HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�° CC�MM�SSItJl�EIiS' PROCEED�NGS �eek of �ep�ember 18, ZOtI{� T`he Grant County Cammissic�ners session �vas called to or�er ai 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Debarah Maore, All of ihe Commissioners were in attendance wzth the �lerk of the Board. The Comm�ssioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding sesszon as �vrilien. t����� The Com�n�ssianers received a signed copy of the C�IS Consulting Contract with Marshall an� Associates,Inc. �� t��� The Commissloners approved the requested Transfer of Funds in the ��-ant County Fairgrounds budget in the amouni of $9,654.63 for ihe handicap parking iot improvements. ��; � 3c�The Commzssioners ap�roved the requested Trans�ex of Funds in the Grant Cauniy Fairgrounds budget zn the amaunt of $2,SOQ fo� the Eihernet System. ��/l� f The Cammissioners received a Suzn�nons and Camplaint from Tohn E. �Vyles. The matter was refenred to the Prosecuiing .Attorney for handling. ������, As o�this date the Bflard by a majority vote dc�es approve for payment thQse vouchers znciuded in the list filed in the Auditors C?�`fice 9/18/2004 in the total amount of $1,517,076.14. (�I ��3The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding Project Agreements-Kunter Canyon, B�ridge No. 169, �ounty Raad "12" SE, Stree� Light Payment Request-5age Hills Homeowners Association, Cornputer Purchase, Traffic Counts, CRP Resolution-`7.9' NE. �����3 Th� Commissioners signed the Local Agency Agreement on 1�-SE Rd., and Hunter Canyon Road. � j, f. � q 3c� A motion was made by Con�missioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolutzon Number ZQOQ-] 11-CC in the mat�er of initiating County Road Projeci designated as CRP No. 00-16 be passed. The motion carried. ��.�� �35�'A. Public Hea�ing was held and a mation was made by Commzssioner Aliison, secanded by Comm%ssioner 5nead that Resolution Number 20fl0- 112-C� relating to a supplemental extension in the �004 budget of the Emergency Services Fund # 102, Department # J.44 in �he amount of $2,2�0 be passed. The motion carried. �� �`��A Publ`zc Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commisszoner Al�ison, seconded by Commissioner Snead ihat Resalution Number 2000- 113-CC autharizing an appropzzai�on and expenditure af funds for the Current E�p�nse Fund #OQ 1, Courthause Faczlities Department # 112 in the amount of $6,492 be passed. The motion carried. As there was no furt�er buszness to come before the Board ihe session was cantinued unti� September 19, ZQ00. September 19, �000 The sessxon �vvas continued at 9:Of� a.m. with aIl of the Cc�mmi�sioners in at�endance wiih the Clerk of the �oard. '�� `�� % The Commissioners approved the R.equest for �"ransfer of Funds in the Cooperative Extension Department �rom Intergovernm�ntal Profes�ional Services to Capiial Outlay in the amount o� $2,800. !� ;���" The Commissioners appraved the Request for Transfer of Funds from the Law and Justice Fund to Infarmation Services in the amount of $13,104 for the purchase of a Cisco PIX �ireu�all. �� ��� The Commissioners approved the Requesi for Transfer af Funds from the Law and Justice Fund ta Infornaation Servzces in %he am.ount of $3 8,4�5.26 for the purchase af 3 5 new computers, one pr�nter and 3 5 lic�nses for TinyTerm far ihe Sheriff's Departrnent. �� ���� The GomXnissioners held a Public Hearing regard'zng the Applicaiidn �'ox Franchise by the Town of l�Iattawa for constructzng a waterline alc�ng and �crass County Raad S Sout�west in Sections 3S and 36 T1SN, R23E.W.M. A motion was made by Commissioner Aliison, seconded by Commissioner Snead ihat ihe Franchise be gran�ed. The motion ca�ried. f�.{-� ��!1 The Commissioners approved the request by ihe Graz�.t County P.A.R.C. for a budget extenszon in the am4unt of $15,229 for the hire of �ro new pasitions. ��� y�� The Commissioners held a Closed Record Public �Iearing on the Development Regulatians. Chairman Moc�re opened the Hearing and explained the proc�ss that was �'ollovved to reach the proposed regulations, and invzted Dennis Cearns af Prou� Cearns, Inc. to speak. Mr. Cearns ansu�exed questzons from the audience abaut the process and the implications of the Development Regulations. After considerab�e discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Camm�ssianer Snead ta coniznue �he hearing un�z� 1:00 p.rn. on Sepi�mber 25�h and hope to adopt major portions of the document on thai date, whzle tabling partions where ihere were siill cc�ncerns for approximately two weeks for further deliberation. The moiion carrzed. As there was no further business to corne b�fore ihe Board the session was adjau.�-ned until September 2S, 2C}00. BOARI} QF �C�}UNTY CC31��NIISSIONERS ATTEST: GR.ANT COUNTY�, WASH�GTON �. �.�ly tl � f� � i i <� r � � 'd.d"e./`�.� �� � �x���; I � 2 � ��