HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�(JMMISSIUNER.S' PR4CEEDII�TG� Week of July 17, 20Q0 The Grant County Cfl��missianers session �vas �a11ed to order at 9.0(} a.rr. bv �hairman L eborah Moor�. Commissioner A��xson was in aitendance wii� the Clerk ofihe Bt�ard. Cornr�.issioner Snead was oui o�`the off ce due to illness. The Commissioners read a�d appr��ed the minutes of the precedin� sess�cs�z as v�riiten. :�f°7rt3`� The Commissioners received a Cl�im for Damages from .�o��n E. �yles. The matter �a,s re�erred tc� the Pros�c�ting Attomey for handling. E��'� �-�C�airman Mo�re was autha�iz�d to sign the Notice of S�para�ion ar �Vork �te:rruptio� of Bria� J, S�ebert oft�� Juveni.le Pr�bation Department. g;���� ���a��man MQo�e was authorzzed to sign �h� ���rnption from �horelin� IVlanagement Act Su�siant�al Develapment Pennit far �he �Tashin�tc�n State Depar�ment �f Fish and �Vildlife. ;�1 j��, Commis�ioner Snead received an amende� Summons a.nd Complaint fro�a Roger �'dir et aL The matt�r was referr�d to the Prosecuting Attc�rney far handling. ��.���� Cammissioner Allisc�n rece�ved an �mended �ummons and Complaint from Roge� Fa.i.r et al. The rn.atter was referre� to the Prasecut�ng Atiorney foz� handling. As th�re was no fizrthe� business �a eome before ihe �r�ard �he se�sia�a was �c�ntinued antil July 18, 20(30. July 18, 2000 The session was contiz�ued at 9:Q0 a.m. with a11 af the Cc�r��znissianers zn atte�dance wit�Z the Clerk o�'the Boar�. The Cc�n�missioners met with �he Public Worl�s Directar r�garding 10:00 a.m. I�U�,E�Radia System, 5ol�d W�ste La.bor �onirac�, Res�lution- Road Establi.shmeni, �:�� Submittals, 5 I�fW-BSTg �a�mputer P'urchase, Bike Race, WSDC}T-Intersec�ion Imr�rovernent, �'ersorxnel. �`�'� �{�p he Commissioners were notified that the W-NE Road project was build in ace�rdance with the plans and specif cations, and that all materials incorpora�ed into the project met contract speeifications. ���'� The Commissioners appraved the awarding of the bid on `U' SW Road Recanstruction to �he 1aw bzdder, Tommer Construction �a., Inc. in the amounr of $?87,3�5.84. �����-� The Comnussione�s signed the Request to the County Road Department far Reimbu3rsable Work for the Czty of Quincy. ;�, ��.�� A z�lotion was made by Cornm�ssianer Allison, secc�nded by Cam�.�:nxss�aner Snead that Resolut%on Number 240�-74-CC in the m�.tier of setting a Fublic Hearing to establish a certa.zn road as part of the County Road Svstem be passed. The mation carried. ��.� �`���The Commissioners signed appraval of the Request far Transfer of funds in the Mental I-�ealth Fund #448, Department #15Q in the t�tal amount 4f $159,542. ������ The Commissioners sibned a notice of Public Hearing for �he Grant Mental Health Fund #408, Department #154 in the amaunt of $55,6'78. Public Hearing to be held August l, 20�0. ��.�. �'� �� The Commissianers signed approval of the Request fox Transfer of fund in the Sheriff's Department # 114, �u�rent Expense Fund �001 in the amc�uni of $3,110. ��,�..g °�� � A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resalution Number 240t?-'75-CC 'rn the matter of a�proving a Preliminary Plai for �+Volfikil� Feed and Fertilizer Corporation be passed. The rnotion carried. ��.i ���..A mation was made by Commissianer Snead, seconded by Commissioner AIIisQn that Resolutzon Number �OQO-76-�� zn the matter of approving a Preliminary Plat for Reza Firouzi be passed. The motzan carrzed. ���'��� The Commzssioners approved the salary increase of Michael A. Hinsley ofthe Juvenile Probation Department to $2,OQ4.30 per month. d�%�2'"�-`The Commissioners app�oved t�e salary increase of Valerie K. Tempel ofthe Juvenile Probation I7epartment to $�,245.60 �er month. l�/�� � The Commisszoners app�oved the salazy increase of Michael A. Lidbetter of the Juvenile Probation Department to $i,113.50 per month. ��; 7� "�The Comm�ssioners approved the starting salary of K.atherine N. Maw of the Disirict Court Departznent at $1,�'77.60 per month, effecizve July 12, 2040. ��� �� � As of this daie the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers filed in the Auditors fJffice 7/17/240{� in the tota.I amount of $542,411.19. As there was no further business to came befare ihe Board the session was adjoumed until July 24, 204Q. . � ' j � t� !.�.�, : � s., Ir �'� �i i. �`11 BCJ.Ai�U C3�` CQUNTY CtJI��MISSIUNERS GRANT C4UNT�, �ASH�NNC'rTC1I� Ch�i�nan