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co�!av�sslo�v�Rs� ���c�Er�r��-s
�Nee� o� June � 9, �OOO
�'h� Grani �ounty Commissioners session was caTled to order at 9:00
a.m. by Chainnan Deborah 1Vloore. A11 of thc Commissioners were in
attendance with tl�e �Ierk c�f the Bc�ard.
The Commissiane�s read and a�proved the minutes of ihe preceding
session as written.
t�-��-��- The Gommissioners approved a request by Grant Menial Healthcare
for Candice McGann Maihers and Eli Garcia to transport an individual to
Kootskia, Idaho.
��-���� The Commissioners were notified that .rent on ihe Coroners C}ffice
would be increased ta $57S per month, effective May 1, 2Q(}4.
��.�..j �� � The CQrmnzssioners approved the requesi by ihe Grant County
Juvenile Court and Youih Services Department for a budgei trans£�er in the
amount of $24,304.
��4 �`� The Commissioners approvecl the salary increase tp $2,852 per manth
for Meban L. Sursely of the Ju�enile Caurt and Yauth Services Depaz tment.
���'�� �' The Commissianers approved the starting salary of �aren Y. Frett of
the Juveni�e Court and Youth Services Department at $6.50 per hour.
�� f�� `� The Commissianers received a Claim for Damages from Karen Dano.
Th� inatter was referred ta the Prasecuting Attorney f�r handlir�g.
�i ���� �` The Cammzssioners notified the Accounting Department of the
Sherzff's Department salary increases for the year 20{}0.
_�-t �� ��` The Commissioners appraved the request for a budget e�ension fo�
the Directions of Conasnunzty Living prog�am.
���'�.� �� The Cornmissioners reeeived a Claim for Damages from 11�Iark W.
Potter and Stacy L. Patter. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting
Attorney for handling.
��.� t� �, j A motion was made by C�mmiss'roner A.Ilzson, seconded by
Commissioner 5nead that Resoluiion Nu�nber 2CiQ0-S9-CC setting a Publrc
Hearing for July 11, 2�04 at 10:30 a.m. in the matter of adopting a
comprehensive six year txansportation zmprovement program for the years
2001-2046 be pa�sed. The motion carried.
;���� A motion �vas made b� Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Can�rzzissianer Allisan that Resolution Number 2Q00-60-CC regarding ihe
P(.,� privilege Ta� allocat�€�ns be pa�sed. Th� motzon carxied.
j�! ���� A motion ujas made by Commissiflner Snead, seconded by
�ommissioner Atlzson that �Zesolutzon Number 2000-61-CC setting the
salary �or the Grani County Prosecutzng Attorney be passed. �'he mo�ion
?�-f-� ��� A public hearing was held and a rnotion was made by Comm�ssioner
Snead, seconded by Commissioner A.11is�n that Resolution Number 2000-
62-CC authori�ing an appropriaiion and expenditure of funds for the Cu�-rent
Expense Fund #001, Courthouse Faciliizes Department #112 zn the amount
of $2�,DOQ be passed. The motion carried.
������ A public hearing was held and a mation was made by Commzssioner
Allzson, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 20a0-
b3-CC authorzzing an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Current
Expense Fund #001, Assessors Department �107 in the amount of $10,600
be pass�d, The mation carried.
As there was no furiher business to come before the Board the sesszon
was cantinued until 3une 20, 2004.
June 20, 2040
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all af the Commissianers
in a�endance wzth the Clerk of the Bo�rd.
The CornmissiQners met with ihe Public Works Directar regardin�
R�imbursable Work-Hartline, `�' NE- I S� Shat completed. Road open this
date, `U' SW, Resolutian-IIea�ing Six Yea,r Transportation Program,
f����� The Commissian�rs signed the Authorization to Call for bids on "U"-
SW R.aad. 8id opening to be July 11, 20Q0 at 10.00 a.m.
;;.�,; �,�� The Commissioners sz�ned a Request io the Couniy Road Department
far reimbursable work far the Town of Hartline.
l�-� ��� The Cammissioners approved ihe salary increase af Lean Byrd of'the
Mainienance Department io $1,653 per mc�nth with full benefits.
��'���' The Commisszoners signed the GI5 �onsulting Contract with
Marshall and Asso�iates,Inc.
��I.{ ��� As of this daie the Board by a majorit� voie does approve for payment
those vouchers filed in the Auditors Office 6/19I200O in ihe total amournt of
1���� � The Cammissione:rs approved the request by AgFAE2Mation for
coniinued fiznding in the amaunt of $4,500.
r c� ����., The Commissioners went into executive sesszon with the Prosecuting
At�orney ai 2:45 p.m. for the purpose af discussixzg potentia� litigation. The
meeting lasted 4S mznutes and no aciion u7as iaken.
I� ���� The Commissianers opened the bids for �ounty iegal advertising. A
mation was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Co��mzssioner
Mos�re that the bid be awarded to the J.ow bidder, the Colum.bia Basin
Herald. The motzon ca�•ried,
j�.� ���f A moiion was made by Commissioner A1lisaza, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 2000-64-CC, (Jrdinance
Number 2Q40-64-CC re-adopting an amendment ta the Grani County Zoning
Urdinance relating to permitted uses and restrictions, and othex matters
properly relaizng thereto be passed. The mation carried.
������ The Grant County Commisszoners set a Public �Iearing far ,l�uly 5,
20�0 at 1:00 p.m. regarding a supplemen�a.1 budget for the Ju�enzle
Department in the arnQunt of $69,933 frorn unanticipated fiinds.
As there was no further business to come befare the Board the session
was adjourned until June 2f, 2000.
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