HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�'` CUNIMiSSIt3NER�' PRO►�EEDINGS Week af 11'Iay S, 240U The Grant County Cammzssioners session was called to order a� 9:00 a.m. by �ha�r L}eborah Mor�re. AlI of the Commissioners were in attendanee with the �lerk of the Baard. The Commissioners read and approved �he minutes af the preceding session as wriiten. ;{-�-, �� The Com�ussioners approved the salary increase of Paul Rahweder of the She�iff's Department to $2,4b2 per month. ��{�� � Chairman 1Vloore was authorized to sign the Exemption �rom Shoreline Management Act Substanti�l I)evelopment Permit Rer�uirements for Grant �ounty Public Utilrties Di�trict Na. 2 to undertake repai�r work. r�.���'� Chainnan Moore �vas authorized to sign approval of �he liquor license change of Corporate OffieerslStockholders Application far Sunbanks. ��-�-� 5� �` The Commissioners set a Publzc Ii�eeting �'or May 23, 24QQ at �:00 p.m. rega.rding the Pre�iminaary Plat Time Extension for Gilbert LeVander on the Stratford Road Estates project. ��(� ;� The Commissioners recezved a Waiver of Service af St�mmons and Complaint in United States of America vs Phzllip M. Hintz, et ux, et a.l. The matter u�as refer�ed to the Prosecutzng A.ttorney for handling. ����b The Commissioners held a P�blic Hearing regarding the propasal to dispose af Coun�% property, parcel # 17 i Q49 027. A matzon was made by G€�mmissioner �nead, secc�nded by Commrssioner A.11ison that Resoluiion Number 2Q40-46-CC declaring the property surplus be passed. The motion car�ried. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Comini ssioner Allison that Resolution Number 20(}0-47-CC zn the matter of vacating a portion of certain County road right caf way be passed. The mo�ion carrxed. ���� � A Public Hearing was held and a mation was made by Commissian�r Snead, seconded by Commzssioner Allison that R�solution Number 2000- 4$-CC relatzng io the trans�'er a� fiznds within the 2000 budget of the Zaw and Justice Fund #121, Department #163 in the amouni of $21,000 be pass�d. The motion carried. �<.�.� ,���,, A motion was made by Commissioner Allzson, seconded by �ommissioner Snead that Resolutian Number 2400-49-G� seiting a Public Hearing for May 30, 2000 at 1:00 p.m. relating to tbe facts requzring an approprtation and expenditure of funds for the Gurrent Expense Fund, Courthouse Facilities Department # 112 in the amouni of $21,OOQ be passed. The motion ca�ied. ��- ���� A mation was inade by �ommissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead ihat Resolutian Number 2000-50-CC in support of �I.R.316�, The Comman Sense Prc�tections for Endangered Species Act be passed. The mation carried. ��.�,���c� A Publ'zc Hearing was held and a motion was made by Cozrunissioner A1lison, secc�nded by Commiss�oner Snead that Resoluiian Number 20Q0- 51-CC relat�ng to a supplemental ex�ensian in the 2000 budget of the Law and Justice Fund # 12 l, Department # 1 b3 in the amc�unt of � I 99,3 39 for j ail canstz-�action be passed. The motion ca�ried. ������ The Commissic�ners held a Public Hearing regarding the need to re- adopt ordinances providing amendments to the zoning ardinance, am�nding the zaning code and providing minimum lai areas and maximum developmen� densitzes, intenm afficial ccrntrols relating to the r�asonable use exception, and interim official cc�ntrols in the agricul�ural zone. As there was no further business to come before ihe Board the sessian was cantinued until May 9, 2��4. May 9, 2000 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with a�l af the Commissioners in atiendance with the Clerk ofihe Boaxd. The Cammissioners mei with the Publie Works Director regarding CRP �2.esalutions-'313' NE, 'S,6' 1�IE, Memo-Vehicle Marking, RAP Agreement-` 1�' SW, Free/Reduced S�lid Waste, Tree Pruning/Removal- Crescent Bar, 10:30 B�d opening-Asphalt Hauling Services, Persc�nnel. _����C� A bid opening was held regarding asphalt haul�.ng services far the yeax 2fl00. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Aliison that ihe bids be referred to t�� Public Works Dz'rectar far revzew and recommendation. ��.�.����A motic�n was made by Commissioner Allison, secanded t�y Commzssioner Snead that IZesolution Number 2000-52-CC in the matter of initiating County Road Project designated as CRP No. 00-I4 be passed. The motian car��aed. /:.����� A motion was made by Commissianer Allison, seconded b� Commzsszoner Snead that Resolutian Number �OOa-�53-CC in the matter of znitiating Cflunty Road Projeet designated as CRP N�. 00-15 be passed. The motion carried. i�-I ��� The Commisszoners approved the start�g salary of Joe1 Case o�' the Superior Couri Department at $40,000 per year as a Court Reporter. ��-i��� The Cornmissioners approved out of state travel for Diana Wavra of ihe C�rrant County Juvenile Court and Youth Services Liepartment to review the progress to date of the implerr�entation of the Consolidated Juvenzle Accountability Act. t R`-�"��'�I The Commissioners signed the Public War�s Clairns Fund voucher approval #4-1 tl�.rough #4-190 xn the to�al amount af $ l,7tJ4,314.51. �;.�,�� ��.., As of this date ihe Baard by a majority vote does approve far payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Qf�ice 518/ZOQO in the total amount of �684,a24.91. As there was na fi.zrther business to come before the Board the session was adjaurned until May I5, 200�. BQ�IiI� OF C4UNTY Ct�l��tVIIS5I4NERS ATTEST: GR.�NT COUNTY, WA5��+1GTfJN - � � ��, ��o�.. �lerk he Boar Chaiz�nan �-�' � C.•' . . .__-------------�"' � � �� � � �