Grant County, Washington
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
Section 5.
Section 6.
Section 7.
Ordinance No. 2000- 39-CC
County Owned Vehicle Marking
Publicly owned vehicles to be marked
Couiity owzied vehicle markiug
County ovt�ied veliicle marking — Exceptions
State takes precedence over local vehicle and traf�`ic regulations
Violation — Penalty
Section 1. Definitions
For the purposes of this ordinance ,"passenger motor vehicles" means sedans,
station wagons, vans, light trucks, or other motox vehicles under ten thousand pounds
�ross vehicle weight.
Section 2. Publicly owned vehicles to be marked
The appropriate governing body may provide by rule or ordinance for marking
passenger motor vehicles as permitted in §(2) under RCW 46.08.065 or for exceptions
to the marking requirements for local government agencies for the same purposes and
under the same circuinstances as permitted for state agencies under §(3) under RCW
Section 3. County owned vehicle marking
(1) Except as provided in Sections 4 of this ordinance, passenger motor vehicles
owned or controlled by Grant County and purchased after July 1, 1989, must be plainly
and conspicuously marked on the lower left-hand corner of the rear window with the
narne of the operating agency or institution or the words "County motor pool", the
words "Grant County --- for official use only", and the insignia of Grant County
approved by the County Cominissioners. Markings must be on a transparent adhesive
material and conform to the standards establiahed by the Public Works Department.
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(2) Coun�y owned vehicles not classi�ed as passenger motor vehicles shall display
in letters in contrasting color not less than one and one-quarter inches in height in a
conspicuous place on the right and left sides thereof the words "Grant County", together
with the name of the department or office upon the business of which said vehicle is
used. It sha11 constitute compliance with the provisions of this subsection for the Public
Works Department to adopt and use a distinctive insignia which sha11 not be less than
six inches in diameter across it smallest dimension and which sha11 be displayed
conspicuously on the left and right sides of the vehicle. Such insignia sha11 be in a color
or colors contrasting with the vehicle to which applied for m�imum visibility. The
words "Grant County" sha11 also be included as part of or displayed above such approved
insignia in colors contrasting with the vehicle in letters not less than one and one-
quarter inches in height. Immediately below the words "Grant County" or the approved
insignia sha11 appear the words "for official use only" in letters at least one inch high in
a color contrasting with the color of the vehicle.
Section 4. County owned vehicle marking — Exceptions
(1) The provisions of Section 3 shall not apply to: (a) vehicles of the Sheriff"s
office, or any vehicles used by local peace officers under the authority for special
undercover or confidential investiga�ive purposes; (b) any municipal transit vehicle
operated for the purpose of providing public mass transportation; (c) any vehicle on
loan to a school district for driver training purposes.
(2) Any motor cycle, vehicle over ten thousand pounds gross vehicle weight, or
other vehicle that for structural reasons cannot be marked as required in subsections (1)
and (2) of Section 3 that is owned by Grant County and used for public purposes on the
public highways of the state of Washington shall be conspicuously marked in letters of
a contrasting color with the words "Grant County" together with the name of the
department or of#ice that owns or controls the vehicle.
(3) Any vehicle properly marked pursuant to requirements in effect prior to the
adoption of this ordinance need not be remarked to conform with these requirements.
Section 5. State takes precedence over local vehicle and txaffic regulations
Nothing in this ordinance is intended to conflict with the provisions of RCW 46.08
except and unless expressly authorized by law to do so.
Section 6. Violation — Penalty
The provisions of RCW 46.08.067 apply.
Section 7. Severability
If any provision or section of this ordinance sha11 be invalid the remainder of this
ordinance is not effected.
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D4NE THIS �. DAY OF � , ���Q•
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Deborah K. Maore, Chair
Cler the Baar
LeRoy Allison
..___,_._----r__°__ ,
Tim Snead
Coi�stituting the Board of County Coinrnissianers
of Grant County, Washington
Pa�'e 3