HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-089-CC,��yT COU��
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Grant County, Washington
s��1E40f WI,SH111���
IN THE MATTER OF ESTABLISHING Resolution No. z000-sa�cc
WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 36.81.010, the Board of County Commissioners
declares its intention to establish certain roads as county roads and declares that it is a public
necessity, and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners orders the County Road Engineer to make
an examination and survey thereof and report the results of his examination and provide surveys,
maps, and other related data related to the location and establishment of certain roads to the Board
of County Commissioners at the time and place designated below, and
WIIEREAS, those certain roads coimnonly known as extensions of Loring Drive and Grape
Drive are shown below:
Portions of the Sections 3, 4, 9 and 10, Township 19 North, Range 28 East W.M. described
as follows:
PARCEL 1- Portion of Lorivg Dr.
An eighty foot wide strip of land lying 40 feet on either side of the following described centerline:
Begiruiing at the southeast corner of said Section 4; thence N 00° 24' 00" E along the east line of said
section a distance of 443.04' to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 90° W a distance of
441,05'; thence on a 500' radius curve to the right throt►gl� a central angle of 47° 18' 18" �i arc length
of 412.81'; tl�ence N 42° 41' 42" W a distance of 1,155,64 ; thence on a 500' radius curve to the left
through a central angle of 46° 54' 18" an arc (ength of 409,32'; thence N 89° 36' 00° W a distance of
731.63 ; thence on a 500' radius curve to the left through a central angle of 31° 15' 11" an arc leugth
of 272.73'; thence S 59° 08' 49" W a distance of 318,86'; tl�euce on a 500' radius cuive to the right
through a central angle of 13° 02' S0" an arc leiigth of 113,86', said point being N 72° 11' 39" E a
distance of 319.25' from the iutersection of Patton Blvd and Lorivg Dr, �s racorded in Book 10, Pg
80 of Plats, records of Grant Co�u�ty and there tenninating, Containing 7,082 acres, more or less.
PARCEL 2- Portion of Grape Dr.
A strip of land described as follows: Begimiing at the southeast corner of said Section 4 and the
TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; tl�ence N 00° 24' 00" E aloug the east line of said Section 4 a
distance of 403.04' to the southerly right of way line described in Parcel No. 1; thence N 90° W a
dastaace of 70,21'; t��e��ce on a 30' radius curve to tlie right througli a ce��tral angle of 90° 24' OQ" �ti
arc levgth of 47.34' (the long cl�ord for which bears S 44d 48' 00" E a distance of 42,57'); thence
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S O�d 24' 00" W a distance of 372.55'to the soi�th line af s�id Sectian 4; thence S 89d 3G' 2Q" E along
the south iine af said Seciion 4 a distance of 40.00' and returning to t1�e tn�e point of begiunirxg a�ld
there ter�ninatizlg. Cantainii�g 0.375 acres, mare or less.
PARGEL 3- Poxtians of LoringDr. and Grape Dr:
Beginning at the soutl�west corner of Scctioia 3, T 19N , R 28 EWM, said point bei��g the TRUE
P4INT QF BEGINNING, thence S 89° �6' S8" E along the soutl� sectian line a dislance of 88.11';
thence on a 461.41' radius ourve to the right through a central angle of 28° 06' 39" an arc length of
226.38' (tho long char•d for which bears N 11° 59' 38" W a distance of224.11'); thence N 00° 24' 00"
E a distancc; of 155.38'; theuce on a tangential 30' radius ctuve to the riglit thraugla a central angle of
89° 36' 00" an arc leN�gth of 46.91' (tl�e long chord far which bears N 45° 12' 00" W a distance of
42,28'); thcnce S 90° 00' OQ" E a distanee af 2C8.35' to the southwest ri�l�t of way of the B�irli�igton
Nortlyern-5anta FE Railroad; tl�eN�ce N 43° 24' 38" W aloug s�id railroad riglxt ofway a distar�ce of
110.12'; thence N 90° 00' OQ" W 1 distance of 2C 1.90" to the wcst line of said section; tllei►ce
S 00° 24' 00" W along the west lii�e of said section a distance of483.04' a�id returning to the true point
of beginnin�. Co�itaining 0.999 acres, more or less.
PARCEL 4- Portion af Grape Dr,
Beginning at ihe ��orthwest corner of Section I0, T 19 N, R 28 Et�M and the TRUE POINT 4F
BEGINNING; thence S 89° 06' S8" E alot�� tl�e i�orth line of said sectian a distance of 8b.74'; tilence
S 21° 50' S4" E a distance af Ib0.66'; thence on a tat�gential 3b0' radius curve to the left thraugl� a
centrai angle of 56° 33' 28" an arc le��gth of 355.36', tt�e tong chord for wl�ich 6ears S 50° OT 38" E
a distance of 341.11'; tl�ence S 78° 24' 22" E a distat�ce of 700,93'; thence N 4G° 39' 00" E a distance
of b0.00' to C11e sauthe,rly ri�ht of ��ay of the Burlington Nor�thern-Santa Fc Railroad; thence
S 43° 21' QO" E alo���; said railraad rigl�t of �vay a distance of 21 E.41' to the westcrly rigllt of way af
Grape Dr.; thence S 40° 34' 23" W along said �vesterly rigl�t of way a distauce of S9.1Q' to t11e
northeast corficr of Lot 1, Pomeroy Park Plat, Bk 18, Pg l 1c�.12 of Plats, record of Grant County
Auditor; thence N 89° 16' 16" W along the north baundary of said Lot 1 a distance af 216.86' to tlie
northwest conaer af said Lat 1; thencc N 44° 42' S5" E a distance af 102.81'; tl�ence on a non-
tangential 225.00' radius curve to the left through a central angle of 15 ° 1 i' 34" an arc lengtl� of 60.05',
the long chord for which bears N 70° 45' 35° W a distance of 59.88'; thc�Ice N 78° 24' 22" W a
distance of 707.69'; thencc on a tangential 44Q.00' radius curve to the right tl�rough a central angle
of 56° 33' 28" an arc len��th o�'434,33', tlie long chord fo�� which bears N 50° 07' 38" W a distaxlce of
416.91'; theuce N 21° SO' 54" W a distance of 64.0'7'; thence N 89° 06' S8" W a dista�Yce of 49.72'
to the west boundary lirle of said Section 10; thence N()0° 37' 06" E along the west line of said
Section 10 a clistaucc; of 120.00' to the nol�thwest carner of s�id Sectiox� I0 and there terrninating.
Containing 3.053 acres, more or less.
PARCEL 5- Portion of Gra}�e Dr.
Tliat portion of Lat l, Pomeroy Park Plat, Book I8, Pages 11 & 12 of Plats, records of Grant Coui�ty,
described as fallaws: Be�;inning at the nartheast carner of said Lat I and tl�e TRUE PCiINT OF`
BEGINNING; thence N 89° 1 b' 16" Vij �long the nortl7 line of said Lot l a dist�ince of 59.60 ; thezace
S 17° �2' 47" E a dist�,t�ce of 189,95' to the west r•ight af way line af Gra�re Dr.; thetice N 00° 34' 23"
E along the west rigl�t of way line af Grapc Dr, a distance of 180.20' to tl�e northeast coriaer af said
Lat 1 aizd there termiilating. Containi��g 0.123 acres, more ar less.
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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a public lie�ring on the County Road Engineer's report
and other related matters sl�all be l�eld i�i the Hearing Room af the Board of Gouzity Conunissioners of Grant
Caunty, Washington, loc�ted in the County Caurtl�ouse, Ephrata, Waslain�;to�� at 10:30 A.M., Tuesday,
August 29, 2000, and all persons interested may appear and be heard at this l�earing u�ou tl�e report a�d
reconunendatio�� of the Cou��ty Road Engil�eer either ta proceed or not to �roceed �uith establishing tlie roads,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Coulity Raad En�ineer is directed to publisll a notice oftllis cause
ane each week for two consecutive weeks in the official county newspaper and to post notice af this cause for
at least twenty days at each tcrmini of the propased roads.
DONE THIS l�� DAY OF �� , 2004
��k��� �. �'����
Deborah I4. Moare, Chair
ATTEST: �--�. �
� he Bo�rd '
LeRoy Ailison
Tim S�lead
C',c�tislituting il�e I�oard crf i;oui�ty C`,onYUYissioi�ers
of Gr�nt Caunty, Wasiain�ton
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