HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC .,� COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of March 6, 2000 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with Chair Deborah Moore. Commissioner Snead was in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Allison was absent due to illness. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. ����;� Chair D�eborah Moore was authorized to sign the denial of Fennit for Shoreline Management Substantial Development/condition use for Fred Graham. ,�p 37� The Comn�issioners approved out of state travel for Sam H. Lorenz to attend the Bi-State Hazard Conference. ;>���i�` The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Cheryl Gantenbein of the District Court Office to $2,393 per month. �c��� ��The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Carol Hughes of the Sheriff's Office at $1,688.80 per month effective March l, 200C�. =�i-�3�� The Commissioners ap�roved the starting salary of LeAnne Jones of the Clerks Office at $1,550.40 per month effective March 1, 2000. i�-���°� The Commissioners approved the request by the Prosecuting Aitorney to purcl�ase a voice mail phone system and a computer. { � ���3The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Prosecutor's budget in the amount of$1,700, 3 ��-�3�°�`- The Commissioners r�ceived a signed copy of the Memorandum of Agreement between Washington State University Cooperative Extension and Grant County. ��-��.�a� A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore that Resolution Number 2000-19-CC relating to the transfer of funds within the 2000 budget of the Law and Justice Fund #121, Department #163 in the total amount of $3,000 be passed. T'he motion carried. �����A motion was made by Commissianer Snead, secanded by Commisszoner Moore that Resalution Number 2400-70-CC appointing the follovving individuals to the Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Pragram Advisory Committee be passed: A1 Anderson, Terry Brevcrer, Paul Chaxlton, Scatt Hunter, Rex Mather, John McMahan, Ehman Sheldan, Donna Smith. The motion carried, ;�)��� A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Cammissioner Moore that Resolu�ion Number ZQ00-21-C� appointing the following individuals to the Grant county WA-CERT Conlmit�ee be passed: A1 Anderson, Terry Brewer, Paul Charlton, Scott I�unger, Rex Mather, John Mc1Vlahan, Ehman Sheldon, I7onna Smith. The motion carried. ��t�;�� As of this date the Board by a majority vote daes approve for payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditars Offzce 3/6i2440 in the total amount of$32�,19$.48. ������A Publie Hearing was held xegarding the DCTED/Cammunity Action Grant far the Rent a Tent program. A1 Lundberg from Community Action exp�ained the purpose for the hearing, and detazl of the program. A Spanish Iangua�e interpreter was present and the notice was placed in the newspaper of record 'zn Spanish, however there vvas no one in at�endance that required an interpreter. Kevin Baz-r� of the Grant County Health District spoke ir� favor of the p�oject. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore to close public comment. Th� motion carried. As there was na further business to come befo�e the Board the session was cantinued untzl March �, 20Ci0. March 7, 2U00 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with alI of the Commissianers � in attendance with the CIerI� ofthe Board. The Commissioners met with the Public �Vorks Directo� regarding DNR RJW, Award Recommendation-Herbicid�s, Sez-vice Body Quotes, "W" I'1W, "N" NEIFrontage Raads, Cansultant Selection Notice. ¢�;��� The Cammissioners approved the recommendation of the Publzc 'V�Torks Director and awarded the bid on the `W' NE Road Project tc, Tommer Con�truction Co., Inc. ;'�-���� The Cammisszoners approved the �ecommendation of the Public Works Director and awarded the bid for He:rbicide Materials to �4Vi1b�r-Ellzs Co. for ztems #1,3,4 & 6,and UAI'Northwest for iterns 2 and 5. ��'i��'"The Commissioners held a Public Hearing regard'zng Crant County's Strategic Infrastructure Program. A£�er taking testimony a motion was made by Comznissioner Snead, seconded by Commissaoner Allison that the program be accepted as pr�sented with the excepticrn of number eight, whlch would be amended at a Iatez- date. The motaon carried. As there wa.s no fur�ther business to cozne before the Board the session was adjourned until March 13, 2(}40. E30�RD QF CC7UNTY COI�'1MISSIC}NERS ATTEST: GRANT CC}L:1NTY, WAS��INGTC)N � �� � � ��f�,���<�. f��� 1��,��:�- C1erk the Boa Chau�nnan � _� _ � �, � � , $ t ;� ���,.�,�. �`