HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of August 28, 2000 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. l�- ��'�� The Commissioners signed a contract with James W. Potts effective January l, 2001 through December 31, 2002. l� ����i The Commissioners approved the salary increase of David D. Bosch of the Juvenile Probation Department to $1,021.95 per month. ��{- � Y��The Commissioners approved the office promotions and changes in the Treasurers Office as follows: Carrie Heston was promoted to the Investment Deputy position effective July 17th. Her current salary will continue for the present. Susie Mora was moved to the Utility Deputy position and will stay at her current salary effective August 14tn Kim Bohnet was moved to the Excise Tax Deputy position and will stay at the current salary effective August 21 �. f�'i��� The Commissioners approved GWMA personnel changes as requested by Administrator Lynn F. Hall. >�I��The Commissioners approved the salary of David Matney of the Sheriff's Office at $3,589.55 effective August l, 2000. 1�-( �'��The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Courtn ey Conklin of the Sheriff's Office to $3,760.72 per month. ������The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Danyl Hudson of the Sheriff's Office to $3,288.20 per month. f�i'-J ���'I'he Commissioners approved the salary increase of Mike Crowder of the Sheriff's Office to $3,288.20 per month. ='�f �`��The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Records Clerk Carla Payne of the Sheriff's Office to $1,938.60 per month. ��/�/%The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Jeremy Myers of the Sheriff's Office to $2,462 per month. /�/� �l�The Commissioners approved out of state travel for Undersheriff Michael Shay to attend the Law Enforcement Suintnit in California. ;�% �;'�he Commissioners approved the salary increase of LeAnne Jones of the County Clerk's Office to $1,977 per month. �� °�7�The Commissioners approved out of state travel for Sam Lorenz of the Emergency Management Department to attend the Bi-State exercise for Dam Failure Planning on the Columbia River. ��-I ��3The Commissioners funded the following projects from the Grant County Strategic Infrastrueture Program: Port of Royal Slope, Road 13.9 SW, $17,600 Town & Port of Mattawa,Port well development & Town Water expansion, $30,000 City of George-Sewer treatment plant expansion, $6,300 Coulee City, additional RV hookups for Community Park, $30,000 Quincy, Well #4 improvement, $13,161 Ephrata, Upgrade of SE Blvd&sewer service ext., $60,000 l�/���'A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 2000-98-CC in the matter of approving a plat alteration of a portion of Farm Unit 116, Block 41, creating one 5.92 acre parcel located in a portion of Section 25, Township 19 North, Range 28 East W.M. be passed. The motion carried. � c,l /�7� The Commissioners approved the salary change of Joleen D. Kellams of the Juvenile Probation Department to $2,043.90 as a full time position. t�; ,��� The Commissioners received a LUPA appeal and SEPA appeal from Dennis and Judy Rector. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling. ��'- �� 77 A rnotion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 2000-99-CC regarding Strategic Infrastructure Coinmittee recommendations for funding be passed. The motion carried. ��"7� The Commissioners held a Public Meeting regarding the Re-plat request by Larry Maletta, to combine lot #485 and #486 in Desert Aire No. 1, creating an approximately .500 acres parcel. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commission approval of the re-plat with findings and conditions as provided by the Planning Department. The motion carried. t�, [�7 �' The Commissioners held a Public Meeting regarding the Plat Alteration request to combine Lots 214 and 215, Desert Aire No. 1 into one parcel appro�mately 0.500 acres in size. A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead to uphold the Planning Commission approval with findings and conditions as provided by the Planning Department. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until August 29, at 9:00 .m. August 29, 2000 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Com�cnissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding 14:Q0 a.m. Bid CJpenzlzg (Adams & Bev-Burke Uverlay, 10:30 Pub�ie Hearing {Raad Esiablishment}, Canl;ract Execution-Fiess Bridg� No. 156. ��� ���The Commissioners held a Bid opening on the Adams Raad & �everly-Burke Rd. t�verlays. A motion �ras made by Comznissioner Snead, secanded by Commissioner Allison to refer the bids io the Public VVoxks Director for review and recommendatian. The motion carried. �`����� The Commissioners held a Public Hearing and a mation was made by Commissianer Snead, seconded by Commisszoner Allison that Resolution Number 2000-1 Q{}-CC ir� the mat�er of establishzng certain roads commonly known as extensions to Loring Drive and Grape Drive as pari of the County Road System be passed. T`he motion carried. ��-���:= The Com�nissioners signed the Contraci with A& R Constructzon, Inc. for the Brzdge # 1 S6, Fi�ss Rd, CRP 99-7 project. i�l ��t3 As af this daie the Soard by a ma�ority vote does apprave foz- payment those voucher� included in the list filed in the Auditors (Jffice 8/28/2400 in the to�al amount o� $759,891,t}1. ��.�,f ��� The Comrnzssioners approved the recommendaiion of the Public iWorks Director and aurarded the bids far the Ad�ns Road & Beverly-Burke C3verlays to Basin Paving Co, in the amount s�f $I,372,O1.&,76. ,��.� �`;� The Comm�sszoners held a closed record Public 1Vleeixng on ihe Randal Neissner Rezone. Afier revie� of the record and some deliberation a motic�n was made by Convnissianer Allison, seconded by Commissianer Snead to set the matter for a Closed Record Public Hearing ta consider the maiier. The motion carrzed. Public Hearing will be held Octaber �, 2000 at 1:30 p.m. �' �--� �'��A moizan was made by Commissioner Snead, secanded by �ommissioner Allison that Resolution Number 2000-1.Q1-CC in the matter of creating one loi from Iot 485 and 1ot 486 of Desez-t Azre Number 1 requested b� I�any 1Vlaletta, loca�ed in a portion of Section 23, Township 14 North, Range �3 East, W.M.be passed. The motion earried. i°-�� ��� A Public Meeting was held regarding the re-plat of ANT, LLC second Shart PIa� add'zng 1.3 acres and creating two Iots in the Lzght rndustrial Zone requested by Calumbia Foods Inc. After due consideration a motion was made by Commisszoner Snead, seconded by Commisszoner Allisan that the Planning Commission recommendation fc►r approval be upheld with findings and conditions as provided by the Planning Depar�rnent. The motian carried. ��/� ��A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Cc��nmissioner Allison that Resolution Number 2000-102-CC approving the ANT,LLC Columbia Foods, Inc. second Short Plat alteratxan be passed. The motzan earried, �''�'� ���The Commissioners set a Publie Hearir�g for September 18, 2000 at 1:00 p.m. regarding a supplemental budgei for the Emergency Services Fund # 102, Department # 144 in the amaunt of $2,200. �'�_�'i � The Comznissioners received a LUPA appeal and SEPA appeal frorn Dennis and Judy Rector, et aI. £�- (:��� A motion was made by �ommisszoner Snead, seconded by Commisszoner Allison that Resolutian Number �000-1 Q3-CC settzng a Publzc Hearing for Septemb�r 18, 2000 ai 1:00 p.m. relating to the facts requ�rzng an approprzation and expenditure of funds in the Current Expense Fund #001, Courthouse Fa.cilities Department # 112 be passed. The motzon caz�rzed, As there was no fi�rthe�r business to came before the Board the ses�ion was continued until �:00 a.m. Augusi 30. August 30 The sesszon was continued at 9:00 a.m. with aIl af the Comsnissioners in attendance witla the Clez�k of �he Board. The Commissioners continued work on the Developmez�t Regulations. q;� ��� � A moiion. was rnade by Commisszoner Al�ison, secc�nded b� Commissioner Snead thai Resoluiion Number 20Q0-104-CC relaia.ng to the transfer af funds withzn the 2000 budget af the Cumutative Reserve Fund # 105, Department # I 47 in the amount of $100,000 be pass�d. The motion carried. �x..�. t��� A mo�ian was made by Comzx�isszoner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolutic�r� Number 20f�4-IQS-CC relating to the iransfer o� fi.inds withzn the 20�0 budget of the Economic Enha.ncement Fund #113, L}epartment #155 in ihe amount of $157,061 be passed. The motion carried. As t�ere was no furiher business to come before the Board the session vvas cantinued until August 31. August 31, 2000 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Moore and Commissianer Allzson zn at�endance with �he Clerk c�f ihe Board, Commissioner Snead was in attendance in the afternaon. F�.�.� ��� A mot�an was made by Commisszoner Allison, seconded by Cammissioner Sn�ad that Resolutian Nu.mber 2000-106-CC in �he matter af altering Lois 214 and 214 of Desert Aire No. 1 into c�ne Iat requested by Thomas and Vzrginia Clark be passed. The motion carried. � c,�.���� The Commissianers signed the Public Works Claims Fund Vouchers Approval #$-I through #8-4 in ihe total amouni of $158,980.35. The Commissioners spent �he remainder of the day worl�ing on the Develapment Regulations. As there was �a further business to come be�ore ihe Bc�ard the session was adjaurned until Septeznber S, 24Q0. ATTEST: �,/<��j�, :��� `.� i -, ,�-r r " s ! . �t BC7�RD C}F C4UNTY COI��VLISSIC3NERS GRANT Ct�L1NTY, WASHINGTC�N �����. V �c.� Chazrman r