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Week of Navember 27, 204�
The Grant County Cammisszoners session was called to arder at 9:QQ
a.m. by Chairman Deborah Moare. Commissioner Snead was in attendance
with the Clerk of the $oard. Commissioner A1lison was out af the offic�.
The Cammisszoners z�ead and approvcd the minutes of the preceding
session as written.
��,�. I�� � The CommissiQners approved ihe beginnzng salar� of Chris �.
Hosl�inson of the Grant County Juvenile Probation C}ffice at $1,816.80 per
month, effectzve November 16, 2Q00.
���;/�,�,The Com�rrLissianers approved the salary increase of Der�nis L. Haley
of the Grani County Juv�ni�e Prabation Offzce to $2,576.70 per month,
effeciive I?ecember l, �OOQ.
����� Chazrman Moore was authorized to sign the �ouniy and DSHS
Agreement an G�neral Terms and Conditio�.s begznning January 1, 20Q 1,
and ending June 3Q, 20{}5.
���.(�.�- The Commissi.oners met with Siate Representative Joyee Muliiken io
discuss ihe eff�ct Initiative 722 would have on �irant County.
����� �"The Cammissianers held a Public Meeting regarding ihe request by
Sandra Thompson for a Plat Alieraiion �o cambine Lot #32, Loi #33, and Lot
#34 of Deseri Aire No. 6, Replat No. 2 into one pareel. After due
cansiderat�on a motion �vas made by Commissianer Snead, seconded by
Cammissianer Moore that Resolution Nu.mber 2Q00-151-CC to uphold the
Planning Commission recammendation appraving ihe Plai al�eratzon �vith
fznd'zngs and condiiions as provided by the Planning Department be passed.
The motion carried.
�<.;Gv�� � The Commissioners held a Public Meet'rng regarding the request by
Vic Jansen for a re-plat of Lots 2 and 3 of the Franz Short Plat inio four lots
ran�ing in size fram 2.32 acres to 3.36 acres in the Moses La.ke LTrban
Crrowth Area. A motion was made by Cammissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner 1Vloore �hat Resolution Number 2000-152-CC upho�ding ihe
Pianning Commission approval of the request with find�ngs and conditions
as provided by the Plannzng Department be passed.. T'he motion caz�ed.
As there wa� na furthe� buszness to come before the Board the session
was contznued untzi November 28, 2000.
November 28, 2000
The session was contznued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners
in attendance w�th the Clerk of the Board.
The Commzssioners met with the Publzc Works Director regarding
WSDQE Le�ter-Ephrata Landfill, Bid Award Recommenciatxon-
PattonlLoring Traff c Signal, Lacal Agency Agreement-Bever�y-Burke
Road, Westshore Drive Restoration-Mo�es Poznte, 5idewalk Ramps?
i`�� ���The Commissioners szgned the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher
approval # i 1-1 through # 11-2 in the tota� amount af $2 Z,608.73 .
t��� Th� Commissioners signed the letter awarding the Paiton/Lorzn�
T'raffic Signal bid tc� Colvicc�,Znc. at the bid przce of $� 84,7f}9.
_€�%�`,�`� As of this date the Board by a majarity vaie does approve for payznent
thase �ouchers fiied in the Audztors {�ffic� 11 /2712C10(l in the tatal amount of
�:�,��.i�c� Commissioner A1lzsan si�ned ihe Substaniral Development Pe�mi�
and Gonditional Use Permit for the Moses Lake Estates Planned Unit
Develo�meni, Phase I-Dune Lake Fa�ms.
��'��E The �ammissioners rec�ived notice from the Publzc Works D`zrector
that Bridge # 156, Fiess Road wa� buzlt in accoxdance with the plans and
specifications, and that aIl materials incorporated in.to the project met
contract specifzcations.
/�-'�.%.3 �--Tlae Cammissioners appraved the request by County Clerk Kenneth
O. Kunes to allow his employee Marcia Bush to take 3 days leave withaut
pay in ihe month a� December.
�,7r?��,� The Commzsszaner� appraved the request by the Civil �ervice
Commisszon Board Chairman David A. �anfield to do a transfer of fi.inds
allawing the purchase of a Iap iop computer for the Civil Service
���.I.� � A moiion was rnade by Commissioner Allison, seconded by
Commissianer Snead that Resolution Number 2000-153-CC in support of
the Cx�aund Water Management Executive Boards recommendation io
prepare a requesi for proposal entitled, "Detennznation of Hydro-
Strat�graphy for Baseline Sampling vVe11s and Area Wide Hydro-
Stratigraphic Mapping be passed. The motion carried.
�.�����'The Cornmisszoners signed the R.eque�t for Transfer of Funds from
�he Civil Service Department ia Capital 4utlay in the amount of $�,700 far
the purchase of a Iaptop computer.
As there was no further business to eome befar� the Board the session
was ad�ourned until December 4, 2000.
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Clerk c��= e Baar �
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Chazrma� �''�