution Number 2000-160-CC in the ma�tez� of
appraving the modifications to ihe Moses Lake Estates Planned Unit
Developmeni Phase 1 map to include 141 single-�amily Iots, water �rr�nt
park, shoreline habiiat area, wildlife habitat area, c�z�tral paz�k area uses on
2S0 acres �n a portion of Sectian 3, 4 9, Tawnship I$ North, Range 28 East,
Willamette Meridian requested l�y Lawrence and Sheri Jacobsen be passed.
The matron earried.
` 4�� �.3 �'he Commissianers signed the Indigent Defense Contract for Dis�-ict
Caurt with Earl & Earl. The Con�act fc�� Superior Court {Juvenile} with
Douglas Anderson, and the Cantract �or Superior Court wzth Thomas J.
J��,�'� The Commissioners spent the remainder of the day warkznb on the
200 �bud�et.
As there was no further business to come be�ore the Board the session
was cantinued until December 19, 2000.
December 19, 2Q00
The ses�zan was continued at �:OQ a.m. with Comrrussioner A1lison
an�i Commissioner Snead in attendance with the �lerk ofthe Board.
The Cammissioners met with the Public Works Director regaxding
Resolutic�ns-R/W Vacatzan, Load Restrictians, Purchase Request-Printer,
Anti-Icer Proposal, �udget Revisions-R�ad Fund, ER & R, Solid Waste,
Personnel-Dropbox Attendants, ArmuallSiek Leave Clarification.
����y�,�""The Camanissioners approvad the salary �nc�ease for Dropbox
A�endants to $b.72 per hour to meet ihe m�nimum wage requirements
January 1, 2041.
��... ;�'�� The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Jeffery S.
�ent�o�th of the Sheriff's 4Jffice at $2,092.70 per month effect�ve
December 12, 2000.
j�-'.�/��The Commissioners s�gned the Public �orks AnnuaUSick Leave
clarificatic�n fox Nan-Represented Supervisory Personnel.
°.�� ��� As of this date the Board by a majo�rziy vote does approve for payment
those voucbers f led 'zn the Audiiors CJffice 1211 �/20C?0 zn the total amount of
$987,� 1'T.72.
f�u��� �' A motion was made by Cammissioner Snead, seconded by
Commiss�oner Alliso� that Resolution Number 200{�-161-CC setting a
Public Hearing for �anuary 23, 2001 at 11.00 a.m. to consider vacating a
por�ion o� County Road relating ta Chanute Road and State Highway 17 be
passed. The motion carried.
£:.�;��.�.� A motion was made by CommissiQner Snead, seconded by
` Comn�issioner Allison iha� Resolution Number 2000-162-CC in the z�z�.iter
of load restrictians on Grani County roads be passed. The mo�ion carr�ed.
%`;�%�i The Cammissivners speni �he zenlaznder of ihe da� working on the
20{� 1 budge�.
As there was no �'ur�her business to cc�me befare the Board the sesszon
was adjourned until December 27, 20Q0
� � / h
Clerk�o��'the Boar'��� Cha:ir�man