HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-053-CC (002): �'1 � i ! � ! ' ,, � . ; � �S4LUTION NUNI[3E� 2aoo-s�-cc .r�. T�ESOLUTI{!N autharazira.g an appropriaiz��. �nd expendiiure of :�unds for t�e follflwing departn�ent/fund; c������ �X���� �.��.� ��o��., Interfund Cammi�nicat-i_c�n� ��� 1��, �C?g����T Wl.�l. a budge-� therefare, pursuant ia R��V4T 36.44.140. �HEREAS, �t has been bro�ght to tbe aite�tion o�' the Board af Ca�nty �ommi.ssioners o� C7rant Cour��ty that emergeracy cond�tic�ns requzre �hat an approp�at�on and e�pend�t-u�e ��' funds be authorazed far �he above- menizoned d�partmen�/:fuun�, iogether with a budg�t therefor; an:d WW1.:IEREAS, pursazant to RC�V 3b.40.140, Resalut�on No.?��-��-cc Was du1� adopted on A�ri1 24. �000 , argd published 'zn �he �a1 � ���.� � on �/�1,������n declaring an emergency and siating ihe facis �onsiituti�g the emergency and the esiamated amc�un.i of �ua�ds requi�ed io nleei z�, tagether with a�o�ice of pubiic hearzng, and said public heari.ng was held thereon w�ere in�erested pe�sons were allowed to appear and be heard; NC��V, `T�EREFC?RE, BE �T RESC9LVED BY THE B(�.f1F� C3F �CJCTt�iT`Y �C�1��MISS�tJN1ERS O� GR.AI�T'I' CC�UNT�Y, STA.T� �J�' WAS��[NG'TQI�I, that an appropriaiion and expenditure o�' fi�nds is hereby authc�rized far �he fc�llowzng deparimen�Ifuncl: c�,-,-�,,� �x� �,,,,� a�nr�� T���r���d co�,���t.12�� ihe total sum c�� �$�49. �c� according to the aita.ched budg�i. This resc�Iution �s in the best i�terests caf gs�od government and sha11 tak� effect immed'zately up�n zts passa�e. i�one this �.6,��, day of �,�as, , 20 �� ATTEST: � '�:. ; : � �� 4i � � v. 1�i. �ce R,-� Constitutiug ihe Board of County Comaazissioners of Grant Cotznty, Washington I2�SOLUTION WORI�SHEET R2 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001 � INTERFUND COMMUNICATIONS DEPT. # 129 R3 GURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 401 � 1NTERFUND C4MMUNICATIONS DEPT. #� 129 ATTACHMENT TO RFSOLUTION 2040-53-CC APPROPRTATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY-MACHINERY & EQUII'. 528.80.64.00 FINANCING SOURCES UNR�SERVED FUND BALANCE TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS �: 1i TOTAI. FINANCING SOURCES $ 749 $ 749 $ 749 $ 749 EXPLANATION TO APPROPRIAT� ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE COST OF A NEW SWITCH BOARD CONCOI E POR THE INTERFUND COMMUNICATIONS DEPT. April 1 l, 2000 � FROM: GRANT COUNTY OF'FIC� OF I30ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA, WASHINGTON s882s (509) 754-209 1 CTrant County Commissioners Peggy Grigg, Administrative Assistant Due to an unforeseen failure in the Switchboard Phone Console it was necessary to order a new console at the cost of $748.89. Since Chis was an emergency situation it was ordered without going through the hearing process for an emergency appropriation to the Interfund Communications budget. However we now need approval to set a hearing and increase �he Interfund Communications budget in the amount of $748.89. APPROVF,D; � r TIM SNEAD DISTRICT i 10999 STRATFORD RD, MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 PHONE 765-9548 �hairman bE90RAH MOORE DISTRICT 3 1805 DODSON RD. N MOSES LAKE, WA 98897 PHONE 787-3169 LEROY ALLfSON DISTRICT 2 20268 RD, 1 SE WARDEN, WA 98857 PHONE 349-2513 !