HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-051-CC$oA.x.n oF coU�c� co�ss�o�ERs GRANT CQ�;�NY, WASHINGTOI�7 RESOLUTIQN NUMBER A RESC?LUTION relating to a supplemental e�tensian in the 2000 budget of the LAW & TUSTICE �'UND # 121, DEPT. # 163 due to unanticipated siate and/or fec�eral funds. WIiEREAS, ii has been brought to the attention of the Board of Grant Commissianers that unan�icipated state and /ar federal funds have been made available for t11e 2Q04 budget of the LAW & NSTICE PUND # 121, DEPT. ## 163 i� the amaunt of $199,339.00 ; and �aao-5r-cc WT-iEREAS, RCW 36.40.1�0 authc�rizes supplemental appropriations fram unanticdipated state and/or federal fivads after publications of nat�ce of the tzme and date of a public hearing at which the supplemental appropriations resalution will be adopted, and the amount af the apprapriatic�n, ance each week, for two consecutive weeks priar to such public hearing in the official ne�vspaper of the county; and WF-IEREAS, publicatio� of the requisite Iegal notice was made in the I�aily �ierald newspaper of Grant County on 4J28 & 515/240a and said public hearing was held in the Grant County Commzssioners' C.iffice, Grant Cozu�ty Courthouse, Ephrata, Washi�:�on; NOW, THERE�ORE, BE IT RES4LVED B� THE B4ARD OF COUNTY CONIlVIISSI4NERS af GIt�N'I' CC?I:1NTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, that the 20Q0 (year)budget ofthe LAW & JUSTICE F`t:1N:I) # 121, DEPT. # 163 supplemented and extended in the surz3 of $`199,339 from unanticipated state as�cUpr federal iunds according ta the follo�ving schedule of categories and itezzzs: Arrxa��a�zaNs PROJECT # 225 JAiL EX,�RCISE A€2EA COlV'VE�RSION SIUTAI,L Tt}OLIMINC3R EQUII' S23.6d35.00 A & E FEES S94?3.65.4i MISCELLANEC}TJS-PBRMiT5 59� 23.b5,49 BUILDINGS 594.23.65.5? CONTTGENC�' S94.23.65.94 Tt�TAL APPROI'I2TA'fTONS � 4,493 �a 22,040 �a 3,500 � 167,19$ $ 2,148 $ 199,339 �'INANCING St}URCE FEi?.TNDIl2ECT CrRS1V"Z -DEPT. dF NSTTCE 225-333.1b.S7.(i0 � 179,405 T'RANSPER FRQM t}P �iVI)INC, FiT_�L1 Br�t.ANCE 508.40.00.4� $ 14,934 Tt7TAL FINARTCING SflURCE $ 199,339 IiQil@ t�1IS $�11. C�3T O� M3y , ZQ�� � � ..;1E u :�` 11+► t. r / ( K ' � R d ! Chaiz-man w��.r.� .i ` F. �NWy ` i 1. ' . WiLL1AM A. WIESTER, SIHERIFF �c�' �RAN'i' CouNT�' ���i�I�F'� ��F��� MICHAIEd. SHAY CYndqrsherifi' P�TE McMAHOIV Captain Janu�ry 11, 2000 P.O. Box 37 • Ephrata, VI/A 98823 (509) 754-ZOI 1 • (800) 572-01 19 Fax (S09) T54-2058 E-Mail: gcshert�Ff@qwksilvr.com Gr�nt County Commis�ion�rs �r�ant Coun��y Cnu�kho���� �phra�a U�l� 9�823 Dear Commis�ioner�: � � �000 DAVE PONOZZO Chtef Deputy JEFBRY BUTLER Chief Depu�y LESLIE GONZALES Admini�trative Assis�ant Thi� is aur requ�e�t �o continu� with the Vi�lent �ffend�r Incarceration and Trufih-In-�entencing Grant, In shor�, fih� j�il construction project for the old jail converting th� exercise area to a c�orm, {Jur m�tching fund amouni is approximately $20,�00. The project novu ne�ds to go to bid with your approval t� proceed. Since��ly, William A Wi��ter Sheriff A���� ~ Mich el Sh Undershe�iff M�;cmm I ) .� `.� V� . �.4t o� County C,c�mmission�. � .-,�,.�nt County, Washin�fion �1xa�roWe �' Disapprove G��st. � Dist. �1,,__ � C;i�t. �2 Dist. #2_ �'�ist, =/�3 Dist. #3_.__ , ,. , ,, ,; ,