HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-084-CCsoau� o� couzv� co�zsszorr�zzs GItANT C4}UN'I'Y, WASHING'�'ON �soLv�ezoh ?�;�s�x A RESOLUTION relating to the transfer af funds within the 2404 budget of the LAW AND JUSTICE Fi1ND # 121, DEPARTMENT # 163 WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of Grant Con�missioners that it is necessary ta transfer funds within the current budget of the abave-named County Department(s) in the aznounts enumerated below; and WI�REAS, thexe is no expendzture af funds not previously budgeted but a transfer pursnant to R.C.W. 36.40.100 anct Co�nty and State auditing procedures; NC}Vi�, TKE,RF�'OR.E, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BC?.�RD OF CQLTNTY' COMMISSIONERS af GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASH[NGT4N, �hat the following transfezs within the current budget are hereby made: z000 s��ET o� rr� FRO�t ACCOtP�TT' N[RvL13�R 50$.00 ENDING FDND BALAI�tCB LAW A.NI) .IC;STICE F'iT'_�tD # 121, DEYAR'TMEl�"T # 163 AMOUtvT $ 8,204 � 7,saa $ is,�oo TO ACCOU'NT N{TM13ER PRO TECT # 103 3UPERidR COURT 594.I2.64.00 MACH. 8c EQt7]PIvJEAiT P120JECT # 1Q9-PR{JSEC:I7T'L�'�T+G A['TORt�`EX Si5.20.49.OQ M[SC,-1L3DGF.,MI:i�TS/5ET'iLEMEItiTS EXPLANATIQN Td RE ALLOCATE ENDIIvG F[7N1� $tl.i,l�iCE APPROPRIATTONS FOR THE COST t3F NEW FtJRN1TLRE �i,T THE SUPERIQR C(}URT DBPT. A.�iD FOR A 5ETTLE_'v1�,NT CtN 1'� DAN4ILC}IiKAIt'S5 CASE This resolution is in the best interest af goad government and sha11 take effect immediately upon passage. Do�e this 25th day of .Tu�y, 204Q . ��r�.�, ' <..�...ja...r,r..,r;� ,• 'tif`v�.i � Board of Caunty Com�rnissiazzers Grant Caunty, Washingtan Chairman JOHNKNtlDELL Prosecuting Atlorney STEPHEN J, fiALLSTROM Chief Depuly CATHLEEN NEILS Administralive Assistant Deputies CHARLES RICHENS CAROLE L, HIGHLAN� CAROIYN FAIR STEVE SCOTT eRENT A. OE JONG ALBERT H. LIN EOWARD A. OWENS OFFICE OF GRANT COUNTY PRC)SECUTIIV� ATTC�R�fEY P.O. BOX 37 • Ef'HRATA, WASHINGTON 98823 (509) 754-2011, Ext. 450 • Fax (509) 754-3449 July 25, 2000 Board of Commissioners Grant County P 0 box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 RE: State v. Loztkaitis, GCSC No. 96-1-00548-0 Settlement Dear Commissioners: We have been advised that Mr. Dano is amenable to disrnissing tha appeal regarding payment of attorney's fees in the above matter. By this letter we are requesting that the Accounting Department issue a warrant in the amount of $7,500 payable to Carl E. Hueber at their earliest convenience. Said amount reflects a full accord and satisfaction. Feel free to contact me ii you have any questions. Very truly yours, JOHN KNODELL Prosecuting Attorne J �, . LG�� .. . ph . Hallstrom hief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney SJH:orf Enclosure cc. Robert A. Moser, Chief Accountant Approved: /�b � i J�-� f �•U�/v �/ /J v/� 1�� % 1 �r �'� GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _. �...-----�---`..--�- `.� � ( �" ��tir d�-��- ;��'- Deborah Kay Moore, Chair LeRoy C. Ilison, em er Tim Snead�Member _,.. �' -----�,�,� �����;�zu�....r._w_. �__.___..�_.._.__..__ ... .. . . . .. _�... .. . .. . , � � �x�.�� (���x� �� �i � ���� �� � �.� �� �.�� � �� � � � EVAN E. SPERI,IN�, Judge, 4ept. 1 KENNETN L, JORGENSEN, Judge, Dept, 2 JONN M, ANTOSZ, Judge, Dept. 9 SUZANNE S�BURN, Court Gomrrtissioner Grant �ounty Cammissianers P.O. Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear County Comrnissioners: �ur �� t��a�z�t#� �af �xtt�tt GRANT COUNTY COURTHOUSE POST OF�iCE BOX 37 EPNRA7A, WASHINGTQN 98823 (509) 75A•2011 June 5, 2000 ;�< MIND} F}NKE Court Administrator LINDA L SPERLINE Reporter, Dept, i JOEL CA5E Reporter, Dapf. 2 I will meet with you on Tuesday, 7une 6, 2000, to discuss Commissioner Seburrt's use af the offica currently accupied by me, which_ we �ubmit is'too small for a full-time Superiar Court judge. I will move into the office farmerly used by a court reparter, across frarn Tudge Jorgensen's chambers. The second court reparter moved into the office with Linda Sperline. Attached axe drawings and price quates fram Garreciianal Industries. The c�st is $5,310.00 for tables, desk and wark station, and $515,4Q per bookshelf (4 x$575.00 =$2,340.00). T hnpe this will assist you in advance c�f aur meeting and intend these improvetnents ta be lasting for the new department's chambers. The 2Q04 Superior Court budget provided for Camrnissioner Brown at l�lis full-time salary for the enxire ye�.r, whereas the actu�t expenditure will be less. I welcame you to view the aff'xces as they are currently situated. Thank you for your consideration. JMA: mmf Enc. Very truly yours, � �� '�� �� . John M, Antosz Judge � � �; ,a� �c����ty t�i�mrnissior;�:�:� �:.:�ant Gt�unty, Washingian Apprave �iIS�. � �iiSi. ��� C�ist. ��3„ ___ ___� Disapprove CilSi, �.1�, C}isfi. �2,� Dist. �f�3,.