HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC+�C}MMISSIONER.S' �'RC}CEEDINGS W�ek of Decemb►er 1l, 2�40 The Grant Couniy Commissioners s�ssion was called ta orc�er at 9:00 a.m. Decembex 11, 2000, with Commisszoner A�Iison and Commzssioner Snead 'zn aitendance with �he Clerk of ihe Board. Commissioner Maore was out of the office. The Ccammissioners read and appr�ved the minutes of the precedzng session as wrzt�en. ���~ ��,� The Commissioners approved out of State travel for I�endra Lutes of Grant Mental Healthcare to aitend training. ���- j� � The Commzssioners approved the salary increase of Lean �3yrd of the Maintenance Department to $1,837 per month. ��� � The Cammissioners approved the change from part tzme ta full time status af Lazry Howell of the Mazntenance Departmeni at ihe saiary of 90°fo of $1,653 per month effectiv� 3anuary 1, 2001. � r.� �.-( �� The Commissioners signed approval of Douglas County Resolutian 0�-131 re-appointing Joanne Whitehall to the Norih Central Regional Library Distriet as a trustee. i��..i�`� The Commissioners approved the status change for Becky Purce�l of i1�e Planning DCD Department from 40 hours per week to 3 S hours per week. �,�,�-� � A motion was made by Cammissione� Allzson, seconded by ` Commissioner Snead that Resolution Nu�nber 2Q00-158-CC setting a Publzc Hearing for Liecember 27, 2000 at 1:t10 p.m. relating ia the facts requiring an appraprzation and expenditure of funds for �he Current Expense Fund, Various Department in the amount of $145,31 Q be passed. The motion carried. ;�,�--r 7�,. The Commissianers held a Pub1�c �-Iearin.g re�arding the request for amendmeni of a Pzanned Unit Developmeni by Lawrenee and She�i Jacobsen, knawn as Dune Lake Fanns. After due �onsideration a motion was made by Cammissioner Snead, seec�nded by Commissioner Allison ta approve the PUD map, Phase 1 of the project with the 4 f ndings and 11 canditions provided by the Planning I7epartment. The motion carried. The Commissioners spent the remainder of the day workzng on the 204I budget. As there was no further business to came be�ore the Board i�e sessian was continued until Decembe.r I2. December 12, 2000 The sesszQn was contznued at 9:00 a.m. with �ommissianer Sne�d and Cammissioner Allison in attendance with the Clerk of ihe Board. The Co��zn�ssioners met with ihe Public Works Direcior regarding 'WSDOE-Fue1 Tanks, Bid Award Recommenda�ian-Two-Way R.adios, Contract Execuiion-Patton Traffic S�gnal, 2QQ1 Budgets-Solid Waste, GIS, t�ther, 1 I:40 a.m, Franchise I�earing. .�,��i%� The Cammissioners signed the Contract with Colvico,Inc. for the Paiton/Loring Traffic Signal, CRP 99-1. ���7�. The Commissioners signed ihe Publzc Works C1�.7ms Fund Voucher Appraval # 1 I- I through # 11-18 7 in the total amount af $ 510,606.3 6. �.��/7.�r'T'he Commissioners heid a Fublic Hearing regarding �he applicaiian fc�r franchise by the East C:alumbia Basin Irrigation Disirict, Quincy- Ca�umbia Basin Irrigatzan D�strict, and Sauth Columbza Baszn Irrigation Distr�ct to operate and mainiai� pales, wires and appurtenances on ce�rtain County Road Righis of Ways. A mation was made by Commissioner Snead, secanded by Commissioner Allisc�n to approve the Franchise as presented. The motion carried. I�; -/�� The Commissioncrs approved the recommendat'ron of ihe Publie �rVorks Director and awarded the contrac� for twc�-way radios to Day Wireless Sys�ems in the amount of $5,821.20. :%��/7� The Commisszaners appraved aut of s�tate trave� for Allen D. Holman of the Grant County Fairgrounds tn attend the International Association of F�zrs and Expositio�s conferenee. �'���� The Commissioners held a Public Hearing regarding a petition to make Burkett L�ke a no u�ake lake. After taking testimony from those in attendanee a motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded b� Commissioner Aliison to cantznue the hearing to a ti��.e uncertain to allow time io research infonnation on jurisd'zction. The motion carried. ��-�,f�7� As of this date the Board by a majority voie does approve for paymen� thase vouchers included in the list filed in �he Auditc�rs (�ffice s1211 l/2000 in the total amount of $957,�63.4b. /��f�.i �� The Commissioners met with various Departments regarding ihe year 2t}O1 budget. As there was na further business to come before the Board the sessian was continued until December 13,2000. December 13, 2004 The session was continued with Cc�mmi.ssic�ner A1lison and Commissioner Snead in attendance. �����r� The Commissi�ners spent the day working on the 2001 budget. As there was no further bu�iness to come before the Baard the sesszon was cantinued uniil December 14, 2004. December 14, 2000 The session was continued at 2:00 p.m. with Commissioner Allison and Commissioner Snead in attendance. 1��%��, A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 2000-159-CC relating to the abolition of an existing county fund named Pest and Disease Control Fund # 117 be abolished. The motion carried. ���/�� The Commissioners spent the remainder of the day working on the year 2001 budget. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until Decemb�r 15, 2000. December 15, 2000 The session was continued at 11:00 a.m. with Commissioner Allison, and Commissioner Snead in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. `��� The Commissioners spent the day working on the year 2001 budget. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was acljourned until December 18, 2000. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON �� � �� ~ 3 Clerk ��the Boar� Chairman