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Week of tJctober 9, 20UU
The Grant County Commisszaners session was called to arder at 9:00
a.m. by Chairman Deborah Moore. All of the Conlmissioners were in
attendance v�zth the Clerk ofthe Boa�d.
The Commissioners read and appraved the mi�zutes f�om the
preceding session as wr�tten.
f� ���5 The Cc�mmissioners approved the salary increase of�isty 01san of
the Planning De�rartment to 9C3% o�base pay.
�y-���� The Cammissione�s approved the salary increase of Edgax Harre�l of
the Planning Department to 90°l0 of base pay.
;����`� The Comznissioners appraved the budget extenszon request by
Superior Court.
�������f The Commzssianers approved the budget extension x�quest by the
Sheriff's (�ffice.
;�..���� The CoYnmzssioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds zn the
Coaperative Extension Department zn the amount of�1,340.
{�t���}Chairm�x� Moore was autho�zed to sign the Hold Harrnless
Agreement with the Washing�an Nationa� Guard.
`�..�f��� The Commissioners signed the Request far Transfer of Funds in the
Prosecutars Off ce in the amount of$913,65.
��(���--The Com�nisszaners approved the request by the Grant County
Treasure�r to increase the starting salary af Ken Holloway and Susan Oxley-
Ramaker ta 90% of base salary.
i��`��'�.�Chainnan Moare signed the notiee of sepa�ation or �vork interruption
of Mel�ssa J. Lucas of�he �uvenile Depa�ment.
i'�~3��`�As flf this date the Board by a majority vote does approve far payment
those vouchers filed in the Auditors {affice 10/9/2000 in the tatal amount of
As there was no further business to come befcare the Board the session
was cc�ntinued until Uctober 10, 2000.
October 10, 2000
The sessian was contznued at 9:04 a.m. wzth a11 afthe Commissioners
in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding `4'
NE/Moses Poznte, Moses Foint-Water & Sewer, WSL�QT �aul Road
Agreements, Bid Authorization-PattonlL,orin� Signalzzatian.
��'�`�`�� The Commissioners signed the Authorizatic�n to Call for Bids on
PattonlLoring Traffic Signal. Bid opening to be October 31, 20Q0 at 1t�:40
������, The Commissioners szgned the Publzc Works Claims Fund Vouchex
approval in the amount of$1,245,839.98.
��t��� Chairman Moore was authorized to sign the Natice Qf Separation of
Dan Pitrnan of the Grant County P.A.R.C.
�.�.�.���� A motzon was made by Commissioner Allison, seeonded by
Cammissioner Moore that 12esolution Number 2000-I24-CC relating to the
establzshment o� a revolving fixnd far the Department of Community
Development to be called the P�anning Department Change Fund be passed.
The motion carrzed.
As there �vas no f�rther business to came before the Board the session
was adjourned untrl0�ctober 1 b, �a00.
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Cler �he Boa�� Chairman
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