HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC �'` Ct)MMISSI()NET�S' PR(JCEEDINGS Week of June �, 2�04 The �rant County Commissioners sesszan was called to order a� 9:00 a,m. by C�azrman Dubarah 1Vloore. AIl of the Cammissioners �vere zn attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commzssioners �ead and appraved the minutes of the preceding session as written. �����-�The Commissianers approved the request for out of state travel for Suzi Fode of Grant Mental Healthcare ta attend meetangs in (Jregon. �Z�.(� The Cammissianers approved the request by Judge Antosz for cnanges in the Superior Court �.}ffzce in the amount of$7,610 plus tax. ��[��-� The Commissioners signed the Payroll Warrants list #113295 through #113958 for the month of Nta�. ������-� As crf this date the Board by a.majarity vote daes approve for payment those vouchers included in the Iist filed in the Auditors Office Si31/2000 in the totai amount af$SS,226.1$. 1�-���~� As of�Iais date the Board by a.majority vote daes app�ove for payrn�nt thase vouchers zncluded in the Iist fi�ed in the Auditors Office 6/512040 in the to�1 a�ount of$449,925.70. ��°��� The Cammissioners appointed L'znda Jo WiTliams to a positian as Resident�ommissio�er with the Housing Aut�ority of Grant County. ��ir`�,� The Commissianers set a Public Hearing fc�r June 26, 2000 at 1:40 p,m. regardzng a supplemental budget for the Gxant eounty Preventzon and Recov�ry Fund #11 S, Departm.ent#157 in the total amount of�5,000. ���,��The Commzssioners held a Closed �Zecord Public Hearing regarding the Tim Kenney Preliminary P1at Applica�ion and the Woltkill Feed & Fertilizer Corp. Prel'zmznary Plat App�ication. The proponents requested that the applicatzon hearzngs be held canjoin�ly. After discussion and conside.ratian a motic�n was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Co�nmisszo�zer Snead to approve the Kenney Freliminary Plat, a l4-lot subdivision on appraximately 3�.11 acres in the Li�ht Industrial Zone. The Plat is located in a portion of Farm Unit l S2, Irrigatian Block 41, Columbia Basin Project, in the Southeast Quarter af �ectzon .1, Township 18 Narth, Range 2$ East, the Southwest Qua�ter of Section 6, Township 18 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian. Approval based on cond'ztlon� and fzndings as agreed to. The motion carried. Th� Commissione�s then rmoved on to consider the Wolfkzli Feed and �"ertiizzer Corp. Prelimina�y Piat Applicati�n. After review of the re�ord and discussion a motion was made by Commisszoner Allison, seconded by CoYn�.�ssioner Snead tc� approve the Walfl�.iT1 Feed and Fertilizer Corp. Prelimina�-y Plat, a 28 �ot subdivision on ap�roximately 3C.54 acres in �he Light �ndustrial Zone, recognizing the limited condational use p�rm�t per plat a�d recognizing Iots consalidated as discussed with conditio�s and findings as submztted by the Planning Departme�t. The motion carried. /�-�OC�3�....The Commissioners held a Public Hearing regardzng an ordinance relatzng Cc�mpre�ensive Planning for Crrant CoUnty, for the pu�pose af adopting errata sheets to correct inadvertent scrivener's errors cantained �n the Grant Caunty �omprehensive Plan published pursuan� to �rant County Ordinanee No. 99-1 S$-CC. A motian was made by Commissioner AI�Zsan, sec€�nded by Commzssioner Snead to adopt C}rdinance Number 2000-S�-CC adopting the errata sheets as presented. I3iscussian �ollowed regarding the fact that the errors were just scrivener's errors not errors in the drafted document. The motzon carried. As there was na further business to come before the Board the sesszon was continued untzl J�une 6, 200�1. June 6, 20Q0 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance wzth the Cl�rk ofthe Baard. ������ The Commisszoners appraved the sta.rting salary af Merrzlyn J. Ferebee of the Sheriff's Department at $1,723.20 pez�month. �:.� j��� The Commissioners appzaved the salary increase af Marlo Alvarado of the District Court Office to $2,289 pe�month effective June 1, 20Q0. f;����� The Cammissioners approved the salary increa�e ofJuan J. Rodriguez of the District Court C�ff ce to $3,469 per month effective June 1, 2400. �-'-�!��� The Commissioners approved the salazy increase of Tess Grant of t�e District Court tJffice to $2,082 per month, ��-���? The Commissioners set a Public Meeting for June 26, 2000 at 1:3 Q p.m. regarding the propased re-plat of �ot 2 of the Johnson Short Plat on Scott Rd. zn Section 16, Township 19 N., Range 28 East �.M. requested by Ron and Rebecca Sawyer. �;����� The Commissioners set a Public Meeting for June 26, 2000 at 2:00 p.m, regardin� the proposed re-plat of Iats 2 and 3 af the Walker Indust�ial Short Plat �nt4 3 Iats rangin� in size from 4.9 aeres to 2.9 acres requested by Dale Walker. Th� proposal is lacated at 13&24 N. Frontage Rd. in a port�on of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 32, Township 19 N., Range 29 E. W.M. As there vva.s no further business to come before fihe Baard the session was cantinued until June 7, at 1:30 p.m. June 7, 2000 � Th� sesszon was contznued at I.30 p.m. with a11 of the Commissioners in attendance ujz�h the Clerk afthe Baard. ���� �� The Commissioners met with Dennis Reynolds, l��Iike McCormick and others in executive s�ssion reg�.rding possible litigation. As 1:here was no �'urther business to come before the Soard the session was adjaurned until June 12, 200Q. BOARD OF CC>UNT� COMMISSIaNERS ATTEST: GRANT �OUNTY, WAS�-ffI�T�aTON � - �� ���� �� ��� Cler the Bo Chairma� � i 1 // 3 � ( f ^�GTq + , C t l, f� t,��,r/