HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� �411�IMISSI(�NERS' PRC�CEEDINGS Week of Sep�ember 5, 2�10(} The G-rant County Commissioners sessic�n was called io order at 9:{}0 a.m. by Chairman Deborah Moare. All of the Cammisszoners were zn attendance wzih the Clerk of the Board. �'he Commissianers read and appraved the minutes of the preceding sessian as written. ��-� `��'� The Commmissioners approved the salary increase of Teresa �Iale of the District Gourt Deparfinent to $2,289 per month, effective September 1, 200Q. �-�� ��? The Commissioners approved th� salary increase of Melissa McKnight of the District Court Department to $2,289 per month effective Sepiember 1, �(�00. . �� t��� The Commiss�oners approved the salary increase af Anastasiya DeLeon of the District Court I7eparfinent to $2,003 per month effective September �., 2000. ����`�� The Com�missioners agreed to lift ihe County wide burning ban due to the ehange in weather conditions. ��f ��� The Commissioners signed the Payrall Warrants list # I 15�32 through # 116336 fc�r the month of August. ��s��� As ofthis date the Board by a majori�y vote does approve for payment those vauchers included in ihe list fled in the Auditars Gffzce 9/S/2000 in �he to�a1 amount of $815,�67.75. i�� 7��The Commissioners received a notzce of intent from Gary Dominguez. The matter was refer�ed ta the Prosecuizng A�tflrne� for handling. �����s� The Gommrzzzissione�s recezved a Summons and Complaint �rom John E. Clark, Jr. ei �. The mattex was refezred to the Prosecuting Attflrney for handlin�. �����- A motion was made by Commzssioner Snead, seconded by Gomrnissioner Allison that Reso�ution Number 2000-� 47-CC sta�zng that Michael Jackson is no Ionger designat�d to provide the services af a Designated Mental �ea��h Professianal be passed. The motion carried, ��� �C�� A Publzc Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissianer Allisan, seconded by Commzssianer Snead that Resolution Number 2a00- 108-CC re�aiing tca a supplemental extensian in the 2000 budget of the Grant County P.A.R.C. Fund # 11 S, I�epartment # 15� zn the amount of $ I SO,OOt} be passed. The motion carri ed. �'�-t �Qj� The Commissianers recezved a Claim for Damages from John E. Wyles. The matter was referred to the Prosecutzng Attorney for handling. i�-t �� °� The Commissioners received the signed Special Counsel Contracts fo� the year 2040 and 2001. w�th Men�e, Jackson, Beyer ar�d Elofsan, LLP. ��,���� A zno�ion was made by Cc�manissioner A1lison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 20�0-] 49-CC setiing a Pu�lic Hearzng for September 18, 20Q0 at 1:00 p.m. relating to the facts requiring an appropriatzan and expenditure of fiinds far the Current Expense Fund #001, 8oundary Review Board, Department # 131 in the amount of $�.,175 be pas�ed. The mot�on carried. As �here was no fur�her business to came before the Board the session was adjourned until Septembe� 1 l, 200Q. ATTEST: "'�►J_ _ .�+�'4i 1. �''..:�i.. {, cr ;'.� : ., fi�t BO�RD (�F COUNTY �Q��IISSIO�ERS GRANT Ct�UNTI�, WAS��NGTQN ; �"r� � � � { �� �_� ��,,���,_ `—� �t .�tr� f �r: Chainnan ,� �