HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-044-CC ��ARD C}F C(�UNT� CQMMISSIfJN�RS GRANT C(�UNT�, WASHINGTC}N RE�(JLTJTIUN I��UMBER 20aQ-�� -Ct� BUD►GET .t�UGMENTATION F�EQUEST W�ET�EA�, the +Columbia Basin Ground �Vater Managemen� Area (GWIVIA} E�ecu've �oard h+eld a meet�ng on 1VIarcJh 9, 24UU to consider a request from I�e�nedylJenks �ansultants concerning a Budget Augmenta�ion Req�est for additianal funds, and �'VIIE�EAS, the GWMA �taff found that I�ennedylJenk� had perfarn�ed additional du�i�s, and had been requested to perf�rm additional out of scope work an the Lang Term Monitoring Plan, which had inc�eased their egpenses, NOW THEREFORE BE IT KEREB�Y RESU►LVED, that the Board o� Grant County Commissianers hereby appraves egp+enditure of �10,407 fram the GWIVIA budget, for a Budget A.ugmentatic�n Request by Kennedy/Jenks �onsultants. Appraved this 3r� day of May,�.000 BO�.RD C?F CQLINTI' C(���I1�:ISSI{��t�`ERS ATTEST: GRANT COI:INTY, WAS��NGTflN � � �.�� � .�� Cler ��the �a Chairman �� , �,..r� �� � - CtJLiI'MBIA BASIN ��c�c��� a�e� �a�� �r�er�f���� � � � �`itizens ttnd Local Gave�nment l�a�king Tvgether�for Safe l7�inking T�ater Apri127,2000 Tim Snead LeRoy C. Ailzson I3eborah Kay M�ore C�rrant Coua�ty Board of Commissioners P.C1. Box�7 Ephrata, WA 98823 Re: KennedylJenks Budget Augmentation Req�est Dear Cc�mznissianers: At the znonthly meeting of the Col�mbia Basin G�� Executive Board held on March 9, 2000, a request was submi�ted from Kennedy/3enks Consultants concernin� a Budget Augmentatzan Request for additional �unds. The request had pre�iously been reviewed by GV�:�VIA Staff, who found that Kexanedy/Jenks had performed additzanal duties by attend'u�g C&M Meeti�gs, and fulfilling repcsrt preparatian requests. Kennedy/Tenks had also been requested to perform additional "aut of scope" wark on the Long Term Monitori�a� Plan, which increased their expenses. The GWMA Execu�ive Boazd decided to award T�ennedyl3enks�he amaunt af�1 Q,407.0{?to pay fox these additional expenses. We would request #;hat each of the Counties draft a Resalutio�z appraving the expend'zture af �Ia,44'7 to I�ennedy/Jenks Cansultants a `Budget Augmentation Request." Please forward y�ux Resolution back to: Lvnn F. Ha11, Acizninistratar, Columbza $asin GtiVMA, 1620 IZoad 44 N., Pasco, WA 99301 Thank yau far your help in this matter. Sincerely> Lynn F. HaII Administx'atc�x Colm�mbia Basin Grvnud Water Management Area—1620 Raad 44 N.,Pasco WA 99301 (S09}�45-8546,e�t. ll8 lvr�s-hall��.r�acdnet.or� Web Page:www.gwuia.org