HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-128-CC �OA.RD {aF C�UNT� �{�MI�IISSI()NER� GI�:ANT �C)�TTY,WASH�TGTCJN IZESOI,UTItJN NLEM�3ER Z000-��s-cc .A 12ESUL�CJTION authorizing an �pprapria�ion and ��enditure c�f funds �arthe foll�wing depar�m�nt/fuu��..d: �ra�.� co,���y �.A.x.c. ���a ����.�, n� �zT1 Y�'1?7Pn,- ��a 57 , toge�her with a budge� therefore, pu�suant to R�'1�3b.40.140. �J�IEREAS, zt has be�� brought tca the attention r�f the Bc�ard o� �ounty Commiss�oners of C�ran� �c�ur�ty that emerge�ey condit�ons require that an appropriatian and expenditure of funds be auth��.zed for the above- xnn.entioned depaz�.ent/fund, togeth�r wzth �.budget th�r�for; and '�THEREAS,pursu�ant to R��V 3�.40.140, R�so�utz�n No. 2q00-118—CC �Tas dul� a,dopted c�n ��2c 12aoo , and published in-�he Daily Herald. a1110J6&13/00 declaring an �rnergency a�d �ta�ing �he facts cc,nstit�.a�ng the emergency �nd the � estimated amount o� f.unds re�uir�d to �eet i�, toget�.er w�th a nota.ce of public hea�g, and said publi� hearing was held �hereon whe�e interested persons were allowed to appear a.nd be heard; ��YV y �l.11�.t�dwL:�"'��� �fL' �1 ��vL.Y.t�� B 1 ��� �V�-1.i.v� �1` ��UNT'�'" Ct���SSI{�N�RS {J� ��T COUNTY, STATE QF �TAS�GTON, �hai an appropriation and expe�difiare of funds rs hexeby authorized for the f�llowing depar�ment/fi�nd: �r��� ca�.�.�� P.a.x.c. ���� ����.s ���,�,rr,���,r ���7 In the�otal sum.o�$ 1�.2�9 according to the a�tached budg�t. This resolutzo� is in the best ��erests o�' good gQvernment and shall take effect i�nmediately upon �ts pa�sage. Done this �.��n day of o������ , 2� o0 /��n�-Z' Chairman ATTEST: . ' � �J' fj, p 3 ^,-"� '44i N t `+tZ� �� t �Ierl�� �.� �oa�� _ R-� Constztuting the Board pf Caunty Commissioners af Grant Caunty,�ashin�on , ' . �se�Z�rTlo�vvo�s�ET R2 G£LA1�TT CO.P.A�R.0�UNI?#115 � DEPARTMENT#�157 R3 GTtANT CO.P.A.I�.0��iJND#115 DEPARTMENT#157 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION APPRO�'RYATIONS SALA.RIES&WAGES 566.00.I1.00 $ 13,440 ���Nr sc�.aa.z�.oa � szo St)CIAL SECU]ZITY 566.00.22.00 $ 2,029 INDUS'I".��L INS�37tANCE 566.00.24.00 $ 72 �:tNEMPL4YMENT CIJMP. 566A4.2599 $ 68 TQTAL APPROPRIATIONS � 15,229 FINANC�TG SOURCES TITLE XCX OUTPATIENT 333.97.14.66 $ 8,309 ST.GRANT-ALCOHOLIDRUG ABUSE 801-334.04.66.Od $ 6,920 TUTAL FiNANC�i TG SOURCES $ IS,229 EXPI.ANATI�N TO INCREASE APPRQPRIATIt`�NS FOR THE COST OF A CO QCCIJRR.ING PRQGRAM Ct70RD1NATQR ANT1 FACILITATOR . � �����,����� I 525 E.Wheeler Road P.O. Box 1217 `������� (509) 765-5402 Moses Lake,WA 98837-0185 • ' e ' • ' FAX(509) 766-2584 September 1�, 200o Grani Cour+ty Commissioners Gra.�t�ounty���smissio�sers �O �ox z217 S�P � 9 ZE�� Iv�oses I.ake WA g8837 �: BIJD�����'�`EI�SIQIiT �ear E�ebc���,'�°��n.a�d L��:oy: --_---=�=---_ Grant unty P�iRC is respectfully� �equesting your consideratian of a budget e�ension in the am t of��,, 229.0o for the e of two new positians. The first position is a Co Occurring Program Coordinator and Facilitator. This posirion is a eollaborative endeavor between PARC and Grant County Mental Heal-thh. The position is to be. funded at a ratio of�5%from PARC's budget and 25%from the Mental Heal-th budget. The cost of the pasition will be allocated from PARC's budget with 1Viental Health praviding an interd�partme�tal reimbursement to PARC. The position will be considered a PARC position. Supervision wii).be joint clinical supervision between PARC's Treatment Supervisor and Mental�e:alth's Program��¢c-ta�_ All other supervision wi1l be acin7inistered from PARC. Sal�ry at�o€�% of base is $�,;��t.c��. The reasan for#�ie new posit�on of Co E�cc��n���c�gram Coorclina-tor�nd�`ac�li�atar is th.aL bat�i chemieal dependency a�d mental heal�-�S agencies acrass the state are experiencing an incr�se�r�thas population includi�g Grant�ounty. This particul�r population requires�tie sla�Is of a dual�y-�raini�g�rafessional. We w�I be reeruiting far a S-�ate Cer�fied Chemical ➢�pen�ency Professional. We will train for the mental h��h component. Wi-t�iout being c�t��y t�ained,we are not able to provide the type and level of service dual diagnosed individuals nee�. The second p€�sitioa�is a�enefi�Enrollrnent&Acco��r�g�orc����or��is comprc�se�o� the vacancy we currently have when the Aecounting Clerk resigned from the 1/2 time position in March of this year. We have added new responsibiIities to that position. The new duties involve clinical respansibilities. A new job descrip�ion and title have b�en developed. Salary a-t l00% of base is $2,542.00. We w�ll be recruiting for�n indi��idual witl� a bachelar degree in accountang. The reason far the new pe�sition is PARC needs a s�aff member wlio can assist-the Administrator/County Coordinator with the financial aspects of#he agenc�s budget and state contract PARC's state contract is now at$�.�n-�illion. The Administr�ator/County Coardi�atar Gran-�County Coan�.�issioners 5epteznber a7, 2aoo Page—2- is fhe only staff inember with accaun-ting and� �_�ities; and this situafiion is beco�ing too demanding. The c►�ther component of this new pc�si-�io�is tc =�A placem�nt of patients zn inpatient and d�tox services. .t�s our contract serviees e�a� �����effective for caunselors to take �e from bi.11able c�ent contact hour�to sp���. ;�a���e��c���atte�pting to Iocate patient bp�fo�r�i�ien�.a�and d�ox. �'�,R.�: ���.s an increas�g our n�on�hly c�ent ccantact hours. R�venue s�urees wiIl be���,ddi�,iional�a� �=�ad fr��Gr�t Caun'�'�`I'itle X�SSI :r� g�ojec�and fihe�1�3�Grar���nn Aid. V�Te are aisQ rec�ue3.,ting yo�ap�ro�T�-��s����= ��in Capital Equipment f+ar the purchase of ano�her car. PARC currentl�T has a�9g7�a_ zs with almost�8c�,tioo miles an it, a 20�0 �evrc�le�Lu�nni�.a and a�9g2�arc��erc ;�. The van is no-�able to make any trips �� Q� outszde of tb.e N�ases LakeJSoap I.,�ke/��hra-�° .�e�its age and condition. �Vith eighfi � � (8� ��aff peag�e traveling�hraughaut G�at�: ��to the Spflkane and SeattlejOlympia ��.--,,.-, are�.s frequent�y thraughc�u��he month,��fi:�- =nat have th�adequate number af County vehi�les. �e have been vezy dernanding c�n� �pool and been asked fio cut dawn an aur r�c�uests. In our 2oc�o budge�reques�,�v¢c3��i �he puschase of two (2)vehicles, we were approved for an]yT one, {�ur 200o budget has money�n Beginn�g F� .�ce to purchase another vehicle sznce we had al3.oca�ed the pureh�se cf tw��rs��h�- Begi.nning Fund Balance. I Iook f�rward to c�iscussir��tl�s requ�s��i� :��r s�heduled zneeti�g on Tuesday, �eptember�g�'aa��.�-:t��p.atz. � � '�ank you for y�ur co�s�d�rati€�n of a��eq�. �d�bave. ` _� � ���� cerely, ��i �.--'� f,' , � � 1`�`�= �-��''� �-�:�-�-�.�-..- Jen�afer "" e Adminis�rator/Co�ty�oo�cl�na�ar Copy: Rabert Masher,Budget DirectorJChief A�o: ! �Vt�t' �� � r�F`�,��.���. � f n,� �e����S ;�� Approved '���.���: ` �t,t�Q� _ �V� I'�t�i d ��� ��..(y'.a� hairg vn � Ghairperson Appraved ��.�--,- � ' Noi �� � s�.on�'"r Commissianer Approved �oi. ,:1 Commissianex Commissianer �,..e..x =.-1`,C.t++=�u. 1:_: ...t ...u'�.�:x i �..v.., , . ....-. �� ' ����� � ������a.E. �t���l'��f��1.� 3�9� 0. �,€ t��'��, �.°�.�# �.��� .�����tu��� ���-�7.�..65 ��#���}��� - ���..�3�-�+6.c+a ��,c���.c�� h i ��.�,?�g.t�� �U . ����tc�itxt�e�crd�: ��.t�� ���.��,���c�� ��;'�� �'...��'� �-����t ,���.��.���� ����.�� �� ���5e�, ���.€��.��,�� *��.,���.t�� r�=� ��ic1.I�s. .�6�i.c�t�.��.�� ��7�.c�� �� �n�zrt�l�y. ���.��.2�-9� ��8.t�t� �c� ���,��.�t� �' _ ` ..:,�`�..���� �-��--- . ..�+ �..��'-�'��-� ��� �,�.._.t ���..��... --��� ��`'�� ���� /� �+��' �,� � � � �� i., ��--�-,' ��-�„�� :��� �--�''` � � ,� ,� �,.,�...�._. � --�-�--� `�',,�..�...,�:.-u-- �,,,��-.�-�� � .� �,� �-��- �� � � 1�"�-.����' ��� `�".��'`��..��� `�--��`--�...��:.--�-�--�° � ��� ��� �������� ����� , �� � � ..� .�- `���..-�':;� �----�,...��.-�-�� � ,.�'� .�. -�.�..,� f � ��.�� '� � �,�'���-.�:..�.- `�--t� � ����-�� -r,-r�� �.r��