HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of September 11, 2000 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Deborah Moore. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. �����`� The Commissioners approved the request by Grant Mental Healthcare to utilize the Agency credit card for payment of outside services necessary as part of the privileging process for a small, select group of inedical staff at Grant Mental Healthcare. t��� tU The Commissioners approved the request for Transfer of Funds in the Commissioners Department, Fund # 101 from Salaries and Wages to Capital Outlay in the amount of $2,100 to pay for the computer equipment for the new Human Resources employee. � y�� t 1 The Commissioners approved the request by Grant Mental Healthcare regarding the Professional Staff Privileging Plan that Grant Mental Healthcare has undertaken as a part of the Joint Commission Accreditation process. t LI. � q(� Chairman Moore was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation of Barbie Cole of the North Central Washington RSN. ��.�-; ��� The Commissioners signed approval of the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Juvenile Department # 117, Operating Fund #001 in the amount of $184 from Office/Operating Supplies to Small Tools, Equipment. ��-,t ��1 �{ The Commissioners approved the salag-y increase of Sheryl Redding of the Grant County Assessors Office to $1,846.80 per month. ��-( � d�`-� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Katy Dray of the Assessors Office to $2,052 per month. ��-����, Chairman Moore was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation of Nicole Hale of District Court. i�.� ��-� Chairman Moore was authorized to sign approval of the Special Occasion Liquor License for the Desert Aire Men's Club Snack Shack for October 8, 2000. ��; �� The Commissioners approved the salary of Jax Tyson Clay of the Juvenile Probation Department at $6.50 per hour. �� �� �� Thc �ommzssionexs appraved fihe salary increase of Kevin M. Hake of the Juvenile P�obation Department io $�,271 per m.onth. ��/ �� A moiion �vas made by Commissioner Allison, second�d by Commissioner Snead ihat Resalut�an Number �000-110-CC setting a Publzc Hearing for September 26, 20Q0 at 11:30 a.m. relating to the facts requiring an approprzatian and expenditure of funds for the Current Expense Fund #001, Assessor D�paz�men� #10� in the amount of �32,77G be passed. The matian carried. ��.-� (��..� As of this date the Board by a majority vflte does approve for payment thase vouchers included in the lisi f ied in the Auditors Office 9I11/2Q00 in the amount af $339,534.33. ��( ���,The Coznmissioners set a Public Meeting for Sept�mber 25, 2t100 at 3:30 p.m. regarding the requested Plai A�teraiion to divide Lot #3 of Shorecrest Estates into two parcels requested by Dave fJlsen. The proposed s�te is located in a portian of Sectian 8, Township 19 North, Range 2$ East, �V.M. ��, ���� The Commzssioners set a Public l��eetzng for September 26, 2{}t�0 at 3:30 p.m. regarding the requested Plat Alteration to create two lots form one approximateiy fzve acre parcel. The proposed site zs located in a portion o� �ection 2, To�vnship 19 North, Range 25 East W.M. As there v�ras no fizrther busin�ss to come before th� Boa�d the session was continued until September 12, 2000. Sepiember 12, 2C?OQ The Co�nm�ssioners sessian was contznued at 9:40 a.m. wiih alI of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissione�s mei with the Public Warks Director regarding Marine View Heighis, Contract E�ecution-Adams and Beverly-Burke Overlays, Bxd Authorization-2000/41 Crushing, Crescent Bar, and Quad xTPo, �`� €`�� �r The Com�nissianers signed the Contract on Adarns Road & Beverly- Burke Rd. Ove�Iays with Basin Paving Company. ��� ��.� Chairman 1Vloore was auihorized to sign the GIS Consu�iing Cant�act with Marshall and Associates, Inc. � y.!;r y�t Th� Commissioners signed the Authorizaiion to call for Bids for ihe 2000/�001 Crushing and Stockpiling cantract. Bid opening io be September 25, 2000 at 10:40 a,m. i� i`��7 The Commisszoners signed the Public Wor�s Claims Fund Voucher Approval #8-1 through #8-201 in the iotal amount of $2,248,67`7.89. .As ihere was no further business to come before the Boa�d the session was adjourned until September 1$, 2040. . � f _,.r� ��..►.� ,t: �� '•,'i� BOARll C?F CC}UNTY C41VaE�I[SSIC�NERS GR.ANT C4L)NT�, WAS�IlNGTON �� � � ` ������.�--- Chainnan �'� �