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Week of May 3U, 2�00
The G�ant County Cammzssioners session was �alled to order at 9:00
a.m. by Chairman Deborah Moare. All of the Gommissioners were zn
a�tendance wi#h the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the p�eeeding
session as �vrrtten.
The Conunissianers met with the Public Works Director regarding
supplement Agreement-`S' NW, Cantract Extension-Auction Services, Sage
Meadows, Phase I-Road Improvement, Revenue Sharing Agreement-
Wheeler Corrid�r, Dodsonii�-90-Sight Clbstructzon, Misc.-Qveren Rd.,
��#„�;� The Commissroners szgned a Contract Extension with �-Iarald Mathers
. Inc. for Auction services.
������� Chaznnan?Vloare was authflrized to sign the Loca1 Agency Agreemen�
5upplement on 5 I��W Road Reconstruructic�n.
��,�'��'_. `�he Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Vouch�r
Appraval#5-1 through#5-4 in the total amount of$523,40"7.12,
E���c�;.The Cammissioners signed an Agreement with Narth Ce�tral
Canstruction an 5 I��W Road Project.
����� The Commiss�oz�ers appraved the request by Grant cc�unty PARG for
Youth Specialist Dan Pi1.m,man, Outreach Coordinator Sydrley Platt for out �f
S�ate travel.
������-'- The Commissioners signed the Public Works Payroll �ournal far the
month of Ma.y in the tatal ar�aunt of$286,549.86.
(����� The Cammzssioners appraved �he salary increase of Jason Langbehn
ta 90 percent of salazy for Planners.
i����'� The Cammisszoners approved the salary increase of Dorothy Black of
the Planning Department to 100 percent of salary for Planning Secretary.
�f���l� Chairman Moare wa� authorized to sign Form Arnendment No. I
between the North Cen�al Washington Regional Support Net-wor�C and
Gran� County.
€�(f�;� As ofthis date the Board by a majority �ote daes approve far payment
thrase vouchers included in the list filed in the Aiiditors Office 5130/2000 in
the tota� amaunt o�$451,893.95.
������ Chairman MoQre was autharized to sign approval of the Liquor
Lzcense change of Pattan Park Fuel and Grocery,
�`-�1�� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Deputy Dan
Couture ofthe Sheriff's 4ffice to $3,3a5. Per month effective April 1, 2004.
�^-����� The Commissioners approtiTed out of state travel �or Deb Shay to
attend training for the Spzllman Computer system.
�����- The �ammissioners received a Sumxn.ons and Petition fc�r Review o�'
Land Use Decision by the �ant county Boaxd of Adjustment from Randy
W. Knopp. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting A-�orne� for
���'�'a-� The Cammissianers signed a Proclamation that the manth of June be
Hire a Veteran Manth.
;`�-���� A motian was made by Cornmissioner Allison, seeonded by
Commissiane�- Snead that Resolution Number 2000-56-CC setting a public
hearing for June �9, 2Q00 at 1:00 p.m. relating to th� facts requiring an
appz-opriation and exp�nditure of funds for the Current Expense Fund #001,
Assessors Department #107 in the amount of $10,��0 be passed. The
motzan carried.
As there wa� no fiirther business to come before the Board the session
was adjourned until June 5, 24Q0.
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Clerk the Boa Chairman �
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