HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC � C()I�ZNIIS�I(�NERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of C}ctober 30, �400 The Grant �ounty Comz�ussianers session was called tc� order at 9:�0 a.rn. by Chazrman Deborah Maore. All of the Corrllnissioners uTere in a�endan�e wxth the Clerk of�he Board. The Commissianers read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. �����3�'he Cammissioners apprvved out of state travel fc�r Prosecutor Jahn D, I�nodell to attend ST{�P TA Site Consultation t�a%ni.ng zn Minnesota. �����=The Com�nissio�ers received a Cla�m for Damages �rom Ca3vin McDowall. The matte� uTas referr�d to the Prc�secution At�orney fc�r handling. /�-'-,���`�TThe Commissioners nt�ti�'ied the Democratic Party that the Grant Cc�unty Corone� position �s c�pen due ta the resignation of Coroner Penr�y Sibley. �t��� The Commissroners appraved the request by the Sheriff s Office to purchase one storage shed in the amount of$1,251. ;;-�;.��� The Commissioners appoint�d Jerry D. Jasman to ac� at the Interim Coroner due to the resignation af Penny Sibley. ;��..:��Chair�nan 1VToare was authorized to sign the Notice of Separatian c�r Wark Interruption of Barbara A. Huss ofthe Juvenile Department. t4����� The Cammissic�ne�s approved the sta�ting salary of I�im Eugen� Newland as a �arre�tions (Jfficer at $2,092.70 per month. �����The Com�nnzsszoners received a Claim For Damages regarding th� tennination of Laz�y Webb. The matter was refer.red to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling. �c�.f�.r�� Chainnan Moore was authorized to s�gn the Em�rgency Response Plan and Proceduz�es for Grant County, Chemical and Radzological Protection P�an. ����,��, The Commissioners held a Public Hearing regarding the Community Development Block Grant Program. The Iegal notice was provided in both English and Spanish. �Iandouts were made available zn both English and Spanish Ken Sterner of the North Columbia Community Action Council was in atte�.dance to answer questic�ns and review the pragrarn for all iri attendance. He explazned the need the�have for a new building. The public zn attendance chose not to speak regarding the proposal, however they did discuss othar informatron they were i�.terested in with Mr. Sterner. A mation was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commzss�aner Allison to close the Public comment. The mo�on carried. A mation was made by Commissioner A1lison, seconded by Comrn7ssioner Snead to accept the application as pxaposed. T`he mc�tian carxied. (�-�-��.�The Commissioners held a continuation of Public Hearing on the City of Ephrata Urban Growth Area Amendment. The hearing was opened by Chairman Debarah Maore. She invited Sc�tt Clark, of the Long Range Planning Department to speak. Mr. Clark expla.ined the reason far the hearing and discussed propased changes to the Ephrata LTGA. A�ter some discussion a motion vvas made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Cammissioner Mc�ore ta app�ove t)rdina�ce Number 2000-13�-CC in the matter of amending the U�A far the �ity of �phrata wzth findings and concluszons and recztals as provided. The motion carried. As th�re was no further business to come befare the Board the session was continued untzl �Jctober 31, 2000. C�ctober 31, �000 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with a11 o�'the C€�mmissianers in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Co�n�nissioners met urith the Pu1�1ic Works Director regarding IO:QO a.m.. bid apening(PattorlCLoring Traffic Signal), Resc�lution-Transfer af Funds( Fund 101), WSDt�E-PLP le�ter. ;���� '' A bid opening was held on the Patton/La�ing Traffic Szgz�.al. A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Cr�mmisszoner Snead to refer the bids to the Public Warks L}epartment for their review and recommendatzon, ;��-;-���A motit�n was made by Commissianer All'zson, secanded by Cammissianer Moore that Resolution Number 2400-131-CC, no�tice of decis�on on the Application fQr Preliminary Plat ta create 29 lots nn 82.18 acres in the OSR zone rec�uested by Roger Fa�r be passed. The motion carried. � ��J'��A mation was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissianer Snead that Resalution Number 2000-133-CC approving a Plat Alteration requ�sted by Elzsea Perez, located in a pa�tion o�Scction 4, Taw-nship 14 I'�arth, Range 23 East, W.M. be passed. The motian carried. j�.���-� A mQtiQn was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Cornmissioner Snead that Resolution Number 2000-134-CC relating to the transfer af funds within the 2�00 budget of the County Road Fund 'zn the amount of$25,400 be passed. The motion car�ried. ��-��` A motzon was made by Cammissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner A1list�n that Resolution Number 2000-135-CC setting a Public �Iearing fc�r November 21, 2000 at 2.d0 p.m. relating to the facts requiring an approprzation and expenditure of funds for the Emergency Serviees Fund #10�, Department #144 in the amount of$10,43 0 be passed. The motian carried. ��,���°The Commissioners recezved a Claim far Damages from Hecto� Adamos. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling. i����'The Commissioners signed the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Planning Department#111 in the amount of$7,500. �`��'�A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Ordinance 2000-136-CC, Resolution Number 2000-136-CC in the matter of temporary suspension of the acceptance of development pennits affecting the rural village areas identified in the Grant County Unified Development Code as Desert Aire be passed. The motion carried. /��-��A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 2000- 137-CC relating to a supplemental extension in the 2000 budget of the Developmental Disabilities Fund #402, Department #176 in the amount of $8, 500 be passed. The motion carried. ����-3 A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 2000- 13 8-CC authorizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds in the Current Expense Fund #001, Superior Court Department #103 in the amount of $35,265 be passed. The motion carried. �.!�����A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 2000- 139-CC relating to a supplemental e�tension in the 2000 budget of the Current Expense Fund #001, Sheriff's Department #114 in the amount of $21, 460 be passed. The motion carried. ;f`�"--•�� The Commissioners signed the Public Works Payroll Journal for the month of October in the total amount of$288,806.67. ��.����= Chairman Moore was authorized to sign Form Amendment No. 3 with the North Central Washington Regional Support Network. �r�� The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher approval #10-1 through #10-2 in the total amount of$21,999.26. t��.��� As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment �those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 10/31/2000 in the total amount of$644,598.91. ��.�;�5� The Commissioners received the resignation of Jack Yorgesen of the Hanford Advisory Board. j��✓��-'' The Commissioners signed the payroll warrants list #117448 through #118090 for the month of October. F���r � The Commissior�ers set a Public Meeting for November 20, 2000 at 3:00 p.m. regarding the request for amendment of a Planned Unit Development requestecl by Lawrence and Sheri Jacobsen in a portion of the West %2 of Sections 3, and 4, and the North 1/2 of Section 9, Township 18 North, Range 28 East, �V.M. - - _ .. ��`���The Com�nissioners set a Pubiic Meeting for November 2I, 2000 at 2:34 p.m. regarding �he requested Preliminary Plat Time E�tension for the cor�zp�ete filing of Crystal Springs Phase IV requested b� Gary N.�argan. �;�� ��The Commzssioners set a Public Meet�ng �or Novemb�r 27, 2000 at 2:3 0 p.m. regarding a request to a re-plat of lots 2 and 3 c�f the Franz Short Plat into four lots ranging in size from 2.32 acres ta 3.36 acres in the Mases La1�e Urban Growth Area requested by Vic Jansen. ���`=�'�$�A motzan was made by Cc�inmissic�ner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 2000-140-CC in the mat�er af altering two lots in the Agricultural Zone, located 'zn a portion of Fann Units 94 8� 9$, Irrzgatian Block 43, in Section 26, Tawnship 18 1'�TQrth, Range 34 East, W.M. requested by Steve Cox be passed. The motion caz�z-zed. As there was no further buszness t� come before the Board the sesszon was adjourned until November 6, 20Q0. BO�RL) UF CC}UNTY COMMISSIC.�NERS AT'TE5T: GRANT CaUNTY, WAS��NGTQN �{� � �f ��'? I t''',�'�t��a��i:.�✓':,U�g �� � � Cler����the Bc� °d Chairman �'` � �